So.....We're all Wrecky Roadhouse Jr fans today right?
FAFO KFB!!!!!!!
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Seriously though...Has The Hemp Smoker ever won a Fight???

And it figure's I'd have Dongle Nozzle in the Coke 600 this week.
But I'll give him credit because "I don't give a fuck, I suck just as bad as you! Let's go!" is gonna go down as a classic KB quote
That right there is like nails scratching a chalkboard for me.
I've seen much worse but yeah the things I've seen from rootbound plants is never positive. Poor feeding mostly as the roots are all bound on top of each other and jammed up against plastic. It just kills the uptake which in turn kills yield potentials and also increases stress in the root zone. Plants are less tolerant to drought and heat as a result. There's just nothing good in it and should be avoided at all costs IMO.
I let all my peppers get rootbound and I haven't taken pics of the garden because they look like shit and are struggling from the few weeks of being rootbound. But they're peppers and are what like maybe 5 cents/seed so no big deal to just scrap them and start over which I may do. Felt bad because I just got tied up with work and couldn't get them started the way they should. I didn't even try with cukes or anything else because of that too
But weed? Nah. Way too valuable of a plant to let something like coiled and bound roots hamstring it's life so yeah they get the airpot treatment. I wont start plants in anything else.
Few tips w/ airpots I may do that you may not might help but I remember yours having just the one row of nipples closed off while mine has two closed off. The two closed off does help as I have a few of those one row type too. Maybe just globs of hot glue can fix that.
I pack soil extremely hard in these things. Fill it up, hold it by the bottom so I don't punch the screen out then use my fist to really give it the business and pack it down. This will help with any erosion out of the holes.
Early on I use a 20oz plastic cup to water. This is where I also like having them up on a table for comfort and accuracy.
I empty the cup by doing a lap around the young start pouring the water slowly as I make the lap. After a week or so if a drain channel has opened and water is coming out a side hole I'll scratch around the surface of the soil and pack it a little more to close up that channel.
Later, I change up to this watering can
3D design watercan created by Bandit420 with Tinkercad
The size and angle of it's spout seems made for watering airpots.
If I'm vegging it for several weeks then I'm using the watering can but also doing a feeding dunk once or twice a week. This is the point where it's impossible to over water and I'm watering about every day or at least every other day. At this point there may be some yellowing leaves at the bottom, baby growth has died off, and I'm just trying to keep the plant happy but it's time to get out of the airpot and into solid walls to support that extremely well branched root system
I have to do that with everything I buy from nurseries and stores. I don;t think I've bought a tree or plant that wasn't root bound but yeah score them and tickle them loose to unwind. If people don't do that then they're just killing their yield and quality potential.
The last straw for me with rootbound cannabis was around 2010. Didn't know any better and was vegging in square 1 gallon pots.
Upcanned as usual but the plants never took off like they had in the past. These were clones too so something was up as the mother had done very well in a previous grow.
At harvest, I pulled the rootball and it was still shaped in a square and had barely spread out in the new container after upcan.
I was pissed and vowed that it was 100% grower error and it would never happen again.
That's when the search for an alternative took me into airpots. Might've been the first pot farmer online to make this move and demoed them on After that, they exploded into the cannabis farming communities and then came the knockoffs and wonky alternatives.
Main thing I learned in all that was never use a square container for cannabis and only use authentic airpots