Just thinking about y'all dandy apples this morning. Hope everyone is feeling good and doing well.
@SweetLeafGrow @SSgrower and anyone else who may be fighting the cancer I may not be aware of. I keep yas in my good thoughts hoping everything turns around for y'all or is already headed in the right direction. May you all find healing this year and relief from the pain.
@Rootsruler hope the hand is healing up good dude
@CannaGranny hope you are enjoying all the eats your heart desires post op!
@Pipecarver hope you are doing good after the fender bender
Anyone else I may have not mentioned I didn't forget about ya either, I just have a hard time remembering who is dealing with what so I didn't want to misspeak on it.
Just know you all are appreciated and in little ways you touch all our lives and we love ya here!

Fire one up for the good guys
@dragonsflamegenetics can't forget about you man, hope your recovery is going well and things get ironed out here and you stay... either way it's all love but we do appreciate all you do and hopefully everything goes well for you and your health moving forward boss.