True Confessions of an American Outlaw

This is basically every "crisis" we get introduced to on a 4 year cycle.

In other news: I got your smasher up and going and I ordered some 90 micron bags and some parchment paper. We'll be making rosin within a week.

I smashed a nug on the plates just to try it out. It made some dark wax that tasted ok. I can't wait for the filter bags to arrive. I have 5 ounces of bunk I need to smash 🤙

Right on Brother! I hope it works out well for ya! Definitely an art to it but you'll get it.
If it's coming out too dark your temps may be too high. Try at around 180-190 and see if it lightens up and preserves more terps at the lower temp🤘

Well they kinda need it!:ROFLMAO:

So I've got the timelapse thing working now. I had the timing backwards so instead of filming 1000's of pics over a 24 hour period it took just one pic in 24 hours. Finally figured out how to do this and folks, it is crazy stupid fast.
Like 12 hours of dark is condensed into just 7 seconds.
So this is a video of around 18 hours or so and it's only a few seconds long but there's nutso action and growth happening.
Next I'll set it up to shoot for a few days and see what I get...

Man that water rig is tits!!! I'm keeping that thing fo-eva as my go-to!
I'm actually using the foot pedal in my hand and have the wiring all rigged up and tidy so I pretty much just stand there with the pedal in my left hand, water wand in my right, and move it around from plant to plant like an old man watering the lawn.
What's even cooler is how the water flows from the shower head and circles around the top dead space above the soil kinda like how a toilet flushes with spinning water down the drain. Same thing here and I find it eliminate any chance of soil compaction or uneven drainage.
I can't recommend this style of watering plants enough!

Last time I was at the border this is the "invasion" I saw

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That my friend is the muddy banks of the Rio Grande and that's my dog making the crossing into Mexico without a passport. :cool: These two knuckleheads were the only border jumpers there that day.
Waste of money sending the ING down here. I don't wanna get political and I despise every fucking politician/liar walking this Earth but I will say this...There is no bigger lie being told to the American public than the so called crisis and invasion at the southern border of Texas. It's a manufactured ruse invented by liars on both side of the aisle. An okey doke to grab attention away from real problems in this country. Nothing more.
Sometimes ( always) the only way to get the real story is go to to the source ! And yes agreed politics is ugly and both side are dirty as fuck !
This is basically every "crisis" we get introduced to on a 4 year cycle.

In other news: I got your smasher up and going and I ordered some 90 micron bags and some parchment paper. We'll be making rosin within a week.

I smashed a nug on the plates just to try it out. It made some dark wax that tasted ok. I can't wait for the filter bags to arrive. I have 5 ounces of bunk I need to smash 🤙
It’s gonna take a little practice , do you guys pre press ? Or just fill bags ? I agree with bandit start at 180-190 - I put minimum pressure let material heat up for 20/30 seconds then put material under pressure hardly ever go over 2 /3 tons for about 1 minute or until resin stops flowing whole process takes 2/3 minutes tops for me , to cold, to much pressure to fast will equal blowouts in ur bags - u will find what works for you play with it !
No pre press for me yet but I just got one. I got it to press kief into hash trying to use the press as my heat source. I have not done it yet but will someday.
I jam 21 grams into a 14 gram bag packing by hand. It eliminates cutting the top of the bag off/waste.
I do pre warm the bag.
Squeezing the bag, but not registering on my pressure gauge.
Without a gauge you would be very surprised how much you can squeeze before it registers pressure.
You can probably squeeze bag to less than 1/4 inch and count that as pre warming.
I like to pre warm a minute or two.
I like 180f myself but still get dark material often when I squeeze.
I like to place the bag as close to front edge of plate as I can and fold the parchment so there is little to no room behind it.
I want my ooze to fall out the front as much as possible so it is off the heat ASAP.
The last part is me just being a super stoner. You know ACME build a better road runner trap type thing.🥴
glad to hear you got the mites under control!!!

i've really been liking the great white/king crab combo... i kept calling it killer crab in my thread, haha i kinda wish it was watered down a little more though, tough to dose for pints and quarts for me, i never use an entire gallon to water veg plants.

i kinda had a mind blown moment with the magnets, i went shopping and found some 3" ones to hold an off road light on the hood of my plow truck!!! just got em today and we might get snow tomorrow to try em out but i'm doubting the white stuff this time so might have to wait.

man your chip steak looked killer!!! i don't mind it thick cut ever, as long as it's tender and doesn't just pull out of the roll when ya bite it. there are plenty of places around here that make em thick cut. i like em the way you did with the rustic cut peppers and onions when it;s thick. and bro i actually prefer any cheese other than wiz.. just not a big fan of the wiz. tried it a couple months back and it was great at first then the flavor wore off quick with me, for cheesesteaks i like white american, provolone, pepper jack, cheddar, motz, swiss, pretty much any cheese,, even munster!!! :D

so bro your cheesecakes in the jar... did you use the sous vide guy or the simply recipe? or something different? combo of the two? i gotta know!! your saying better than NY.. i gotta try!!!!

so the other night i went over to my buddies garage and took some topanga cookies and your goodies..


it wasn't a cannagar, just a roll up with a bunch of sugar... man did i take some shit at first!! i opened the wrapper up and it was pink and smelled fruity... holy shit did my buddy go off.. he calls a mutual friend on speaker phone to even lay it on thick.. soon as i lit it up all the funny went away and all he had was compliments then!!! i even yelled out on the phone as a joke..i'm like Jay it looks like a dog pecker!!!! then handed it to my buddy and said here put your cocksucker on this!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: it was funny stuff man!!! but seriously it hit smooth and burned real slow. like a blunt but not like shit!! i'll use em for sure. the tips are real nice too, are those the purple rose brand?

🩲 again!!
glad to hear you got the mites under control!!!

i've really been liking the great white/king crab combo... i kept calling it killer crab in my thread, haha i kinda wish it was watered down a little more though, tough to dose for pints and quarts for me, i never use an entire gallon to water veg plants.

i kinda had a mind blown moment with the magnets, i went shopping and found some 3" ones to hold an off road light on the hood of my plow truck!!! just got em today and we might get snow tomorrow to try em out but i'm doubting the white stuff this time so might have to wait.

man your chip steak looked killer!!! i don't mind it thick cut ever, as long as it's tender and doesn't just pull out of the roll when ya bite it. there are plenty of places around here that make em thick cut. i like em the way you did with the rustic cut peppers and onions when it;s thick. and bro i actually prefer any cheese other than wiz.. just not a big fan of the wiz. tried it a couple months back and it was great at first then the flavor wore off quick with me, for cheesesteaks i like white american, provolone, pepper jack, cheddar, motz, swiss, pretty much any cheese,, even munster!!! :D

so bro your cheesecakes in the jar... did you use the sous vide guy or the simply recipe? or something different? combo of the two? i gotta know!! your saying better than NY.. i gotta try!!!!

so the other night i went over to my buddies garage and took some topanga cookies and your goodies..

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it wasn't a cannagar, just a roll up with a bunch of sugar... man did i take some shit at first!! i opened the wrapper up and it was pink and smelled fruity... holy shit did my buddy go off.. he calls a mutual friend on speaker phone to even lay it on thick.. soon as i lit it up all the funny went away and all he had was compliments then!!! i even yelled out on the phone as a joke..i'm like Jay it looks like a dog pecker!!!! then handed it to my buddy and said here put your cocksucker on this!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: it was funny stuff man!!! but seriously it hit smooth and burned real slow. like a blunt but not like shit!! i'll use em for sure. the tips are real nice too, are those the purple rose brand?

🩲 again!!

Man that is too dang funny about all that razzin! Yeah you better have a thick skin if you're gonna pull out the pink Blazey Susans for a sesh!!! :ROFLMAO:
Yeah those are the Purple Rose tips they gave me. You should have both the large and smalls in there.

I actually did the steak in the sous vide first then finished it on the flat-top. It was pretty good but woulda been better with ribeye.
I'm not a fan of Wiz either. Tastes too processed like that aerosol cheese in a can.
I used queso but yeah I agree on all those cheeses. Deluxe American is what I use on smash burgers and it makes the burger IMO.
Lately I've also been into using gruyere. Man a grilled cheese sammy made with gruyere & gouda is awesome! I made one for my wife and she was like ok, this is what grown ups grilled cheese should be like.🥰

Ya know I found another use for those magnets...Wrap it in foil and use it to tamp down the graham cracker crust in the cheesecake jars!!

So yeah SV cheesecake is super ez and the recipes are flexible AF...

This will make eight 4oz jars

Set your SV to 176

Two 8oz blocks of cream cheese
Three large eggs
2/3 cup of sugar but I use only 1/2 cup. May even go lower than that next time and when I do key lime pies
2/3 cup of buttermilk OR 2/3 cups of sour cream OR 2/3 cup of heavy whipping cream
2-3tsp of vanilla extract OR 2-3tsp of bourbon

Mix the cheese and sugar together until well blended then add the eggs one at a time until it's all mixed and smooth. Then slowly add in the buttermilk then finally the vanilla and blend it all well.

For the crust...
A pack of graham crackers put inside a ziplock baggie then crushed to tiny bits with a rolling pin. If the crackers don't have cinnamon already you can add some cinnamon to the mix.
Melt down a 1/4 stick of unsalted butter in the microwave
Add the cracker dust and butter to a mixing bowl and mix it until it's gotta wet sand like texture

To fill the jars move the cheese mix into a bowl or large measuring cup with a pouring spout.
Add a heaping spoonful of cracker mix to the jar and pack it down tight.
Next pour the cheese mix in up to the bottom of the threads on the jar leaving about a half inch of head space

This is the most important part of the recipe and you have to trust the physics involved here...
When you put the lid on the jar do not over tighten. You barely want it snugged up and sealed. They call it fingertip tight. You want air to escape the jar as it cooks and do not worry about water getting inside the jar.
If the lid is too tight the jar will pressurize and break so you spin the lid until it barely gets some resistance as it tightens.
When you put the jars in the bath they will bubble with air escaping but water will not get in.

Cook in the bath for 90 minutes then chill for at least a few hours before serving.
Serve it up to friends and family and be the cheesecake hero as they go nuts over it!🥳
Piggybacking this update off what I posted in Mr. Luv's thread this morning regarding tracking data, what the plants are doing during that tracking, and why I run above normal warm temps

So this is the trend on the day starting low at lights on and peaking at 90 then triggering the exhaust to balance out the heat and RH into an optimal range for explosive growth rates

That dip in the red line is where the exhaust kicked in and you can see it leveled out the hi temp, took it back down into an ideal range and zapped RH like a bitch.
This is what a good exhaust should be able to do


The hi temp is used for the root zone. Warmish soils mean lots of vigor in the rhizosphere and that translates to exceptional growth.
I really don't care much about VPD or leaf temps here because if I ran the room by trying to set temps according to those numbers then the root zone will be too cool and that will result in slow uptake and slow growth.
Taking it up into the high 80s still leaves an excellent leaf temp able to transpire water at a rapid rate which again translates to rapid growth. I'm getting the best of both world here by going off root temps and air temps.

From there, the plants do all the talking letting me know what they want and like. They lead and I follow with adjustments and in this case, running the room above common temps prescribed for growing weed indoors.





Spectramax was set to full power today.💯
Stretchers were corralled together yesterday and giving me an idea of how high to set the trellis screen tomorrow.
High cotton is setting in then next comes the stack 🤘

Anybody doing anything special for their lady tomorrow?
I like to get a little cheesy and traditional some years and this one of those years.
Got an order in for a bouquet to be delivered and also picked this up since she's been on a little champagne kick here lately since New Years. Been getting her the bottles of the cheap stuff so figured she should indulge a bit on her special day🥰

Piggybacking this update off what I posted in Mr. Luv's thread this morning regarding tracking data, what the plants are doing during that tracking, and why I run above normal warm temps

So this is the trend on the day starting low at lights on and peaking at 90 then triggering the exhaust to balance out the heat and RH into an optimal range for explosive growth rates

That dip in the red line is where the exhaust kicked in and you can see it leveled out the hi temp, took it back down into an ideal range and zapped RH like a bitch.
This is what a good exhaust should be able to do

View attachment 44824

The hi temp is used for the root zone. Warmish soils mean lots of vigor in the rhizosphere and that translates to exceptional growth.
I really don't care much about VPD or leaf temps here because if I ran the room by trying to set temps according to those numbers then the root zone will be too cool and that will result in slow uptake and slow growth.
Taking it up into the high 80s still leaves an excellent leaf temp able to transpire water at a rapid rate which again translates to rapid growth. I'm getting the best of both world here by going off root temps and air temps.

From there, the plants do all the talking letting me know what they want and like. They lead and I follow with adjustments and in this case, running the room above common temps prescribed for growing weed indoors.

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Spectramax was set to full power today.💯
Stretchers were corralled together yesterday and giving me an idea of how high to set the trellis screen tomorrow.
High cotton is setting in then next comes the stack 🤘

Anybody doing anything special for their lady tomorrow?
I like to get a little cheesy and traditional some years and this one of those years.
Got an order in for a bouquet to be delivered and also picked this up since she's been on a little champagne kick here lately since New Years. Been getting her the bottles of the cheap stuff so figured she should indulge a bit on her special day🥰

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I'll see your cheese and raise you a smoked gouda and gruyere mac and cheese!

DAMN! You played the lobster card! 😆

Have you ever had fried spinach? I wasn't sure about that one but once I ate it....MAN! It was freaking delicious!

I've had just about everything deep fried at the State Fair of Texas...Pizza, ice cream, spaghetti, guacamole and the list goes on and on but I've never had deep fried spinach. I'd sure try it though!

P.S. If you ever offered, decline deep fried beer.:sick:

I don't do much.
Just the usual. :p
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Ha! The one thing I won't do is buy a card. Fuck Hallmark and all the card people. I don't even send out Xmas cards I'm so anti-holiday greeting card.
But I do send her a pajamagram some years. Trust me on that one...It works better than chocolate 😋
thanks for the recipe man!!! already bookmarked and think we have everything on hand to green light them!!! maybe some other fruit than what we have to top then with!!

ahhhh valentines day... my chiropractor called it valen-spines-day!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
i've been pampering my girl all week man, fancy restaurants, good home cooked meals, chocolates, foot rubs, jewelry.. kinda outdoing myself this year!!! today was simple though, slippers and a dildo!! if she don't like the slippers she can go F herself!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: nah just kidding, i'd get my ass in trouble if i even whispered that out loud,, just to make you guys laugh!!!

bro i didn't even realize there were two different sized PR tips in that bag until you said something!!! the smaller one would have ended up fitting perfect and i didn't even know it... stoner move for sure!!!!! 🥴
I got schrooms in my garden, Hey we need to helpDFG get him back onto the site, seems he is "Locked out" due to a missing 2nd "Key" or code, where's Moe & staff? SSgrower
All the ladies in my life scored on Valentines...
Wife got flowers and bottle of Dom
Wednesday & Kitty Purry got buttermilk
And these girls all got a seafood buffet for dinner and microbial bacterias for dessert.

Now they're praying like they're in a Southern Gospel Choir


The wait was worth it :cool:

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kitty purry?? like katy perry? ... oh boy...

that's a really cool diecast!!! did it come with that awesome case? or is that something you made?

man that sucks you don't get cardboard tickets anymore.. i didn't know that!! now that i think about it, it's been a few years now since i got tickets for concerts too..

just hit play on the DVR and getting into it now!!!!
just got done watching i am kevin harvick... i really enjoyed it, class act!! do you know at all, is it just a one off? or a series?
Man that is too dang funny about all that razzin! Yeah you better have a thick skin if you're gonna pull out the pink Blazey Susans for a sesh!!! :ROFLMAO:
Yeah those are the Purple Rose tips they gave me. You should have both the large and smalls in there.

I actually did the steak in the sous vide first then finished it on the flat-top. It was pretty good but woulda been better with ribeye.
I'm not a fan of Wiz either. Tastes too processed like that aerosol cheese in a can.
I used queso but yeah I agree on all those cheeses. Deluxe American is what I use on smash burgers and it makes the burger IMO.
Lately I've also been into using gruyere. Man a grilled cheese sammy made with gruyere & gouda is awesome! I made one for my wife and she was like ok, this is what grown ups grilled cheese should be like.🥰

Ya know I found another use for those magnets...Wrap it in foil and use it to tamp down the graham cracker crust in the cheesecake jars!!

So yeah SV cheesecake is super ez and the recipes are flexible AF...

This will make eight 4oz jars

Set your SV to 176

Two 8oz blocks of cream cheese
Three large eggs
2/3 cup of sugar but I use only 1/2 cup. May even go lower than that next time and when I do key lime pies
2/3 cup of buttermilk OR 2/3 cups of sour cream OR 2/3 cup of heavy whipping cream
2-3tsp of vanilla extract OR 2-3tsp of bourbon

Mix the cheese and sugar together until well blended then add the eggs one at a time until it's all mixed and smooth. Then slowly add in the buttermilk then finally the vanilla and blend it all well.

For the crust...
A pack of graham crackers put inside a ziplock baggie then crushed to tiny bits with a rolling pin. If the crackers don't have cinnamon already you can add some cinnamon to the mix.
Melt down a 1/4 stick of unsalted butter in the microwave
Add the cracker dust and butter to a mixing bowl and mix it until it's gotta wet sand like texture

To fill the jars move the cheese mix into a bowl or large measuring cup with a pouring spout.
Add a heaping spoonful of cracker mix to the jar and pack it down tight.
Next pour the cheese mix in up to the bottom of the threads on the jar leaving about a half inch of head space

This is the most important part of the recipe and you have to trust the physics involved here...
When you put the lid on the jar do not over tighten. You barely want it snugged up and sealed. They call it fingertip tight. You want air to escape the jar as it cooks and do not worry about water getting inside the jar.
If the lid is too tight the jar will pressurize and break so you spin the lid until it barely gets some resistance as it tightens.
When you put the jars in the bath they will bubble with air escaping but water will not get in.

Cook in the bath for 90 minutes then chill for at least a few hours before serving.
Serve it up to friends and family and be the cheesecake hero as they go nuts over it!🥳

Bandit, should i completely submerge my jars with the holding rack? or just let em "bob" in the water and move around?
kitty purry?? like katy perry? ... oh boy...

that's a really cool diecast!!! did it come with that awesome case? or is that something you made?

man that sucks you don't get cardboard tickets anymore.. i didn't know that!! now that i think about it, it's been a few years now since i got tickets for concerts too..

just hit play on the DVR and getting into it now!!!!

The fantabulous Kitty Purry! In some circles she's known as Tuna Breath 😋

kitty purry.jpg

Yep after Katy Perry...And she does purr a lot! Like that's all she does is stare at me purring.🐱
Good cat though. Has a couple rats on her FAFO list

Better pic of Project 91 without the dome


It's an Elite so it's a bit more detailed and better paint than standard finish. My ipad camera is not picking up how awesome it really looks live. Sometimes it looks black then a lighter blue but live it's a blue similar to The Dallas Cowboys blue and the silver & chrome shine is dulled in pics making look more gray but yeah it's a good looking ride for sure! There's even some race damage on the other side haha! Lionel did a really good job on this one.

I got the case off amazon. Little $15 el cheapo but it's cool because the floor is tilted so you get a good full body view. The checkerboard is vinyl wrap I have for these projects and I put that on otherwise it would be black.
Speaking of cases...You'll really dig the one I'm gonna order for Larson's Coke 600 and Indy 500 cars

kl ss.png

Yeah man paper tix were a covid fatality unfortunately. Now it's all apple wallet but I still keep 'em


Like how my phone is all charged up? 😋
Ya know what though...For all the fees ticketmaster charges and the money they rake in they could offer a download for a souvenir. They're a damn monopoly too so it's like we're stuck with how they wanna do it.🤬
In some ways I do like them being on a phone. Cant lose them or ruin them. Even my old boarding passes are still on my phone. But would like to have a souvenir tix.
Chicago was a weird wrist band with a wonky sensor on it but to get it off after the race it had to be cut off and that ruined it. Now they're trying to lure people to buy a tix early and get an unusable souvenir tix along with that sticker sheet and other swag that came in my packet.

But yeah man, next show you go to be prepared for digital tix and cashless concessions and merch. Clear bag policies and all that shit except for NASCAR races. They don't give a fuck what you bring in.
I don't mind cashless at all since I haven't dealt in cash for years now with Vegas and NYC being the exceptions. In fact the $25 I withdrew for the pool entry I forgot to put in your box is still in my wallet. And forget about change. Dude I haven't held a quarter in probably 10 years now!

just got done watching i am kevin harvick... i really enjoyed it, class act!! do you know at all, is it just a one off? or a series?

It's a lone documentary from what I understand. I haven't watched it yet but will soon.🤘

Bandit, should i completely submerge my jars with the holding rack? or just let em "bob" in the water and move around?

Completely submerged but my rack was too small so I lowered them in and got them out using my long handle tongs from this set

Sunday I'm gonna have to go dark for Daytona. I've got a baseball game at pretty much the same time so when I hit play on the DVR the race will be close to finish or just finishing up. Gotta remind myself to not check emails or look at tickers, news or anything and just keep my head buried in the sand until I get home that evening.
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tuna breath?!?!?! hahaha well at least she's earning her keep!!!!!!

but yeah that SVG car look very detailed!! they've come a long way with them. i didn't realize it was a touched up race finished car, that makes it that much cooler!!!

i can't wait to get that indy set!!! i was just looking last week to see if it happen to have an early release but still says august yet!!

and thanks again for the cheesecake info... gonna try them in a day or so. probably gonna do like a banana foster type topping for them. i have to make sure i have new lids first. i know i have those jars from the mushroom making but all those lids have vents and inoculation ports in them!! haha might make for some trippy cakes!!!! hahaha

i might not get to see the 500 live either man, it's not that fun to listen to the scanner live at big track anyway so i'm not upset at all. like ya say, just gotta avoid tickers and the net!!!

hope your work goes smooth bro!! hook em!!!
tuna breath?!?!?! hahaha well at least she's earning her keep!!!!!!

but yeah that SVG car look very detailed!! they've come a long way with them. i didn't realize it was a touched up race finished car, that makes it that much cooler!!!

i can't wait to get that indy set!!! i was just looking last week to see if it happen to have an early release but still says august yet!!

and thanks again for the cheesecake info... gonna try them in a day or so. probably gonna do like a banana foster type topping for them. i have to make sure i have new lids first. i know i have those jars from the mushroom making but all those lids have vents and inoculation ports in them!! haha might make for some trippy cakes!!!! hahaha

i might not get to see the 500 live either man, it's not that fun to listen to the scanner live at big track anyway so i'm not upset at all. like ya say, just gotta avoid tickers and the net!!!

hope your work goes smooth bro!! hook em!!!

Did you order your cars from Hendricks? I'm seeing a March 31st ship date on them!
That set will be the crown jewels of my collection for sure so yeah they get a fancy case.

I just realized something else about this 91 car. It's a #1 out of 1313 made! So I guess it was the first car off the line and I got it!

Did you order your cars from Hendricks? I'm seeing a March 31st ship date on them!
That set will be the crown jewels of my collection for sure so yeah they get a fancy case.

I just realized something else about this 91 car. It's a #1 out of 1313 made! So I guess it was the first car off the line and I got it!

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no, i ordered mine from :rolleyes:

man #1.. first race there, first win for him, and first car... gotta add some kind of value to somebody!! i wonder how they come up with 1313.. not a thousand or 1300 but 1313..

i saw larson and briscoe are starting out near each other!! :D
no, i ordered mine from :rolleyes:

man #1.. first race there, first win for him, and first car... gotta add some kind of value to somebody!! i wonder how they come up with 1313.. not a thousand or 1300 but 1313..

i saw larson and briscoe are starting out near each other!! :D

Check that, May 31st is on the Hendricks site.🙃

So turns out I'm reading the tag wrong. The 1 doesn't mean it was first off the line unless every car I have is a #1 because I'm seeing it on all my boxes.
The production run numbers are always weird. My autographed Briscoe had 314 made, Friesen truck was something like 157. They're always a weird obscure number.

Man IDK why, I suspect it's because I love college football so much I kinda see NXS like I do college level sports and Cup is the NFL, but I'm really excited about the Xfinity series this year.
Deegan and SVG are running full time but this kid who I watched come up thru ARCA last year, Jesse Love, is a phenom!!! I think we got another Kyle Larson coming up thru the ranks!
And even Frankie Muniz from malcolm in the middle is doing some NXS races this year.
Waiting for this thing to start now so I can decide on go to work and watch it there or go dark and DVR it but I wanna see this NXS race today for sure!

Still working thru timelapse issues but I'm getting some good info out of it.
I'd really like to correlate ACI chart data to timelapse because I think it would be really cool to add visual to that data and just dial in a room to perfection.
But another cool thing it's showing me is what happens during a stretch and when the stretch is starting to slow. I think it's starting to slow now and we'll soon see some stacking

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