
I'm thinking about adding Recharge to my mix of soil additives. There was a thread in another forum recently that asked about using Recharge with molasses. That has me wondering if that's a good combination.

Real Growers Recharge is $58 per pound on Amazon. Is it worth the cost? Does adding molasses matter? How well does it fit with the soil mix I'm currently using? (My mix is equal parts FFHF and FFOF mixed 4 to 1 with earthworm castings plus generous amounts of perlite and rice hulls plus nutrients.)

I'm basically using @Shaded's Gaia Green method. I currently have two crops growing in two tents. One is Black Jack that is beginning its third week since the flip. The other crop is Amnesia Haze that's in mid vegetation and a few weeks from being flipped. @Shaded's method is working well for the type of growing I'm doing. The Black Jack plants love it and are finishing well. The Amnesia Haze are a more challenging plant to grow, but they are definitely growing, if slowly. They got off to a bad start. (My fault.) They're almost 20-inches tall with about 20 inches to the light.
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I have a bag of recharge included in the ingredients is molasses.
Why, you're right! There it is! I don't think of molasses as a dry ingredient, so I must have read right past it. So, evidently, additional molasses isn't necessary.

I still want recommendations about whether this Recharge stuff is something I should add to my mix. It sounds good and reviewers like it.


There was another fella on the other place, named BlastFact? I think. He used to run GG in Coco with Recharge & EWC and his results were pretty self explanatory. Very healthy and lush looking plants. If I was you I would purchase a small bag of Recharge and actually do a comparison grow using the same strain(s) if possible.

Have half of your plants running the basic method, and then run the Recharge control group with your other half and compare the differences if there are any. I would actually be really interested in the result :)
I'm learning here, so I'm glad I started this thread. I didn't know about soil inoculants.

I have used it. It’s good and helps maintain that all important microbe colony in your soil, but not as an innocculator. It’s why I prefer great white over recharge
Thanks for the recommendation. I'm reading about it now. Great White does sound better than Recharge. It costs quite a bit more, though. I like that it can be applied when watering, top dressing or transplanting. My Amnesia Haze is growing slowly, so this might be just what it needs.
Simply put recharge will break down nutrient salts and nutrients bound to the media into ionic form. That means they are soluble and will dissolve in water. That means plants can take them up and you can rinse them out if the media via runoff.

The benefit is unavailable or trapped nutrients will become available for for the plant and increases the efficiency of the nutrients applied.

It also means that excess can be washed out with runoff.

Its not the bacteria etc that prevent pathogens like hydrogaurd, defgaurd, souther ag etc so its not used as an inoculant for plant health per se but rather for nutrient availability and absorption
There was another fella on the other place, named BlastFact? I think. He used to run GG in Coco with Recharge & EWC and his results were pretty self explanatory. Very healthy and lush looking plants. If I was you I would purchase a small bag of Recharge and actually do a comparison grow using the same strain(s) if possible.
I remember Blastfact. I just looked and his last activity was March 7th.

Have half of your plants running the basic method, and then run the Recharge control group with your other half and compare the differences if there are any. I would actually be really interested in the result :)
That sounds good. I'd like to do a comparison grow, but I don't have any growing space available right now. It'd be best to use clones from the same plant.

I just happened to hear about Recharge. I think MiGrampa mentioned it a few weeks ago. Then it was mentioned in another thread today. Now I'm interested in Great White. I have been focusing more on soil lately.
I use it with all the said stuff ewc, ff soils, other micro nutrients, mycorrhizae, plants seem to respond well to it and none of my burning seems to be from it....I'll know more in like 4 months
I remember Blastfact. I just looked and his last activity was March 7th.

That sounds good. I'd like to do a comparison grow, but I don't have any growing space available right now. It'd be best to use clones from the same plant.

I just happened to hear about Recharge. I think MiGrampa mentioned it a few weeks ago. Then it was mentioned in another thread today. Now I'm interested in Great White. I have been focusing more on soil lately.
I have Recharge but I use it very sparingly because of how much it costs per pound. My preference is Microbe Charge by Roots Organic. It's much cheaper, and although not identical, it is much the same thing in a sense. They both make more nutrients available for plant uptake.

As for a root inoculent? Its hard to beat Great White. A little goes a long way.
I remember Blastfact. I just looked and his last activity was March 7th.

That sounds good. I'd like to do a comparison grow, but I don't have any growing space available right now. It'd be best to use clones from the same plant.

I just happened to hear about Recharge. I think MiGrampa mentioned it a few weeks ago. Then it was mentioned in another thread today. Now I'm interested in Great White. I have been focusing more on soil lately.
Great white makes for some big root balls if all else is done correctly too e.g. watering practices, up potting at the proper time etc.
I'm leaning toward trying Great White. I'm not sure if I need inoculant. It sounds like it's worth a try. The Amazon reviews are excellent. My problem is that my plants have been growing slowly, especially as seedlings and during early vegetation. I suspect the soil is the problem, even though I think I'm using a good mix. My thinking is that the plants are rooting slowly. That's why I'm interested in adding something like Recharge or Great White. I'll add it to the Amnesia Haze I have in vegetation now.
I ordered Great White Mycorrhizae. It should arrive on Monday. I'll use it on my slow-growing Amnesia Haze. I watered and defoliated one of them yesterday and will do the same for the other today.
I ordered Great White Mycorrhizae. It should arrive on Monday. I'll use it on my slow-growing Amnesia Haze. I watered and defoliated one of them yesterday and will do the same for the other today.
Great white can be mixed with your water. But to use as an innocculant it has to be applied directly to the root ball and dusting the hole you plant in to at transplant. Here is their feed chart if you haven’t come across it yet.

Great white can be mixed with your water. But to use as an innocculant it has to be applied directly to the root ball and dusting the hole you plant in to at transplant. Here is their feed chart if you haven’t come across it yet.

It can be watered in as its an inoculant… just gets the bennies in and they populate the media fairly quickly
My plan is to water it in. I could top dress it, too. The next top dressings are scheduled for the 11th. By then, there should be some results from watering it in.

I bought 2.2 lbs. of "Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculant Organic Root Enhancer" only to forget about it when I transplanted the Amnesia Haze to their five-gallon pots. Then I learned it had to be applied directly to the roots. Needing a water-in method, Recharge was suggested. That's how I arrived at this point.
I just wanted to add this to the thread on recharge.

I have been using it for a while and was in the bad practice of not ph'ing my water because i know it is always 6.6 ph. Had a bad issue going on with plants recently that had me stumped. Finally tested my soil ph...nearly 8! So I flushed my plants and they loved that so I knew I was on the right track.

Checked all my soils individually...they all were between 6.5 and 7 ph. So what could it be?

Fuckin recharge

Takes my ph from 6.6 to 8.5 with just the recommended dosage per gallon.

So I'll just say...use it, but ph your water after mixing.
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