A Cornucopia of Delightful Cannabis Cultivars

Well the reveg project failed due to a faulty light, I should’ve known that spiderfarmer light I won in the photo contest on the farm was gonna last less than 2 years 🤣 oh well it was free I can’t complain the dimmer somehow broke and the light is stuck on 100% which explains why my veg plants looked like dog shit until I flipped them. Next batch in flower tent is at day 2 today much smaller plants than I ran last time I think those giants gave me ptsd way too tall for my likings
Well the reveg project failed due to a faulty light, I should’ve known that spiderfarmer light I won in the photo contest on the farm was gonna last less than 2 years 🤣 oh well it was free I can’t complain the dimmer somehow broke and the light is stuck on 100% which explains why my veg plants looked like dog shit until I flipped them. Next batch in flower tent is at day 2 today much smaller plants than I ran last time I think those giants gave me ptsd way too tall for my likings
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Does the light have two switches on the transformer. Maybe one on front one on back.
My Mars lights have 2 switches on the transformers.
One turns the light on 100% and does not allow the controller to have any effect.
Unswitched and switching the other switch allows the controller to make adjustments.
Just spit balling here.
Does the light have two switches on the transformer. Maybe one on front one on back.
My Mars lights have 2 switches on the transformers.
One turns the light on 100% and does not allow the controller to have any effect.
Unswitched and switching the other switch allows the controller to make adjustments.
Just spit balling here.
Oh shit I didn’t even check it’s been 3 days since the plants been sitting in darkness so she’s pretty much a goner but if I can salvage the light that would be great I’ll check it out when I get up next 🤣
Does the light have two switches on the transformer. Maybe one on front one on back.
My Mars lights have 2 switches on the transformers.
One turns the light on 100% and does not allow the controller to have any effect.
Unswitched and switching the other switch allows the controller to make adjustments.
Just spit balling here.
you were right there was a toggle switch on the side that I must have accidently bumped. The sour d plant looks pretty much the same as it did before it sat in darkness for a few days so I just kept her in there if she revegs great if not oh well at least the light isn't broke.
you were right there was a toggle switch on the side that I must have accidently bumped. The sour d plant looks pretty much the same as it did before it sat in darkness for a few days so I just kept her in there if she revegs great if not oh well at least the light isn't broke.
No fan of SF but I run Mars so can't throw any stones, only suggestions~! 👊
My SF light grew some pretty good pot for a beginner. Now it's just gonna collect dust until I decide to up my game with another tent.
I have an older sf4000 in my flower tent along with an ac infinity iongrid light and I think they work well enough. Id love to get a mammoth led but I refuse to spend the money unless my currents lights break
Day 9f starting to get some pre flower action in the tent. Feeding at 1000ppm/2.1 EC at 6.2ph with 6 runoff /1250ppm once that runoff number climbs a bit around week 3 I’ll lower it down a little to prevent any burn but so far they’re liking this nutrient strength.

Day 13 decided to do a big cleanup of the lowers and remove the larger fans got a little carried away and might have taken a little more than I wanted but hopefully they’ll be fine I always get nervous at this stage with the leaf and branch removal but the best yields I’ve gotten were when I did it this way so I’m going back to extreme defoliation again to see if it makes a difference IMG_3238.jpegIMG_3240.jpegIMG_3239.jpeg
Oh shit I didn’t even check it’s been 3 days since the plants been sitting in darkness so she’s pretty much a goner but if I can salvage the light that would be great I’ll check it out when I get up next 🤣
Bro ive had plants reveg in the dark outside my tent....they could make it

Shit hope you let em ride I didn't see it in time to say something been a week I'm guessing you probably moved on from it
Day 19 buds starting to develop nicely. The Chernobyl has some ugly leaves almost variegated looking not sure what’s up with that but the others are all healthy and moving along with no issues. Been doing something different on this grow every Tuesday morning before the lights go out I’ve been spraying them with silica and triacontanol, they look nice but I’m not sure I’m seeing any didfence yet maybe I gotta give it a little more time IMG_3263.jpegIMG_3264.jpegIMG_3265.jpegIMG_3266.jpegIMG_3267.jpegIMG_3268.jpegIMG_3269.jpeg
I’ve been spraying them with silica and triacontanol, they look nice but I’m not sure I’m seeing any didfence yet maybe I gotta give it a little more time
I don't know if you'll notice a difference with the added silica this late in the grow until you harvest your buds. I usually cut it out after stretch because it supposedly makes your nugs rock hard.

It will likely allow each stem to hold up a bit more weight (fat nugs) but I think that's negligible after stretch when the plant starts focusing more on flowering.

Can't speak for the triacontanol, though. I don't even know what that is.
I don't know if you'll notice a difference with the added silica this late in the grow until you harvest your buds. I usually cut it out after stretch because it supposedly makes your nugs rock hard.

It will likely allow each stem to hold up a bit more weight (fat nugs) but I think that's negligible after stretch when the plant starts focusing more on flowering.

Can't speak for the triacontanol, though. I don't even know what that is.
Yeah I usually stop after stretch also with the silica. The triacontanol is a natural pgr first time using it that’s what I was talking about with seeing a difference I think it’s too early
Day 28 did a final defoliation tonight and when I took the plants out of the tent the Chernobyl bent right over like spaghetti and I couldn’t keep the branches upright and had no scrog net or anything to support her so she got chopped and thrown away so down to 3 plants in the 4x4. Back plant is the whipped screams and front left is peaches n chem front right purple Nepali
Day 31
Peaches n chem front left smells like straight chem 🏭no peaches 🍑. Front right purple Nepal smells like pungent floral perfume 💐🌸 I’m guessing this is what the breeder calls the Egyptian violet fuel and the back is the whipped screams she doesn’t really smell more of a earthy faint smell right now. IMG_3380.jpegIMG_3378.jpegIMG_3377.jpegIMG_3376.jpegIMG_3375.jpegIMG_3379.jpegIMG_3372.jpegIMG_3373.jpegIMG_3371.jpegIMG_3370.jpegIMG_3369.jpeg
Looking good. 👍

I’m less than two weeks in front of you. Trying NOT to think how many more days there are to go…
Day 33 starting to fatten up a little the whipped screams plant is a little behind the other two. pics 1 and 2 whipped scream, pics 3 and 4 purple nepali and picks 5 and 6 are peaches n chem. The peaches n chem is finally starting to smell a little bit fruity, still heavy chem smell but its morphing into a sweeter fruity chem smell IMG_3404.jpegIMG_3405.jpegIMG_3402.jpegIMG_3403.jpegIMG_3400.jpegIMG_3401.jpeg
Alright not to jinx this shit but my goal on this grow was to have perfectly healthy leaves with no tip burn at all. So far at day 34 I have zero tip burn on any of the leaves this is the furthest I’ve went without at least a little bit of tip burn. I’ve been measuring runoff and keeping track of runoff numbers and a few weeks again my runoff ph was too low at 5.4 and my ppm was 1600 and I feed at 980 so I dropped my feed down to 920 and raised my ph to 6.6 for a few feedings then went back to the normal 980 ppm 6,2 ph and I think I might have prevented the dreaded burn that I always seem to get around this time. Bud shots are from the peaches n chem I think she’s turning into my favorite plant in the tent

I avoided tip burn for a while but couldn’t resist turning up the lights when it got cool for a few days last month. Then that hot humid period had me turn them back down.

This week has me back to 100%. 🤞

I’ve noticed a lot more frost on the fan leaves this grow. Not just on my plants but most pics here too. Weather related or coincidence?

Looking great man. 👍
I avoided tip burn for a while but couldn’t resist turning up the lights when it got cool for a few days last month. Then that hot humid period had me turn them back down.

This week has me back to 100%. 🤞

I’ve noticed a lot more frost on the fan leaves this grow. Not just on my plants but most pics here too. Weather related or coincidence?

Looking great man. 👍
you might be onto something, I had to turn my lights down a bit a few weeks ago when it was too hot out. I stayed around 32 DLI until around day 28 of flower then ramped it back up to 38 last night. I have two lights in my tent so it can be tricky sometimes to keep a good balance the one light is a lot more powerful and if I'm not careful it can get hot really fast in there when conditions in the grow room aren't great. I also think dropping lights off temps helps a lot with the frost. Once I hit week 4 of flower I drop my lights off temps to72F this seems to bring on the frost a lot
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