ViparSpectra KS3000 - 5x5 Solo Cup run #2

ok sweet.

so can u control how many times it floods?

or the "auto"pots supposed to take care of that 4 ya
The weight of the water in the reservoir keeps water flowing into the pots as the float switches allow...6 float switches 1 in each pot control the water levels.
Hope to see some roots quickly.

May get some ultrasonic fog disc and play with that next.
Keep a keen eye on the water temps if your running that pump nonstop with the res being so small. If it gets to hot it'll make the cuts get mushy stems quickly. Honestly, I think I'd just run the airstone by itself. The bubbles popping is enough to keep the cuts happy until they start to root.
Keep a keen eye on the water temps if your running that pump nonstop with the res being so small. If it gets to hot it'll make the cuts get mushy stems quickly. Honestly, I think I'd just run the airstone by itself. The bubbles popping is enough to keep the cuts happy until they start to root.
Yeah I was wondering about that

It's at 80f

But my apartment is warmer than usual cause it's like 100f and shitty apartment insulation
Yeah I was wondering about that

It's at 80f

But my apartment is warmer than usual cause it's like 100f and shitty apartment insulation
I had to spring for a chiller and I'm pulling 60* air into the tent. The ActiveAqua 1/10 hp chiller was relatively affordable and works great for my 15 gallons.
Keep a keen eye on the water temps if your running that pump nonstop with the res being so small. If it gets to hot it'll make the cuts get mushy stems quickly. Honestly, I think I'd just run the airstone by itself. The bubbles popping is enough to keep the cuts happy until they start to root.
thanks ill keep an eye on it, amb is 81 lights off, cause its fucking hot outside and this apartment insulation and doors are dogwater.

amb 81f
water temp is 82-83
pump is 82.9-83.3

so about a 0.5-3F increase/difference with the water pump

the stems are just above the water and get by the bubbles, hope they dont go mush on me lol.
I had to spring for a chiller and I'm pulling 60* air into the tent. The ActiveAqua 1/10 hp chiller was relatively affordable and works great for my 15 gallons.
i did not use a chiller when i ran my 3gal DWC bucket with 2 airstones and 2 water pumps


if i had flowered her sooner she would have made it, i kept her too long, and then shit happened i was gone for a week or so and couldnt maintain the res properly, eventually it got root rot.

otherwise it would have made it.

life got in the way..
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24 hour mark now or so since put in this thing.

Stems just above water, getting hit by the passing bubbles.


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I've watered the side bitches 4 times tonight now


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i did not use a chiller when i ran my 3gal DWC bucket with 2 airstones and 2 water pumps

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if i had flowered her sooner she would have made it, i kept her too long, and then shit happened i was gone for a week or so and couldnt maintain the res properly, eventually it got root rot.

otherwise it would have made it.

life got in the way..
Gotta do this dwc again
82f inside

All the things wrong with my grow

Environment parameters

I physically can not keep the plants at set temps during day and night.

There is no difference between day and night when it's fucking 100 outside and this apartment leaks and piss poor insulation, undersized shit ac unit too probably.

No intakes or exhaust no tubing, no FAE besides leaky doors/open air/ac unit - fuck knows what the CO2 is/ how much is being consumed and or available

I can balance VPD and PPFD, somewhat.

Irrigation -
currently 'm up till 8am and wake up at 12-3pm cause my schedule is fucked when ny daughter woke at 5am and I stayed up all day and night with her

I am watering the 5x5 perlite ones 2-4 times a day.
5x5 light on at ten so some water then,
2 pm-4pm-6pm
And this but the 420 version

I looked at the chiller above $600 taxes in....Yikes...................My reservoir is at 74f and I'd like to keep it below 70f but its only for 2 months of the year when its hot in here when I'd need the chiller and that's too much money for me.... i wonder about a frozen pint of water, keep replacing them every 4-5 hrs after they thaw....Frozen coke bottles.......???
I looked at the chiller above $600 taxes in....Yikes...................My reservoir is at 74f and I'd like to keep it below 70f but its only for 2 months of the year when its hot in here when I'd need the chiller and that's too much money for me.... i wonder about a frozen pint of water, keep replacing them every 4-5 hrs after they thaw....Frozen coke bottles.......???
Yes frozen bottles and or ice cubes but that will fuck with your solution mix/pH etc if not freezing the same solution as ice cubes lol

Frozen bottles

I'm running mine at 80f see if any problems occur

In the cloner anyways

I'd like to bring the dwc bucket out again, above was my first dwc test/experiment.
82f inside

All the things wrong with my grow

Environment parameters

I physically can not keep the plants at set temps during day and night.

There is no difference between day and night when it's fucking 100 outside and this apartment leaks and piss poor insulation, undersized shit ac unit too probably.

No intakes or exhaust no tubing, no FAE besides leaky doors/open air/ac unit - fuck knows what the CO2 is/ how much is being consumed and or available

I can balance VPD and PPFD, somewhat.

Irrigation -
currently 'm up till 8am and wake up at 12-3pm cause my schedule is fucked when ny daughter woke at 5am and I stayed up all day and night with her

I am watering the 5x5 perlite ones 2-4 times a day.
5x5 light on at ten so some water then,
2 pm-4pm-6pm
I meant 2am 4am 6am

I'm missing out on pH and ppm.meters so those are guesses, reading the plant.

Didn't mean to post that yet, was incomplete

Whatever fuck it

Too much going on.

No mushy stems yet

Water temp 84f

Ambient temp 83f

.... 😢 Gotta get out of this cheap ass apartment/low-income area.

Poorly built & maintained apts....

Didn't even. Post the damn picture wtf

It's been stressful as fuck lately.

And this heat is miserable for me.

Ikik stop bitching and moaning lol

Modern day comforts..


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I looked at the chiller above $600 taxes in....Yikes...................My reservoir is at 74f and I'd like to keep it below 70f but its only for 2 months of the year when its hot in here when I'd need the chiller and that's too much money for me.... i wonder about a frozen pint of water, keep replacing them every 4-5 hrs after they thaw....Frozen coke bottles.......???
Damn 700? Are you referring to the one I mentioned? The ActiveAqua 1/10? It was just over 400 here in the US.
Ok I keep taking pictures and shit and writing shit up and then it's all gone

Here we go again.

It's 84f now


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Maturing and should be going into flower soon, been reducing hours from 16 to 14 to around 12 now I think.

And weed out the males soon.


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Turning into a little jungle again in here

Cleaned the bottoms up a bit.

Accidentally cut one of the older thicker vines trying to get the sunflower out

But both glories are still wrapped up here, so it'll be fine.


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Increased feed.

Been just bottom feeding the middle sog tote last few nights.

Seem to be workin


13hours on now, from 14 , 16

Intensity up.


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Opened up the inner canopy.

See if I did more harm than good I suppose.

Now time to Blast em with Photons.

Probably have to water the side-totes again at 2/4/6am


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