The Smell of Panic at The Farm - Hello Logic

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@steamroller has it right.

The "sting" of being banned by some wimp, for daring to be a member of more than one forum, passes pretty quickly. Really, at this point it's just funny that someone so petty exists. Life has to suck if you have a personality like that.
I think if it was the fact that we were part of ANY other forum, it would be less petty, since that's a pretty general ban. But, being part of THIS PARTICULAR forum was his deciding factor. That's petty as shit. He's butthurt and bitter towards a couple individuals so he targeted their following specifically. That's some very "taking my ball and going home" kind of shit, really. Little crybaby banning dudes he don't even know because a small number of folks called him out on his bullshit. Maybe if they were inciting us to go troll his forum, i could understand, but these select few have been nothing but professional while handling the whole ordeal.

We're all so much better off.
I specifically edited to remove names when I went on my little rant about accountability and I still got banned, so I guess I should have just been even more blunt lol. Wonder if he was the bully in school, or the one getting bullied? 🤔 Whatever, enjoy the most petty power trip in history. I say we all move on and leave them in the past, because continuing to talk shit is just making him think he's getting to us, and honestly, I personally couldn't care less. I was there because I like weed, I like growing weed, and enjoy chatting with like minded folks about weed and other interesting things. We can make this site what that one was for a minute, or what it was supposed to be anyway. 90% of the good people from there are now here, and you know that's gotta grind his gears.
Ah you got banned but did he block your IP addresses too?? or do I stand alone as the only one he went out of his way to not only ban but I can't even access the web site....That has to be some kind of special ban for only special people..... lol.......I'm Blast
Got my ip blocked. My 1st. Time ⏲️ SS I fired it up!
I specifically edited to remove names when I went on my little rant about accountability and I still got banned, so I guess I should have just been even more blunt lol. Wonder if he was the bully in school, or the one getting bullied? 🤔 Whatever, enjoy the most petty power trip in history. I say we all move on and leave them in the past, because continuing to talk shit is just making him think he's getting to us, and honestly, I personally couldn't care less. I was there because I like weed, I like growing weed, and enjoy chatting with like minded folks about weed and other interesting things. We can make this site what that one was for a minute, or what it was supposed to be anyway. 90% of the good people from there are now here, and you know that's gotta grind his gears.
One good thing about the farm was I got to see under your canopy.......😜
It's fine, bigger than everyone else. They all need to go outside, they're getting pissy.
I put mine out last week.
They had one night at 26 and handled it really well. Droopy as fk, but theyre alive. Not stretching, flowering, or stressed looking so i left them.

Had them in heavy shade all week, light shade this week and full sun the following.
Can't wait to see how big she gets outside.

Get anything good today? Breakfast in bed?
I got left alone to do some gardening and hubs made dinner, good enough lol. We removed a tree and stump last week and I bought blueberries and roses to put in that area. Got them in the ground and am almost done making it look purdy.
I got left alone to do some gardening and hubs made dinner, good enough lol. We removed a tree and stump last week and I bought blueberries and roses to put in that area. Got them in the ground and am almost done making it look purdy.
Same here I made dinner last nite and our daughter made lunch today- makes it easy and relaxing for everyone imo
Damn i got banned long before all this fun but i don't think he banned my ip address.
I have an opinion of him that doesn't differ from you guys. I don't think will work out well for in the long run.
Damn i got banned long before all this fun but i don't think he banned my ip address.
I have an opinion of him that doesn't differ from you guys. I don't think will work out well for in the long run.
I just have to say when it comes to all this crap, OldSog had his number a long time ago, and it was just brilliant to watch the fireworks show. It was not public unfortunately, but I have to say someone decided to debate OldSog and the best way I can summarize that debate was


He got beat so thoroughly at a meeting of the minds, he had to push OldSog out just to maintain his dignity. It was a thing of beauty really.
I just have to say when it comes to all this crap, OldSog had his number a long time ago, and it was just brilliant to watch the fireworks show. It was not public unfortunately, but I have to say someone decided to debate OldSog and the best way I can summarize that debate was


He got beat so thoroughly at a meeting of the minds, he had to push OldSog out just to maintain his dignity. It was a thing of beauty really.
He recently told me about an experience with an AI website and the fun he had over there. He rather enjoys talking about things.
I just have to say when it comes to all this crap, OldSog had his number a long time ago, and it was just brilliant to watch the fireworks show. It was not public unfortunately, but I have to say someone decided to debate OldSog and the best way I can summarize that debate was


He got beat so thoroughly at a meeting of the minds, he had to push OldSog out just to maintain his dignity. It was a thing of beauty really.
I didn’t think you were on wire ? , I guess he prolly ya ! But yes oldsog doesn’t play ! Says what he thinks and if you’re being stupid he’s not afraid to say it ! It was entertaining while it lasting !
Has any one else been getting email from Ukrainian women want to meet you?....The last 2 days oddly I've been receiving spam emails I haven't in the past on my pipecarver email. I just wondered if maybe our emails got added to some spam email group.....???
I didn’t think you were on wire ? , I guess he prolly ya ! But yes oldsog doesn’t play ! Says what he thinks and if you’re being stupid he’s not afraid to say it ! It was entertaining while it lasting !
Aha you saw it too. Yeah I quit after that. He did OldSog dirty just like everyone else here. That's when I quit logging on. How long ago was that?
Has any one else been getting email from Ukrainian women want to meet you?....The last 2 days oddly I've been receiving spam emails I haven't in the past on my pipecarver email. I just wondered if maybe our emails got added to some spam email group.....???
Not by US! We do not share sell publish or whatever your email address or personal info. Ever. Unless there is a court order involved I guess. Then I might still try to hide first.

I just checked you cannot see user data like email unless you are admin. But let me make sure I don't have a leak somewhere.
Aha you saw it too. Yeah I quit after that. He did OldSog dirty just like everyone else here. That's when I quit logging on. How long ago was that?
Hey do Google searches for Bud Builders help the site at all...............Instead of a bookmark click a google search is easy does it do anything to attract more members?
Not by US! We do not share sell publish or whatever your email address or personal info. Ever. Unless there is a court order involved I guess. Then I might still try to hide first.

I just checked you cannot see user data like email unless you are admin. But let me make sure I don't have a leak somewhere.
I didn't mean from you guys but I've sent porn email address of a couple of people that pissed me off...just sign them my ass has shown...I was meaning the thc site ass
Not by US! We do not share sell publish or whatever your email address or personal info. Ever. Unless there is a court order involved I guess. Then I might still try to hide first.

I just checked you cannot see user data like email unless you are admin. But let me make sure I don't have a leak somewhere.
First They Came by Pastor Martin Niemöller

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Important for me as a free-thinking person to reach out to other folks that I know and liked at the old place and to bring them over to here; let them enjoy the fresh air. If they want to join in the fun, fine if they don't also fine. The tendrils and fibers of these social networks bind us together just like the church pews that held our grandparents together in prayer. This is our church, temple, synagogue, mosque to be with other like minded individuals reaching out to grow weed and help others.
First They Came by Pastor Martin Niemöller

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Important for me as a free-thinking person to reach out to other folks that I know and liked at the old place and to bring them over to here; let them enjoy the fresh air. If they want to join in the fun, fine if they don't also fine. The tendrils and fibers of these social networks bind us together just like the church pews that held our grandparents together in prayer. This is our church, temple, synagogue, mosque to be with other like minded individuals reaching out to grow weed and help others.
No worries you can’t shut me up. I’ll be one at the gallows rope around my neck still shouting truths!
I didn't mean from you guys but I've sent porn email address of a couple of people that pissed me off...just sign them my ass has shown...I was meaning the thc site ass
I swear if I get one just one inbox pic of a wrinkly anything….😂😂😅😂
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