Thought you guys might get a kick out of this article I just read about a pizza shop making concentrates on the DL.

I mean... I guess technically it's a drug lab... but when I hear drug lab, I think meth lol.
I mean... I guess technically it's a drug lab... but when I hear drug lab, I think meth lol.
same here, just a little click-bait infusion in their article title.
did you see the size of the vats they had in there for makin concentrate? i wonder if they were also making pizza, or the shop just looked like a pizza shop.

about to go hiking to Little Stoney Man i think it's called.
got me two hash joints to go, thanks to making some hash the Frenchie way just the other day, i think it's called.

Hope everyone has a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
same here, just a little click-bait infusion in their article title.
did you see the size of the vats they had in there for makin concentrate? i wonder if they were also making pizza, or the shop just looked like a pizza shop.

about to go hiking to Little Stoney Man i think it's called.
got me two hash joints to go, thanks to making some hash the Frenchie way just the other day, i think it's called.

Hope everyone has a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I remember reading something about a mob family that had a pizza shop as a front and the pizza became so popular they just... stopped doing crime. 🤣🍕💰
Chirp Chirp!! Another glorious day in the mitten. Getting ready to do some remote camping. Going to have leave the babies for a few days Spent the day swimming and fishing yesterday intermingled with tying, bending and tucking. It never ends. I always get nervous in August when we take 2 week camping trip to the boonies of the UP. and leave the planst on their own. By then they are in sync with nature and i dont hand water them except extreme drought.
Chirp Chirp!! Another glorious day in the mitten. Getting ready to do some remote camping. Going to have leave the babies for a few days Spent the day swimming and fishing yesterday intermingled with tying, bending and tucking. It never ends. I always get nervous in August when we take 2 week camping trip to the boonies of the UP. and leave the planst on their own. By then they are in sync with nature and i dont hand water them except extreme drought.
I'll be camping week after next myself... first time camping in a tent in about 6 years... should remind me how old I am real quick lol.
I'll be camping week after next myself... first time camping in a tent in about 6 years... should remind me how old I am real quick lol.
My wife bowed out of any and all excursions that required sleeping on the ground, about 20 years ago. I quickly discovered most of my friends were in total agreement with her.

But, but... what about the fabulous Therm-a-Rest mattress pads that...

Fuck that shit. The local motel is new.

But you can't become one with nature after a breakfast of scrambled egg-like substance and sausage patties that are sitting under heat lamps.

I saw a Starbucks down the road. Egg bites here I come.

Did you say egg bites?
Dude, I got a personal friend who is weird in that he don't like regular eggs but he likes "McDonald's eggs". Anyway we were going to throw down a big BBQ and fried chicken wings for superbowl and was at the store. We had to get eggs for the breading so my friend says "oh yea I gotta get eggs"...he had his kid with him who is like 4....and the kid was like "eggs from McDonald's daddy?". The kid didn't know there was another type of egg.

While some struggle to get close to nature some are so far removed is there hope?

Just shit kids pick up on I suppose I shouldn't really look at my friend too bad for it (and I dont) but it was a peculiar moment that sticks out in my mind
Dude, I got a personal friend who is weird in that he don't like regular eggs but he likes "McDonald's eggs". Anyway we were going to throw down a big BBQ and fried chicken wings for superbowl and was at the store. We had to get eggs for the breading so my friend says "oh yea I gotta get eggs"...he had his kid with him who is like 4....and the kid was like "eggs from McDonald's daddy?". The kid didn't know there was another type of egg.

While some struggle to get close to nature some are so far removed is there hope?

Just shit kids pick up on I suppose I shouldn't really look at my friend too bad for it (and I dont) but it was a peculiar moment that sticks out in my mind
Part of why we a such an unhealthy lot too! Excellent marketing strategies, aimed at children. Foods that contain additives that makes us crave them.
A certain place recently mentioned, a Sunday morning thought. The French fries and onions are sold to said place by a certain person of an unsavory sort. (He is known for experimenting on people and is a proponent of genoside just like his Father).
Said potatoes are sprayed with something so powerful upon harvest they must lay out in the open and create a week long “No man zone”. They are then washed in vats sliced and sold to people in a loud colored box, in a cooking oil known to cause cancer, with enough salt to cause congestive heart failure.
We need to stick as close to nature as we possibly can and learn to forgo conveniences. Each of us are the seeds of our ancestors.
Anyways, that’s my two cents.
My wife bowed out of any and all excursions that required sleeping on the ground, about 20 years ago. I quickly discovered most of my friends were in total agreement with her.

But, but... what about the fabulous Therm-a-Rest mattress pads that...

Fuck that shit. The local motel is new.

But you can't become one with nature after a breakfast of scrambled egg-like substance and sausage patties that are sitting under heat lamps.

I saw a Starbucks down the road. Egg bites here I come.

Did you say egg bites?
We've had a camper for 6 years, but we're currently between trucks and sold the camper, hoping to upgrade when we can. I will not be sleeping on the ground. I got a foldable memory foam bed that I will put on top of an airbed to keep it dry which I will then cover with another memory foam topper and legit bedding. Nobody wants me to be sleep deprived... it may be a tent, but it's gonna be a comfy tent. We even got a hitch for my little suv so I can lug all my shit along as usual lol. I usually sleep fantastically in a tent... as long as I make my comfy bed... just not looking forward to the dampness, I'm gonna miss clicking on the furnace to get the chill out on cold mornings or warm up before bed, and I'm going to miss my little personal shower, even though my tall ass had to duck under the shower head... at least I know it's clean and nobody's gonna see me naked. 🤣 Got a tent from a friend so I don't need to buy an expensive one for one season... probably spray it to hell with scotch guard. Of course I'll make a tarp city if it's gonna rain, and put a tarp under the tent. It will be good for my son to have the tent experience, he hasn't tent camped since he was 2 months old! We did it a few times and decided a camper was the way to go with a baby.
So, who else has thier little ritual for cruising the forum? I usually roll one and go hide out in my stone zone... which is a little addition on the back of the garage where my gardening stuff also lives. Currently smoking an amnesia Lemon doob, boy is at rhe neighbors. Then I'm going to go arrange my drip hoses and adjust the ladies. Long week ahead, gotta stop feeling guilty for taking 5 to chill and zone out. So many things to do and not nearly enough free time. I forgot how much time you don't have when you work away from home lol.
I usually wake up after some obnoxiously short sleep, grab my morning coffe....eehhh Dr pepper, and go pack a bowl sit on the porch. Usually pull up a weed related pod cast and then hit the forum.

Any idea on how we will go about growing the forum? Word of mouth good folk only? Open enrollment (could see this being a 50/50)? I just asked the owner of another board to shut my account because the sponsors and adverts were outta control, glad BB isn't that way currently.

Even on the slower days, still love this place...I don't find a single person disagreeable here, and like I loved yall over at the farm too, just other users over there that aren't here would sometimes send dickish vibes imo.

Classy bunch over here, raise those pinky fingers BB 😁
So, who else has thier little ritual for cruising the forum? I usually roll one and go hide out in my stone zone... which is a little addition on the back of the garage where my gardening stuff also lives. Currently smoking an amnesia Lemon doob, boy is at rhe neighbors. Then I'm going to go arrange my drip hoses and adjust the ladies. Long week ahead, gotta stop feeling guilty for taking 5 to chill and zone out. So many things to do and not nearly enough free time. I forgot how much time you don't have when you work away from home lol.
Ya, I get up read the different news sites headlines and stuff that interests me, breakfast then down to my grow, for a quick check then sit at my comp and have 2 smokes while reading the posts here before I attend what needs to be done.....Up stairs for coffee and Chess until Lunch then back down for 2 more smokes & online here before my next chore gets done, breaks every hour for 2 smokes until 5pm up for coffee, chess diner, down to my shop for 2 smokes online, chores, kiss the girls & say good night before lights out on a normal routine.
I usually wake up after some obnoxiously short sleep, grab my morning coffe....eehhh Dr pepper, and go pack a bowl sit on the porch. Usually pull up a weed related pod cast and then hit the forum.

Any idea on how we will go about growing the forum? Word of mouth good folk only? Open enrollment (could see this being a 50/50)? I just asked the owner of another board to shut my account because the sponsors and adverts were outta control, glad BB isn't that way currently.

Even on the slower days, still love this place...I don't find a single person disagreeable here, and like I loved yall over at the farm too, just other users over there that aren't here would sometimes send dickish vibes imo.

Classy bunch over here, raise those pinky fingers BB 😁
We are currently working as you know to optimize for the search engines. That in my opinion will be the number one thing that will help this place grow. It’s how I found the other place to start with.
I’ll admit, I have not worked so hard to grow this place as I have enjoyed the break I have had, coming in sharing stories and laughter with folks vs coming in to a hundred notifications. I think several of us feel that way.
That’s not to say the objective is not to grow the place.
My corner post here on BB has finally surpassed the one over there so that our google ranking is now number one over the old forum. So, we are making progress in the search rankings. I’d say my ranking is not the only one, just the one I keep up with.
So I definitely see this place growing.
Word of mouth is good! It’s something I too need to spend a couple of days doing, I have just been quite about it as like I said, I have enjoyed the break.
All good questions and just so you know, I enjoy you too!
We've had a camper for 6 years, but we're currently between trucks and sold the camper, hoping to upgrade when we can. I will not be sleeping on the ground. I got a foldable memory foam bed that I will put on top of an airbed to keep it dry which I will then cover with another memory foam topper and legit bedding. Nobody wants me to be sleep deprived... it may be a tent, but it's gonna be a comfy tent. We even got a hitch for my little suv so I can lug all my shit along as usual lol. I usually sleep fantastically in a tent... as long as I make my comfy bed... just not looking forward to the dampness, I'm gonna miss clicking on the furnace to get the chill out on cold mornings or warm up before bed, and I'm going to miss my little personal shower, even though my tall ass had to duck under the shower head... at least I know it's clean and nobody's gonna see me naked. 🤣 Got a tent from a friend so I don't need to buy an expensive one for one season... probably spray it to hell with scotch guard. Of course I'll make a tarp city if it's gonna rain, and put a tarp under the tent. It will be good for my son to have the tent experience, he hasn't tent camped since he was 2 months old! We did it a few times and decided a camper was the way to go with a baby.
We gave up with the tent. 2 dogs and us just too much if it gets stormy. We now have a mini simple camper with a galley on the back and just sleeping quarters inside. got solar panels and we have this shower hookup for outdoor shower if we need it but usually we park on water strictly in remote spots Its been great.
I really only know a couple buds local to the stl area I would consider inviting but that's a 50/50 on if they'd even be interested ya know.

What about like a flyer or business cards you could pass out at cannabis events? I plan on eventually making it to some locally and that idea crossed my mind as a way to get word out a bit....just thoughts for the founders to
We are currently working as you know to optimize for the search engines. That in my opinion will be the number one thing that will help this place grow. It’s how I found the other place to start with.
I’ll admit, I have not worked so hard to grow this place as I have enjoyed the break I have had, coming in sharing stories and laughter with folks vs coming in to a hundred notifications. I think several of us feel that way.
That’s not to say the objective is not to grow the place.
My corner post here on BB has finally surpassed the one over there so that our google ranking is now number one over the old forum. So, we are making progress in the search rankings. I’d say my ranking is not the only one, just the one I keep up with.
So I definitely see this place growing.
Word of mouth is good! It’s something I too need to spend a couple of days doing, I have just been quite about it as like I said, I have enjoyed the break.
All good questions and just so you know, I enjoy you too!
Well i finally figured how to put a tag up. Outdoor Growing is all i could think of.
View attachment 9859Now, this is a real Missouri summer day! Four p.m. on my southwest porch.
What is the humidity looks like a dry area, I've been in Vegas at 120F & Death Valley 124f so dry your lips crack. We have nothing but 20c and light rain all week....Check out our hours of sunlight on the bottom of the chart1687731642322.png
What is the humidity looks like a dry area, I've been in Vegas at 120F & Death Valley 124f so dry your lips crack. We have nothing but 20c and light rain all week....Check out our hours of sunlight on the bottom of the chartView attachment 9865
Thankfully very low humidity. The humidifier in my grow room is doing overtime!
Hmm, interesting theory, sounds like one that might have to be tested to find out if it works. Maybe do half and half, some all soil, some layers? You can always just add more perlite throughout to help drainage and dry back. My thought would be, that the coco would probably suck moisture from the soil and it would stay evenly moist that way, since coco dries faster... but would it fuck with feeding and nutrients?

Are only the roots directly in the coco going to get the benefits of more o2? Will the roots prefer one over the other and just not grow into the bottom layer? All questions I can't answer lol.
They'll grow but some will be happier than others I think.

I think it'll create an inconsistent root zone.
We got a good thing going here.
If it grows with good people that would be great.
If we did not grow I believe we are supporting ourselves here thanks to everybody and that is fine by me also.
Growth with out meaning or benefit to all is not what I want.
We got a good thing going here~!

87f with 72% RH.. Little warm and moist..
Got my little waterhole up and running where my greenhouse was last year.🏊‍♂️
We gave up with the tent. 2 dogs and us just too much if it gets stormy. We now have a mini simple camper with a galley on the back and just sleeping quarters inside. got solar panels and we have this shower hookup for outdoor shower if we need it but usually we park on water strictly in remote spots Its been great.
We have some solar panels too, they're great! Our Camper did us well, but hubs wants one with better bedrooms, more space and a proper bed for our son to bring a friend. We also have 2 dogs... two old dogs. I usually bring them beds for by the fire and inside at night. Hopefully my family doesn't hate each other after this tent experience. 🤣 I love the tiny campers with the outdoor kitchen, the little teardrop or half circle shaped ones... R-Pod is a name you see alot at the campgrounds with that style... I always say how cute they are when I see one lol... perfect for a couple.
I have been out most of the day today, i got 6 new fire extinguishers after Friday nights ordeal.

Came home and the neighbor left a plant behind my porch as a thank you for not letting his truck completely burn. No idea what it is, but its female so thats cool.
So, this is a breeding project gone wild. This began as a landrace African Durban Poison, it was sent to some well known breeders on the West Coast, where it was crossbred with a heavy indica called White Ice. The idea was to cut the height and close the buds up tighter.
I have shared these seeds with three other. They all got the short bushy indica. Not me! I got the six foot tall version with indica leaves!
This seed was started along with the current plants that I have on scrog. She is currently over six feet tall and six feet wide! No way that’s going to work in an eight foot tall tent!
Now, I have this monster and have to make decisions that I don’t want to. I sure wish @smoke lived closer! IMG_1127.jpeg


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