Auto Issues


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Apr 14, 2023
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My buddies growing an auto plant. He's having issues. Miracle Gro soil in a 3 gallon pot with an SF1000 for light. 76°/55%

Terrapin leaf issues.jpgTerrapin leaf issues A.jpg
First thought for me is Ca also. I don't think so though.
Could be P.

He was giving it just water until it flowered and then he gave it ferts from some company called Alaska. Not sure what it was for but it had a 0-10-10 ratio. My guess is that it has a cal lockout from overloading with Phosphorous and it locked out the calcium.

He was giving it just water until it flowered and then he gave it ferts from some company called Alaska. Not sure what it was for but it had a 0-10-10 ratio. My guess is that it has a cal lockout from overloading with Phosphorous and it locked out the calcium.
Yeah never do the 6 month from what I’ve read. And you’re probably right. It has the signs. Sometimes correcting can be difficult in mg. It’s already loaded with 6 months of food, plus what he added. Bad thing about that water release fertilizer. Not even sure if that’s what its called. But the wetter the soil the more it releases nutrients. It can fry a plant. Especially if drainage isn’t good.
first issue miracle grow soil and auto combo ! In my experience the autos are usually finicky and not for beginners as advertised ! Just my opinion .
And yep looks like a lockout issue , gonna be hard to correct with that soil but flush it good ! Imo and then after ya got most or all that time released stuff out - low ppm in run off - then recharge with a good balanced feed -
I’d just take the plant out of that soil. Rinse as much out of the roots as possible. Then replant it in a something more sustainable for cannabis.
first issue miracle grow soil and auto combo ! In my experience the autos are usually finicky and not for beginners as advertised ! Just my opinion .
And yep looks like a lockout issue , gonna be hard to correct with that soil but flush it good ! Imo and then after ya got most or all that time released stuff out - low ppm in run off - then recharge with a good balanced feed -

Had something similar happen with my Critical Kush Grow I journaled on another site. Used MG 6 month feed and had major issues. I ended up pulling all the plants and washing the roots best I could. Repotted them in HF and they recovered nicely. Most never even showed any signs of stress. But that was a photo and still in veg.
Alaska ferts are actually pretty good. It's most likely a blend of fish emulsion. They're like the generic version of what Neptunes Harvest and Coast of Maine offers and sold in big box stores as an organic option next to all the MG stuff.

Problem is probably that MG. If it smells like wet sawdust it sucks. If has time release nutes or moisture control it sucks. Good chance it's just heavy and not well draining causing choking off, lockout/lockup and uptake issues. Fix one issue and another will pop up using that stuff

BTW, did anybody else think this was gonna be a thread about fixing a wonky car? 😋
Thanks for all the replys. The plant is already in flower along with autos not liking to get transplanted so none of that. The only thing I could think of was to tell him to do a foliar spray of calmag and see what the reaction was. If it reacts then my thoughts are that the soil nutrient has been depleted and he can start giving it nutrients.
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I didn't ruin a trans but it took a week and then I was golden. Got a 5 speed Celica that really turned me on !SS
in all seriousness, i probably only fucked up the first 1 or 2, they were all shitty rebuilt transmissions.

i miss the manual

was just a little base jetta 2.0, slow as fuck though lol
Your plant looks pretty good. I wouldn’t worry about 1 or 2 damaged looking leaves. As your plant develops flowers, the leaves will start looking like they’re reaching the end of the season (since they are) and the plant will be taking available nutrients to fatten the buds.

It looks like you’re in week 3 or 4 of flowering, which is where leaves usually start doing that for me.

I’m not sure about MG (I used it my first grow and didn’t add nutrients until about 6 weeks), so I have nothing to add to that.

As for manual trannys, I miss my 90’s Hondas :(
Hello, I'm the owner of this plant (the guy who was freaking out) 😂

I just read this thread and the only other thing I can think to share that might be relevant is before I used the 0-10-10 ph was 6.8 and after 6.0
Yes to the calcium problem, charts will say calcium isn't a mobile nutrient, i believe its semi mobile. The red stems on the leaves could be phosphorus def or in the jeans. She's hungry but looks not bad imo
Your plant looks pretty good. I wouldn’t worry about 1 or 2 damaged looking leaves. As your plant develops flowers, the leaves will start looking like they’re reaching the end of the season (since they are) and the plant will be taking available nutrients to fatten the buds.

It looks like you’re in week 3 or 4 of flowering, which is where leaves usually start doing that for me.

I’m not sure about MG (I used it my first grow and didn’t add nutrients until about 6 weeks), so I have nothing to add to that.

As for manual trannys, I miss my 90’s Hondas :(

Here's a picture from this morning. She is loosing all 8 of her large oldest leaves and 10 smaller leaves at the bottom now.

I love what you said about the leaves starting to look like they're reaching the end of the season because they are. This was suggested to me and this is really what I want to think. It's like as opposed to looking at this plant in my closet and being freaked out . . . if I looked at this plant on my back fence in the fall I would see a plant gracefully shutting down as she ends her life cycle in a peaceful way.

That's very valuable to me to know you started feeding after six months with mg. Everytime I look at her light green leaves I want to feed her. I'm waiting because I want to do what I'm doing systematically as much as possible.

Yesterday I gave her a foliar feeding which was step one. Now I'm evaluating to see if that had any effect, which is step 2.

Thanks for the comments man--appreciate it!

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Im almost 100% positive that is a calcium deficiency, but wait for a couple other people to chime in.
Its early, so you may have to wait a bit yet lol.
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