This article from an Indian magazine has a much more detailed overview of the whole process than anything I've read yet. The key thing here is all of a sudden you can't be pulling this gum out of your pocket and chewing it if no one at work has ever seen you chew gum? You have to establish yourself as someone who is trying to keep from smoking cigarettes. If you have a pocket and reach for your gum like an old friend than people will accept that is something you to do help with not smoking. The gum should be in a nicorette gum pack to reinforce the sell and or switch off to Dentyne. You are playing a role here as a very skilled worker who is working on giving up smoking and no one will notice that gum gesture -- they'll have seen it over and over. In the meantime it is OK to stop.Period. Just stop. Get it out of your system. It will still all be there waiting for you when you get the hang of it. I promised myself that I wouldn't smoke weed when I first started working in a school in Thailand because it is illegal and I wasn't sure about drug testing. That all worked fine until this Australian guy rolled up a joint in week 2 and forced my hand. You're already using salt and hydrogen peroxide (and commercial mouthwash if you want) to really flush out any evil resins residing there.

Why do you think teachers don't let you chew gum during tests -- it increases test scores....up to 10%

How To Pass A Mouth Swab Drug Test: Best Saliva Drug Test Kit Revealed​

Mouth swab drug testing is getting more common at a time when drug testing generally is on retreat due to the liberalization of cannabis use. The problem is that it’s cheaper than a urine sample drug test, and anyone can be trained to administer the test on the spot.

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Mouth Swab Drug Test
Mouth Swab Drug Test

This is a quick guide on how to pass a mouth swab drug test that will tell you everything you need to know to do just that.
I’ll be talking about the following product, so if you are in a hurry, you can check it out here:
Oral Clear Saliva Neutralizing Gum
We will cover exactly what happens with a mouth swab drug test, and why they are so dangerous (and gaining in popularity despite drug testing declining). This will also cover saliva drug test detection times. Then, I’ll talk you through the specialist mouthwash and gum products that you can use to pass a saliva drug test.
We will also talk about whether you can pass an oral drug test naturally, or speed up the removal of toxins by just using everyday oral cleanliness products.
Here’s Why Mouth Swab Drug Tests Are So Dangerous
Mouth swab drug testing is getting more common at a time when drug testing generally is on retreat due to the liberalization of cannabis use. The problem is that it’s cheaper than a urine sample drug test, and anyone can be trained to administer the test on the spot.
Worse than that, you don’t even need to send the kits off, they can be dipstick tested into a panel drug test kit with results showing in about five minutes. Having said that, most employment and pre-employment testing is still sent off to be analyzed.
So the danger is that facing one gives you virtually no time to prepare, and virtually no time to deploy countermeasures. That’s why you have to be clued up on the options you do have.

What Exactly Happens During An Oral Drug Test?​

Usually, you’ll get some notice, even if it’s just 15 minutes. By the roadside, or for some other situations, you may not get that though.
It’s basically a simple case of using a mouth swab to rub around the gum line, specifically on the lower gumline and under the tongue, to collect a saliva sample that is most likely to contain drug metabolites.
Usually, the person administering the test will use a mouth swab. But occasionally, they will give it to you to use. This is a golden opportunity because it gives you the opportunity to move the swab around the upper inside of the cheek where drug metabolites are least likely to hang around.
However, one variation I’ve heard of Amazon using when they drug test orally is to place a long-stemmed swab into the mouth under the tongue and then leave it there (a bit like a thermometer) for up to 10 minutes. This means there is no way to do anything, and it’s evidently done to try and offset the use of saliva drug test kits like mouthwash and gum.
Then, it’s just a simple case of sending the sample or even placing the sample into a liquid which then reacts on panels for certain types of drugs.

How Long Does It Take To Get Clean To Pass A Mouth Swab Drug Test?​

If you have taken drugs, then this is the million-dollar question if you think you might face a mouth swab drug test. If you want to beat a mouth swab drug test worrying about how long will take to get clean is micromanaging a situation you are not really in control of.
Here’s what you need to consider though:
• How long since you last took drugs
• Frequency of drug testing
• Dosing of drug testing
• Other substances being used
• Diet
• Levels of exercise
• Amount of water you drink
• Age
• General Health
Typically, for light use, you’ll be clean in about 48 hours after last taking drugs. But what is “light use”, what is a “typical user”?
For me, it really just falls into three brackets:
• If you take drugs rarely you are a light user and can be clean in 48 hours
• If you take drugs once or twice weekly you can be clean in 72 hours
• If you take drugs more than twice weekly then it will take you at least 72 hours
The problem with those ballpark figures is that heavy cannabis users, and people using medium and slow-release benzos especially, can test positive for far longer. In some cases, two weeks after the last drugs were taken.
If you have taken drugs in the past 7 days and you are facing an oral swab drug test, it’s best to proceed under the assumption that you could test positive, and for cannabis use, in the past two weeks.

Can You Naturally Beat A Mouth Swab Drug Test?​

It’s perfectly possible to naturally be a mouth swab drug test if it’s been long enough since you last took drugs. However, you can accelerate the speed at which you can get naturally clean by doing the following things:
1. Brush your teeth regularly. I’m talking every two or three hours in the time you have leading up to your test.
2. Use good quality mouthwash after you brush your teeth. It will seriously help to move saliva out of your mouth faster.
3. Chew gum constantly. This will draw saliva containing toxins in your mouth, allowing you to then swallow them and process them through the body faster.
4. If it’s cannabis use, eat fatty foods. Burgers and things like that are great. The fat binds to the cannabis metabolites and takes them down into the stomach.
5. Exercise, sweat, drink plenty of water, and generally lead a healthy lifestyle while taking in no more toxins or excess medications that slow down processing times.

Method 1: Specialist Detoxification Mouthwash Products​

The easiest and cheapest way to pass a mouth swab drug test is to use specialist saliva neutralizing mouthwash product. These are cheap, usually only costing around $30. They are effective for up to 30 minutes, and really offer great value for money.
On the downside though, you have to be out of sight to use them. It will be obvious if you are tipping the bottle contents into your mouth and the volume of liquid can’t really be swallowed.

Mouthwash Products To Avoid​

If you don’t think you will be observed and will have notice of your test then a mouthwash is a great option. But, be careful to choose a high-quality product. These are the saliva drug test mouthwash kit options I would avoid:
• Magnum Detox Mouthwash: horrible product with no discernible ingredients that could neutralize saliva in it.
• Stinger Mouthwash : exactly the same ingredients as Stinger detox liquid. So, it’s impossible that this could work to neutralize saliva as well.
• High Voltage Detox Mouthwash : another cheap and nasty mouthwash that does not contain any ingredients linked to being able to neutralize or remove drug toxins in any way.

Best Mouthwash Product Option​

When it comes to good quality saliva-neutralizing mouthwash products there is one I would recommend that is affordable and have ingredients in them that are potent enough to clear drug toxins out of the mouth and neutralize them, there is only one I can really recommend.
I know they work because I’ve tested it with home mouth swab drug test kits.
Toxin Rid Rescue Wash
For me, this is the most potent saliva neutralizing mouthwash you can buy. For $29.95, it’s very cheap and you are getting real quality. Toxin Rid pills of the best on the market, and their Rescue Wash product is also the best.

Best Option: Using Specialist Neutralizing Gum To Pass A Saliva Drug Test​

As I’ve said, the problem with saliva-neutralizing mouthwash, or naturally working the toxins out of your saliva, is it takes time. If you don’t get much notice of the test, and you’re not out of sight enough, then using a mouthwash is very problematic.
That’s why for me, the best way to learn how to pass a mouth swab drug test, is to learn about Oral Clear.
Oral Clear is a gum to pass a saliva drug test. But, although it’s called gum, this is not chewing gum at all. Oral Clear is actually a capsule of highly concentrated saliva-neutralizing mouthwash. It’s a large capsule, but still ridiculously discreet compared to a bottle of mouthwash.
It’s high-quality. It’s made by Clear Choice. This is the same company that makes Quick Luck the best synthetic urine brands, and Rescue Cleanse detox drink , both of which are the best on the market.
=>Click Here To Buy Oral Clear From The Manufacturer

Instructions For Using Oral Clear Saliva Neutralizing Gum Discreetly​

This is how you can use Oral Clear so discreetly that it could neutralize your saliva even with somebody in the room with you, or just near you.
1. Cup the capsule in the palm of your hand. Cough, then place your hand in your mouth and pop the capsule in. Cough a little more as you pop the capsule but keep your mouth closed to stop the liquid from spilling out.
2. Then, discreetly swill the liquid around your mouth for about one minute. Use your tongue to work the liquid into the gum line, especially focusing on the bottom of your mouth. If you are being observed, keep your mouth and lips tight shut, and cough a little more with your hand over your mouth, to conceal what you are doing. Practice it in the mirror now with a small amount of normal mouthwash, you can conceal it completely.
3. Because it’s such a small volume of liquid and capsule, you can swallow it to get rid of all traces of having used it. Then, you are completely cleared to pass a drug test for about 15 minutes.
As you can see, using Oral Clear is really easy to use. Imagine you are facing a roadside drug test.
As the police walked towards the car, you can do exactly what I have outlined above. By the time they have reached the car and observed you, the deed is mostly done.
Even if the person administering the test asks you what’s wrong, or asks if you are chewing gum, or eating something, you can just say it's gum and make a swallowing motion, even if you don’t empty your mouth. Then, say it’s just normal gum and you’ve swallowed it and are ready to take a test.
For roadside testing, even if they think you are chewing gum, they don’t immediately want to drug test you anyway. So they may not have a suspicion is aroused or even make a connection.
Plus, because there is no trace in your mouth of anything that can be detected, there is no way on earth that a police officer, probation officer, drug testing company employee, or company representative, could ever prove you have tried to neutralize your saliva at all.
Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum is the perfect answer on how to pass an oral drug test and is the perfect crime you can commit in order to beat a mouth swab test.

Where To Buy Mouthwash And Oral Clear (Saliva Drug Test Kits)​

Test Clear Rescue Wash is best bought directly from the company via their website at Oral Clear gum, you can buy this tiny saliva drug test kit directly from Clear Choice at their Test Negative website.
Oral Clear isn’t cheap. It’s $90 for a single capsule. When it arrives, and you open up the small container it comes in, you’ll be very disappointed. It basically looks like a condom packet. But, remember, you are paying for a highly concentrated potency of the liquid, and the discreet size of the product.
Both of those together mean that you can completely neutralize your saliva for 15 minutes in an incredibly discreet way.
So, if you think you are in danger of facing an oral drug test, then suck up that price, because it’s definitely the best way that you can pass any level of scrutiny and remain undetected.

Mouthswab Drug Test FAQ​

How Far Back With A Mouth Swab Drug Test Go?
Most drugs are undetectable in saliva after about 48 hours, but only if you are a moderate user. If you are using drugs of any type more regularly than once per week, and have taken drugs in the past for five days, then you could well be detected during a mouth swab drug test. It’s best to assume that you could get caught if you have taken anything in the past seven days, especially if you are taking drugs more than once per week on a regular basis.
What does It mean When A Mouth Swab Drug Test Turns Blue?
If you see the mouth swab drug test turn blue there is no need to panic. It just means it’s a type of test that has a saturation coloration built in. Turning blue means that the saturation is sufficient to get a sample that is testable. So, it just means you’ve submitted enough saliva and is nothing to do with the outcome of the test.
How To Pass A Saliva Drug Test For Alcohol?
Alcohol does not stay in saliva long, often for as few as 12 hours after your last drink. Usually, with just a few hours' notice, you can brush your teeth, chew gum, drink plenty of water, and eat regularly, to push saliva through that contains traces of alcohol. However, you can use Oral Clear gum is a good quality mouthwash like Toxin Rid Ultra Wash to disguise any signs of the toxins for 15 minutes.
How To Pass A Mouth Swab Drug Test For FedEx?
Passing a mouth swab drug test for FedEx is no different from passing a drug test for any other company that does oral drug testing. If you have a day or more notice, and you are a light user, you could get clean just by brushing your teeth every few hours, using a good quality mouthwash every few hours, eating small regular meals, and drinking plenty of water throughout this time while chewing gum as well. But, the best way to pass is to use Oral Clear gum, a specialist saliva-neutralizing gum that will neutralize saliva for up to 15 minutes.
How Does A Mouth Swab Drug Test Work?
With a mouth swab drug test, a sample is taken from several key areas inside the mouth. A swab is used, and the sample is mostly collected from the bottom of your mouth under the tongue, and along the gum line more generally, where drug metabolites will most likely gather. This is then put into a solution, and tested against panels which will react if they detect the presence of a certain type of drug.
Where To Buy Mouth Swab Drug Test?
Most of the drug tests are available from many online retailers, including general ones like Amazon and eBay. However, you are looking for a good cut-off level. Otherwise, they won’t be sensitive enough and you might test negative at home, and then test positive when you have an actual oral drug test. The best way to see how good a home drug test kit is will be to Google the cut-off levels for the drug test you are facing on the company website like LabCorp or Concentra. You can then compare their cut-offs for the drugs you want to avoid detection for against the cut-off the home drug test you are thinking of buying.
Disclaimer: The above is a sponsored post, the views expressed are those of the sponsor/author and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.
Mornin all of Yiz!
Who made coffee for the corner this morning? Answer: no one.. 🫤
Now, imma have to have a smoke and a Dr. Pepper.
Did I mention that I had to move a lady of the night outta @Pipecarver ’s seat? (I’d spray that seat PC)….
Morning nooner kinda thing today...yard work house work for the afternoon, trying to knock back the jungle of growth August has brought

Found my chillum cleaned it out bout to tie one on before I mow the lawn
Sounds like everyone had a busy Friday! I did, I was busy doing exactly what I wanted allll day long. I may or may not have been a bit on the slacking side. Good thing is no one can fire me!
I actually finished trimming a plant that I absolutely cannot stand the smell of. It completely nauseated me. It’s the seedlings seizure meds. Future One. Others love it, just not me. It tested out super heavy on linalool. Most good seizure meds do.
Happy Friday to yiz.. imma roll up a nice one, crank up some old music and enjoy the rest of this beautiful day 🥰
Sounds like everyone had a busy Friday! I did, I was busy doing exactly what I wanted allll day long. I may or may not have been a bit on the slacking side. Good thing is no one can fire me!
I actually finished trimming a plant that I absolutely cannot stand the smell of. It completely nauseated me. It’s the seedlings seizure meds. Future One. Others love it, just not me. It tested out super heavy on linalool. Most good seizure meds do.
Happy Friday to yiz.. imma roll up a nice one, crank up some old music and enjoy the rest of this beautiful day 🥰
Trainwreck is the same way for me...I'll smoke it and get stoned but man that smell and even taste is not one I prefer at all. One of my traditional sources used to get it and a bunch of hybrids of it...always smelled like some form of baby shit to me. Sorry to any trainwreck lovers....I think it's the terpenoline in it. Jack herer pretty similar if I remember right.. yuck
Trainwreck is the same way for me...I'll smoke it and get stoned but man that smell and even taste is not one I prefer at all. One of my traditional sources used to get it and a bunch of hybrids of it...always smelled like some form of baby shit to me. Sorry to any trainwreck lovers....I think it's the terpenoline in it. Jack herer pretty similar if I remember right.. yuck
Crescendo is the same for me also.
Gave a joint to a buddy and said ' sleepy time' to him the other day.
Next day he was like that shit put me out~!
Smelled like body odor before curing. Still has some rank to it after cure, but if you have trouble sleeping or wandering thoughts it will stop them in no time.
I only smoke it at the end of the day which is early for me or whenever I want my day to end~!:sleep:
SLG had his tested and was around to 25% I believe.
Just picked up a couple new strains yesterday that I haven't had yet.

Frosted flakes (MAC x NH3)20230819_071440.jpg

Gas Truffle (grape gas x truffle)

The smell on the frosted flakes is strong. I have had the Mac a few times so I know that part of it is strong...but looking up NH3 has me super curious of it....I guess NH3 is the formula for ammonia according to seedfinder

Anyone else heard of NH3? First I'm hearing of it...
Crescendo is the same for me also.
Gave a joint to a buddy and said ' sleepy time' to him the other day.
Next day he was like that shit put me out~!
Smelled like body odor before curing. Still has some rank to it after cure, but if you have trouble sleeping or wandering thoughts it will stop them in no time.
I only smoke it at the end of the day which is early for me or whenever I want my day to end~!:sleep:
SLG had his tested and was around to 25% I believe.
I have a friend that’s a medical Dr. He told me long ago, if the smell turns you off, it’s not for you. I believe that. The Future One did indeed test out at 37.020, and I don’t even like the buzz. Many ppl are crazy about it. I would be happy to never smell it again! So, I just assume it’s not for me and super happy to only grow it twice a year.
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