First time grower questions


Dope Dynamo
Mar 13, 2024
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Hello everyone!

I’m getting a couple clones in next week.

I was thinking of putting my clones in 4” jiffy biodegradable pots straight into my 5 gallon fabric pot with BuildASoil 3 as the soil. Mainly to manage watering only around the clone and first roots, so I don’t unnecessarily water the rest of the pot.

Then would expect the biodegradable pot to give away as roots grow and then I water my clone full pot after vegetation stage kicks off.

Has anyone tried this approach and/or found a better way or have any suggestions with this approach?

Below is pic of my AC Infinity tent kit.
Any suggestions on fan placement and how far away should light be above clones?

My basement is cool and I wondering I’ll need a humidifier or heater ? What are your thoughts?

Thank you in advance for your input and advice.

I use the pellets but never tried the biodegradable pots. I think some people use thin nursery bags that if I recall correctly can be direct planted into pot and the roots will penetrate it (like a coffee filter material).

I think it'll work but I have heard instances where the roots had a hard time making it thru the biodegradable pots....i bet it'd be alright tho
Hello everyone!

I’m getting a couple clones in next week.

I was thinking of putting my clones in 4” jiffy biodegradable pots straight into my 5 gallon fabric pot with BuildASoil 3 as the soil. Mainly to manage watering only around the clone and first roots, so I don’t unnecessarily water the rest of the pot.
I would not plant the biodegradable pot in my fabric bags. One it does not degrade quick enough and it may hold water next to your roots which is also detrimental. This will build a mud hole beneath your plants, cutting oxygen to the roots and literally drowning your plant.
Then would expect the biodegradable pot to give away as roots grow and then I water my clone full pot after vegetation stage kicks off.
In a cloth bag, you need to water in the root zone, which means a circle around the outer edges of the bag.
Has anyone tried this approach and/or found a better way or have any suggestions with this approach?

Below is pic of my AC Infinity tent kit.
Any suggestions on fan placement and how far away should light be above clones?
You want/need air movement both above and below your plants. I like a nice gentle breeze versus a hard heavy blow.
My basement is cool and I wondering I’ll need a humidifier or heater ? What are your thoughts?
My guess is that you will need a bit of heat. You need a hygrometer that will let you know if you need to humidity or dehumidify.
Thank you in advance for your input and advice.

View attachment 49444
Can't say whether or not a heater and humidifier are necessary, but they will help keep your environment more in your control. Only time will tell whether or not they're NECESSARY, though.

Glad to have ya here and I hope you're able to get the help you need. We've got quite the community.

Personal tastes on the biodegradable pots. We've used them once and were not pleased, but that was because it messed with our watering schedule.

We start in plugs for roots/seeds and move to Solo cups after about a week or two depending on how rooted they are. If they've been growing well in the solo cup we move to 3gal pots and call it a day. If they aren't doing so hot, or a slower grower, looking at you trop cherry, we move them to a 1 gal from the solo then to the 3gal.

As far as heat humidity; you're picture shows it at 66 degrees with 47% RH. Both of those would be on the lower side for growing. Lights on and with plants in their transpiring will raise your RH and temps a bit, but you'll have to make that call.

For us early early veg is the only time we need a humidifier, the plants can't transpire enough to really raise the RH to the right levels. Pretty much all other times we have our dehumidifiers running. Temps are a bit more tricky, because you need to take into account air temp and leaf temp. We try to aim for 60-75%RH with 75+ leaf/air temp during veg. Flower we drop the RH down to 50% as we get later into flower, aiming to keep the temps around 80ish.

Personal tastes on the biodegradable pots. We've used them once and were not pleased, but that was because it messed with our watering schedule.

We start in plugs for roots/seeds and move to Solo cups after about a week or two depending on how rooted they are. If they've been growing well in the solo cup we move to 3gal pots and call it a day. If they aren't doing so hot, or a slower grower, looking at you trop cherry, we move them to a 1 gal from the solo then to the 3gal.

As far as heat humidity; you're picture shows it at 66 degrees with 47% RH. Both of those would be on the lower side for growing. Lights on and with plants in their transpiring will raise your RH and temps a bit, but you'll have to make that call.

For us early early veg is the only time we need a humidifier, the plants can't transpire enough to really raise the RH to the right levels. Pretty much all other times we have our dehumidifiers running. Temps are a bit more tricky, because you need to take into account air temp and leaf temp. We try to aim for 60-75%RH with 75+ leaf/air temp during veg. Flower we drop the RH down to 50% as we get later into flower, aiming to keep the temps around 80ish.
Thanks Cookies! I completely missed his hygrometer!
First off welcome to Bud Builders.
Hope we can steer you in the right direction.
Good advice above, I might be inclined to turn that tent on before you actually start your seeds and see where it sits.
Set your lighting for the seedlings % wise and time wise and run it for a couple days to see it goes.
The Build asoil3.0 was just recommended to me by a respectable seller in my area as replacement for the Sohum I used now un available.(y)
Said it was one of the better 'water only' soils.
Know if that is your plan up potting before flower should be into a volume of 3-4 times original.
So if you vegged in 1 gallon you could flower in 5 using just the 3.0 in theory. It is the largest addition at the beginning of flower that makes it work.
I would not plant the biodegradable pot in my fabric bags. One it does not degrade quick enough and it may hold water next to your roots which is also detrimental. This will build a mud hole beneath your plants, cutting oxygen to the roots and literally drowning your plant.

In a cloth bag, you need to water in the root zone, which means a circle around the outer edges of the bag.

You want/need air movement both above and below your plants. I like a nice gentle breeze versus a hard heavy blow.

My guess is that you will need a bit of heat. You need a hygrometer that will let you know if you need to humidity or dehumidify.

Personal tastes on the biodegradable pots. We've used them once and were not pleased, but that was because it messed with our watering schedule.

We start in plugs for roots/seeds and move to Solo cups after about a week or two depending on how rooted they are. If they've been growing well in the solo cup we move to 3gal pots and call it a day. If they aren't doing so hot, or a slower grower, looking at you trop cherry, we move them to a 1 gal from the solo then to the 3gal.

As far as heat humidity; you're picture shows it at 66 degrees with 47% RH. Both of those would be on the lower side for growing. Lights on and with plants in their transpiring will raise your RH and temps a bit, but you'll have to make that call.

For us early early veg is the only time we need a humidifier, the plants can't transpire enough to really raise the RH to the right levels. Pretty much all other times we have our dehumidifiers running. Temps are a bit more tricky, because you need to take into account air temp and leaf temp. We try to aim for 60-75%RH with 75+ leaf/air temp during veg. Flower we drop the RH down to 50% as we get later into flower, aiming to keep the temps around 80ish.
First off welcome to Bud Builders.
Hope we can steer you in the right direction.
Good advice above, I might be inclined to turn that tent on before you actually start your seeds and see where it sits.
Set your lighting for the seedlings % wise and time wise and run it for a couple days to see it goes.
The Build asoil3.0 was just recommended to me by a respectable seller in my area as replacement for the Sohum I used now un available.(y)
Said it was one of the better 'water only' soils.
Know if that is your plan up potting before flower should be into a volume of 3-4 times original.
So if you vegged in 1 gallon you could flower in 5 using just the 3.0 in theory. It is the largest addition at the beginning of flower that makes it work.
Yes, yes and yes.

The only thing I can add to this sage advice would be to try and find somewhere to exhaust the air in your tent outside the lung room. Bio pots, as mentioned, are hit and miss. Best to plant in something a little easier for the young roots to be able to grow through. Probably why the paper towel method is so popular.

As @steamroller mentioned, test and plan before you get your live plants in there. Learn what you are dealing with to figure out how to control it to your satisfaction or, at the very least, be able to mitigate it as best you can. Nice little setup!!!(y)

Unless the climate you're currently in is unusually humid or dry I would hold off on buying a humidifier/dehumidifier. Just be prepared to buy one. This is your first run so you don't really have an idea as to what you'll need. The seasons will also change those needs.
Hello everyone!

I’m getting a couple clones in next week.

I was thinking of putting my clones in 4” jiffy biodegradable pots straight into my 5 gallon fabric pot with BuildASoil 3 as the soil. Mainly to manage watering only around the clone and first roots, so I don’t unnecessarily water the rest of the pot.

Then would expect the biodegradable pot to give away as roots grow and then I water my clone full pot after vegetation stage kicks off.

Has anyone tried this approach and/or found a better way or have any suggestions with this approach?

Below is pic of my AC Infinity tent kit.
Any suggestions on fan placement and how far away should light be above clones?

My basement is cool and I wondering I’ll need a humidifier or heater ? What are your thoughts?

Thank you in advance for your input and advice.

View attachment 49444
Nice set up and welcome to Bud Builders!

I'm a hydro guy so I can't really help with ya'll's dirt :LOL:

....but from my experience, I run my inline fan and carbon filter on top of my tent and duct out so I have more head room. With that fan and filter inside your tent, you will have to be certain and keep your plants very short and squat or you will run into the light if they stretch more than you expect.
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