
Quantum Yield Engineer
May 11, 2023
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""Obviously, we want our enemies to believe in UFOs up to the point it becomes too late for them to react to an airstrike by our own air force; and we also need our pilots to not believe in UFOs should the enemy use this same strategy against us. This is easy to achieve with tactical UAVs,
which are those that operate in short ranges and in visual meteorological conditions, but it is difficult to achieve in a high-altitude scenario operating above the manned aircraft airspace structure and above virtually all weather obstacles. But it is frustrating our pilots do get confused when we simply incorporate some modifications into the UAVs design and make them do U-turns, stop in mid air, hover or simply disappear from sight the moment we turn off the EM field. This speaks volumes about how really undertrained our men are. And this is something we need to change""
an open-minded all things possible discussion thread for aliens if anyone else shares the same interest.

its world changing- shows possibilities-technology changing

can post alot that ive looked into

i think its safe to say.

no matter what, there is SOMETHING going on, there is undeniable legit sources even from the pentagon, DATA from radars and state of the art Jets and legit pilot witness accounts of things that defy OUR KNOWN physics as WE understand them.

what that is, is open.
i know a guy that says his dad is THE top UFO investigator in the country and has a file 6 inches thick at home classified "super top secret"
also his dad is the only earthling that is invited to the galactic meeting in 2025 to discuss aliens helping earthlings.
not a word of bullshit.
there must be more life out there strictly based on numbers, but nothing has ever came to earth.
think about it?
why travel light years and do a drive by and not even stop for a cheeseburger?
i know a guy that says his dad is THE top UFO investigator in the country and has a file 6 inches thick at home classified "super top secret"
also his dad is the only earthling that is invited to the galactic meeting in 2025 to discuss aliens helping earthlings.
not a word of bullshit.

there must be more life out there strictly based on numbers,
but nothing has ever came to earth.
think about it?
why travel light years and do a drive by and not even stop for a cheeseburger?
the society youre visiting collapses lol
Project BlueBeam..part of the playbook.
We ain’t alone and they are here.
I also have heard that they make an appearance during times of war. Three incidents for me since 1987, but when our government becomes involved it will be clandestine bullshit.
I also have heard that they make an appearance during times of war. Three incidents for me since 1987, but when our government becomes involved it will be clandestine bullshit.
Indeed, seeing if we are going to nuke ourselves into oblivion and if they can prevent possibly.
So many depictions through out history

And possibly some of the "demons" and "Angels" and "gods" were these things
Well the book of Enoch touches on that, yes?
"The main purpose of these vehicles is reconnaissance and airspace penetration testing. However, we felt the need to also use them to train our Air Force in coping with critical mission issues under a new scenario. Non-terrestrial vehicles introduce new requirements. We don't want our pilots to get mesmerized by those things and get distracted from fighting the situation the way they were trained. See, taking a UFO for an incoming missile is okay with us; taking an incoming missile for a UFO is not. In the first case, you guarantee airspace defense, while in the second case it would be too late to react and neutralize a real threat."
Have you seen the info on the gunners aboard helicopters wearing a certain color glasses in the Vietnamese war? What they saw?

it gets heavy.

some of this is true, some of this is ??? some of this is yet to be ID'd, Discovered, who the fuck knows

i come at it logically and open-minded and want to stick to Facts.

it gets heavy.

some of this is true, some of this is ??? some of this is yet to be ID'd, Discovered, who the fuck knows

i come at it logically and open-minded and want to stick to Facts.
I will save this as a morning read with coffee 🙂
"The main purpose of these vehicles is reconnaissance and airspace penetration testing. However, we felt the need to also use them to train our Air Force in coping with critical mission issues under a new scenario. Non-terrestrial vehicles introduce new requirements. We don't want our pilots to get mesmerized by those things and get distracted from fighting the situation the way they were trained. See, taking a UFO for an incoming missile is okay with us; taking an incoming missile for a UFO is not. In the first case, you guarantee airspace defense, while in the second case it would be too late to react and neutralize a real threat."
i have no idea WHO who wrote this, who they are or what

it is all fascinating reads regardless

reality is stranger than science fiction.
Their craft defy physics as we understand it. They fly through the air in to water and reemerge unimpeded.
that much is true, this is undeniable. their are crafts that do things our most advanced jets cant do as far as we know, and the G-forces alone in the traditional physics wont work with biology, unless theres something else at play, again physics we dont understand.

we still dont even fully know what or why Gravity is what it is, and where.
Those craft are not of human origin.
i think its possible some were made based off NHI, non human intelligence.

but originally....
that much is true, this is undeniable. their are crafts that do things our most advanced jets cant do as far as we know, and the G-forces alone in the traditional physics wont work with biology, unless theres something else at play, again physics we dont understand.

we still dont even fully know what or why Gravity is what it is, and where.

i think its possible some were made based off NHI, non human intelligence.

but originally....
I don’t think we have the technological intelligence to reverse engineer one of those craft if we have any in our possession. Which I believe we do.
I don’t think we have the technological intelligence to reverse engineer one of those craft if we have any in our possession. Which I believe we do.
possibly why some of our tech exploded between 50s-90s
as in tech advancement

but yeah it could be like giving an Ant a car

we can scratch the surface possibly and thats that

this is crazy to read, imagine if all this shit IS FACTUAL

half of this shit here could just be bullshit though too lol

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