SSHZ does Ethos "Mandarin Cookies R3"


Weed Growing Machine
Bud Builders Supporter
Apr 14, 2023
Reaction score




Variety: Fem Photo
Flowering Time: 60-63 Days
Yield: Very High
TAC: 25-30%


Heavy Orange


Many years of breeding have gone into making this more homogenous version of Mandarin Cookies. We've finally captured all of the various desired qualities from previous versions and have them all in this one. Expect INTENSE terpenes, along with large, extremely dense flowers completely coated with trichomes. She’s amazing for extractions and easy to grow in any environment.
Pungent Terpenes
Thrives Indoors & Outdoors
Great for Extractions
High Yield


  • Her effects are long-lasting, enjoyable and chill—but not sleepy.
  • Medium height with good vigor and perfect internode spacing. She grows well in any system or environment.
  • Extremely dense with a high bract-to-leaf ratio. She’s covered in trichomes and super terpy.
Thanks guys...... I'll start posting when i'm a bit further along. I'll do the soil work over the weekend, then start up officially mid next week.
I just won this on another site..........I may give it away, or not. I really can't use it. I'm waiting to see any conditions, requiremenuts, etc. associated with the win. I'll let you guys know.

I had surgery yesterday, it became a little more involved than what was expected. 3 week recovery period, per the Dr. before I’m feeling better. So, I’ll get some help starting up everything by the weekend but won’t start posting the grow until flowering most likely………
I had surgery yesterday, it became a little more involved than what was expected. 3 week recovery period, per the Dr. before I’m feeling better. So, I’ll get some help starting up everything by the weekend but won’t start posting the grow until flowering most likely………
If i were closer man i would give you a hand. Hope all goes well for you mang!
Gods speed..
But seriously, I had a BIG puss filled cyst in my left sinus, which stopped me from breathing out my left nostril. Oral surgeon removed two infected teeth, cleaned up infection in gum area, but the infection ate away all the bone at the bottom of the sinus cavity. So, they removed the cyst, scraped the lining of the sinus cavity and sent it to pathology, then rebuilt where the bone was with a “fat flap” from another part of my mouth. Then sealed where the teeth were, just like when you have teeth pulled.

An hour later, and 25+ stitches, I’m on 4 meds and recovery will take about 3 weeks. The left side of my face is swelled about double size, my eye is slightly blackened and obviously can only eat soft foods on my right side. Can’t blow my nose for 3 weeks, which sucks too. Otherwise, things are
But seriously, I had a BIG puss filled cyst in my left sinus, which stopped me from breathing out my left nostril. Oral surgeon removed two infected teeth, cleaned up infection in gum area, but the infection ate away all the bone at the bottom of the sinus cavity. So, they removed the cyst, scraped the lining of the sinus cavity and sent it to pathology, then rebuilt where the bone was with a “fat flap” from another part of my mouth. Then sealed where the teeth were, just like when you have teeth pulled.

An hour later, and 25+ stitches, I’m on 4 meds and recovery will take about 3 weeks. The left side of my face is swelled about double size, my eye is slightly blackened and obviously can only eat soft foods on my right side. Can’t blow my nose for 3 weeks, which sucks too. Otherwise, things are
Holy shit man! 😳 glad things went ok in surgery, hoping you have a speedy recovery without any issues!
Oh fuck.that could of been nasty sshz if that got in your bloodstream and caused another infection someplace else..that can kill you man.did you have a massive toothache ,or went un noticed apart from blocked sinus…I’ve been battling sinus problems for bloody months.ive been pumping Sudafed in my nose that much I need to get some shares in the company who you getting to help..the army guy across the road or the judge to help you with the grow..
Yeah, again, the surgeon was very surprised just how bad it actually was.............the time leading up to the surgery was worse than this recovery. I was quite anxious about it, not knowing what to expect. i was wide awake for the surgery but had nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and had taken a lorazapam tab for anxiety. So i was out of it but still conscious, as the Dr. was giving me a blow by blow description as he went along............great doctor though, Harvard trained dentist, Univ. of Penn Dr. He's also a guitar player so we had some discussion prior on instruments, type of music we play, etc.

I'll have to do the dirt work myself, no one can help me with that. I'll bribe the wife to carry all the pots down to the basement. My used to be reliable pot smoking neighbor is having more serious alcohol issues and has become ultra unreliable these days. Not sure i'd ask anyone else to help anymore.......pot smokers are not the most reliable bunch of helpers. lol
Symptoms...........i just knew something was wrong, it didn't feel right. Went to Endodontist for a root canal first but it kept bothering me for months afterwards. He just kept prescribing antibiotics. Then went back for an x-ray, and the entire area was black, meaning an infection. All the bone was eaten away. Waited 2 months for an appointment for the surgeon, he's in great demand. Then another 2 months for the surgery. So, don't neglect mouth discomfort, and take care of things before it gets worse. All this shit is pricey too, my dental plan only covers about $1500 a year tops.........
I had surgery yesterday, it became a little more involved than what was expected. 3 week recovery period, per the Dr. before I’m feeling better. So, I’ll get some help starting up everything by the weekend but won’t start posting the grow until flowering most likely………
I know the feeling.:(

Been in rehab for the hand for the last few weeks and I'm ready to get back in the fight but doc keeps telling me if I do I'll tear the sutures....Damn....

Take it easy and heal up. We'll be waiting to see the flower explosion!!!!😄
Just received notice the Phlizon led is on its way............ here it is again below. I’d love to give this to someone on here! if you are a regular poster in threads and could use it, please message me.

Just received notice the Phlizon led is on its way............ here it is again below. I’d love to give this to someone on here! if you are a regular poster in threads and could use it, please message me.

Rootsruler gets the light, since he’s a regular poster and requested it first........
Recovery karma on high~! 👊
Just received notice the Phlizon led is on its way............ here it is again below. I’d love to give this to someone on here! if you are a regular poster in threads and could use it, please message me.

That b a good light for first couple weeks of veg…how’d you win that one..still got the other bar light.
Rootsruler gets the light, since he’s a regular poster and requested it first........
So excited! Thank You Brother! This should fit in perfect with the grow I have going right now. Currently we're still in veg but flip is coming in the next week or so and having an extra 200w in the tent will bring the lighting power in the tent to 750w. I have the VS1500 that I was going to use to supplement the light power I'll need for flower but that is 150w and better suited for my 2 x 2 tester tent.

Again, can't wait to get it in the tent and working!!! Thanks!!!:love:
I have the Gavita's of course, and the Medic Fold 8 I won in another contest just sits in a box in storage as a back up if i ever need it. This one was won at, I just took a pic of the room and posted it. I think only 2 people signed up for the contest, so i had a 50/50 chance. lol I've won a lot of stuff over the years, just lucky I guess. I give most of it away........i run my room on the simple side so don't need much of it anyway.
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