I always thought it was wild that the find petrified fish and clams on top of mount everest.
I have found petrified conch shells here in the Ozarks! A geologist I contacted told me it was from the Devonian period, when the Ozarks was a part of the Gulf Of Mexico.
We were working and practicing, Night Moves Aaagggggggggggggghhhhhheeeeeh I said we working and practicing The Night Moves. Ain't it funny. Bob Seger's Silver Bullet Band was their name, fame and poetry was their game. Really played that casette 10K.
Woke last night to the sound of Thunder, how far off I sat and wondered…
I have found petrified conch shells here in the Ozarks! A geologist I contacted told me it was from the Devonian period, when the Ozarks was a part of the Gulf Of Mexico.
Here's a random fact I learned from one of my co-workers who worked in marine resources: The average age of the sea shells you see on the beach on the Atlantic coast is 9,000 years old. Some carbon date to 40,000 years.
I like 69 better, you sing your lyrics, I’ll sing mine. 🎤🤣
My Dad loves to make up his own lyrics that are similar but usually wrong... hearing him mimic Robert Plant is one of my favorite pastimes, especially his ooos and ahhs... which are actually spot on. 🤣Then you have my husband and I, that just make up lyrics to any and all songs to narrate our day to day lives like we live in a gaddamn musical. Whatever, we think we're hilarious... our kid has started doing it now too...welcome to the madhouse, free entertainment for all visitors. 🤣
My Dad loves to make up his own lyrics that are similar but usually wrong... hearing him mimic Robert Plant is one of my favorite pastimes, especially his ooos and ahhs... which are actually spot on. 🤣Then you have my husband and I, that just make up lyrics to any and all songs to narrate our day to day lives like we live in a gaddamn musical. Whatever, we think we're hilarious... our kid has started doing it now too...welcome to the madhouse, free entertainment for all visitors. 🤣
We do the same thing. I’ve done it since I was a kid. Now daughter does it with grandkids.

A few made up ones have managed to get handed down too. 😝
My Dad loves to make up his own lyrics that are similar but usually wrong... hearing him mimic Robert Plant is one of my favorite pastimes, especially his ooos and ahhs... which are actually spot on. 🤣Then you have my husband and I, that just make up lyrics to any and all songs to narrate our day to day lives like we live in a gaddamn musical. Whatever, we think we're hilarious... our kid has started doing it now too...welcome to the madhouse, free entertainment for all visitors. 🤣
There are dozens of songs where I messed up on just a few key words that completely changed the meaning of the song. The oddest might have been Nirvana's All Apologies. When Cobain cries out "Married!" I thought he was saying, "Mary!" as in The Virgin. So in my mind the words were describing the guilt imposed by certain churches, when in reality Cobain was just whining about marrying Courtney Love.

That was before I realized Cobain wrote no lyrics that examined a societal problem or human issue. He pretty much was just in his own head.
Mornin all!
It is a slick 79* on the front porch this morning. Just a mere 30* cooler than yesterday evening. I expected this. Same thing that happened the last time the El Niño pattern sat up across this state in 1997, 2009, 2010. 1997, was the absolute worst. I was working road construction in 97, and you simply don’t forget those conditions..ever.
In other round here news, a jail escapee from town, whom escaped in his drawers and known to be in my area was recaptured yesterday. After two days of heat, bugs, ticks, snakes, bear, cougar, bob cats, coyote, panthers, no food, no water..he gave up and was picked up again yesterday. You know the weather is bad when he just wanted to go back to jail! Takes a lot of pressure off my community. Everyone was on lock down so to speak. Police force was everywhere out here. Glad they have him and I can quit watching over my shoulder.
Here’s to yiz! A morning smoke and coffee is going down round here!
I gotta go do a clean here in a few, but just wanted to post a little quandary. Have you ever had an interaction with someone that you thought you knew well that made you question if you know them as well as you thought you did? Here's the scenario... I had a clean a bit ago in the middle of nowhere... quite a bit further out than I usually go, but they offered to pay extra for gas, so I took the gig. Huge beautiful camp that was just getting opened for what's left of summer...so I took along a friend to help so we could do it in one day. Anyway... on the way home, I narrowly missed a 2x4 with several very long nails sitting point up in the middle of the road... so I turned around to remove it from the road. My friend asks what I'm doing, I say going to take that board out of the road, she asks why... I say what do you mean why, so some poor fuck doesn't blow out thier tires... and she's genuinely surprised that I would take the 5 minutes to do something nice for some future stranger that may or may not see this board... and I'm genuinely surprised that she's surprised by this. She says we'll I wouldn't and I don't think many others would either... I have places to be! I'm like, well what if you were the one that hit it because some other person drove on by? She was just like, well, that's life! Now I would have done this on any road, but especially there, in the wilderness where you can go miles between houses and there's no cell service... if you blow out a tire there and don't know how to change it or don't have a spare... it's gonna be a real bad day. So it was on a big curve and I had to go a little ways to turn around, and by the time I got there, another person that I had just passed had turned around as well and was removing the board. So I said to her, well we're in the middle of nowhere and here's two people willing to do something nice for some unknown person, so maybe altruism isn't as uncommon as you think? She just shrugged and now I'm questioning her morals and character lol. What say you BudBuilders, would you have turned around for the board, or kept on trucking? Am I reading too much into this interaction?
I turn around for stuff that’ll ruin someone’s day or turtles 😆
I turn around to make sure any animals I hit actually die and don’t suffer and
I also some how always seem to find the animals that people hit but don’t end up killing and turn around to end their suffering
Mornin all!
It is a slick 79* on the front porch this morning. Just a mere 30* cooler than yesterday evening. I expected this. Same thing that happened the last time the El Niño pattern sat up across this state in 1997, 2009, 2010. 1997, was the absolute worst. I was working road construction in 97, and you simply don’t forget those conditions..ever.
In other round here news, a jail escapee from town, whom escaped in his drawers and known to be in my area was recaptured yesterday. After two days of heat, bugs, ticks, snakes, bear, cougar, bob cats, coyote, panthers, no food, no water..he gave up and was picked up again yesterday. You know the weather is bad when he just wanted to go back to jail! Takes a lot of pressure off my community. Everyone was on lock down so to speak. Police force was everywhere out here. Glad they have him and I can quit watching over my shoulder.
Here’s to yiz! A morning smoke and coffee is going down round here!
So how do you slow dry your weed with temps so high?...I'm trying to build a box with a small portable ac unit but there doesn't seem to be any that are affordable...... there are lots of cheap what they call air conditioners but they're not really air cons they're fans that blow cooled air from ice or water......that's not cool enough to get a 85* space into the 60's......is there and alternative method you use?

How do all you folks that live in a warm / hot climate dry your weed slowly?
Morning yall, hope everyone is staying cool. Listening to the breeders syndicate 2.0 from last night with high & lonesome and he brought up something that was high on my radar for a while, a strain called Texas Shoreline. I've talked with the guy who runs Shoreline genetics out of Colorado a few times idk if he would sell a clone of it or not though, anyone ever grown or smoked this strain?
So how do you slow dry your weed with temps so high?...I'm trying to build a box with a small portable ac unit but there doesn't seem to be any that are affordable...... there are lots of cheap what they call air conditioners but they're not really air cons they're fans that blow cooled air from ice or water......that's not cool enough to get a 85* space into the 60's......is there and alternative method you use?

How do all you folks that live in a warm / hot climate dry your weed slowly?
My room is both heated and cooled. When I go to lights out, I have no problem dropping the temps in there. I can hold them at 60-62* This is only possible because there is an independent heat and cooling supply to that room. Filling up the humidifier in the dark is my big issue!
How big is your area? There are now floor models but you must have a drain for them. I would look into that. My friend uses them outside in glamping tents that she rents, which is by no means sealed, and I was pretty impressed. I would think you would have no problems cooling down your basement.
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