Hey mdk state laws don't make sense most places, my wife has a med license can grow 4 in flower 4 in veg and can have one oz of consumable product on hand.

Recreational i grow 2 and 2 and can have all of the finished product on hand under lock and key. My wife owns one oz i own the rest. Lol

Edit sp lol
Here it’s 18 plants total six in veg, six in flower and six clones under 14”. If you are a caregiver you can double or triple those amounts. Monthly you can have six ounces, or if you are a cultivator 18 ounces on hand.
Here it’s 18 plants total six in veg, six in flower and six clones under 14”. If you are a caregiver you can double or triple those amounts. Monthly you can have six ounces, or if you are a cultivator 18 ounces on hand.
So when you pull down like 2 pounds what do they expect you to do give away the other 14 ozs to 5 different people? Destroy it? I barely looked at the rules to be honest

I could be even more honest but why? Is big brother really honest himself? Lol

Poor older folk like the Jeff mazensky guy or whatever his name was from Missouri that just got out like 6 or so years ago for growing...I think a portion of the tax revenue should go to people like that who had their life stolen.
So when you pull down like 2 pounds what do they expect you to do give away the other 14 ozs to 5 different people? Destroy it? I barely looked at the rules to be honest

I could be even more honest but why? Is big brother really honest himself? Lol

Poor older folk like the Jeff mazensky guy or whatever his name was from Missouri that just got out like 6 or so years ago for growing...I think a portion of the tax revenue should go to people like that who had their life stolen.
We are supposed to dutifully take it to law enforcement for destruction.

The rules do not make a lot of sense honestly. But you know that.
We are supposed to dutifully take it to law enforcement for destruction.

The rules do not make a lot of sense honestly. But you know that.
That’s what I like about the new law with rec of being able to “gift” anyone three oz at a time. Never a prob to get rid of my overflow now!
Yea take it them so they can take it home haha

My luck I'd roll up with like a pound to destroy and they'd arrest me for having over 3 ounces.
I think actually they will send a courier for it. They have never been to my house! I give that stuff away!
@CannaGranny @steamroller forgive me if I'm wrong for tagging yall but I think both of you are running the spider farmer sf600 veg lights? I'm pretty sure you said they kick ass granny and I think I spotted some hanging in your bad ass grow room steamroller....thinking about getting one or two of them. Should I pull that trigger?
I have one and I use it as an extension to my 2-SE3000. It doesn't have a dimmer, on is on and I adjust it by the height over the plants. I get 55,000 lux off it and the buds grown directly under it are as nice as any. Its promoted as a veg light but I use T5's for that and the SF600 is just added light.
@CannaGranny @steamroller forgive me if I'm wrong for tagging yall but I think both of you are running the spider farmer sf600 veg lights? I'm pretty sure you said they kick ass granny and I think I spotted some hanging in your bad ass grow room steamroller....thinking about getting one or two of them. Should I pull that trigger?
One of the finest veg lights I have ever used! I have two of them. Light weight, basically no heat. Low electric usage and my ladies grow like a house on fire! The SF 5000 I have right now a totally different story, but the veg light rocks!
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I have one and I use it as an extension to my 2-SE3000. It doesn't have a dimmer, on is on and I adjust it by the height over the plants. I get 55,000 lux off it and the buds grown directly under it are as nice as any. Its promoted as a veg light but I use T5's for that and the SF600 is just added light.
I was shocked with how low the wattage was that had me a bit concerned. But it would just be for veg mostly, maybe throw one in for supplemental lighting in the tent
Good Morning 60f and raining, I think we get some sun next Monday for an hour or 2 but I won't hold my breath they've lied before.
Mornin PC!
Under heat advisory’s here this morning.
I would have a big prob being in a place that didn’t get ample sunshine. Looking at your forecast a couple of days ago, was like wow! Two hours of sun for the week!
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I was shocked with how low the wattage was that had me a bit concerned. But it would just be for veg mostly, maybe throw one in for supplemental lighting in the tent
I was originally going to use it as side lighting but I don't have the distance I'd need from tent wall to the plants and in my 5x5 the SE's are a bit short so this gives me added coverage on their ends
I was shocked with how low the wattage was that had me a bit concerned. But it would just be for veg mostly, maybe throw one in for supplemental lighting in the tent
I only use them in veg. They for sure are not bloom lights. Using one to supplement your bloom light will work tho. If you decide to pull that trigger, let me know, I think I have a SF coupon code.
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Mornin PC!
Under heat advisory’s here this morning.
I would have a big prob being in a place that didn’t get ample sunshine. Looking at your forecast a couple of days ago, was like wow! Two hours of sun for the week!
Ya....me too....I've been here almost 30 years, it took me 20 to accept it for what it is......All old folks, very few children or young people. Those with gumption leave for a better life and those that are left have a defeated look about them, no smiles on the young when we see them, specially in the small towns, not so bad in Halifax where there is some future but out in the country it can be pretty depressing for the young people with no goals or inspiration to do any thing. 8 months of winter followed by 4 months of bad weather.

There is the same amount of people living here now in Nova Scotia as when we moved here....just shy of 1 million with around 600,000 in the Halifax area.....Immigrant's land here but head out to Toronto or west after a few years looking for more prosperity, most small business just survives....../ah fk doom and gloom its not all that bad I say as I smoke on a reafer and crack a smile. This is why growing outdoors here is hard.
Well truth is we face a lot of adversity here. Summers that will fry the hair off a toad, and winters that are menopausal at best. I guess we just all grow to our surroundings. Outdoor growers here also face many challenges. Animals, high humidity and human theft. No way I could grow outdoors even in my own yard as the deer wander my yard like dogs.
Well truth is we face a lot of adversity here. Summers that will fry the hair off a toad, and winters that are menopausal at best. I guess we just all grow to our surroundings. Outdoor growers here also face many challenges. Animals, high humidity and human theft. No way I could grow outdoors even in my own yard as the deer wander my yard like dogs.
We adapt, I may grumble about this place but I can't imagine living anywhere else now. We're happy for the most part and that's the important thing anyways......I could always use more sunshine but the last time we had it we had fires burning up our woods......I have this place in my mind that rains on Tues and Thurs between 2am and 6 am with white sand beaches, palm trees and blue waters...........I haven't found it yet but I've been looking.....
Hey mdk state laws don't make sense most places, my wife has a med license can grow 4 in flower 4 in veg and can have one oz of consumable product on hand.

Recreational i grow 2 and 2 and can have all of the finished product on hand under lock and key. My wife owns one oz i own the rest. Lol

Edit sp lol
Yeah bro state laws are fucking hilarious (not really). Like here in VA i read the dude who laid out the growing laws here said "we dont expect people to be able to grow more than an ounce". Like wtf about growing your own so you have enough weed to not have to buy it do they not understamd? Them trying to stop the black market is funny cuz they are so out of touch.
Well truth is we face a lot of adversity here. Summers that will fry the hair off a toad, and winters that are menopausal at best. I guess we just all grow to our surroundings. Outdoor growers here also face many challenges. Animals, high humidity and human theft. No way I could grow outdoors even in my own yard as the deer wander my yard like dogs.
We also have deer wander around our property like dogs, they arent even scared of us anymore. I had to scare one away yesterday cuz he was munching on our damn fruit trees we have planted! Damn deer go eat a bush! Lol they are cute though. They also bring lots of ticks i hear so fffffk that :/. We do all grow based off our own environment for sure. Here we are humid as heck and really high temps, winters are rainy and not too cold. I envy those growing in dryer environments cuz controlling RH when its 80% rh outside is tough!
That’s what I like about the new law with rec of being able to “gift” anyone three oz at a time. Never a prob to get rid of my overflow now!
Im allowed to give away 1 oz or 4gms concentrate under my recreational use, my wife wife with med license to grow her own can't give anything away.
@CannaGranny Buenas Dias! I cant keep up with this thread its like an active chat room lol. Hell yeah though keep on killin it CG. Hope ya have a good one today! Today im gonna tend to our veggie garden, run some errands in town and then clean my grow room and stare at my plants :p. I got stung by a ton of yellow jackets the other day, i walk barefoot a lot and the fkers got my ankles and feet. Now i got two soccer balls as ankles and i cant put my bike shoes on....rest week! I located the nest though and tonight im gonna pour a bottle of dish soap into their nest. Also got some traps nearby so the runners can get trapped. Yellow jackets are really bad around here for some reason.
@CannaGranny Buenas Dias! I cant keep up with this thread its like an active chat room lol. Hell yeah though keep on killin it CG. Hope ya have a good one today! Today im gonna tend to our veggie garden, run some errands in town and then clean my grow room and stare at my plants :p. I got stung by a ton of yellow jackets the other day, i walk barefoot a lot and the fkers got my ankles and feet. Now i got two soccer balls as ankles and i cant put my bike shoes on....rest week! I located the nest though and tonight im gonna pour a bottle of dish soap into their nest. Also got some traps nearby so the runners can get trapped. Yellow jackets are really bad around here for some reason.
That’s a serious sting! In the future should you get stung like this, immediately wipe it down with bleach. The bleach kills the toxins from the stings and you won’t experience such swelling.
A dangerous proposition messing with the nest.
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