Yes. I did that and I can move about freely--so far. I figured forcing a public response would be helpful. He didn't seem pleased to have to answer the question. I tried to go back and capture some of it, but unfortunately, the thread was removed. As I recall, there were questions in the thread about being able to join multiple forums. He couldn't openly say that it wasn't allowed. I don't know if the banning has continued, but I suspect they also felt a need to stop the bleeding.
This has been difficult for me. I personally haven't been harmed. I wasn't even involved. I didn't know for sure what was happening, even though it was evident that
something was happening. I'm not comfortable being involved as much as I have been. But, yes, I can move about freely because I'm not important to either forum, or anyone here or there. The rest of you were and are important, though. That, I assume, may be why so many innocent folks, like you
@CannaGranny, were caught in the crossfire. I know that must have been hurtful.
I don't condone what has happened there. But the other side of that is novice growers are landing on the site from Google hits. What about them? I'm able to provide a little help to some of them.
I changed my screen name because I decided I didn't like it. That's all. (It's the title of a Dorothy Parker short story, by the way.) I sent a PM to
@Moe.Red as soon as I joined to let him know who I am. So, I wasn't hiding anything. He and I had a conversation and I think we're okay. I just used my joining here as an opportunity to choose a name I liked better. The change is not a part of any plan.