Auto Issues


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Apr 14, 2023
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My buddies growing an auto plant. He's having issues. Miracle Gro soil in a 3 gallon pot with an SF1000 for light. 76°/55%

Terrapin leaf issues.jpgTerrapin leaf issues A.jpg
You'll find as you go it is easier to fix giving too little than to fix too much.
I also think you will like photos better than autos.
Most agree the autos are more demanding since they set the schedule not you.
That makes perfect sense about easier to fix too little. I'll remember that!

I have some photo seeds to try also now.

Thanks Man! 👍☮️
Just so you are aware. Auto seeds are modified to flower so there are no issues with whether they are male or female. Feminized seeds are seeds that have been chemically induced to express female traits. Photo seeds will be either male or female. If you pop any of them you may or may not get a male. Most will trash them at first sign so as not to pollinate any females you may have.

I suggest before you toss them to collect the pollen and save it in case you want to make more seeds.
Just so you are aware. Auto seeds are modified to flower so there are no issues with whether they are male or female. Feminized seeds are seeds that have been chemically induced to express female traits. Photo seeds will be either male or female. If you pop any of them you may or may not get a male. Most will trash them at first sign so as not to pollinate any females you may have.

I suggest before you toss them to collect the pollen and save it in case you want to make more seeds.

Thank you! 👍 I'm looking forward to learning about making seeds and cloning. I'm starting to plan now for outdoor containers and in ground plants as well. This really is fun. 🙂
Yea leaves more than 50% spent can just be cut off.
They will never recover.
That is just how deficiencies work.
You watch new growth to see if you repaired it because the existing damage only gets worse.

Thanks for making that clear man 👍

You know I've never even seen a weed plant in person before this one, let alone try to grow one. And, with you and everyone here helping me from an experienced point of view it's like who am I to question anything? But, I have to wonder if making these cuts wouldn't somehow stress her or outweigh benefits from removing these leaves. Her buds just look so lush and excellent and seem to be growing before my eyes every time I look . . . from my inexperienced thinking I should wait until they fall off on their own to remove them from the area. Do you think there is any validity to my thoughts? This is just what seems right to me as a first time grower. 🙏☮️
Thanks for making that clear man 👍

You know I've never even seen a weed plant in person before this one, let alone try to grow one. And, with you and everyone here helping me from an experienced point of view it's like who am I to question anything? But, I have to wonder if making these cuts wouldn't somehow stress her or outweigh benefits from removing these leaves. Her buds just look so lush and excellent and seem to be growing before my eyes every time I look . . . from my inexperienced thinking I should wait until they fall off on their own to remove them from the area. Do you think there is any validity to my thoughts? This is just what seems right to me as a first time grower. 🙏☮️
You have met a plant that loves and will reward you for applying the right kind of stress~!
No joke. Don't baby your baby too much.
Cutting the leaves off will have no negative effects. It will speed up new/ other growth also.
We say to do it just to help keep the grow area clean and free from pest and issues.
Cutting, topping, trimming and training are just a few different ways people tend to their plants.
I would cut the dead leaves but you don't have too.🤷‍♂️
I have been noticing early signs of rust spots on previously unaffected leaves again. It is moving slowly as opposed to spreading like wildfire like last time.

The next time I can water will be on Wednesday. I'm thinking of giving her a cocktail like last time only a low dose cocktail of -- cal/mag, fish emulsion 5-1-1, and bloom 0-10-10.

I gave her only water last time, so now I'm wondering about feeding her again this time based on reading the leaves.

I know she won't grow any new leaves at this stage being an auto , but I'm wondering about helping bud growth now. Any thoughts please?


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I have been noticing early signs of rust spots on previously unaffected leaves again. It is moving slowly as opposed to spreading like wildfire like last time.

The next time I can water will be on Wednesday. I'm thinking of giving her a cocktail like last time only a low dose cocktail of -- cal/mag, fish emulsion 5-1-1, and bloom 0-10-10.

I gave her only water last time, so now I'm wondering about feeding her again this time based on reading the leaves.

I know she won't grow any new leaves at this stage being an auto , but I'm wondering about helping bud growth now. Any thoughts please?
Let’s chat a bit about ph. What type of water are you using? What’s the ph point IMG_0080.jpegand how are you controlling that?
One thing that has been my experience with autos..they are not big on food at all.
Pics of the last autos I grew. These were planted in Fox Farms soils. Bottom third, Ocean Forest, top two thirds Fox Farm Happy Frog along with some organic amendments. Only water ph’ed for its entire life cycle.
I only grow autos and i feed with every watering till run off also i add epsom salt every watering. I feed about a quarter of what they recommend and watch plant if it shows signs it needs more nutrients i up it.
I know they aren’t crazy about a lot of food. I assume my soil took care of that.
What did you plant in?
I have seen that the time from start to finish is all over the place.
Let’s chat a bit about ph. What type of water are you using? What’s the ph point View attachment 41941and how are you controlling that?
One thing that has been my experience with autos..they are not big on food at all.
Pics of the last autos I grew. These were planted in Fox Farms soils. Bottom third, Ocean Forest, top two thirds Fox Farm Happy Frog along with some organic amendments. Only water ph’ed for its entire life cycle.

I have been using tap water. I don't know what the ph is. I have a probe meter. The day I transplanted her the soul was 6.5. The last time I checked two weeks ago it was 6.0.

That's very interesting that your soil approach required no additional feeding!
Not keeping a constant ph is more than likely where your problems began.
The roots are like doors to the plant. Once the ph is off, too acidic etc. the plant will slam those doors shut in an effort to protect itself. When this happens, you lose the benefit of the cal mag nitrogen and anything else your plant needs to grow and thrive. This results in what is called a lock out.
When this happens the way to correct it, is to flush your plant. Soil meters are helpful but not reliable.
Everyone has their own way of flushing as for me, it needs at least a five times the size of your pot of water ph’ed to below 6.5 poured through your soil, basically to rinse it. Followed by a feeding.
Tap water? City water? Well water?
There is a specific method using city water, to allow the chlorine to gas off.
It's 8 weeks old. I planted it in 70% miracle grow and 30% coco coir.
Next try with autos start with promix add extra perlite and worm castings and dont feed till you get two to three set of leaves . Have to agree with others cut off those dead leaves wont hurt plant as the leaves are dead. When watering PH should be 6.2-6.3 every watering.
Not keeping a constant ph is more than likely where your problems began.
The roots are like doors to the plant. Once the ph is off, too acidic etc. the plant will slam those doors shut in an effort to protect itself. When this happens, you lose the benefit of the cal mag nitrogen and anything else your plant needs to grow and thrive. This results in what is called a lock out.
When this happens the way to correct it, is to flush your plant. Soil meters are helpful but not reliable.
Everyone has their own way of flushing as for me, it needs at least a five times the size of your pot of water ph’ed to below 6.5 Poured through your soul, basically to rinse it. Followed by a feeding.
Tap water? City water? Well water?
There is a specific method using city water, to allow the chlorine to gas off.
Thank you! It is city water.
Next try with autos start with promix add extra perlite and worm castings and dont feed till you get two to three set of leaves . Have to agree with others cut off those dead leaves wont hurt plant as the leaves are dead. When watering PH should be 6.2-6.3 every watering.

I got a ph water tester recently. I still need to learn how to use it. I'll have it ready for next watering.

Is there any benefit to cutting off the leaves for the plant in terms of energy to the buds? Or is it more of a hygienic thing?


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Thank you! It is city water.

I got a ph water tester recently. I still need to learn how to use it. I'll have it ready for next watering.

Is there any benefit to cutting off the leaves for the plant in terms of energy to the buds? Or is it more of a hygienic thing?
Old saying why saddle a dead horse !!!!
Thank you! It is city water.

I got a ph water tester recently. I still need to learn how to use it. I'll have it ready for next watering.

Is there any benefit to cutting off the leaves for the plant in terms of energy to the buds? Or is it more of a hygienic thing?
If your using city water fill watering jug leave for 24 hours to off gas chlorine and get to room temp.
Next try with autos start with promix add extra perlite and worm castings and dont feed till you get two to three set of leaves . Have to agree with others cut off those dead leaves wont hurt plant as the leaves are dead. When watering PH should be 6.2-6.3 every watering.
I agree with you.
I started running ProMix BX+ with added perlite and my grows went from good to fekkin great. ProMix is some really good stuff and theres no need to pH anything in promix. It does it all itself, its pretty much fool proof. I love the stuff ill never use anything else unless i go hydro.
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