Do not buy a boat. Two things Bust (Bust out another thousand) that will get you 2 2.5 oil changes today
Two best days of a boat owners life.The day his buys the boat and the day he sells the boat.
So I asked I guy once as we were doing a install at marina , guy was pumpin gas I said damn I’d hate that bill ( he’s runnin around 1200 hp decent size boat) I say what’s a fill up 3-400 $ he laughed said that barely get out the bay ! Said try more like 2000$ 🙄
So I asked I guy once as we were doing a install at marina , guy was pumpin gas I said damn I’d hate that bill ( he’s runnin around 1200 hp decent size boat) I say what’s a fill up 3-400 $ he laughed said that barely get out the bay ! Said try more like 2000$ 🙄
Ya just like that....a little boat to putt around in on a nice day...
Ya just like that....a little boat to putt around in on a nice day...
So after yesterdays fun I needed to get down to my grow this am......My cat Qnight missed yesterday so I called him in to go down with me. Purring away I put him in his green reusable grocery bag and carry him down to my grow.

10 minutes later he's bugging me to go, i try to ignore him but he's scratching at stuff and meowing quite a bit so as I start to shut off my computer I see him meowing and crawling into his carry bag. It was flat on a chair and he had used his nose lifted the edge of the bag and was half way into it as I grabbed the handles and lifted him not seen him do that before

It's a beautiful day here and he doesn't want to be stuck in an enclosed basement when he could be outside searching for slow chipmunks.......Cats
Glad you made the haul and made it back home @Pipecarver! Twenty joints? Holy smoke Mister!
1 an hour each......each way.....I'd get road weary without a bump every hour. I'm very comfortable driving, I've done a lot and its not much different to me than sitting on my couch watching TV....Its just the concentration that is the stress so every hour a break/ pee/ smoke & go. We stopped at Tim Horton's drive through for coffee's & McD's for breakfast. $50 duty on a USA$21 bottle of 151 Everclear is fking Piracy and if I'd stayed in the US for 24 hrs I wouldn't have to pay the duty at all on a limited amount of booze..
Ya just like that....a little boat to putt around in on a nice day...
I've always had just as much fun just watching the boat launch...IDK what it is about the marina and boat ramps, but people just turn their brains off and go for it lol. always hilarious people watching there.
Chirp Chirp! Good Morning all. When my grandson came by yesterday he brought his drone and made movies of our property. Here is a pic of our slice of paradise. Most of the wods surrounding the house is ours with farmer fields surrounding them.View attachment 9292
now that's a spread!! beautiful man.
now that's a spread!! beautiful man.
Well its 4:30ish and its warm 25C and I'm drinking a long neck glass bottle imported at great cost, handled with care, stamped fresh June 2023, cooled to 38f & tilted to 180* at time of consuming Budweiser not lite...ah yes there's that artificially flavoured cold bubbly beverage that I.....Like?
Do not buy a boat. Two things Bust (Bust out another thousand) that will get you 2 or 2.5 oil changes today
Two best days of a boat owners life.The day his buys the boat and the day he sells the boat.
I have no use for a boat... I have friends with boats if I need a boat ride that bad lol... new camper, maybe.

Well, tonight in Sunnyvale Trailer Park, someone decided to light my neighbors truck on fire!!!
Thank god i had 8 fire extinguishers and was able to get it out before it exploded and caught a house on fire....
Fuck. I need 3 joints, 5 dabs, 3 shots and my bed.
I bet that shit is interesting I never had a whole lot of neighbors but I liked hanging out at my buddies when they lived in the trailer parks. Always something poppin off, good times!
Well, tonight in Sunnyvale Trailer Park, someone decided to light my neighbors truck on fire!!!
Thank god i had 8 fire extinguishers and was able to get it out before it exploded and caught a house on fire....
Fuck. I need 3 joints, 5 dabs, 3 shots and my bed.
My brother in law had someone throw a molotov cocktail at his truck and burn it... BIL then hid in the woods for hours waiting for this guy to leave a party and beat him to a pulp... maybe we need to have NY Man stories along with Florida man stories.
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Morning all... need a little advice if anyone has any to offer. I know a lot of you guys have cats. My son's cat has started peeing in the house, spraying I think. He is neutered and we've had him for 4 years and he just started this. I know why I think, the neighbors have an outdoor cat, she was living under my porch this winter because they suck and didn't make her a home or anything outside. So obviously she was also using it as a litter box because it's bare sand under there... so I think my cat can smell that and has felt the need to mark his territory. I know this is a very hard behavior to break... I've never had to deal with it, have any of you had this issue and found anything that works? I don't know how to keep the neighbor cat away either, aside from felinicide lol. I don't want to make him be an outside cat or get rid of him, he's such a good cat otherwise and my son will be heartbroken... I've already rubbed his nose in it and chucked him in the cat box several times, at my wits end here!
I've only met one of our neighbors, that was in the woods when i heard a chainsaw going and was curious The other neighbor texted us when our dog attacked one of his chickens.That has been our interaction with neighbors. We have what we call nature drama. For instance a guy came up to our house to tell us a horse was seen exiting our driveway. When we laughed and told him we had no idea whose it was and mentioned occasionally cows come down the driveway. he had a weird look on his face and we knew he wasn't from around here.
Morning all... need a little advice if anyone has any to offer. I know a lot of you guys have cats. My son's cat has started peeing in the house, spraying I think. He is neutered and we've had him for 4 years and he just started this. I know why I think, the neighbors have an outdoor cat, she was living under my porch this winter because they suck and didn't make her a home or anything outside. So obviously she was also using it as a litter box because it's bare sand under there... so I think my cat can smell that and has felt the need to mark his territory. I know this is a very hard behavior to break... I've never had to deal with it, have any of you had this issue and found anything that works? I don't know how to keep the neighbor cat away either, aside from felinicide lol. I don't want to make him be an outside cat or get rid of him, he's such a good cat otherwise and my son will be heartbroken... I've already rubbed his nose in it and chucked him in the cat box several times, at my wits end here!
I had a cat that sprayed out on the porch for that reason. to cover over the other cat that came around. Never could break him of that. Maybe you are bringing in the scent when you are walking on the porch. I think somehow getting that other cat away from your place is the answer.
Where's layhey and randy when you need them.glad you got it out.
Yeah man im so thankful i was able to get it out. We are stacked in here like sardines, if his truck exploded or actually got roaring like car fires do, i bet 8 trailers would have gone up in flames with it, mine being one of them...
Morning all... need a little advice if anyone has any to offer. I know a lot of you guys have cats. My son's cat has started peeing in the house, spraying I think. He is neutered and we've had him for 4 years and he just started this. I know why I think, the neighbors have an outdoor cat, she was living under my porch this winter because they suck and didn't make her a home or anything outside. So obviously she was also using it as a litter box because it's bare sand under there... so I think my cat can smell that and has felt the need to mark his territory. I know this is a very hard behavior to break... I've never had to deal with it, have any of you had this issue and found anything that works? I don't know how to keep the neighbor cat away either, aside from felinicide lol. I don't want to make him be an outside cat or get rid of him, he's such a good cat otherwise and my son will be heartbroken... I've already rubbed his nose in it and chucked him in the cat box several times, at my wits end here!
Our cat (bucka mow) is inside most of the time but she loves to hang on the porch. We have the opposite problem. She's a female and the countless males in the neighborhood like to mark our porch, front door, garage door, car tires, the lot. They get the brunt of my crazy because that's a smell that just sets me off. I don't kill them, but a few have gotten the "crazy man waving his arms and screaming" treatment. Some have had lawn chairs hurled their direction and only a couple have brought out the BB gun. It goes in phases here for us like they think I forget, but my advice would be to let out the crazy. Animals seem to respond to animals and cat spray really brings out my inner animal. Inaudible screaming and kicking sticks and rocks consistently enough drives them away. If not, I plink 'em in the ass. Works for me.
Our cat (bucka mow) is inside most of the time but she loves to hang on the porch. We have the opposite problem. She's a female and the countless males in the neighborhood like to mark our porch, front door, garage door, car tires, the lot. They get the brunt of my crazy because that's a smell that just sets me off. I don't kill them, but a few have gotten the "crazy man waving his arms and screaming" treatment. Some have had lawn chairs hurled their direction and only a couple have brought out the BB gun. It goes in phases here for us like they think I forget, but my advice would be to let out the crazy. Animals seem to respond to animals and cat spray really brings out my inner animal. Inaudible screaming and kicking sticks and rocks consistently enough drives them away. If not, I plink 'em in the ass. Works for me.
Yeah I'm the same, I cannot abide that smell at all. I've definitely lost my shit on him a few times... did this morning in fact... grabbed him by his scruff and held his face in it for like a minute screaming "you like that smell" like a psychopath and then chucked him in the cat box and then outside... which of course made my son cry... so that was a fun start to our Saturday. 🤣
I had a cat that sprayed out on the porch for that reason. to cover over the other cat that came around. Never could break him of that. Maybe you are bringing in the scent when you are walking on the porch. I think somehow getting that other cat away from your place is the answer.
I know... I have a friend that wants to catnap the neighbor cat and give her a good home... maybe I'll encourage that lol. The basement has tiny widows that look out under the porch, so I'm sure he can smell it. The porch is getting ripped off soon because it's a scabbed together pos, so maybe that will help. Ugh.
Yeah man im so thankful i was able to get it out. We are stacked in here like sardines, if his truck exploded or actually got roaring like car fires do, i bet 8 trailers would have gone up in flames with it, mine being one of them...
Hope someone is pressing charges on that asshole considering people could have legit died.
Yeah I'm the same, I cannot abide that smell at all. I've definitely lost my shit on him a few times... did this morning in fact... grabbed him by his scruff and held his face in it for like a minute screaming "you like that smell" like a psychopath and then chucked him in the cat box and then outside... which of course made my son cry... so that was a fun start to our Saturday. 🤣
Losing your cool in front of the kids is always so embarrassing but understandable in this situation, absolutely.
Yeah I'm the same, I cannot abide that smell at all. I've definitely lost my shit on him a few times... did this morning in fact... grabbed him by his scruff and held his face in it for like a minute screaming "you like that smell" like a psychopath and then chucked him in the cat box and then outside... which of course made my son cry... so that was a fun start to our Saturday. 🤣
Cats! I just put two fresh spays outside this morning. Been inside for ten days now. Thankfully neither one of them thought they needed to mark anything.
Treating the cat like a dog is the wrong answer. Two different animals. Things a dog “gets” is often lost on hardheaded independent cats and it makes the situation worse.
The best thing you can do is to use an odor eliminator, or a peroxide baking soda mix. You can google the mixture as I have forgot! I use some orange stuff thats specifically for that, that I got off of Amazon. I had a male cat in the house as he recovered from surgery on a foot injury, he felt it necessary to spray. Lost his freedom in the house over it too and I had to cage him for the next nine days.
You might try cinnamon or coffee grounds under your porch, they say cats hate both. I can’t verify that as I just gave up and bought a motion sensored water cannon to keep them out of my flower beds. Now, that works!
So, if you get the odor completely eliminated it should (cross your fingers) stop.
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