Random picture thread

Been wanting to get my desktop speakers elevated with a tilt function for a while because as anyone that loves high fidelity sound knows, any time a speaker's line of sight gets obstructed, the sound ends up muffled.

Will be modifying these a bit but goddamn. So far these aren't a bad purchase for $25. They'll do exactly what I need with a bit of cutting and drilling.
Hi-fi used to be one of my big spending buckets, then I lost hearing in my left ear and everything went weird.

Spend that money on the garden now so win some, lose some!
Hi-fi used to be one of my big spending buckets, then I lost hearing in my left ear and everything went weird.

Spend that money on the garden now so win some, lose some!
that's rough man... i couldn't live without hearing. the hobby is becoming a bigger budget sink, but at least my kids are learning what good music sounds like on good systems lol.
Been wanting to get my desktop speakers elevated with a tilt function for a while because as anyone that loves high fidelity sound knows, any time a speaker's line of sight gets obstructed, the sound ends up muffled.

Will be modifying these a bit but goddamn. So far these aren't a bad purchase for $25. They'll do exactly what I need with a bit of cutting and drilling.
View attachment 68293

And if that doesn’t cooperate shoot it. Lol

S&W M&P9 Gen1?
And if that doesn’t cooperate shoot it. Lol

S&W M&P9 Gen1?
M2.0 3.5" barrel. It's my current EDC, keep ending up in the gun shop drooling over a Ruger SP101 in .357 and 2.5" barrel for the next EDC. I'm not the biggest dude and I can't NOT print carrying the S&W in anything I wear during the summer.
Been wanting to get my desktop speakers elevated with a tilt function for a while because as anyone that loves high fidelity sound knows, any time a speaker's line of sight gets obstructed, the sound ends up muffled.

Will be modifying these a bit but goddamn. So far these aren't a bad purchase for $25. They'll do exactly what I need with a bit of cutting and drilling.
View attachment 68293
Why do you have duct tape over the trigger guard? Or is it something else?
Why do you have duct tape over the trigger guard? Or is it something else?
not sure what you mean?

i carry with a trigger guard because I haven't found either an IWB or OWB holster that I like, or works with my body. shitty thing about having a CCW and being on the smaller size compared to average men, most holsters are for 5'10"+ dudes or fat dudes, and I'm neither of those haha. so, it's just a kydex trigger guard [<-- that's a link] to ensure I don't shoot myself, or anyone else, unintentionally while (de)concealing the firearm. they're specifically designed for people that can't use normal people holsters.
not sure what you mean?

i carry with a trigger guard because I haven't found either an IWB or OWB holster that I like, or works with my body. shitty thing about having a CCW and being on the smaller size compared to average men, most holsters are for 5'10"+ dudes or fat dudes, and I'm neither of those haha. so, it's just a kydex trigger guard [<-- that's a link] to ensure I don't shoot myself, or anyone else, unintentionally while (de)concealing the firearm. they're specifically designed for people that can't use normal people holsters.
$25 for those speakers sounds like a steal and that stand is pretty darned cool. Sound tech has come a long way. Back in the day my buddies and I all wanted massive JBL, Cerwin Vega, Polk, etc. speakers with rack amp and fancy eq. Now I'm fairly happy with the sound I'm getting out of small bluetooth speakers. I rarely run external sound from my speaker, tho. Pretty much just bluetooth from by phone, these days

I know that everyone is different, but I went through a couple IWB holsters before finding Massaro Holster Works. They make one that is infinitely adjustable due to the Kydex holster having velcro backing. You can raise is, lower it and fiddle with the angle until you find what suits you. It can be configured for appendix, hip, 4:00, etc. I settled on 4:00 because my gut just doesn't let me get comfy with appendix when sitting.
$25 for those speakers sounds like a steal and that stand is pretty darned cool. Sound tech has come a long way. Back in the day my buddies and I all wanted massive JBL, Cerwin Vega, Polk, etc. speakers with rack amp and fancy eq. Now I'm fairly happy with the sound I'm getting out of small bluetooth speakers. I rarely run external sound from my speaker, tho. Pretty much just bluetooth from by phone, these days

I know that everyone is different, but I went through a couple IWB holsters before finding Massaro Holster Works. They make one that is infinitely adjustable due to the Kydex holster having velcro backing. You can raise is, lower it and fiddle with the angle until you find what suits you. It can be configured for appendix, hip, 4:00, etc. I settled on 4:00 because my gut just doesn't let me get comfy with appendix when sitting.
Oh, the speaker setup was just under $200, but I got it on sale. It's the budget line of Klipsch's offering for their mid-price range desktop setup. It's a 2:1 setup with a 100w subwoofer, and two monitors with a mid range driver and a tweeter in each. Punches above its budget, for sure. The stands were about $25 on amazon, though. Got em chopped up and waiting for the paint to dry now, will assemble everything and post pics tomorrow once everything is all tidied up.

Man, when I was in college I learned to play guitar from this old cat. He had a mesa tube amp with a cerwin vega in it that sounded incredible. Definitely still carry that appreciation for quality drivers. In cars, I don't care so much anymore. I don't listen to music when I'm driving anymore, the engine is music to me. But at home? Wherever I am doing activities -- the office, the family room, the den, the garage -- it's gotta sound as good as my wallet can stomach without compromise. Loud doesn't matter, the cleanliness of the sound is what matters.

Appreciate the lead on the holster. I've been through four ranging from $30 to over $100 and none have worked out. Keep ending up back on the trigger guard holster simply because it's super compact and I can easily appendix carry or 6 oclock carry or pocket carry, depending on what I'm wearing, and where I'm at, and can be reasonably sure I'm not printing so hard it draws attention. I refuse to carry OWB during the summer. It draws way too much unwanted attention, and none of it is positive.
Looking forward to seeing the modified stands. I'm the opposite on driving. Gotta have my music. Sometimes I almost wish I had a longer commute to work, lol.

Was that a Mesa Boogie amp? I have a buddy who play bass through a Mesa Boogie amp. He loves it. I haven't been around any of their guitar amps, but they have to be nice.

I didn't mean to come off like I was trying to sell you on the holster. Sounds like you've found the perfect holster for your needs other than printing in some clothes. I just checked and Massaro's site was down. It will suck if he goes under and I need to replace my holster or switch to a new sidearm.

Looking forward to seeing the modified stands. I'm the opposite on driving. Gotta have my music. Sometimes I almost wish I had a longer commute to work, lol.

Was that a Mesa Boogie amp? I have a buddy who play bass through a Mesa Boogie amp. He loves it. I haven't been around any of their guitar amps, but they have to be nice.

I didn't mean to come off like I was trying to sell you on the holster. Sounds like you've found the perfect holster for your needs other than printing in some clothes. I just checked and Massaro's site was down. It will suck if he goes under and I need to replace my holster or switch to a new sidearm.

View attachment 68352
View attachment 68353
Yes! A Mesa boogie! Ran a 65 strat through it, and it sang.

No disrespect taken, that holster looks like something that might work. I like the leather on the back, but kydex isn't great at giving the same flex. It's a hard thing to deal with.
Question for the builders among us. I want to remove this wall but I'm not sure is it's load bearing. There's no anchor to the concrete foundation. It runs parallel to the ceiling/floor joists (it's in the basement). There isn't another wall above it. In fact, is about 4' from the nearest wall on the floor above.

I didn't expect to find two studs side by side like this, though, so now I'm wondering if it is in fact load bearing and things were just done differently in the 70s. I'm probably gonna cut another hole at the top to confirm the header runs all the way across the closet openings (two, 4' wide each). Any input?
Center section is the wall in question
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I would guess the back wall in closet/ foundation is the bearing wall.
Parallel with floor joist also indicates non load bearing.
If it was support for a header it and the header would be perpendicular to floor joist.

Just how I see it. Been in construction since 1995, albeit a roofer. :oops:
and here's the top. looks like two trimmer studs to me, and the header runs the full span across the closet openings. it's been years since i've done new construction, and I only ever did single story, but this looks safe to remove to me. i hit up a buddy that's a retired home inspector to confirm it looks kosher to him too. once i'm certain, this thing is coming out and i'll get on with doing the closet organizer build out.

Just to be certain I might end up using the 2x4s here as supports and just move them further about then trim them out just to be certain that header is supported adequately and not negatively impact the integrity of that header or the openings.
Is this part of your closet/ office build?
Is this part of your closet/ office build?
that's the thread I'll be documenting things in, yeah.
not sure what you mean?

i carry with a trigger guard because I haven't found either an IWB or OWB holster that I like, or works with my body. shitty thing about having a CCW and being on the smaller size compared to average men, most holsters are for 5'10"+ dudes or fat dudes, and I'm neither of those haha. so, it's just a kydex trigger guard [<-- that's a link] to ensure I don't shoot myself, or anyone else, unintentionally while (de)concealing the firearm. they're specifically designed for people that can't use normal people holsters.
Copy that. I didn't realize it was in a holster.
M2.0 3.5" barrel. It's my current EDC,
Nice. Thought the back end had the beaver tail like mine. Should have noticed the more aggressive grip dimples. I moded my back end so it’s flat now.

keep ending up in the gun shop drooling over a Ruger SP101 in .357 and 2.5" barrel for the next EDC. I'm not the biggest dude and I can't NOT print carrying the S&W in anything I wear during the summer.

I never got into revolvers. Uncle had lots of them. I picked up the Ruger 1911 full size. I’m tall with large hands. The shorter commander version just didn’t feel right. IMG_9580.jpeg
Question for the builders among us. I want to remove this wall but I'm not sure is it's load bearing. There's no anchor to the concrete foundation. It runs parallel to the ceiling/floor joists (it's in the basement). There isn't another wall above it. In fact, is about 4' from the nearest wall on the floor above.

I didn't expect to find two studs side by side like this, though, so now I'm wondering if it is in fact load bearing and things were just done differently in the 70s. I'm probably gonna cut another hole at the top to confirm the header runs all the way across the closet openings (two, 4' wide each). Any input?
View attachment 68508
Center section is the wall in question
View attachment 68512

My bet is it’s just doubled up for rigidity. Wood was cheap so a few extra boards to make it feel good and solid.
Nice. Thought the back end had the beaver tail like mine. Should have noticed the more aggressive grip dimples. I moded my back end so it’s flat now.
View attachment 68591

I never got into revolvers. Uncle had lots of them. I picked up the Ruger 1911 full size. I’m tall with large hands. The shorter commander version just didn’t feel right. View attachment 68592
gah the 1911 platform is so damn sexy. Some day I'll add one to my collection. They're just too pricey for me to justify the expense right now.

i grew up around revolvers, and in some cases think they're a more appropriate tool for the required job. in my case, it's large predator defense (including 6ft tall 350lb methed out lumberjack biker types). Plus I think the rounded frame will help hide the lines a lot better than the S&W or my $100 hammer cough hi-point .45 lol.

the hi-point is alright but it doesn't like to pass anything other than the cheapest of brass ammo, and even then still ends up failing to eject properly about 2/10 times. it's the last line of home defense because if it don't fire, I can chuck it at an intruder and it'll knock em TF out since it weighs like 17lbs. Ideally I won't have to ever reach for it, though. Got the Maverick 88 12 gauge loaded with 1oz slugs and 8 shot for the fuck around types.
My bet is it’s just doubled up for rigidity. Wood was cheap so a few extra boards to make it feel good and solid.
yeah, that's what I figured out as i removed it. those studs were basically floating in the cavity, so they doubled up to give a little bit more rigidity. so far the floor above it hasn't come crashing down, and the header ain't making any weird noises, so I think I'm good haha
Nice. Thought the back end had the beaver tail like mine. Should have noticed the more aggressive grip dimples. I moded my back end so it’s flat now.
View attachment 68591

I never got into revolvers. Uncle had lots of them. I picked up the Ruger 1911 full size. I’m tall with large hands. The shorter commander version just didn’t feel right. View attachment 68592
ive always loved the 1911s....
My uncle was a hunter and war memorabilia collector.

1911 I loved. Luger was cool too. I was a teen then.
pretty sure my late father had a Luger. he carried a Derringer 380 in his boot, and pretty sure it was an old Luger he carried on his hip. old Vietnam vet that never came all the way home. Was also a patch holder, so effectively kept a target on his back and required some real guns to go with his massive arms lol
pretty sure my late father had a Luger. he carried a Derringer 380 in his boot, and pretty sure it was an old Luger he carried on his hip.
Uncle was one of the few who couldn’t serve. Lost half a lung to bronchitis. But he must have had hundreds of firearms. Train lanterns and pocket watches too. Interesting man.

old Vietnam vet that never came all the way home. Was also a patch holder, so effectively kept a target on his back and required some real guns to go with his massive arms lol
Ya, we’ve never really looked after those who served. Too many fall through the gaps.

I got rid of the beaver tail on my M&P9 so it would fit this…

Really like taking it to the range. Especially the indoor. Wish we could use more than 10rnd mags. (Ya, I know the 10mm mag trick.)
Uncle was one of the few who couldn’t serve. Lost half a lung to bronchitis. But he must have had hundreds of firearms. Train lanterns and pocket watches too. Interesting man.

Ya, we’ve never really looked after those who served. Too many fall through the gaps.

I got rid of the beaver tail on my M&P9 so it would fit this…
View attachment 68662View attachment 68663

Really like taking it to the range. Especially the indoor. Wish we could use more than 10rnd mags. (Ya, I know the 10mm mag trick.)
That's fuckin cool man
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