True Confessions of an American Outlaw

Really close to pulling the trigger on one of these. Thanks to you and @rocj77 for guinea pigging it for us!

Curious to see what you think.
I recommended buying more trays and spacing them out that’s what I ended up doing. I was cheap and bought the green trays you get 5 for the same price as 3 of the normal trays.
Time to buzz the towers 🙃

I am super happy with this grow! The aroma is so dang loud in there too. I don't smell anything but wicked loud roadkill dead skunk. Any other aroma is being stepped on by that skunky dank and it's starting to get a little nauseating. I bet by harvest walking in here will make me gag a little:sick:

One thing I'm liking is how strong the main stalks have become. I have the net and yoyos but those stalks being that stout are holding up well. I've had multi top plants in the past with smaller buds already falling over by now but these girls are some tough ol broads 💪

Many have started taking up less water as then end is nearing. Time to cut feeding IMO and only give them candy.
I think by the last weekend of this month and maybe a few days before that, the harvest window will be opening on more than half the ladies in the room
Well I went ahead and bought a Herb Now Dryer.😎
At first, after unboxing I was bummed out because it was like Stoney said, nothing I grow will fit in there. The trays are super shallow but after looking closer the bottoms of each tray can be removed to make space.
So while it does have 5 trays, it's more like 3 deep trays

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I think I can maybe fit two plants in it at a time. One full plant for sure after bucking it up off the stems
So I'll be doing several types of drying at harvest...machine, whole plant, and branches
Now I gotta order up some new Groves for this haul....
What I’ve been doing to try and fit them all in is harvesting just the tops of the plant and then 4 days later when those are done I’ll harvest the middles and lowers
I recommended buying more trays and spacing them out that’s what I ended up doing. I was cheap and bought the green trays you get 5 for the same price as 3 of the normal trays.

Thanks for this!
I didn't even think to see if they sold extra trays so I ordered another set to get it back to full capacity.(y)
The green trays are cheaper and they don’t have that lip at the top like the clear ones do so you can fit more buds in
I ordered the clear. I know if I ordered the green my OCD would kick in on the different colors and it would bug me. I'm just weird about things like that 🤪
After I use it though I may order a couple sets of green so I can run either all green or all clear. If this all goes well I can also see myself ordering a whole other dryer too ;)
I ordered the clear. I know if I ordered the green my OCD would kick in on the different colors and it would bug me. I'm just weird about things like that 🤪
After I use it though I may order a couple sets of green so I can run either all green or all clear. If this all goes well I can also see myself ordering a whole other dryer too ;)
I’m the same exact way it drove me nuts that the colors were different. I’m gonna order one more also
I recommended buying more trays and spacing them out that’s what I ended up doing. I was cheap and bought the green trays you get 5 for the same price as 3 of the normal trays.
Does the dehydrator work on a time basis or does it detect humidity levels? I ask because if I cut all the plants down and hang them and start bucking flowers off the stems when I get to the last couple of plants they will be close to dry.

Seems to me the dehydrator is setup to work on a time basis so you would have to start with fresh flower rather than half dried or whatever. I read that you remove what the dehydrator will hold and no more then, once the first batch is dried, you remove more from the dry plant and load up the dehydrator again.

96 hrs is 4 days. How much do you think you could dry in those 4 days with just the stock amount of trays they give you on initial purchase?
my only concern would be that drying the buds so fast will make them harsh. i was always taught to dry buds as slow as possible to keep the smoke smooth. part of me wonders if this is just another old ganja wise tale..

ears and eyes open..
Does the dehydrator work on a time basis or does it detect humidity levels? I ask because if I cut all the plants down and hang them and start bucking flowers off the stems when I get to the last couple of plants they will be close to dry.

Seems to me the dehydrator is setup to work on a time basis so you would have to start with fresh flower rather than half dried or whatever. I read that you remove what the dehydrator will hold and no more then, once the first batch is dried, you remove more from the dry plant and load up the dehydrator again.

96 hrs is 4 days. How much do you think you could dry in those 4 days with just the stock amount of trays they give you on initial purchase?

The timer is for 96 hours but it's not locked in. It's wise to start checking after day two. It may need longer or shorter, just depends on ambient conditions the dryer is in. You can also add the moisture shot if it dries too fast.
I also plan on using for weed that I leave in my rolling tray. If I leave a few big buds out on a rainy day with the windows open it will soften up and moisturize the bud. I'll be using the dryer to fix that

i bet once you have that dehydrator filled up and running it's gonna make one hell of a ganja scented air freshener!! :D 🦨

I'll bottle it and sell it!!! Make candles too! :ROFLMAO:

my only concern would be that drying the buds so fast will make them harsh. i was always taught to dry buds as slow as possible to keep the smoke smooth. part of me wonders if this is just another old ganja wise tale..

ears and eyes open..

The review on grow weed easy and rocj's pics sealed the deal for me but yeah I still have to see for myself.
One good thing though is with Grove bags you can pretty much correct an over-dry situation with that locked in RH zone. I've been a habitual over dryer and between using Boveda prior to Grove and now using Grove I've used them as crutches to fix my over drying habits.
Something else that has caught my eye is rack drying of any type makes buds go flat and they don't retain that round shape. This doesn't seem to do that so that was another thing that pushed me into giving it a try

But check this out from GWE....


The timer is for 96 hours but it's not locked in. It's wise to start checking after day two. It may need longer or shorter, just depends on ambient conditions the dryer is in. You can also add the moisture shot if it dries too fast.
I also plan on using for weed that I leave in my rolling tray. If I leave a few big buds out on a rainy day with the windows open it will soften up and moisturize the bud. I'll be using the dryer to fix that

I'll bottle it and sell it!!! Make candles too! :ROFLMAO:

The review on grow weed easy and rocj's pics sealed the deal for me but yeah I still have to see for myself.
One good thing though is with Grove bags you can pretty much correct an over-dry situation with that locked in RH zone. I've been a habitual over dryer and between using Boveda prior to Grove and now using Grove I've used them as crutches to fix my over drying habits.
Something else that has caught my eye is rack drying of any type makes buds go flat and they don't retain that round shape. This doesn't seem to do that so that was another thing that pushed me into giving it a try

But check this out from GWE....

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oh that's not nearly aggressive as i thought it was. it took them ten days to dry so maybe not as hot as i though it was. very curious... it would make for a hell of a space saver in drying!!
oh that's not nearly aggressive as i thought it was. it took them ten days to dry so maybe not as hot as i though it was. very curious... it would make for a hell of a space saver in drying!!

The ten day dry was the dudes air dry time. Using the herb dryer I think his was ready between 2 and 4 days but still I totally agree on the space saver and the speed too for that matter. If there's a good way around that whole 2 week wait and quality is still there which his tests show, I'm in!

That damn Costco....Every time I go there they hook me in on an impulse buy.
Like c'mon man! Who's gonna walk away from an axe throwing kit? I sure as hell aint! And it comes with throwing stars??!!! Get out of my head costco!!!
Gonna set this up while we tailgate at COTA in a few weeks.😋🪓🪓🪓🎯🎯🎯

That damn Costco....Every time I go there they hook me in on an impulse buy.
Like c'mon man! Who's gonna walk away from an axe throwing kit? I sure as hell aint! And it comes with throwing stars??!!! Get out of my head costco!!!
Gonna set this up while we tailgate at COTA in a few weeks.😋🪓🪓🪓🎯🎯🎯

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Hahahaha my kids have one of these🤣
thank the lord we dont have a costco here. YET. lmao
do you guys remember yard darts? do they still make those? they were a lot of fun growing up!!!!

I think they banned those things back in the 80s....
goes off to google it.....
Yep they were banned after some kids got into some and a little girl took one to the head and died. Father went on a crusade to get them banned after that.
Looks like they hurt dozens and killed a few.

I remember having them as a kid at my grandpas and my cousins and I tossing them high as fuck and playing chicken with them as they came back down. If you jumped out of the way you got socked in the arm.
But looking back I suppose a good bruise on the bicep is a lot better than a lawn dart to the noggin 🫠
Yea they were banned.
Wiki says in Canada second hand sale is a crime~!:oops:
I am the youngest in my family and we had them~!
Probably even on the beach in the summer around unsuspecting victims~!
i should have known they'd be banned... we were just lucky as kids not to get hurt. some not so lucky. not that i didn't hurt as a kid, my dad learned how to be a pretty good field medic!!! haha different times i guess... my parents would probably be locked up by today standards!!! haha


Bandit i heard you say you were thinking of getting more stash bags and i was thinking maybe you should just buy a few of these...

i should have known they'd be banned... we were just lucky as kids not to get hurt. some not so lucky. not that i didn't hurt as a kid, my dad learned how to be a pretty good field medic!!! haha different times i guess... my parents would probably be locked up by today standards!!! haha


Bandit i heard you say you were thinking of getting more stash bags and i was thinking maybe you should just buy a few of these...


Times were very different back then.
Man when I was in 4th grade my pal and I were trick or treating and we decided to TRT a liquor store and then a CHP officer. The liquor store gave us each a lotto ticket and the cop reached into his trunk and gave us each a road flare. Man if that happened these days that cop woulda been fired, us kids probably woulda been taken to a foster home and all kinds of shit.:ROFLMAO:

Man I tell ya Grove is pissing me off with their shipping rate. There's no way it costs $30 to ship $30 worth of bags. If I do that I know that package will only have like a $5 postage stamp on it. Fuckers. I might go in another direction and use mylar bags and Bovedas. I'll do one more price comparison via Amazon but they only have the 1oz bags and I want 2oz
I said I would never buy Boveda but wanted to pay no attention to last harvest.
Little $1 pack in each large jar [ 2-4 oz] is working like a charm.
I said I would never buy Boveda but wanted to pay no attention to last harvest.
Little $1 pack in each large jar [ 2-4 oz] is working like a charm.

Boveda always worked great for me when I was using steeltainers with vacuum sealing or Cvaults. Only reason I don't use them still is because Grove came along. I prefer bags though because I use a fridge to cure and can fit a ton more in there packing bags than any other container.
I'd buy the Boveda in bulk though and save some $$$. Too bad Costco doesn't sell Boveda :ROFLMAO:
have you ever thought of trying the food saver bags?

i agree with the shipping costs.. i bought the flag bags from them because i couldn't find them anywhere else,, the other grove bags i have i bought from ebay and zon on prime day... they were almost half the price. but they never have the specialties.

i did terrible with those packs.. i tried them but must of messed something up or maybe i just like my weed dryer than it should be. i put one of those packs in my jar and it's hard as a rock and cracker dry in two days!!
have you ever thought of trying the food saver bags?

i agree with the shipping costs.. i bought the flag bags from them because i couldn't find them anywhere else,, the other grove bags i have i bought from ebay and zon on prime day... they were almost half the price. but they never have the specialties.

i did terrible with those packs.. i tried them but must of messed something up or maybe i just like my weed dryer than it should be. i put one of those packs in my jar and it's hard as a rock and cracker dry in two days!!
Thats crazy man, Ive had some of the 1lb bovedas for over a year now
Thats crazy man, Ive had some of the 1lb bovedas for over a year now

i just looked now but couldn't find what i had.. think i gave em away.. i don't know the size or anything, they were small packs like the size of a wet nap... said 62% on them.. i ruined every one i tried so i stopped wasting them.
Mine are for 1 oz and have done better than that [2-4 oz on average].
I just figured if 1 wasn't enough I would add another but never need to?
have you ever thought of trying the food saver bags?

i agree with the shipping costs.. i bought the flag bags from them because i couldn't find them anywhere else,, the other grove bags i have i bought from ebay and zon on prime day... they were almost half the price. but they never have the specialties.

i did terrible with those packs.. i tried them but must of messed something up or maybe i just like my weed dryer than it should be. i put one of those packs in my jar and it's hard as a rock and cracker dry in two days!!

To this day I still feel like using parchment lined steeltainers to give rigid structure then filling with 4oz of weed, another top layer of parchment with a Boveda and oxygen absorber, then using a foodsaver bag and pulling a vacuum to remove air but using the steeltainer to prevent crushing the weed was my best ever method of cure and storage.
I was using a wine fridge and it was great but then the fridge broke, the new one was smaller, and those steeltainers did not fit as well so I went to Grove bags.
I may end up revisiting that and maybe get another bigger fridge to do it.

I cleared out my shed this winter and have all kinds of space in there now to put a bigger fridge.
I also have a collection of mylar bags I can use the same way as the foodsavers but they're big.

I love the size of those Grove flag bags...They were 2oz but don't sell them anymore. If I cant get 2oz bags at a reasonable price I may go back to foodsavers.
The main thing now is anything other than a grove, I'll be lining it with parchment. Jars, cvaults...everything. If it's not slick inside, trichs get stolen by the container

Thats crazy man, Ive had some of the 1lb bovedas for over a year now

I've had some last a long time and some barely a few days. But like Grove when they wore out I hated buying again because the box I bought was like around $70

Mine are for 1 oz and have done better than that [2-4 oz on average].
I just figured if 1 wasn't enough I would add another but never need to?

I can't remember the size I used but they were about as big as a wallet or stick of deodorant. The tiny one always wore out kinda quick on me and I had to use a bunch of per every 4oz of weed but those big pack were 1 pack/4oz
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