The Smell of Panic at The Farm - Hello Logic

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Mornin erebody!
Whats happening on the corner this morning? I’m working outside flower beds this morning, just in time to shower and work indoor flowers.
@Pipecarver we are at nine weeks tomorrow! Fast couple of months huh? I have two ready to hang and three more just lounging around sucking up sun. I guess we won’t know the outcome of Shadeys plants😕 Oh well..
Here’s wishing a fantastic day to all of you! 🥰
Mornin erebody!
Whats happening on the corner this morning? I’m working outside flower beds this morning, just in time to shower and work indoor flowers.
@Pipecarver we are at nine weeks tomorrow! Fast couple of months huh? I have two ready to hang and three more just lounging around sucking up sun. I guess we won’t know the outcome of Shadeys plants😕 Oh well..
Here’s wishing a fantastic day to all of you! 🥰
We've been having good rains here and our veggies are loving it.
Garden is in and thriving and I can't wait for aripe tomato.
Has any one else been getting email from Ukrainian women want to meet you?....The last 2 days oddly I've been receiving spam emails I haven't in the past on my pipecarver email. I just wondered if maybe our emails got added to some spam email group.....???
Has it occurred to you that maybe Ukrainian women DO want to meet you?
Mornin erebody!
Whats happening on the corner this morning? I’m working outside flower beds this morning, just in time to shower and work indoor flowers.
@Pipecarver we are at nine weeks tomorrow! Fast couple of months huh? I have two ready to hang and three more just lounging around sucking up sun. I guess we won’t know the outcome of Shadeys plants😕 Oh well..
Here’s wishing a fantastic day to all of you! 🥰
I had it marked as yesterday but yes 9 went quickly. I haven't even seen what they look like without lights on for a month or more. After the leaves lost their color ,fading to yellow I lost interest in them.

I've 4 in auto pots that are doing great at 4 weeks and they're growing as they should, not all faded and ugly looking. To keep the humidity down I have to keep the door open so I find I'm looking at them a lot.

My first time in a semi hydro Ebb and flow system and other than a small issue with the ph of my water it's going great. I'm impressed so far in the ease grow and the plants overall development. I don't have the space but I think their larger pots in a green house would grow monsters. I don't think I need the 4 - 15L pots in my 3x3 their smaller 8.5L pots would be enough.

I like them so much I now want to move the 4 of them into my 5x5 ( after this grows done ) and add 2 more pots
Oh too funny! I’m on the wrong thread! Yup smoke another one… it’s da good stuff🙂
I'm going to switch my lights to 18hrs on and dim it down to about 50% in a few more days to see if I can bulk them up a bit more.....Have you ever tried messing with the hrs at finish?
I'm going to switch my lights to 18hrs on and dim it down to about 50% in a few more days to see if I can bulk them up a bit more.....Have you ever tried messing with the hrs at finish?
No, to be honest I’m perfectly happy with the outcome I get just running them full blast to the last lights out.
Im at a point in this game that I’m straight up happy with the outcome and I have quit messing with it. I’m finally at one with the weed. I’m actually enjoying growing again 🙂
Good. He needs to hear what an asshat he is but, like I said, it won't change his behavior.

I have a lot of friends that are in 12 step. Part of their journey is making amends with people they did wrong to. One of those "friends" decided to take advantage of my trust and dicked me for $5,000 a few years back. He came back and apologized and told me, now that he was sober, things would be different.

I looked him in the eye and told him "No they won't. You were an asshole as a junkie and you're still an asshole, just sober, so now you can't blame it on the heroin." Suffice to say he didn't like that answer. A few months later I find out he screwed over several people in the program.

Like I said. Douche bag is as Douche bag does.
Bingo...... Doesn't like to be called out

I know I can be a bit of a douchebag myself but willing to own up and/or try to change. At minimum I take it under advisement

When what hear at face value from people is the opposite of what's projected over time.... There actions...

It boils down to character and integrity at the end of the day

I tried to tell him this myself to no avail.
Bingo...... Doesn't like to be called out

I know I can be a bit of a douchebag myself but willing to own up and/or try to changev. At minimum I take it under advisement

When what you see out of people is the opposite of what's projected over time....

It boils down to character and integrity at the end of the day

I tried to tell him this myself to no avail.
Is this, the

No, to be honest I’m perfectly happy with the outcome I get just running them full blast to the last lights out.
Im at a point in this game that I’m straight up happy with the outcome and I have quit messing with it. I’m finally at one with the weed. I’m actually enjoying growing again 🙂
Ripening ......I had some girls going in my basement a bit too close to my hps light shooting off fox tails and a friend grower and I got talking about having it too strong at the end of their cycle and he said I should drop the intensity to allow them to ripen, he said I could increase my hrs and push them over the last 7 - 10 days increasing the????? DLI....some fking acronym about light hrs and intensity. I can't remember all the point Mongo goes is more of an apt explanation on how I absorb things but he said good so Mongo go

Anyways....I've done it twice now and I just see harder bigger buds than I've had in the past but I'm also going 11 weeks now where I was only going 8 -9 before I got enough of a supply so I could wait longer......I'm way ahead of the game now so I can play around and let them grow......I don't like the looks of the tent girls as well so I'm boosting their hrs in the next day or 2.
Ripening ......I had some girls going in my basement a bit too close to my hps light shooting off fox tails and a friend grower and I got talking about having it too strong at the end of their cycle and he said I should drop the intensity to allow them to ripen, he said I could increase my hrs and push them over the last 7 - 10 days increasing the????? DLI....some fking acronym about light hrs and intensity. I can't remember all the point Mongo goes is more of an apt explanation on how I absorb things but he said good so Mongo go

Anyways....I've done it twice now and I just see harder bigger buds than I've had in the past but I'm also going 11 weeks now where I was only going 8 -9 before I got enough of a supply so I could wait longer......I'm way ahead of the game now so I can play around and let them grow......I don't like the looks of the tent girls as well so I'm boosting their hrs in the next day or 2.
So next time run the crop to eleven weeks and see if they naturally fatten. Mine does. That would give you a real answer. Not fair to judge the same flower at a eight nine week period as one that is two to three weeks older. I mean if you really wanna know. I had all kinds of things I wanted to know. I tried them all. Light increase, decrease, total darkness, ice water. Most of it I found was a waste of time, another added step, more stress, varied outcomes.
Don’t confuse what I say as there is no other/ better way. I think there is always room for improvement. But, until it makes sense and follows common laws of botany, I turn on, tune in and drop out. 🤪 That and one cannot fool Mother Nature.. or at least not completely.
Still on the mountain 🏔️ yes. Big 900 lb 🐻 up here fucking with me. I only got one bullet left 😂. Drinking my bar chain oil

Lots of good hardship for me here. I need it

Lumber milled ECT. It's a difficult building area but I only have time
Heyyyyyyy Frankster! Yay!
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