4:07 pm. 109°.

Ran into my neighbor when I was walking the dogs a little earlier and she asked me if I was enjoying the weather. I thought she was joking until she showed me the weather forecast for next week. Next week we're going to hover around 112° - 116° but there's a silver lining. After next week we get to return to cooler temps in the 100° - 110° range. Yippee.

I've been crazy busy cleaning and fixing swamp coolers. I've had to put off some of my other clients to attend to the seniors so that they don't die from heat exposure. I cleaned out the local hardware store of all the cooler pads so I have to drive out to the nearest HD to get more. Nearest HD to me is an hour and half away. I may have to clean them out too. I can already predict a water pump buying spree coming up. All the coolers I've been servicing have barely working pumps because the owners don't maintain them like they should and they let them get all crusted up with calcium. Hopefully a bath in some CLR will do the trick but I doubt it.
I always pay 1.07 for something a dollar...so I'm guessing that extra 2.5 cent is local and not state tax?
The four plus is on a new purchase. It’s all State not local.
Hey Yiz Menz! I bought the building behind the Corner 😂🥹😂
Welcome to Granny’s Canna Seed Cafe!
Watch for the Grand Opening!
This will open us up to contests, goodies, discounts and Redbeards Seeds grow offs!
(Any yiz Menz look good in an apron?)
(Any yiz Menz look good in an apron?)
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Although it doesn’t show RH on the news, it’s been hovering in the upper teens, dropping to low teens in late afternoon.

I think the VPD is somewhere around infinity or something 😱

Working in the garden is done in short bursts, then back into AC.

I'll keep my low 70s 😁
Even the Bay Area is pushing close to triple digits in the afternoons. But at least it drops into the 60s at night, the foothills didn’t drop out of the 70s overnight.
Wow that's just too hot for me, it's only 60s and 70s now during the day here.
It was 53 when I looked 3 hours ago, we are already cooling off for fall is what it feels like here lol. It's beautiful fire weather though, I love it.
Wow that's just too hot for me, it's only 60s and 70s now during the day here.
It was 53 when I looked 3 hours ago, we are already cooling off for fall is what it feels like here lol. It's beautiful fire weather though, I love it.
I have had to wear a coat the last three mornings. I didn’t look at the temps. No need, I knew I wanted a coat. Lol
But looks like that was the last of the cool weather for a bit.
10 day forecast is highs in the upper 80s and lows in the upper 60s so I guess I'll hang my flannels back up lol.
Ma Nature needs to get her shit together lol
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