Auto Issues


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Apr 14, 2023
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My buddies growing an auto plant. He's having issues. Miracle Gro soil in a 3 gallon pot with an SF1000 for light. 76°/55%

Terrapin leaf issues.jpgTerrapin leaf issues A.jpg
I’ll stick with my original diagnosis- locked out from the wet release soil just to hot specifically for auto , flush the fuck out of it or get some new soil and try to salvage sonething ? Otherwise it’s just going to continue to eat itself . IMO if you feed it it will get worse .

In the future think about growing photo seeds it’s gives you much more room to fix your plants . Autos imo are not for beginners but that’s just my opinion
I’ll stick with my original diagnosis- locked out from the wet release soil just to hot specifically for auto , flush the fuck out of it or get some new soil and try to salvage sonething ? Otherwise it’s just going to continue to eat itself . IMO if you feed it it will get worse .

In the future think about growing photo seeds it’s gives you much more room to fix your plants . Autos imo are not for beginners but that’s just my opinion
Thank you--appreciate it! I've got some photos here ready to go for the spring.

This MG does stay wet too long!
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Rust spots = Ca but again


Ca mG P and K all correlate here.

And heading towards N deficiency
Long story short . . . She took a turn for the worse yesterday as the rust spots started appearing on all the previously unaffected leaves. Her appearance was becoming slight.

So . . . I made a cocktail of fish emulsion, fish bloom 0-10-10, and cal/mag, she got it last night.

This morning she looks so much better. She looks so much more healthy and like she is thriving again, like before this issue started. Even the previously wilted diseased branches are standing up erect and these damaged leaves look like they are not going anywhere anytime soon.

I don't know if you can see what I'm seeing in the photo, but I'm really happy about it's improvement. The cocktail actually addressed all the variables in @Observer 's post in terms of making them available.

If the top leaves will turn green then it will officially be time to uncork the champagne.IMG_20240123_071305649_HDR.jpg
Nice ! Hope it turns out well we all love to use what’s on hand , good call with the no N ! If rust spots continue cut the calcium
I've been made aware of how important taking care of the roots is recently. I've been considering that this might be the primacy of growing weed.

So I've been reading about creating a super soil and the pros and cons of different amendments.

What I'm getting at is as I write down what I want to include, spaghnum, coco, perlite this base is looking a lot like what I am using now (MG and coco).

My only problem with MG was my plant got too big and root bound and I wasn't experienced enough to know to start using nutes at week six. I can only imagine how it would look now if I would have started feeding it then.

If I did a 2nd plant, another "auto" same cultivar. And if I used a grow bag instead of plastic pot, and added Myko and more perlite (and coco) to promote better drainage while allowing oxygen to flow to the roots, and started feeding about week 6 . . . I think it's reasonable to say I would have significantly improved overall health and size of plant and yield.

I will try some of the popular cannabis centric soil mixes that have been recommended here going forward so I can see firsthand what it's like using these. But, I might have to try using MG plus additional perlite one more time so I can know firsthand about this as well. I will always wonder if I don't. 🤔

I have learned that some people are sensitive about MG for weed. I understand the environmental aspects of it, but based on my first experience I'm wondering how many of the people that say don't use it because it will be bad for your plant and maybe kill it have ever used MG before? In this sense are they just parroting things they have heard?

All things considered, I am having a good experience with my modified 70/30 mix now and have to wonder about the percentage of improvement from dialing this in further, and doing this again with the above further modifications.
Leafs are showing me a potassium deficiency.
When it’s a calcium deficiency they also look like that, but tend to curl up.
Some of those are curled some are not.
I’d say a good dose of both would set you straight!
I've been made aware of how important taking care of the roots is recently. I've been considering that this might be the primacy of growing weed.

So I've been reading about creating a super soil and the pros and cons of different amendments.

What I'm getting at is as I write down what I want to include, spaghnum, coco, perlite this base is looking a lot like what I am using now (MG and coco).

My only problem with MG was my plant got too big and root bound and I wasn't experienced enough to know to start using nutes at week six. I can only imagine how it would look now if I would have started feeding it then.

If I did a 2nd plant, another "auto" same cultivar. And if I used a grow bag instead of plastic pot, and added Myko and more perlite (and coco) to promote better drainage while allowing oxygen to flow to the roots, and started feeding about week 6 . . . I think it's reasonable to say I would have significantly improved overall health and size of plant and yield.

I will try some of the popular cannabis centric soil mixes that have been recommended here going forward so I can see firsthand what it's like using these. But, I might have to try using MG plus additional perlite one more time so I can know firsthand about this as well. I will always wonder if I don't. 🤔

I have learned that some people are sensitive about MG for weed. I understand the environmental aspects of it, but based on my first experience I'm wondering how many of the people that say don't use it because it will be bad for your plant and maybe kill it have ever used MG before? In this sense are they just parroting things they have heard?

All things considered, I am having a good experience with my modified 70/30 mix now and have to wonder about the percentage of improvement from dialing this in further, and doing this again with the above further modifications.
Sometimes this is the only true way to learn trial and error , we have a couple guys here who run strictly organic I know @stonemason has a good soul recipe pointed somewhere as well as @CannaGranny - if you can find it thru her 10,000 + post thread ! Congrats grannie

Good luck be sure to share your next grow as well
Leafs are showing me a potassium deficiency.
When it’s a calcium deficiency they also look like that, but tend to curl up.
Some of those are curled some are not.
I’d say a good dose of both would set you straight!
Yea it's overall, underfed, or one could word it, given the environment it's in, it needs more "vitamins" to keep up/pace.
I've been made aware of how important taking care of the roots is recently. I've been considering that this might be the primacy of growing weed.

So I've been reading about creating a super soil and the pros and cons of different amendments.

What I'm getting at is as I write down what I want to include, spaghnum, coco, perlite this base is looking a lot like what I am using now (MG and coco).

My only problem with MG was my plant got too big and root bound and I wasn't experienced enough to know to start using nutes at week six. I can only imagine how it would look now if I would have started feeding it then.

If I did a 2nd plant, another "auto" same cultivar. And if I used a grow bag instead of plastic pot, and added Myko and more perlite (and coco) to promote better drainage while allowing oxygen to flow to the roots, and started feeding about week 6 . . . I think it's reasonable to say I would have significantly improved overall health and size of plant and yield.

I will try some of the popular cannabis centric soil mixes that have been recommended here going forward so I can see firsthand what it's like using these. But, I might have to try using MG plus additional perlite one more time so I can know firsthand about this as well. I will always wonder if I don't. 🤔

I have learned that some people are sensitive about MG for weed. I understand the environmental aspects of it, but based on my first experience I'm wondering how many of the people that say don't use it because it will be bad for your plant and maybe kill it have ever used MG before? In this sense are they just parroting things they have heard?

All things considered, I am having a good experience with my modified 70/30 mix now and have to wonder about the percentage of improvement from dialing this in further, and doing this again with the above further modifications.
I don't use "miracle grow" products" because the company sucks at quality control

Too clumpy, does not "breathe" well.

More fun to make you're own mix if going the organic route.

If i buy a bag of perlite, I expect perlite.

The bags I got from MG were perlite, perlite dust, random dust, and dirt/spaghum moss and had mulch in them too, etc.
I’ll stick with my original diagnosis- locked out from the wet release soil just to hot specifically for auto , flush the fuck out of it or get some new soil and try to salvage sonething ? Otherwise it’s just going to continue to eat itself . IMO if you feed it it will get worse .

In the future think about growing photo seeds it’s gives you much more room to fix your plants . Autos imo are not for beginners but that’s just my opinion
I was tripping balls and wanted to dissect this

But it worked its self out anyways.
how’s she looking today ?
She seems like she's back to being a thriving plant. I feel like her buds are almost growing before my eyes. I will be watering her again today (first time since nute cocktail 5 days ago), the newbie in me wants to give her more food to eat, but not sure?


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