The Smell of Panic at The Farm - Hello Logic

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So next time run the crop to eleven weeks and see if they naturally fatten. Mine does. That would give you a real answer. Not fair to judge the same flower at a eight nine week period as one that is two to three weeks older. I mean if you really wanna know. I had all kinds of things I wanted to know. I tried them all. Light increase, decrease, total darkness, ice water. Most of it I found was a waste of time, another added step, more stress, varied outcomes.
Don’t confuse what I say as there is no other/ better way. I think there is always room for improvement. But, until it makes sense and follows common laws of botany, I turn on, tune in and drop out. 🤪 That and one cannot fool Mother Nature.. or at least not completely.
ya I hear you, my friend ran a large grow for years and he's what I'd call an expert and it was more of a comment than do it this way from him. Your right I should compare before judging that's why I mentioned it but I've had confirmation on its effects from others on the old place ( No more _a_m its out of my vocabulary )
You can fool some of the people some of the time and that's enough to make a good living. W.C. Fields
Many times.
Nice to have you Here @Franksta ~!:cool:
Glad you made it through the winter!!!
Can you reach Bud???🤔
Ripening ......I had some girls going in my basement a bit too close to my hps light shooting off fox tails and a friend grower and I got talking about having it too strong at the end of their cycle and he said I should drop the intensity to allow them to ripen, he said I could increase my hrs and push them over the last 7 - 10 days increasing the????? DLI....some fking acronym about light hrs and intensity. I can't remember all the point Mongo goes is more of an apt explanation on how I absorb things but he said good so Mongo go

Anyways....I've done it twice now and I just see harder bigger buds than I've had in the past but I'm also going 11 weeks now where I was only going 8 -9 before I got enough of a supply so I could wait longer......I'm way ahead of the game now so I can play around and let them grow......I don't like the looks of the tent girls as well so I'm boosting their hrs in the next day or 2.
Yeah IMHO your better off backing off intensity Temp and even reduce the hours in the wind down phase

AKA last week or ten days

I always think along lines of Terps and flavor. Potency....

Not end weight
So next time run the crop to eleven weeks and see if they naturally fatten. Mine does. That would give you a real answer. Not fair to judge the same flower at a eight nine week period as one that is two to three weeks older. I mean if you really wanna know. I had all kinds of things I wanted to know. I tried them all. Light increase, decrease, total darkness, ice water. Most of it I found was a waste of time, another added step, more stress, varied outcomes.
Don’t confuse what I say as there is no other/ better way. I think there is always room for improvement. But, until it makes sense and follows common laws of botany, I turn on, tune in and drop out. 🤪 That and one cannot fool Mother Nature.. or at least not completely.
Did exactly the same when I started even messed plants up just to see if I could fix em ! Lol
I'd suggest that some stressor is reactive and other detrimental to growth and each technique is developmentally specific

Pathology verses Vigorous and healthy

Timing dependent
Devil in the details
I'm sure they do, Id be a catch no doubt.......5ft 6 bad knees, hips,eye's and the ole poker aint working like it used to either. Still I'm sure there still be a babushka or 2 I'd be appealing to
Shoe lifts and Viagra my Brother!!! 😄

You could do like those videos I mentioned before where you meet up with her and she's less than impressed until she sees your car then she's all about it!!!!😄
Yeah IMHO your better off backing off intensity Temp and even reduce the hours in the wind down phase

AKA last week or ten days

I always think along lines of Terps and flavor. Potency....

Not end weight
hey, are you the same Frankster that swapped seeds for a pipe with me? I have a Jamaican/ Gsc auto that I've revegged into a monster bushy Photo that may have come from you....Its taken me 5 months to get it to where its at now and another few weeks before I can flip her.....
hey, are you the same Frankster that swapped seeds for a pipe with me? I have a Jamaican/ Gsc auto that I've revegged into a monster bushy Photo that may have come from you....Its taken me 5 months to get it to where its at now and another few weeks before I can flip her.....
It's possible I don't have the best memory. I certainly don't remember those cultivars though

Much of my dwindling vault includes larger plants

I don't have any recollection of a Jamaican cross
It's possible I don't have the best memory. I certainly don't remember those cultivars though

Much of my dwindling vault includes larger plants

I don't have any recollection of a Jamaican cross
I made a swap with someone I thought was Frankster that was living in Las Vegas at the time. I may be off on the name.
Here is another link as a reminder, page 2 and 3 talking about the shady activity goin on at that other place. Don't fall for it ever.

View attachment 2992

well @Aqua Man and @Moe.Red he officially put yall on blast
Thats funny cause Aqua wasnt even fkn here yet when he got banned!!! And @Moe.Red pretty sure you were just booted from staff, you werent asked to step down right? More like THCCesspool...
Sorry that kinda angers me a little bit.
Moe and Aqua are great people fk what anyone else says lol. And mosh too, all good people here.
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My take, hell of a way to talk about someone you had in such a high position on your team...if moe were the things he says, would they even have him as a moderator? I bet it's the only thing bad you can find on moe online, and it's bogus slander. Not saying things posted about logic aren't slander, just when you start to see it seeping out of every cannabis community...stoners ain't lying man it's about love in this game....and haters get blasted. Someone saying someone's clones have pm is not nearly as devastating to a person's business as say ripping them off for thousands in cash or seeds.

Also I'm betting diesel is logic lol
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