I so love that part of the country. My place was a quad ride to the Jacks Fork river. Summersville. Had 86 acres, bought it as a hunting cabin, converted it into an off grid hobby farm. My folks were living there, and they just got too old to be that far away from me so sold it and they moved up here. They are in their 80s, it was time to quit messing with chickens.

That whole waterway area is beautiful. Is that where your ancestors were or are you a transplant?
The ancestors came from here. I was not raised here, I just came back home when I discovered through travels that it was one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen.
They re-introduced Elk here in Missouri a few years ago. Not too far from CannaGranny. My farm was 1 county over, but I never saw one. But man, some day I will take an Elk with my bow. They are a breeding herd now in the national forest.

I got a bobcat with my bow once. Those are like ghosts. Ninjas that sneak up on you. That was the hardest shot I ever landed.
I’ve only ever seen one bobcat and yeah it was a ghost sooooooo cool though

Definitely a goal to take an elk with a bow , we went to Wyoming for a guided elk hunt a few years back now and my brother shot a bill that was headed right to me. I don’t blame him and was soooo pumped for him but is was close 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lately I have been hoping there is a special place in Hell for architects and engineers.
They have screwed two large churches royally lately and I just have to wonder if 'another' possibly shares my disdain?
Every day it is harder for me to except the info I get from the 'experts' as the best available.
Lately they just seem to be blatantly unqualified to do what they do.
I have no use for architects and engineers in my industry, I truly believe they should serve an apprenticeship in the field/installation of whatever they’re designing.
In the field we say “paper always accepts ink” just cause you can draw something doesn’t mean it’s functional or correct. But that fancy college degree says you’re better than me I guess
I’ve only ever seen one bobcat and yeah it was a ghost sooooooo cool though

Definitely a goal to take an elk with a bow , we went to Wyoming for a guided elk hunt a few years back now and my brother shot a bill that was headed right to me. I don’t blame him and was soooo pumped for him but is was close 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yeah well take a turkey with a bow and have one of those ghosts sneak up on ya that fully intends to have that bird!
Man, imma dragging tonight. Could be the fifty thousand mg of stuff my skin absorbed while in trim jail today. Many wear gloves, that’s a joke with this stuff, will stick ya gloves and pull them off. Like working in pancake syrup. I’m sure I absorbed some goodies as time was moving veryyyyy slow 😜
There is a 82 year old farmer that lives down the road from me.he can't get around anymore so he drives and I chase his coon dog for him.we don't shoot them cause they run competition hunts in these woods ,but super fun.nothing quite like the woods at night.this is his treeing walker Ely.
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There is a 82 year old farmer that lives down the road from me.he can't get around anymore so he drives and I chase his coon dog for him.we don't shoot them cause they run competition hunts in these woods ,but super fun.nothing quite like the woods at night.this is his treeing walker Ely.
View attachment 3055
Love me some coon hounds


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@SweetLeafGrow @Moe.Red , not sure why but looking at these pictures requires they be downloaded.

Zen has mentioned on another post where theres actual pictures that they download faster later in the evening/early morning and I'm not sure if it's his end or ours
It must depend on what kind of file and/or how it's attached... I can't see Zen's pics without clicking, then it automatically downloads to my phone. I can see Kopper's pups without doing anything.
Yeah dude a little BRISK this morning lol. Glad I didnt plant anything yet.
Thankfully @Zen_seeker told me i should go cover my shit cause i didnt have any intention to do so.

So there i was at like 830 last night covering plants in the dark🤣
Gonna go remove covers once it hits 40 or 45 out there.

Im actually about to lose a plant or 2 anyways because my neighbors cat ate his 3.5 week old plants so im gonna give him 1 or 2 of mine since ive currently got like 30 growing....
Thankfully @Zen_seeker told me i should go cover my shit cause i didnt have any intention to do so.

So there i was at like 830 last night covering plants in the dark🤣
Gonna go remove covers once it hits 40 or 45 out there.

Im actually about to lose a plant or 2 anyways because my neighbors cat ate his 3.5 week old plants so im gonna give him 1 or 2 of mine since ive currently got like 30 growing....
See my theory stands. Cats are why God created barns
What grain bullet you pushing? Love that you’re not afraid to play this close to the big competition!! You go! And congratulations on the victory
Mornin Kopper!
I don’t know how I missed answering this yesterday, could have been all that THC syrup I took a bath in!
In answer, it’s a 109. I shoot in tactical division, 600 yards. I took shooter of the year this year. That’s a combination of your yearly points, kicking out all but the top five scores. When it comes to the matches and the men I compete against, I’m not playing! I have a big fat red X on my back!
Took a little walk down to the river to have my morning smoke before I go mix some dirt. The trillium don't seem too bothered by the frost. This is the first time I've seen a pink one, at first I thought maybe the purple and white crossed, but I looked it up and I guess pink is it's own variety, the flowers are bigger too... maybe a critter left me a seed, either way I'm glad, because they're the first pretty thing to bloom every year. 20230518_085748.jpg20230518_085014.jpg
Mornin Kopper!
I don’t know how I missed answering this yesterday, could have been all that THC syrup I took a bath in!
In answer, it’s a 109. I shoot in tactical division, 600 yards. I took shooter of the year this year. That’s a combination of your yearly points, kicking out all but the top five scores. When it comes to the matches and the men I compete against, I’m not playing! I have a big fat red X on my back!
Seems like you hit more of the red x’s than they do 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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