This where I got the daytime/nightime temp control idea from.


The Legend​

JoinedApr 15, 2023Messages633Reaction score3,617Points93
In horticulture, the day/night differential (DIF) refers to the difference between the highest daytime temperature versus the lowest nighttime temperature. Studies have shown that a fluctuation in day/night temperatures actually promotes greater growth than maintaining a steady, concise temperature during the day and night.

Plant stem length, known as internodal elongation, reacts to the day/night differential. A stem’s length is dictated by its cell’s internode length and number. To control a plant’s height, a grower must control how long the stem’s internodes grow and how many individual nodes are produced by the plant. This can be done by utilizing the day/night differential.

The greater the difference between the day and night temperatures, the more elongated the plant’s cells become, and some plants also produce more nodes when the temperature fluctuates dramatically. The number of elongated nodes in the stems make the plant taller. Cooler temperatures during the day and hotter temperatures at night have the reverse effect on the plant's growth
Plants will respond rapidly to the day/night differential. Growth rates often escalate in as little as 24 hours after the temperature change. Large swings in the DIF produces rapid stem growth, but dramatic temperature changes also increase the humidity in the greenhouse or grow room. Nighttime humidity increases can cause mold or stunted growth in plants, so if a grower utilizes DIF to spur plant growth, then humidity levels must be controlled and maintained.

Growers often try to create a negative DIF to produce a bushy, short, compact plant. Managing a cooler daytime temperature and a warmer nighttime temperature is often a daunting task, especially in a greenhouse when the sunlight naturally increases the temperature.

Growers often have to use air conditioners and other cooling devices during the day if they seek a negative DIF. Generally, growers try to maintain only a 5 degree DIF to produce acceptable growth that also exhibits tight node growth and optimum branching.

Many plants have also been shown to produce greater color contrasts when exposed to DIF. However, various plants, cultivars, and strains all react differently to the day/night differential

Big thanks to @Mad Max for the idea.
Sure seemed to keep my spacing nice and tight.
This was much easier to do growing at night and having lights off during the day and letting the Air Conditioner have total control over the room.👊
Yep.lights off through the day and on of a night you can control the room’s marvellous how many ways we can manipulate these girls in a controlled environment..I’ve never tried through veg only in flower to stop them stretching…seems to have worked very well for you steamroller.I thank @Dirtbag for bringing it up over the other place .I thought straight really…this could give me some much needed height back...

plants look really nice Steam 💪
Big Thanks @Mad Max and to @Dirtbag for sharing your info.
Anecdotal as it is being my first time doing this I believe it helped to control the stretch also?
Maybe it is just wishful thinking as it popped into my mind while I was doing this, but between mature plants and controlled temps I think my stretch was no big deal.
I wanted bigger plants before flip but as time went by I had to flip incase the stretch was crazy.
I appreciate the kind words from everyone. 😍
Reaffirming for sure.👊
When walking in the dark it is always 50/50 you may stumble whether you go right, left or keeping moving forward.
I guess I run a negative dif in my shed.
As I understand that is what many want most of the time and definitely in flower.
I just figured with it being summer and I would need the AC anyways even running at night that I would run it 24/7 not just during lights on.
I know the temps will change at night with lights out soon enough. I don't think I will even be done in time to not use the heater~!
I think/hope the heater may become my " dehumidifier " if the timing is right, but who knows what will happen weatherwise anymore.🤷‍♂️
My lights off temps are over 75 and hit 80+ but in a peak event of the day then falls back. As year moves on they should lower. And my lights on(at night) I try to run steady 75 with heater going. I'm at the mercy of the humidity if outside humidity gets to high.

It may explain why my plants don't stretch as much.
Over the summer I doubt my room got much under 80 at night. I think I had AC set for 82.
The room is super insulated and my 24 hour hi/low temp never blinked besides that.
Only since flipping and turning lights on during day has it been cooler at anytime.
First week of lights during the day it went up to 88 a couple days. Our first heatwave and the limit for my AC I guess.
I feel it imitated nature accurately and kind of said a little thank you to the Grow Gods~!
4 weeks today~!
^^Average temp at 8 am^^ ^^ Overnight lows^^ ^^ Daytime highs^^
Helping RH by pouring water on the luan floor~!
Kind of like the way this is working.
Ready to go to the end~!;)
Last weeks pics are videos
Here is the room in action this morning~!
View attachment 1001230756.mp4
Gave everyone a little Grow Big and Wholly Mackerel as I have seen some yellow leaves on some of these girls.
Did a mini defol and removed all yellow and many upper large fans.
Then fed last dose of Open Sesame and started with Beastie Bloomz.
Going to hit them with MG today.

I have been top watering 90% and then adding plain water to trays for the final gulp.
Been doing this most of the grow. Trying to avoid any run off but still water to max amount possible.
I have 15 Blumats arriving tomorrow to help out on a short upcoming trip.

All pics taken with phone since doing the video.

Started planning next grow so I ordered Zamal Dreams and Yunnan Dragon from Jeff @Dragon Flames Genetics.
Looking at RS11 also.
The room is starting to smell like LOVE~!
I am sure soon my wife will say she can smell it in front of the house.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend~! Grow Strong~!


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4 weeks today~!
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^^Average temp at 8 am^^ ^^ Overnight lows^^ ^^ Daytime highs^^
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Helping RH by pouring water on the luan floor~!
Kind of like the way this is working.
View attachment 23641
Ready to go to the end~!;)
Last weeks pics are videos
Here is the room in action this morning~!
View attachment 23642
Gave everyone a little Grow Big and Wholly Mackerel as I have seen some yellow leaves on some of these girls.
Did a mini defol and removed all yellow and many upper large fans.
Then fed last dose of Open Sesame and started with Beastie Bloomz.
Going to hit them with MG today.

I have been top watering 90% and then adding plain water to trays for the final gulp.
Been doing this most of the grow. Trying to avoid any run off but still water to max amount possible.
I have 15 Blumats arriving tomorrow to help out on a short upcoming trip.

Started planning next grow so I ordered Zamal Dreams and Yunnan Dragon from Jeff @Dragon Flames Genetics.
Looking at RS11 also.
The room is starting to smell like LOVE~!
I am sure soon my wife will say she can smell it in front of the house.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend~! Grow Strong~!
I want your room lol.
Those plants look real healthy man, gonna be a nice harvest!
Nice looking crop, I like doing that with water on the floor space as well if I catch my rh real low...quickly puts it back in place
Is your night time low 61*?
No we have gone much cooler. My intake acinfinty fans draw air from outside though through a window. I still have a 20" box fan blowing in the tube[ 6 inch] 24/7. That will change next week, I think.
Looking lovely in the jungle car Mr. Roller! 🧙🏼‍♂️ our grows are looking very similar lol
You got it going on man~!
I am still being a pretty good slacker~
I am doing the organic soil with synthetic nutes. I can fix shit in a week hopefully... I'll cross the finish line even if going sideways~! 🥴
Nice looking crop, I like doing that with water on the floor space as well if I catch my rh real low...quickly puts it back in place
Buddy who would have thought? Sometimes simple is best. Do something hard and it is what is, it was hard. Do something easy and it should be smoking!
Nearest to perfection as I have ever seen. You make it all look so easy.
Not even close but much love~! Just hoping to not be pissed when this all over.
Heck yeah Steam. Looking great!
Supposed to be installing my Blumats now but they have not arrived yet.
Any question I have in the next couple days will go to you man~!
No we have gone much cooler. My intake acinfinty fans draw air from outside though through a window. I still have a 20" box fan blowing in the tube[ 6 inch] 24/7. That will change next week, I think.

You got it going on man~!
I am still being a pretty good slacker~
I am doing the organic soil with synthetic nutes. I can fix shit in a week hopefully... I'll cross the finish line even if going sideways~! 🥴

Buddy who would have thought? Sometimes simple is best. Do something hard and it is what is, it was hard. Do something easy and it should be smoking!

Not even close but much love~! Just hoping to not be pissed when this all over.

Supposed to be installing my Blumats now but they have not arrived yet.
Any question I have in the next couple days will go to you man~!
You got it!
So I missed week 5 being out of town. This is now week 6.
The blumats are for real~!
A little more time to adjust them and see each plants needs would have been nice, but the slacker installed and packed the car~!:oops:
They made it fine with just water, but probably would have enjoyed the personal touch.
I have said I never finish green and it is me and lack of approach or maybe Ethos or combo of the two?
Pulled lots of spent leaves that probably would have been pulled if I actually did a defol?
I kind of think leaving them allowed them to feed the plant while I was gone.🤷‍♂️
I have never been "on top" of my plants but also never feel outwitted..:rolleyes:
Is this the same one that was growing weird and twisted early on? I kinda like it.
View attachment 25743
That is the mutant Mandarin Cookies R3~!
Never kill the runt said the 5'6" 135lb man.;)
First pic; 1697296816650.png
^^This is wavy crazy Cherry Gar See Ya ^^
Still wavy leaves? 🤷‍♂️
This is the part @Cool_Beans is missing.
There are 6 or more strains going.
All walking at their own pace. I won't pretend to be able to diagnose each plant or its need.
Not all had such severe color change or nute def yet.
Slacker already knows he should have kept better track of who did what on the 9 day free for all.
Remember this is a no stress grow.
Pretty pleased so far with effort invested siad the slacker.
Just installed shut off valves for the blumats so I can feed them tomorrow.

Common sense says I will need refill/resetup the carrots if I let them dry out so I may just remove them tomorrow and store them in water until I desire to set them up again. They did what I needed keeping plants alive while I was in Maine for a week.(y)
Man looks like the bluffs by the river this time of year, nice color going on in there.

Blumats a slow Drip gravity feed or how's that work? I can look it up but curious if there is a short answer?
Man looks like the bluffs by the river this time of year, nice color going on in there.

Blumats a slow Drip gravity feed or how's that work? I can look it up but curious if there is a short answer?
The carrots sense dryness in the soil and open a valve to let water in.

At least thats what i got when i read into them.
Thanks man~!
You got it. Simple controlled drip from a small line that the carrot controls by the moisture in the pot.
No electric/pump or anything.
Got 3 of this kit for the 15 pots;
Thanks man~!
You got it. Simple controlled drip from a small line that the carrot controls by the moisture in the pot.
No electric/pump or anything.
Got 3 of this kit for the 15 pots;
I wanted to buy some a while back for when i go on trips but i didnt find it worth while when i have a very trustworthy friend who takes care of my house/animals when im away so i throw him a little extra to just water some soil lol.
If i didnt have him around, blumats would be in my grow 100%
So the blumats drip water onto the floraflex plates. How does the water spread over the plate for coverage?
While I would design a more proper drip ring, the flow is so slow that the medium/soil really dictates the saturation IMO.
I have flooded 2 of the plants since returning home [ not on purpose :rolleyes:] and can say the whole pot is wet.🥴
My idea for future use is a hole for carrot on the side of pot and possibly more than one drip line if possible. A simple T with even legnths of drip line should flow even. couldn't find the genius emoji so;
The manufacturer does this easily with additional carrots per pot, but I think I can work something out without extra carrots.

I saw a sign while on my trip to Maine that read;
As I have suspected, I have been correct all the time. 🥸
So you're relying more on the capillary effects of the soil for coverage?
Yea IMO.
The drip line is small so without good capillary action one would think the drip would flow right straight through.
First time using them and did not want to remove the trays but I don't think they had much effect.
The flow would never be able to fill even one part of the tray fast enough.
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