I have a gas stove so I had to MacGyver it when I made rso... used an electric griddle... now I have an actual electric burner... they're like 20 bucks. Probably could use a crocknpot too maybe? Depends how hot it gets I guess, or it will just take a long time to evaporate the alcohol... needs to barely simmer to reduce tincture to rso.
Our basement range is electric with the glass top. Safe enough for this process? Need to use what I have and not waste plant material.
I've been using the bags about 1 year now and they seal up much better than my jars did. I'm bad when it comes to long term storage though. I keep opening the bags to smoke from daily so they don't stay sealed for long. I rotate through them a handful at a time. I've been adding a few bags each time I order to get my free shipping over $99. I have maybe 10 - 1/4 lb new bags now with maybe 6-7 used that are still okay to use again but they won't last like my 30 year old jars. Still at the bottom of the bags its better smoke with more moisture than at the bottom of my jars that just turn to my smoke to dust.
What I do is I keep all my best buds in smaller 1oz bags I call this my growers choice lol the rest of the smaller buds get put into a 1/4 lb bag and get heat sealed and sit in the basement for storage.
Mornin all of ya! Beautiful morning in the Ozarks this morn. Sixty eight and partly sunny. For sure an xlent day to clean porches.
Had storms all the way around us last night no great amount of rain here, but it seems to have laid down the smoke a bit. The air quality has been complete crap for the past five or so days.
So, what’s on your agenda’s?
Morning PAL!

Well it was when I started reading this thread. Almost 3pm now! 😝

Now I have to run around messing stuff so it looks like I was busy all day, before wifey gets home. 🤦

How did I get 13 pages behind in one day?😔
If anybody gets a chance to run strawberry lemonade from barneys farm do it.some of the best stuff I grew last run .very tasty. Great buzzz.finished quik. I have 13 strains in my cooler right now its my new favorite. 20230607_215807.jpg
Don't get me started on the societal construct that we call currency lol. Pretty soon clean air and water will be the currency. Fuck hiding paper under the mattress... buy land with water and the ability to sustain yourself, cause that's the only thing that's gonna save you when late stage capitalism finally collapses.
I doubt capitalism will collapse, but I'm sure it's going to change a lot, quite possibly toward fascism and autocracy. A lot of people seem to want to abandon democracy. I'm just hoping the west coast secedes from the rest of the mess.
I doubt capitalism will collapse, but I'm sure it's going to change a lot, quite possibly toward fascism and autocracy. A lot of people seem to want to abandon democracy. I'm just hoping the west coast secedes from the rest of the mess.
I honestly don't even mind government if it knows its role. I'm fine with what we have, I just think everyone in our current government is corrupted. I would just like a clean sweep, all of the current gone for someone new that represents the good. I'm tired of voting for "the lesser evil" when there should be no evil, just a good. Give me a fricken good guy, girl, or what ever they want to be. Just be good ya know?
If anybody gets a chance to run strawberry lemonade from barneys farm do it.some of the best stuff I grew last run .very tasty. Great buzzz.finished quik. I have 13 strains in my cooler right now its my new favorite. View attachment 6380
Love me some strawberry lemonade. Kept that one around for like 14 or 15 months.
IIRC you can use the roots and other parts of my Oregon Grape like that.

So many things the past owner had planted. Even Golden Rod. Wasted on us but I wonder what she did with them all?
It’s for sure a lost art. We learn to use the things around us in our areas. My Grandfather started me out at five teaching me what we could eat, what was medicines and what was best left alone. He was also the one that taught me how to witch water.
Find an older person in your area known for that and ask questions!
Think we need shrooms and a campfire first, with a safety screen, because...you know...shrooms. 🤷😝

Solved the worlds problems once or twice this way as a kid. But forget how by morning. 😔
Life is huge and mystical to me to this day. Imma skip the shrooms, but I would do a campfire and a blunt 🥰
I was lucky enuff to have my wife a stay at home mom - and no disrespect to anyone but I believe it made a difference in my children’s success .
Mom used to stay home, manage the kids the dogs the cleaning and cooking. She fixed skint knees and bruised hearts. Our children missed out on a lot when this changed. It was a job in itself, and I believe it’s still needed today.
I don’t want to hear no feminist BS about it either. You want to be a part of that world, well by all means do so..I would have burned the business suit, and spent the time rocking babies given that choice.
Turns out that larger than life way of life, the big homes and fancy cars, had a cost far beyond money.
Morning PAL!

Well it was when I started reading this thread. Almost 3pm now! 😝

Now I have to run around messing stuff so it looks like I was busy all day, before wifey gets home. 🤦

How did I get 13 pages behind in one day?😔
Lmao! Did ya manage to make it look convincing? 😂
If anybody gets a chance to run strawberry lemonade from barneys farm do it.some of the best stuff I grew last run .very tasty. Great buzzz.finished quik. I have 13 strains in my cooler right now its my new favorite. View attachment 6380
Looks yummy!
I doubt capitalism will collapse, but I'm sure it's going to change a lot, quite possibly toward fascism and autocracy. A lot of people seem to want to abandon democracy. I'm just hoping the west coast secedes from the rest of the mess.
I'd be cool with an ACTUAL democracy...I'd say we're in an Oligarchy masquerading as a democracy... the small number of wealthy pretty much run the show, buy votes, have politicians in thier pockets, some of them ARE the politicians. It's a hot mess but we get the illusion of democracy because we can vote for shit choice A or shit choice B... or we're a "corporatocracy" because the wealthy corporations have SO MUCH power and wealth and pay for superpacs and lobbyists and all that shit... that is NOT true democracy. Our democracy and electoral college system was set up with many things in mind, and oppression of the poor and minorities was on that list. Don't get me going. 🤣
It’s for sure a lost art. We learn to use the things around us in our areas. My Grandfather started me out at five teaching me what we could eat, what was medicines and what was best left alone. He was also the one that taught me how to witch water.
Find an older person in your area known for that and ask questions!
It’s how I started too, but I was slave labour. It’s why I don’t really like gardening. But some things stuck.

All gone. All new and starting families, or renting basements, or have moved on. Industry is trying to move in. It was a community 20/25 years ago. Now it’s fiefdoms. 🤷‍♂️

I only learned of the Oregon Grape in the last few years. Never seen it before here. We’ve been leaving some lawn sections alone most of the year for the bees and local critters.

But I noticed our squirrels have disappeared since the smoke. Mom says the same further North too.
Looks yummy!
This last crop bagged and cooking material
I'd be cool with an ACTUAL democracy...I'd say we're in an Oligarchy masquerading as a democracy... the small number of wealthy pretty much run the show, buy votes, have politicians in thier pockets, some of them ARE the politicians. It's a hot mess but we get the illusion of democracy because we can vote for shit choice A or shit choice B... or we're a "corporatocracy" because the wealthy corporations have SO MUCH power and wealth and pay for superpacs and lobbyists and all that shit... that is NOT true democracy. Our democracy and electoral college system was set up with many things in mind, and oppression of the poor and minorities was on that list. Don't get me going. 🤣

I was lucky enuff to have my wife a stay at home mom - and no disrespect to anyone but I believe it made a difference in my children’s success .
I stayed home too, until this year actually, longer than I planned, but our unexpected circumstances sort of demanded it. I watched a couple kids from the time he was about 6 months till around 4 for some under the table cash, and took care of my broken hubby, he's doing much better now. I agree it makes a difference, they need mama as much as possible when small, unfortunately for many, as much as possible is cut way down by the need to work to survive. I'm thankful I had the opportunity to do so, even though really I was still working and being sahm is like 57 jobs in one lol... the extra kids helped with socialization too... he's pretty smart for a 7 year old, his vocabulary surprises me sometimes, but we've kind of always talked to him like a full human and we both have a decent vocabulary, so that helps. He also has a great sense of humor cause his dad and are are both ridiculous pretty much all the time... I know they say young kids don't get sarcasm, but he definitely does and uses it to burn us on a regular basis... not sure if that's good or bad. 🤣

Yeah, good steps in the right direction, but you're under the assumption that all these people are law abiding citizens and that loopholes don't exist lol.
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