Yeah I’m not exactly sure what’s going leaf tips aren’t burnt to suggest overfeeding.I know @SSHZ says when he sees leaves going wavy its a sign they need more cal/mag…but my leaves are pretty green so there’s plenty of mg to make Chlorophyll for photosynthesis.theres only 2 plants showing wavy top leaves and 3 arching not too concerned as bud growth is not bad..I did look up on zamadelica and in a few posts they mention about the leaves curling down so it could possibly b genetic trait but unsure if it’s just grower error…it’s not deteriorating so I’ll keep moseying along
I see the "wavy leaves as as calcium def not necessarily calmag and i think that's what @SSHZ has mentioned not necessarily the magnesium side
I must of missed that bit brother or didn’t properly read what sshz said.if it is the case I’m wondering what percentage the general hydroponic calimagic I’m using is ..I don’t see any calcium def on my leaves…I still think it has something to do with the light.the only other time I do get it is when I start my seedlings off and the leaves go wavy and if you look at the leaves lower down they aren’t affected as much…
I must of missed that bit brother or didn’t properly read what sshz said.if it is the case I’m wondering what percentage the general hydroponic calimagic I’m using is ..I don’t see any calcium def on my leaves…I still think it has something to do with the light.the only other time I do get it is when I start my seedlings off and the leaves go wavy and if you look at the leaves lower down they aren’t affected as much…
CaliMagic has 5% Cal and 1.4% Magnesium. Maybe substitute some epsons for the calimagic for now and see if that helps?
I must of missed that bit brother or didn’t properly read what sshz said.if it is the case I’m wondering what percentage the general hydroponic calimagic I’m using is ..I don’t see any calcium def on my leaves…I still think it has something to do with the light.the only other time I do get it is when I start my seedlings off and the leaves go wavy and if you look at the leaves lower down they aren’t affected as much…
Max it does not look like a nutrient problem to me. Heat, light or humdity problem IMO
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i think this started at at week 5 .I upped the air temp just slightly ..but the rh has been right down since then getting down to 36% max when lights come on and hoovers between 41-to 51% lights on.light is bout 23 inches away.I haven’t checked the leaf temps…it would b good if my dimmer could b lowered in 1% increments than the 4 settings it has.25-50-75-100% .I could lower it just a little.25% a big drop down.I always run the light intensity hard right to the end...I might try lowering the room temps .I will have to unplug the bar heater and get the rh up a fraction.leaving it on room air temp will b reached quicker bringing in fresh air that will keep rh down .I will check to see how much they drink too.this low rh is making them pull up more nutes I believe which is why they are dark making the roots absorb more than they should b.ppms are pretty low atm at 540ppm ..
i think the VPD is off. i imagine RH measurements aren't accurate, there are a ton of leaves dropping a lot of moisture in there. do you know what your RH is about 10 minutes after lights out?

my knee jerk is not enough air movement to keep the environment the same throughout -- especially that back right corner where the twist is real severe. there's dead air in the space and the plants are suffocating for lack of a better term. does not look nutrient related to me at all.

oh, hi guys! dropped my two cents before i announced i'm here 😁
yes Max, too green at this point in flowering. but they look great, nice job buddy!
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i think the VPD is off. i imagine RH measurements aren't accurate, there are a ton of leaves dropping a lot of moisture in there. do you know what your RH is about 10 minutes after lights out?

my knee jerk is not enough air movement to keep the environment the same throughout -- especially that back right corner where the twist is real severe. there's dead air in the space and the plants are suffocating for lack of a better term. does not look nutrient related to me at all.

oh, hi guys! dropped my two cents before i announced i'm here 😁
Hi man..we are one big family doors always open 😃 ..bout 44% at lights out down to 39% when lights come on..
id agree my environments playing up atm..I have been running 2 heaters.1 finned 1 tube..she’s been cold.if I turn one off rh goes up over 60 .keep it on through lights on and keeps it down aver bout 46% .leaf temps have been down even when the rooms at 80 f ,down like 24-25 max.... i dont usually keep track on vid as it’s like chasing your tail and make me start changing things.previous grows have been near bang on when I’ve checked it but since we haven’t had buggerall rain and seems I’m in a shed and the weather dictates what happens inside and we normally get 4 seasons here in one day but today and a little bit of yesterday we have had showers so rh is getting back up to where it usually is around 46-55% so the vpd should get a little better. Leaf temp usually is 25-26 temp 26.6 c 80f and rh averaging 53 + - …I actually don’t think those leaves will straighten out now..
yes Max, too green at this point in flowering. but they look great, nice job buddy!
Yeah they are..I’m only at at 540ppm too.30 of that is cal/mag..and still running the boost for another week…will b 8 weeks in then..buds look good on 4 of them and one is very slow building it’s buds.going to b really late that one..didn’t start budding to day 24.leans real hard to the sativa side that one..
haha..they could b better though in overall environment is better but leaves still not out flat..they will stay like that till chop..buds look chunky..I guess that’s the most important thing hey…
haha..they could b better though in overall environment is better but leaves still not out flat..they will stay like that till chop..buds look chunky..I guess that’s the most important thing hey…
So they'll stay like that?

Mine drooped like yours so I did a res change and readjusted my ratios, but the drooping hasn't recovered. I'd say I'm a few days to a week from chop.

Makes me feel better. I've been buggin' since I'm not seeing them perk back up.
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Here you go......

Why Is Cal-Mag Deficiency So Common in Weed Plants?​

If you frequent cannabis growing forums, you’re likely under the impression that calcium and magnesium deficiency is an epidemic. Almost every picture of a discoloured leaf and withering plant gets a reply of “just hit it with cal-mag, bro”. While this deficiency certainly causes issues in many growing operations, in some circumstances, adding it fails to address the root cause of the issue.
Calcium deficiency stages

Cal-Mag Deficiency Is a Controversial Topic​

Calcium and magnesium deficiencies certainly exist in cannabis, but this hasn’t stopped some growers from taking the hard-line position that it doesn’t. Rather than blaming a lack of cal-mag in soil, they blame environmental variables instead, including poor pH management and an excessive application of other nutrients. If you’re sure that you’ve dialled in your pH and haven’t swamped your plants with potassium, they’ll benefit from a dose of cal-mag.

The Symptoms of Cal-Mag Deficiency in Weed Plants​

So, what exactly does a lack of calcium and magnesium look like? Whether your growing medium genuinely lacks these elements or your pH levels are to blame, you can expect similar symptoms. Check out what calcium deficiency and magnesium deficiency look like during each stage of the growing cycle.

Signs of Cal-Mag Deficiency During the Seedling Stage​

Plants are extremely vulnerable during the seedling stage. Any sort of deficiency or disease at this time can send plants off on a negative trajectory from the start. The signs of a cal-mag deficiency during the seedling stage include:

  • Stunted growth
  • Yellow and brown discolouration of leaves
  • Weak stems
  • Leaves that curl upward or downward

Cal-Mag Deficiency Symptoms During the Vegetative Stage​

Cannabis plants put all of their energy into photosynthesising and packing on size during the vegetative phase. A lack of cal-mag during this time can inhibit this process, leading to underwhelming results down the line. Look out for these signs:

  • Brown or yellow spots or edges on leaves
  • Slow rate of growth
  • Crispy leaf tips

What a Lack of Cal-Mag Looks Like in the Flowering Stage​

Because calcium and magnesium assist in protein synthesis and energy capture, they are vital during flowering formation. A deficiency during bloom with give rise to the following symptoms:

  • Brown and yellow spots on buds
  • Brittle leaves
  • Small and loose buds
  • Small yields
Magnesium deficiency stages

Cal-Mag Deficiencies: Know the Signs and Act Accordingly​

You just upgraded your cannabis cultivation knowledge! You’re now aware of why calcium and magnesium almost always occur as a pair in plant supplements. You also know why these elements are so important for plant health, and what the signs of deficiencies look like.

So, before you start pouring cal-mag onto your weed plants, remember to make sure that your pH is within the proper range, and that you’re not adding too much potassium to your growing medium. If everything checks out, then add cal-mag, and watch your plants bounce back in style.
The piece had pic's but didn't download........i generally don't worry about whether it's a CA problem or a Mg problem, since i apply them together in cal/mag............i also occasionally do a 5ml per gallon spray at light out and spray it off with clean water at lights on, to take care of any up coming issues. In veg, not flowering, of course.
beginning of day 13.going to start the classic canna Flores tonite.usually I begin using it around 3 weeks in flower but I ran out of vega last grow at day 12 and I couldn’t tell the difference.,they never lightened up one bit so the Flores has plenty of N available for the I will start early again .I was pretty happy with last grow which produced 34 oz‘s and a bit left over.pretty much near bang on what I average with this can’t really handle anymore than that as I haven’t an big ass dehuey .the hepa filters stop the mold through passive ventilation but it always seems to get in from somewhere else.most likely from the shed door when I open it..thinking of getting an uv light to put in there to kill it in its tracks..
the girls are really starting to pickup now filling the room up..I will b pulling them out very soon to stake them and remove the inner leaves to open them upwill put some trolley wheels on a couple stands to get them all near on even terms.😃..pic.View attachment 2802
Looking good
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But at the beginning of the deficiency, the leaves become wavey with ripples in them.
I've seen it with excessive and pH issues also. Could you please explain this a little bit more

Is it a ripple that's
given forums are just about the only social media i use anymore, can't help but facepalm at the fact this situation is so much like the shit that used to happen in various facebook groups it's unreal. grown ass men throwing childish fits over potential competition. there's literally no harm being inflicted on them other than that which they're inflicting themselves. there's gotta be a deeper rooted psychological issue going on, man.
It's about power, control and $$$ bubba. You just maybe never had interactions with logic on his own terms

He keeps Diesel wound up like his little pitbull and he's more than glad to play the role given to him
Mostly higher level growers are a little bit of control freak

Adam takes the cake 🎂 for being a control freak. He's on a much higher level than many of the good growers, except he does it with people
So they'll stay like that?

Mine drooped like yours so I did a res change and readjusted my ratios, but the drooping hasn't recovered. I'd say I'm a few days to a week from chop.

Makes me feel better. I've been buggin' since I'm not seeing them perk back up.
Too much light, it sounds like.
Combined with twisting/rippling/wavy leafs?

But if you're about to chop no point changing anything
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But at the beginning of the deficiency, the leaves become wavey with ripples in them.
it showed up at week 5 and it’s now day 53 and the wavy leaves hasn’t progressed to a def..I’ve even reduced the cal mag by is in my nutrients and I’ve only been adding low dose.. was 50ppm but now I’m only giving them 20-30 ppm.i havnt had to add any extra cal/mag to the mix but I experimented bout 3 grows back or so and since I have the quality of the buds improoved so I’ve kept using it…I’ve had droopy leaves before but never twisty ones apart from seedlings getting it which I thought was the light.through veg they received an extra 30ppm everyday which is fa and I’ve never had a cal/mag def afaik..I can’t see plants wanting more cal/mag getting towards the end of grow when then buds are just about finished growing but just putting on weight..I’ve started reducing there feed now.that one which has the twisty leaves the top bud hasn’t grown but lower ones have.
Think I might have a couple front ones that will b earlier than expected .could b looking at end of week 11 but not sure..the pistils have started dying so that’s great..on the better plants too.I will stop the canna boost and reduce the feed back to 500ppm.looks like plenty of bag appeal on they way 💪.oh the back middle plant has the tennis ball smell’s pretty wicked..she was the runt of the litter too but I kept a cutting off her and the front 3..I was going to run these nxt but have decided not to as they all aren’t on even terms ,also will wait till my mates have a few cones of the plants before deciding which one(s) to keep.
Nice run bro, I have experimented using Canna Coco nutes this time which has calcium in the "A" part & magnesium in the "B" part. So this run I added Agritech Cal/Mag Fuel 10-15 ml. to the usual 2 part dose, which I don't know how much is in the Canna coco nutes,Ha! It worked out ok no boomba's or bobbles in the phenotypes photoperiods or Auto's in the 3x3 grow. SSgrower Cheers Mates
Well the hyalite small fan just shat itself…fuck me..I’m getting really sick and tired of these fucken Chinese shit fans…
The the hydro guy said he’s never had one brought back..he’s full of shit..

same’s the cord going into the rear of fan thats the problem…pissed off 🤬
Maybe purchase a pk of Jeff’s ❤️ stash..been told it’s a real leg opener..@tobh grew this out and they were humugus .would b a perfect candidate for your grow style slg ..they are regs but..Jeff should make some fems of these.. @dragonsflamegenetics
I ran missys love stash ! Appropriate name I loved it as well wasn’t able to keep her thru the move though, it sure these are for sale anymore
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