yeah, it's a chore, and about 100 different ways to do it. for building anything over where stumps were, they have to come out completely and the hole filled, otherwise once the stump rots and collapses, whatever is on top is gonna be impacted too.

i'm in the same boat, less building anything on top of where the stumps will be. gotta turn some land into useable land instead of forest, and stumps are one of my biggest pain points to contend with right now.
Kind of interesting that most of the commentors in these videos said to be careful because the roots could continue burning and if there was a root close enough to the surface it could spark a new fire.

I like the barrel process because it seems to remove not only the stump but most, if not all, of the roots too without having to dig up the immediate area around each stump. I'm sure a back hoe or stump grinder would be faster but wouldn't ashes from the burn fertilize whatever grows there?
Someone come slipping up on me in the dark, more than likely won’t slip off without an injured knee! Good thing you had cookies and beer!
Super nice thing you did! Sounds like a great night out!
Lol you’re very correct, I’m always watching my six and was definitely mellowed out at the time of the approach.
The night was just weird. There was another group of 6 men trying to put up tents in the dark by car light who clearly had never attempted it before 🤣🤣 there was one guy in their group trying to split logs with a machete for an hour, he was bracing the logs with his feet😳 thought for sure he was gonna chop something off. In the morning we walked by and they slept in half collapsed tents 🤣🤣
Lol you’re very correct, I’m always watching my six and was definitely mellowed out at the time of the approach.
The night was just weird. There was another group of 6 men trying to put up tents in the dark by car light who clearly had never attempted it before 🤣🤣 there was one guy in their group trying to split logs with a machete for an hour, he was bracing the logs with his feet😳 thought for sure he was gonna chop something off. In the morning we walked by and they slept in half collapsed tents 🤣🤣
For the past five or so years I have managed several ppl’s air bnb rentals.. let me tell you, I have seen some things!
Seems my biggest job was keeping people from building fires in the fire pits on hot dry windy days when our area would be on red alert with the National Forest Service. I have found that common sense and fires don’t seem to go hand in hand!
Many years since I have used a splitting maul. I’m lazy now, it’s wood pellets.
For the past five or so years I have managed several ppl’s air bnb rentals.. let me tell you, I have seen some things!
Seems my biggest job was keeping people from building fires in the fire pits on hot dry windy days when our area would be on red alert with the National Forest Service. I have found that common sense and fires don’t seem to go hand in hand!
Many years since I have used a splitting maul. I’m lazy now, it’s wood pellets.
This is true about 2 weeks before my son was born I lit up a fire on the corner of my property. It got out of hand pretty quick...I came back with a bucket of water and needed the hose. Soon enough the field behind my house was on fire all the dried up corn husks...4 different fire departments showed up and were having trouble. Local farmer rolls up on a tractor and plows a big ring around the couple acres. Yea I almost didn't have a home to bring my son home to, whoops!
The things some of us think are common sense I guess aren’t so common.

If you tried to get me to understand and of this computer lingo some are talking here I’d just be smiling and Nodding along while chimps with cymbals banged in my head 🤣🤣🤣 and they’d think the same thing
This is true about 2 weeks before my son was born I lit up a fire on the corner of my property. It got out of hand pretty quick...I came back with a bucket of water and needed the hose. Soon enough the field behind my house was on fire all the dried up corn husks...4 different fire departments showed up and were having trouble. Local farmer rolls up on a tractor and plows a big ring around the couple acres. Yea I almost didn't have a home to bring my son home to, whoops!
It can happen in the blink of an eye!
Lol you’re very correct, I’m always watching my six and was definitely mellowed out at the time of the approach.
The night was just weird. There was another group of 6 men trying to put up tents in the dark by car light who clearly had never attempted it before 🤣🤣 there was one guy in their group trying to split logs with a machete for an hour, he was bracing the logs with his feet😳 thought for sure he was gonna chop something off. In the morning we walked by and they slept in half collapsed tents 🤣🤣
I worked at a camp, you would be surprised how many people can not set up a tent or start a fire.

I used to go out and set the fires up, soak in diesel fuel, and they still couldn't get it to burn... 😑🤷🏻🤦🏻
I worked at a camp, you would be surprised how many people can not set up a tent or start a fire.

I used to go out and set the fires up, soak in diesel fuel, and they still couldn't get it to burn... 😑🤷🏻🤦🏻
me too man... i was in BSA for years, and part of the Order of the Arrow for the latter years. As part of OotA, we were responsible for "guiding" the younger scouts on harsh survival conditions. Eg, at one annual camp, they'd take the first years out to the woods around Camp Frank Rand and dump em with nothing more than their tarp, their sleeping bag, some flint, and already flaked magnesium.

trying to teach a terrified 13 year old in the woods with literally the most basic survival kit ever how to start a fire like that taught me serious amounts of patience.

one particularly bad year, it was straight monsoons all night, and i managed to get a fire going with some dry old man's beard i carry in all my packs (lesson learned real young) and the flint and magnesium. those poor kids didn't stand a chance, and ended up curled up around my spot all night. really, they shouldn't have had those kids out there in that, but as they taught us -- the weather doesn't give a shit about your survival. it's about your perseverance and ability to overcome challenge. sometimes, you have to do the "impossible" and start a fire in the rain.

now i cheat. i have multiple bags in my various camp and hike packs filled with cotton balls soaked in petroleum jelly. if you can get that shit going, it'll hold a flame even in direct rainfall, and a big enough pile will get soaked sticks burning enough to build a fire in the most inclement weather.
me too man... i was in BSA for years, and part of the Order of the Arrow for the latter years. As part of OotA, we were responsible for "guiding" the younger scouts on harsh survival conditions. Eg, at one annual camp, they'd take the first years out to the woods around Camp Frank Rand and dump em with nothing more than their tarp, their sleeping bag, some flint, and already flaked magnesium.

trying to teach a terrified 13 year old in the woods with literally the most basic survival kit ever how to start a fire like that taught me serious amounts of patience.

one particularly bad year, it was straight monsoons all night, and i managed to get a fire going with some dry old man's beard i carry in all my packs (lesson learned real young) and the flint and magnesium. those poor kids didn't stand a chance, and ended up curled up around my spot all night. really, they shouldn't have had those kids out there in that, but as they taught us -- the weather doesn't give a shit about your survival. it's about your perseverance and ability to overcome challenge. sometimes, you have to do the "impossible" and start a fire in the rain.

now i cheat. i have multiple bags in my various camp and hike packs filled with cotton balls soaked in petroleum jelly. if you can get that shit going, it'll hold a flame even in direct rainfall, and a big enough pile will get soaked sticks burning enough to build a fire in the most inclement weather.
I spent every hour i could in the woods as a young child, from like 7 if i had to take a guess.

In all my packs i have a dry box that has 20-25 tumbleweed fire starters that i soaked for a month in lighter fluid, taped to the dry box is a lighter and flint stick. I hike the White Mountain National Forest quite a lot and would hate to get stuck out there without proper supplies.
Inside my overnight pack i keep a 2 pack of Coghlans 450 camp heat, if you cant start a fire with those, you were gonna die anyways.
I spent every hour i could in the woods as a young child, from like 7 if i had to take a guess.

In all my packs i have a dry box that has 20-25 tumbleweed fire starters that i soaked for a month in lighter fluid, taped to the dry box is a lighter and flint stick. I hike the White Mountain National Forest quite a lot and would hate to get stuck out there without proper supplies.
Inside my overnight pack i keep a 2 pack of Coghlans 450 camp heat, if you cant start a fire with those, you were gonna die anyways.
yessir. before unexpectedly having my son i was doing a ton of ultralight backpacking and alpining. learned some very simple ways of making shit happen -- fire starting, sheltering, gathering water, etc.

one of the main things i picked up was one should know their core kit in and out, and be able to use it regardless conditions. if they can't, they shouldn't be where they are and are gonna die anyways. hell, for a while i carried some oxycodone specifically for the worst case someone suffered a compound fracture in the backcountry -- rather haul high dead weight out than someone that's dying from shock and screaming the whole time. eventually i took it out as i didn't want one of the kids getting into my gear and eating it. might replace it now that they're older and learning the ropes.
They didn’t hire a trans. They celebrated a person named Dylan Mulvaney whom is a trans. Put his/her face on the cans, I understand.
Budweiser has largely had a manly related market. Cowboys, rednecks, and patriotic types. People that love Momma, babies and Jesus. They perceived this as a slap in the face, and they are slapping back by simply not buying the product.
As for me, I’m pretty much a you do your thing and I’ll do my thing too. I try not to be too judgmental, but there is a breaking point for me when something is pushed upon me. I’m seeing it is that way for many.
I actually was cutting a joke at PC, that is what opened this discussion. I’m open to it continuing, providing we all stay kind.
I have no horse in this race, I don’t nor have I ever been a beer drinker, so they lost nothing with me.
I figure some dude wants to wear a dress and drawers, cry about menstrual cramps and makeup tips are welcome to it. I don’t entertain that kind of crazy on my front porch, but to each his own.
LGBTQ stuff means nothing to me. Live and let live. I don't think I'll ever be able to call a single person "they," though. If someone wants a new pronoun, make up a new pronoun and stop stealing ones that are in use.
LGBTQ stuff means nothing to me. Live and let live. I don't think I'll ever be able to call a single person "they," though. If someone wants a new pronoun, make up a new pronoun and stop stealing ones that are in use.
I agree. Love who you want and do what you want as long as it's not hurting anyone. I don't think it should be forced upon people though, as you say, how am I supposed to know you're a "they" and how are you gonna get offended that I'm not psychic. Everyone is always so offended now. If someone is intolerant, that's just thier character, how they were raised, whatever, and someone telling them they HAVE to accept something they don't believe in, isn't going to change that, and it's actually kind of intolerant in itself in a way. Let's all just burn one and get along.
Morning all ya fellow corner dwellers!
Another super cool morning in the Ozarks! This is just nuts! A jacket with my coffee!
I watched the sun come up this morning. What a great way to start the day!
Morning all ya fellow corner dwellers!
Another super cool morning in the Ozarks! This is just nuts! A jacket with my coffee!
I watched the sun come up this morning. What a great way to start the day!
Morning CannaGranny!
Was 42 here this morning when i put my son on the bus at 720. Was definitely happy i brought coffee out with me cause i gotta walk out to the end of the trailer park lol.
Morning CannaGranny!
Was 42 here this morning when i put my son on the bus at 720. Was definitely happy i brought coffee out with me cause i gotta walk out to the end of the trailer park lol.
Nuts, huh? By now, I normally have winter clothes put away. Not this year! Air runs all day and the heat at night.
Good Morning, Chirp Chirp, Feel like a bird chiming in in the morning. We got some barn swallows on the porch getting ready to fly the coup. Another glorious day in the Mitten. So grateful for the pond for swimming and fishing,.
Nuts, huh? By now, I normally have winter clothes put away. Not this year! Air runs all day and the heat at night.
Yep! Wearing jackets here most mornings, AC all day but ive shut the heat off for the year, its 60-62 in the morning when i get up at 5 or 6, and by now at 830 its already 69. Once the sun comes up it blasts my house all day so it gets warm pretty quick.
Good Morning, Chirp Chirp, Feel like a bird chiming in in the morning. We got some barn swallows on the porch getting ready to fly the coup. Another glorious day in the Mitten. So grateful for the pond for swimming and fishing,.
Morning Farmerdave!
I have some house wrens prepping to fly the coup too. They nest every year on top of a light on my carport. A new bird this year that I have never seen here before. A yellow throated warbler.
I have a pond too, but it serves as a water catchment. I’m very close to both rivers in my area for the fishing, but I do have a pool to swim in, if it ever gets warm enough!
Yep! Wearing jackets here most mornings, AC all day but ive shut the heat off for the year, its 60-62 in the morning when i get up at 5 or 6, and by now at 830 its already 69. Once the sun comes up it blasts my house all day so it gets warm pretty quick.
My house has porches all the way around it that is roofed, so it takes a bit for the sun to do any warming. Setting the pellet stove on 62* and it’s still kicking on!
Good morning everyone!

Reading back a few pages I agree with the general sentiment on the gender LGBT thing. No dog in the race for me either. Have a gay cousin who has a husband, good for him. Only time I really have a problem is when it's infront of my kids. My cousin did start talking a bit too much about their love life at one event and I just quietly packed up my kids and rolled out on that note. My stepson is in 7th grade told me he found his 4th grade girlfriend on tiktok and she is trans now. I didn't know what to say or think, in my heart I feel like it's the message of the day getting through to these kids making them do things they may not normally do because it's trendy. Like would this 13 year old kid be trans today if all this trans business wasn't in the air? I don't know but I feel like there would be alot less of it. My 13 y/o is one 2 y/o is a different thing I don't want him asking me these questions at 5. If it don't chill out anytime soon I'm sure he will, and I don't know how I'll feel about that then.

The problem is forcing it upon me. I never had a problem before just keep it to yourself ya know?
Good morning to you! My garden is just sitting. Not warm enough yet for the tomatoes feet.
Our plants are growing well. Been a lot of sunny warm days here. I have one plant that is growing an inch a day. Just hit six feet yesterday. Tomatoes are 2ft which is good for these parts and i picked my first pepper yesterday but thats in the greenhouse so they got a head start.
I think it’s one of those out of sight, out of mind things. I’m like you in that aspect. I don’t care what people do in their own space, and since when has sexual preference been so open for discussion?
I have a 15 year old granddaughter that is just blown away with all of this, it’s the highlight of the day among school topic conversations. They seem to be learning zilch. They spent the last two weeks of school watching Dr. Phil episodes. WTH?
Our plants are growing well. Been a lot of sunny warm days here. I have one plant that is growing an inch a day. Just hit six feet yesterday. Tomatoes are 2ft which is good for these parts and i picked my first pepper yesterday but thats in the greenhouse so they got a head start.
My shit all went in late. It's all struggling...only thing doing good is my bud lol
Morning all.

Little chaos here this morning. Hope it’s okay now.

Can’t see most pics, guess most upload high res. I’m even hanging trying to like.

Anyway, garden is doing okay here. Don’t get as much sun but it’s fine for our needs.

Beefsteak took off but the cherry tomatoes are catching up. Had to trim all three last night. Started taking over other crates air space.

Strawberries are almost flowering finally. Had to nurse them back.
Morning all ya fellow corner dwellers!
Another super cool morning in the Ozarks! This is just nuts! A jacket with my coffee!
I watched the sun come up this morning. What a great way to start the day!
Yesterday was the summer solstice, today is the first full day of summer.

Farmer saying told to me by a old farmer....

the weather the first full day of the season dictates what the weather will be like for that season.
Imo its bean fairy accurate over the years.
Yesterday was the summer solstice, today is the first full day of summer.

Farmer saying told to me by a old farmer....

the weather the first full day of the season dictates what the weather will be like for that season.
Imo its bean fairy accurate over the years.
Hell yea, today is a perfect day in the old midwest...holding you to it @smoke haha
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