oh you touched on the oldest form of societal control. religion is a means of pacifying a public when they've no hope. That's why the Catholic church rituals are so paganistic -- the pagans would brutally murder the Romans because those fucks came in, in droves, and would rape and pillage and enslave, but they kept fucking losing. so the Catholics adopted the death rites, Beltain, Yule, etc and assimilated those "primitive" societies into their culture, and subversively did the same shit they were doing before. That's why we have almost no written records of the Druids, or even the Anglo Saxons. In modern reference, they pulled a Microsoft against Linux.

Religion is more evil than the illuminati or this ideology of a One World Order. More lives have been lost in the name of god than anything else, historically speaking.

the 1%? sure they want to consolidate the wealth of the world, but they're not so stupid to think controlling everything is going to serve them benefit, nor are they so stupid to think feeding piecemeal to the rest of us will satiate us from uprising. the discourse we're seeing in society right now is not much different than in 1760, the difference is we have the internet and intelligible, respectful conversation is lost because of "woke" sensitivities.

the real power is in enabling everyone to succeed because that drives valuations up, keeps the economy pumping, and with the power of compound interest, a rich fuck becomes filthy rich without sweat. he couldn't give two shit what you think, or do.
divide and conquer.
imma pick this apart because damn it's been a minute since i got you in this way haha

  • 9/11 - no empirical evidence says it was an inside job, but there is indisputable proof there were failings to prevent it, and questionable reasons why it was allowed to happen (re: 2008 + many privacy violations since via PATRIOT Act)
  • Moon landing - generalist conspiracy theory, not worth the keystrokes to type this
  • Pandemic - not a psyop, just a monumental failure of governance and sadly resembling Idiocracy (electrolytes! plants love em coughtrumpcough)
  • JFK - yes.
  • The US engaged in MK Ultra which led the the contra wars, which led to the crack pandemic. that isn't conspiracy, it is admitted and verifiable.
  • Courtney didn't steal his music, and she was likely behind the trigger that killed him, but I believe he pulled it.
  • Music is 100% mind control and entertainment is a symbol of culture in a given moment. Why do you think we haven't have a blow-your-pants-off movie come out in over 20 years? because life fucking sucks right now.
  • had to google Tiffany Dover, she's cute. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/tiffany-dover-conspiracy-theorists-silence-rcna69401
  • the illuminati thing is meh. let's be real, even if there were a one global order, we'd all still live like outlaws. a small elite cannot and will not control 8 billion people. just saying.
We can agree to disagree about some of it for sure. I'm convinced there is a LOT more to some of it than you're willing to accept. And that's fine. But I absolutely disagree with you about some of that. I'm also not really willing to waste the typing time because I know I won't convince you, I'll just sound crazy to you.
And tiffany dover was cute..
the major problem we're having now is we're not making rapid progress, which is to be expected. we're operating at scale now which means progress of an inch is lost in the mile we've walked. however, with friction comes heat, with heat comes change of state.

we're in the friction state, and the conspiracy theories, at least most, all rely on circumstantial "well, that makes sense in that series of words" arguments. and anything adverse to those words is met with "do your own research" or "well, what else explains it." hence, theories. they do not make progress and drive paranoia and delusions that are counter to societal progression. simple laws of science rely on binaries: it is or it is not. conspiracies live in decimals and as such, aren't real.

i read an article today that discussed this state we're in right now, and touches on exactly what we're talking about here, in a sense. maybe it's my perception or the point I'm trying to make, but the thing discussed Jeffersonian Dinner Parties.

These kind of heated, emotional, fluid discussions of whatever lead to monumental achievements like the US Constitution.
and this is why i constantly seek the truth, however evasive.

i like Facts.
the major problem we're having now is we're not making rapid progress, which is to be expected. we're operating at scale now which means progress of an inch is lost in the mile we've walked. however, with friction comes heat, with heat comes change of state.

we're in the friction state, and the conspiracy theories, at least most, all rely on circumstantial "well, that makes sense in that series of words" arguments. and anything adverse to those words is met with "do your own research" or "well, what else explains it." hence, theories. they do not make progress and drive paranoia and delusions that are counter to societal progression. simple laws of science rely on binaries: it is or it is not. conspiracies live in decimals and as such, aren't real.

i read an article today that discussed this state we're in right now, and touches on exactly what we're talking about here, in a sense. maybe it's my perception or the point I'm trying to make, but the thing discussed Jeffersonian Dinner Parties.

These kind of heated, emotional, fluid discussions of whatever lead to monumental achievements like the US Constitution.
You're a makin me angry tobh! Haha.
Disagree on too many levels to pick apart. But here we are, I love ya anyway.
We can agree to disagree about some of it for sure. I'm convinced there is a LOT more to some of it than you're willing to accept. And that's fine. But I absolutely disagree with you about some of that. I'm also not really willing to waste the typing time because I know I won't convince you, I'll just sound crazy to you.
And tiffany dover was cute..
don't bite your tongue, man! i am a humble man and love to be humbled. some of these topics you raised are things i've gone down the rabbit hole on mostly because of my estranged brother. he too had some pretty strong ideas about what was mentioned.

and yes, tiffany dover is cute. a little frumpy for my taste, but i bet that mouth do wonders.
don't bite your tongue, man! i am a humble man and love to be humbled. some of these topics you raised are things i've gone down the rabbit hole on mostly because of my estranged brother. he too had some pretty strong ideas about what was mentioned.

and yes, tiffany dover is cute. a little frumpy for my taste, but i bet that mouth do wonders.
Was cute
You're a makin me angry tobh! Haha.
Disagree on too many levels to pick apart. But here we are, I love ya anyway.
as my hydro sensee, the grasshopper should light up the master from time to time 😁

simple rules going forward:
  • no personal attacks
  • no political
  • no violation of the forum's ToS

i feel like this can be a fruitful conversation now that we're all engaged
as my hydro sensee, the grasshopper should light up the master from time to time 😁

simple rules going forward:
  • no personal attacks
  • no political
  • no violation of the forum's ToS

i feel like this can be a fruitful conversation now that we're all engaged
we can include the uap/alien thread to be "conspiracies" too/ no phsical evidence topics.

""well yea theres no physical evidence it was fuckin wiped lmao.""
don't bite your tongue, man! i am a humble man and love to be humbled. some of these topics you raised are things i've gone down the rabbit hole on mostly because of my estranged brother. he too had some pretty strong ideas about what was mentioned.

and yes, tiffany dover is cute. a little frumpy for my taste, but i bet that mouth do wonders.
"what that mouth do"'

what indisputable proof proves she's dead?
None man. Up until 5 mins ago I haven't seen shit about her being alive but she apparently did an interview recently so maybe I'm wrong. If so, fuck her, because she straight up disappeared after that and all she had to do was come forward and say hey, I'm ok. Instead all her family disappeared from all social media, her husband apparently reported her as dead on ancestry, there was adeath record for ther that was captured before being wiped. A lot of suspicious shit.

And, forgive me for being the eternal skeptic, they can deep fake any fuckin thing these days.
None man. Up until 5 mins ago I haven't seen shit about her being alive but she apparently did an interview recently so maybe I'm wrong. If so, fuck her, because she straight up disappeared after that and all she had to do was come forward and say hey, I'm ok. Instead all her family disappeared from all social media, her husband apparently reported her as dead on ancestry, there was adeath record for ther that was captured before being wiped. A lot of suspicious shit.

And, forgive me for being the eternal skeptic, they can deep fake any fuckin thing these days.
thats crazy.

AI is exponentially advancing it seems.
None man. Up until 5 mins ago I haven't seen shit about her being alive but she apparently did an interview recently so maybe I'm wrong. If so, fuck her, because she straight up disappeared after that and all she had to do was come forward and say hey, I'm ok. Instead all her family disappeared from all social media, her husband apparently reported her as dead on ancestry, there was adeath record for ther that was captured before being wiped. A lot of suspicious shit.

And, forgive me for being the eternal skeptic, they can deep fake any fuckin thing these days.
no forgiveness needed man, with where you've been when covid hit, i completely understand your position. if you weren't a skeptic now, i'd really be worried about my association with you lol given the scarlet A and all that.

i'm digging into her public records, in particular. a lot of media and social personalities only know about those pay-to-see sites. if she's alive, i'll be able to find an address.
no forgiveness needed man, with where you've been when covid hit, i completely understand your position. if you weren't a skeptic now, i'd really be worried about my association with you lol given the scarlet A and all that.

i'm digging into her public records, in particular. a lot of media and social personalities only know about those pay-to-see sites. if she's alive, i'll be able to find an address.
Curiously, if she was dead and they wanted you to think she was alive, would you also be able to find an address?
What's fucked is what we're allowed to see is insane, imagine how advanced black project tech is that we don't get to see.

thats my logic for the manhattan project back in the fucking 30s, compartmentalization kept people making the parts not even knowing what they were building.

its 2023

tf they doin over there NOW

private sector/military will have it for a decade or so before we get it and theyve moved on to more advanced.

thats my logic for the manhattan project back in the fucking 30s, compartmentalization kept people making the parts not even knowing what they were building.

its 2023

tf they doin over there NOW

private sector/military will have it for a decade or so before we get it and theyve moved on to more advanced.
Exactly. A sick bunch of people with aspirations to create a single, global, socialist totalitarian society using advanced technology and post Edward Bernays level mind control psychology, applied through compartmentalization to get us there. That's the lens I see through.
Exactly. A sick bunch of people with aspirations to create a single, global, socialist totalitarian society using advanced technology and post Edward Bernays level mind control psychology, applied through compartmentalization to get us there. That's the lens I see through.
i believe about anything is possible, till its proven Impossible.
Everything is possible. And I'm willing to admit I could very well be wrong about some of the things I've come to believe. Because honestly I think people who go digging are often led on a wild goose chase just so they can be called out as a fool, and then everything else you've believed is also discredited and the proverbial baby gets thrown out with the bathwater.
Everything is possible. And I'm willing to admit I could very well be wrong about some of the things I've come to believe.

Because honestly I think people who go digging are often led on a wild goose chase just so they can be called out as a fool, and then everything else you've believed is also discredited and the proverbial baby gets thrown out with the bathwater
that has happened
Actually this is way more appropriate

Exactly. A sick bunch of people with aspirations to create a single, global, socialist totalitarian society using advanced technology and post Edward Bernays level mind control psychology, applied through compartmentalization to get us there. That's the lens I see through.
Interesting you single out the father if public relations, Edward L. Bernays...you could add Roger Allies and many others.
Interesting you single out the father if public relations, Edward L. Bernays...you could add Roger Allies and many others.
Many many others. But I believe the control mechanisms being used most often now, started with Ed bernays. That's why I said " Post Edward Bernays" level mind control psychology. I absolutely give him credit for laying the groundwork for techniques used today for controlling masses of people.
"Well your friends with their fancy persuasion don't admit that it's part of a scheme
but I can't help but have my suspicious I ain't quite as dumb as I seem." ACE
Have a confession....one of my old bosses nicknamed me PT Barnum. There is no such thing as Horse oil, right?
Everyone agree that there is no such thing as horse oil? Well now that you think about it, don't you want some?
So good for your skin, you'll feel like $1,000,000.20230907_191220.jpg
Dude look into it, it's insane the things he said before he died.

Also 9/11 was an inside job, the footage of the moon landing was faked, the pandemic was a psyop, the CIA killed JFK, the US govt imported cocaine for years, Courtney had Kurt murdered and stole his music, the news and entertainment industry is mind control, Tiffany dover is dead, and the WEF wants a great reset and most countries are taking orders from a globalist cabal.

And I will leave you with just one of the paintings found hanging (pun intended) in Jeffery Epsteins new York apartmentView attachment 20340

Ahhhh... there I feel better now.

Getting colder out there these days what?
Didn't he have one of Bill Clinton in drag too? (Painting)

@Observer never caught you were from MO as well, damn posse in here...what area dude? I'm in st charles county! I got a local Grow buddy that was asking how many plants he could get in a 5x5 I think I told him 210 or something! Lmao!
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