True Confessions of an American Outlaw

Herb Now test smoke after 90 hours

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I'm so happy with the thing I ordered the 5 pack of green trays so I can change up the configuration by having 3 flat trays in the bottom for small nugs to dry and up top in the green all but the top screens will be removed so I can hang dry large colas in it ✌️
I'm going to assume this is Bandit420 approved?
got me interested in the pulse one.a quick google showed me they are on eBay aust for 361 bucks…190 through pulse which is 290 converted to our dollar..that suxs balls .

I still want one 😃
I bowled with him when I was 8, his bus got stuck under an overpass and he stopped to throw a couple games, it was pretty sick. Most likely won't even forget that.
Wonder when he started doing the crotch chops? Highly likely to find me and my buddy out in the alley behind that local bowling alley smokin bud...prolly threw a few crotch chops ourselves lol, I'm just saying he could have had influence LMAO 🤣.

My buddy who grew up in St Ann mo....his mom hated the crotch chops so that shit was laid on thick around her house lol
got me interested in the pulse one.a quick google showed me they are on eBay aust for 361 bucks…190 through pulse which is 290 converted to our dollar..that suxs balls .

I still want one 😃

The Pulse Zero is a preorder right now but it will replace the Pulse One for only $99 US.
However, I recommend saving up for the Pulse Pro @$500 US. I actually ended up putting it on a card and setting up a $55/month no interest autopay on it since it was a qualifying purchase with that cc.

The Pro is worth it because you get all the regular Pulse One features + CO2 and PAR with the PPFD being broke down by spectrum distribution.
It does shit only expensive lab equipment could do before now. + you can plug probes into it to include soil moisture, EC, or pH.

Another thing about Pulse that may be a deal breaker for some is you need to have constant internet connection and wifi signal in the grow room. There's no bluetooth option.

Here's the data the Pro spits out...



It's kinda like the AC Infinity controller if the ACI grew up and went to Harvard.

Tells you every single data point needed to dial in a grow space. Everything from what's doing well to what needs improvement.
It can also tell you the best height a light needs to hang as well as what spectrum the light is lacking or too strong.
For example, my chart is telling me a little wider range of blue down to 415 could possibly bump resin production without needing UV while the black far red and infrared is telling me the danger zone that could bleach the tip of a cola.

In addition to that info, I can compare my customized spectrum to mfg charts to determine whether or not my 3 light combo is elevating the performance of each light as individuals which according to the charts from CLW, the answer is definitely, Hell yes it is!!!

Screenshot 2024-03-14 115105.png

Screenshot 2024-03-14 115158.png

From there you take all the data and compare it to plant performance and you find the perfect blend of performance and efficiency in the grow ;)
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Day 63 from dry seed, week 9 of this no veg grow
Fades and purps are setting in, water uptake has slowed way down for most that are entering the harvest window today but I'm gonna wait to chop until the new racks get here in a few days












Final on the herb now test bud...4 grams dry so it lost 10g of water weight. Length went from 117mm down to 103mm and width from 67mm down to 35mm. Density is firm like that of a dry sponge


Pepper project '24 is underway!




PS. Sometimes living in a city with a million other people can suck.
Crowds, tourists, traffic, crime, smog, noise, construction everywhere and cost of living is expensive.
It takes it's toll for sure. It can be a fucking grind and some days I hate it.

Then the next thing you know your city hosts a festival and you see Cheech and Chong rolling down mainstreet driving a vintage Rolls Royce pulling a trailer with a big ass 20 foot lit joint on the trailer and ya realize, city life is pretty fucking awesome sometimes too! 🙃

Trying to dial up a finishing spectrum and see how this goes



Gonna let this ride and see what happens with it. Hopefully more trichs!
I think for the next grow and this stage I'm gonna get out my old 315 watt CMH with 10,000 kelvin finishing lamp instead of trying the UV thing again to get that blue widened out closer to 400nm.
I am so digging what this Pulse Pro is letting me do with this lighting thing! Before it was always guess work but now I get to make a better or more educated guess in what I'm trying to accomplish
Getting scientific "test" smoking some more of this quick dry Gorilla Butter🧑‍🔬🧑‍🚀🧪🔍🦙


Tastes like a rubber band with a tone of spoiled milk. Not exactly yummy. But that's a 🦍 cut for ya. 😝
Huge, almost violent lung expansion that will probably smooth out with a cure. Heady high. Wife was one hit and done, I cleared two bowls and was red eye smiley then I realized uh oh...creeper town!o_O

The herb dryer does things different but I like it and see nothing wrong with what it produces so far. It gets rack drying right IMO. I like that I can keep it dark too since it's compact.
The rest of the GB plant is still alive and getting over ripe so I'm gonna chop it and do half in the dryer and half hang then meter test potency.
The stack of racks will be here Monday so Tuesday I'm gonna chop some plant tops to hang dry in the dryer.
It would be kinda cool if I can fill the dryer then after four days fill it again by not taking plants whole at harvest. Once the colas are off everything else is pretty much golf ball nuggetry perfect size for the dryer. So maybe instead of chop most of it at once just stretch it out over 8-12 days.
Just some musings about mowing the grass after test smoking🚜🙃
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So how much longer do you think this grow has and what's next?
I know you said you had a regular run coming up sometime soon.
You are making the most out of that Pulse~!
How are you adjusting your lights with only 2 channels?
So how much longer do you think this grow has and what's next?
I know you said you had a regular run coming up sometime soon.
You are making the most out of that Pulse~!
How are you adjusting your lights with only 2 channels?

I'd say the harvest window has opened for all but maybe 5 plants that were late to the party. 2 plants are pushing over ripe right now. I'm gonna slow play it right up to over ripe just to see what I can do with the finishing spectrum though especially with the slow 5 which probably have 10-14 days left before I'd consider cutting them down.

Yeah I'm gonna mix regs and fems next grow. Probably 2/3 fem and over drop the regs on the other 3rd for culling males.
Summer is best if I'm gonna run regs that way I don't need to put them up on a table in the small tray and use a heater.
I can start on the floor for that xtra space then pull males as they show.
The regs will also be started in larger airpots so they have the gas in the tank to go thru sexing. After I know sex then they'll be upcanned. The fems will be upcanned at flip so they'll start in smaller airpots like this grow

Oh yeah I'm totally digging the Pulse! Best little grow toy I've ever bought for this room!

Well the spectramx is two and the ss550s are three.
There's red + white on the spectramax then red + white + blue and each channel dims 0-99%

The white diodes in the spectramax cover that wide range from 420nm to around 575nm then the red covers all the orange and red from 600nm-900nm. And kinda the same for the ss550s with the way the blue and white diodes work together to create several colors .
To get this current spectrum I have the spectramax channels powered up at 99% white/10% red and the ss550 channels are powered up 99% blue/30% white/ 10% red
Here's a charted graph of a 15 minute sunrise sunset feature.
Everything yellow represents light and when it shuts down you can see how it kinda stutters down for 15 minutes but for the most part is a clean vertical drop into darkness.
I don't know how this can benefit anything really. Cool feature but fairly pointless in the overall scheme of lighting

Moondog, nice strain name. Spectramax I wasn't familiar with. California Light Works huh? I just got a controller 69 but man if I had $500 layin around I'd enjoy the Pro Pulse for sure. Cheers
Thinking about getting a 69 pro myself. Moving into a 4x8 and it'd be nice to have it all controlled by 1 unit.
Only humans turn lights on and off.
Every other living creature would have sun rise and sun set not for us.
Just saying.
Moon Dawg~! :p

True but there's nothing natural about growing indoors. Rather than it simulating nature, it's more or less manipulating nature IMO.
Take vertical germination...Total manipulation in the process of a plant beginning life.
Like I believe plants can tell time according to the light cycle but by manipulating the light cycle, humans can make the plant think daytime is actually at night when we run our lights at night.
This grow, I even eliminated the entire season of Summer going straight from early Spring to Fall. With weed's insatiable desire to reproduce these plants don't care they never got a Summer, they care more about growing flowers to reproduce. It's a total manipulation of nature into some sort of symbiosis where the plant gets what it wants and needs to reproduce but we manipulate it into growing seedless flowers for our own needs and it never does get to reproduce.

Moondog, nice strain name. Spectramax I wasn't familiar with. California Light Works huh? I just got a controller 69 but man if I had $500 layin around I'd enjoy the Pro Pulse for sure. Cheers

Thinking about getting a 69 pro myself. Moving into a 4x8 and it'd be nice to have it all controlled by 1 unit.

The best thing about the 69 Pro is it's control over devices IMO. It's data is helpful to a degree but being able to change speed of several fans or set parameters on devices to turn on and off automatically all from a tablet or smart phone is where the high value is in that controller. Takes things like a fan and turns it into a smart fan and that's pretty awesome.
Best of all it's not very expensive compared to the type of equipment that used to be needed to do such things and even then Fuzzy Logic controllers couldn't control the speed of a fan by remote, it could only turn things on and off and there was no device interface...Just a controller on the wall with buttons. No remote control, bluetooth, or wifi at all.
But one thing about controllers back then and now that still holds true is they're only as good as the devices they control.
The Pulse Zero is a preorder right now but it will replace the Pulse One for only $99 US.
However, I recommend saving up for the Pulse Pro @$500 US. I actually ended up putting it on a card and setting up a $55/month no interest autopay on it since it was a qualifying purchase with that cc.

The Pro is worth it because you get all the regular Pulse One features + CO2 and PAR with the PPFD being broke down by spectrum distribution.
It does shit only expensive lab equipment could do before now. + you can plug probes into it to include soil moisture, EC, or pH.

Another thing about Pulse that may be a deal breaker for some is you need to have constant internet connection and wifi signal in the grow room. There's no bluetooth option.

Here's the data the Pro spits out...

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It's kinda like the AC Infinity controller if the ACI grew up and went to Harvard.

Tells you every single data point needed to dial in a grow space. Everything from what's doing well to what needs improvement.
It can also tell you the best height a light needs to hang as well as what spectrum the light is lacking or too strong.
For example, my chart is telling me a little wider range of blue down to 415 could possibly bump resin production without needing UV while the black far red and infrared is telling me the danger zone that could bleach the tip of a cola.

In addition to that info, I can compare my customized spectrum to mfg charts to determine whether or not my 3 light combo is elevating the performance of each light as individuals which according to the charts from CLW, the answer is definitely, Hell yes it is!!!

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From there you take all the data and compare it to plant performance and you find the perfect blend of performance and efficiency in the grow ;)
Wow..does just about everything bar cook you a meal…yeah I’d b interested if you can find out what it’s charging you through wifi per month.light distance ,par readings is what I’d like to know along with where the vpd is .specially in veg getting them off to a great start.
Wow..does just about everything bar cook you a meal…yeah I’d b interested if you can find out what it’s charging you through wifi per month.light distance ,par readings is what I’d like to know along with where the vpd is .specially in veg getting them off to a great start.

I pay a monthly flat rate for internet and wifi with unlimited data and 1g speed and there's no subscription to buy into with Pulse. So for me it's pretty much just buy a device, connect it to the internet, and that's it. Nothing more to buy and using it wont raise the rate on my internet(y)
True but there's nothing natural about growing indoors. Rather than it simulating nature, it's more or less manipulating nature IMO.
Take vertical germination...Total manipulation in the process of a plant beginning life.
Like I believe plants can tell time according to the light cycle but by manipulating the light cycle, humans can make the plant think daytime is actually at night when we run our lights at night.
This grow, I even eliminated the entire season of Summer going straight from early Spring to Fall. With weed's insatiable desire to reproduce these plants don't care they never got a Summer, they care more about growing flowers to reproduce. It's a total manipulation of nature into some sort of symbiosis where the plant gets what it wants and needs to reproduce but we manipulate it into growing seedless flowers for our own needs and it never does get to reproduce.
The reaping has begun!🪓
Platinum Frosting and Platinum Lemon Cherry Gelatto came down today and loaded into the herb dryer.



Lowest nugs on PF are great quality and zero larf. Very nice yielding plant and sexy AF in the sparklies department


DipNStix will fill the last two top trays tomorrow and since there's so much Max Ac I'll just hang dry it.

Here's a back row DSX making a solo appearance now that I can get to her


Weather this week is down right outstanding for drying at low 70s and mid 40s RH so I'm taking advantage doing both machine and hang dry. All lights are dimmed down and fresh air in on full


Two more upper racks to fill and DSX has those spots but here's the fully customized version of the herb dryer I've built with flat racks in the bottom and top green section is for hang drying colas. On top of the green under the lid is another extra space for more weed.
Right now I have 4 plants in this thing


Plants this size are unbelievably fast and ez to trim. About 10 minutes spent on each one using my plant assassination kit


The rest of the haul tomorrow.....
Farmed Out Bandit, get down and stay down. More views! Cheers SS

Thanks Buddy!✌️
Took down Dip N Stix, Gorilla Butter, Grape Jelly, and a Max AC today🪓🪓🪓

Grape Jelly with the weird bulbous nugget structure and smelling like a fruit smoothie


Gorilla Butter bringing the beer bottle colas


Max AC. Now I show which plants had the shitty diapers💩🩲🤢


DSX checking all the boxes and even went for xtra credit with the rare leaf bud


DSX also gave me the prototypical plant I was looking for in a no veg grow. 30" tall, 18" wide, Xmas tree structure, head to toe health, loaded with quality, and only 68 days start to finish.




Out of 22 plants I got 18 with similar characteristics as the DSX I was looking for. 2 plants were runts and 2 more were unusual phenotypes.
In the beginning there were also 3 more plants but were mutants and culled.
So out of 25 seeds from 8 strains dropped, 72% did exactly what I hoped they would do.😇
I also set personal records on yield, speed, and efficiency compared to any grow I've done in the past with this method of growing weed.

Bonus pic: hang drying in a rack 😎

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