@GoodShit97 is recovering from food poisoning and his wife said no more seeds til he plants some
Feeling 80% better tonight. Stomach is still cramping but itll pass 👍🏻
Shes not wrong, but its the only thing i spend on so its crap lol 😆
I have like 10 strains growing right now and probably 10 strains i havent even grown a single seed of yet. Soon tho ill be pipping more seeds
Feeling 80% better tonight. Stomach is still cramping but itll pass 👍🏻
Shes not wrong, but its the only thing i spend on so its crap lol 😆
I have like 10 strains growing right now and probably 10 strains i havent even grown a single seed of yet. Soon tho ill be pipping more seeds
I'm always talking about seeds I see on here and the lady just shakes her head. Maybe if I let her pick the strain 🤔
yeah, dehydration is my primary concern. I tend to drink roughly two gallons of water a day as it is, i've just bumped those numbers up as best as i can given my throat is so swollen it's hard to swallow anything. gotta keep fluids moving, pain or no pain though. been hospitalized too many times due to dehydration, that's never a fun trip.

however, even if it is mono, there's nothing they can do since we don't really have antiviral drugs. it's just gotta run its course, which can be anywhere from four weeks to six months. good times!
Pedialite for kids works wonders
I am out the door in another15 minutes.
Damn 2 hour drive one way to work~!
Almost done with this one, but hear the next one is just as far~!:censored:
Damn! Where you working this week? Most i ever drove one way to work was an hour and 10 minutes. 4 hours of drive time to and from is a long time driving man, give ya credit lol.
I am out the door in another15 minutes.
Damn 2 hour drive one way to work~!
Almost done with this one, but hear the next one is just as far~!:censored:
I commute to different places every day I'm in the field. About an hour is the usual.

Every once in a while, a good client wants me to do something far, far, away, because they don't want to go through the hassle of finding someone more local. Once it was 4 and a half hours, one way! He paid for that. Or, rather, his client paid for that.
I am out the door in another15 minutes.
Damn 2 hour drive one way to work~!
Almost done with this one, but hear the next one is just as far~!:censored:
I commuted 1.5 hrs each way to work for 7 years on my 750 Honda's then I was in an accident on the way home one December and broke my Tib/fib left leg. After 6 months of recovery I drove my pickup 2 hrs each way, through 47 stop lights & 7 municipalities to get to UBC hospital from Maple Ridge in Greater Vancouver.

One night on an afternoon shift I got home at 1 am, my wife was up and said the hospital called, you still have to OR keys.................................awe Fk 1.5 hrs back to work turn in the keys and head home, on the Flats through south Burnaby I got a speeding ticket. Not a sole on the road I was doing warp speeds then whoop whoop red & blue flashing lights. There goes $300 + 3 points on insurance. The dick could care less what my circumstance were just fk you here's a ticket
I love me a good drive to and from work but 2 hours!? Damn..
Better roll a bunch a doobies for the road

I wanna try those bubba cookies El posted...I'm not the biggest cookie fan but the description of vigorous growth and strong smell has me wanting to buy a small pack atleast.

I got issues, got a few clones on the way...got some clones already downstairs...couple strains I've been seeking for a while supposed to be coming...as granny would say feck!
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Another hot chocolate night on the front porch 😋 This crazy assed global warming is freezing my arse off! cough cough ..
Anybody do anything exciting today? I did! I managed to get around and water and feed my ladies. After a week of being down, it actually was exciting! Funny all those little things we take for granted and bitch about.
@Shaded is back! Happy to see him!
@tobh is sick and still diagnosing himself… 🤦‍♀️ (hope he called a Dr.)
@Pipecarver is prepping to harvest and pop seed
@Moe.Red is buying new seed
@GoodShit97 is recovering from food poisoning and his wife said no more seeds til he plants some.
@SiamSam is slowly recovering from lower back probs
@Franksta is growing some nice looking outdoor jungle weed, blazing new paths in the forest. Swam today, it was good.
Is Oregon Grape a strain? I have an Oregon Grape plant/bush. Lots of health uses iirc.
It is, and supposedly an old one. Very large and strange looking plant. Hugeeee fan leaves. Pretty smelly to be in a veg state too.
All of these ladies are monsters!
It is, and supposedly an old one. Very large and strange looking plant. Hugeeee fan leaves. Pretty smelly to be in a veg state too.
All of these ladies are monsters!
Goood morning I got distracted....tonight....tonight I'll getter dun tonight. sometimes my mind is amazing I just know shit.....other times....lol...not so much. I got a QBlast trimmedBlast11w2.JPG
Better roll a bunch a doobies for the road

I wanna try those bubba cookies El posted...I'm not the biggest cookie fan but the description of vigorous growth and strong smell has me wanting to buy a small pack atleast.

I got issues, got a few clones on the way...got some clones already downstairs...couple strains I've been seeking for a while supposed to be coming...as granny would say feck!
If you want them, better get them! He has a huge group on fakebook and they buy everything he has! That’s how I met him four years or so ago.
He has met every expectation I have in that area.
Seeds are great and in great shape.
Strain is as described.
Shipping is lightening fast.
Provides tracking.
Stands behind his products.
Germination ratios are over the top.
I just don’t feel like I could ask anymore of a seed supplier.
I do not get nor ask for any kickbacks, so it’s straight from the horses mouth.
Over the weekend there was a fundraiser for a charity that I work with & my work had a table. It's like a super fancy $200 a plate dinner/auction thing that a lot of the prominent local people attend. So there was a group of us meeting at my house to drive down. I had made some canna coconut oil & made some brownies with it, so I sat a bowl out & offered everyone a brownie before we left. My wife's cousin was there & she is not really a smoker, she will, but we usually end up twisting her arm to get her to take a couple one hits. My brother in law talked her into a brownie, I was in the other room when it happened or I would have recommended half, but by the time I got back she had eaten it (granted it was a small piece).

So we get to the party & I noticed she was pretty giggly & could tell the brownie was really starting to hit her. A little while later her & my wife get up to go to the bathroom, like 10 minutes later my wife comes back by herself & tells us she's freaking out having a panic attack & refusing to leave the bathroom stall. So we have to sneak her barely functioning self out of the bathroom & head back home. We took her back to our place & took care of her (hey we've all been there) the next day she said she's never done acid, but she imagines that's what a bad trip would feel like. I felt kinda bad, but she laughed about it the next day & told my wife to tell me, "your shit's no joke" 🤣
You live locally to that area? I ride my bikes down 231 quite often between sperryville and Madison. Beautiful area.
Yes, that is the area I lost a state boy in a hot pursuit a few months ago.

If you want to get up sometime or come hiking with us next time hit me up in a PM

So the hike was awesome everyone!!! Beautiful

This is the mountain we hiked from the walking path back, feel like a beast to see that mountain in the distance on the walk back, surreal...

This is the coolest hike in the area by far! Maybe even the state, idk. It is so bad ass!!

So cool to see so many ridge lines


The trail..
So my Hubby and I have been together for twenty years, but just got married in 2012.
I had a huge party the weekend prior to our trip to Key West, 150 plus turned out to celebrate our upcoming wedding. Food, everything provided by the local pubs that I ran a karaoke show for about eight years.
That night, I was drugged. I have zero recollection past meal time at six pm. The lab testing showed a drug called rohypnol. I always suspected that I knew who done it. I also knew it had to be someone that would have had to have access to my area, my dj booth. I kept people at bay and I was always super careful about my drinks. Never allowing others to buy me a drink, refusing anything already opened. No shots.
This week, 12 years later my suspicions were confirmed. Arrested on 26 counts! They got his ass! They say people are still coming forward. It’s confirmed via security vids at a place he was, you guessed it..tending bar.
Ive always known it was him, yet could not prove a damn thing. Today, even I get justice. I hope he enjoys his stay in hell. I gave up a great paying and very lucrative career over this, working five to six days a week, literally naming my price and getting it. It also gave me semi paranoid trust issues.
Today, all of this changes.
Maybe I even secretly wish someone would just bend him over and allow me to shove my size 8.5 boot up his rear.
You can bet your ass I’ll be sitting front row on his court day.
fuckers like that piss me off. when i was a bar tender, i made it clear to any of my customers that if they needed to go to the bathroom or leave their drink unattended, or even were concerned about its safety, just bring it to me and I would pour em a new one free when they got back from whatever they needed to do. This was primarily to ensure safe disposal and to ensure that there was still enough drink left to warrant a free beverage -- my clientele was an honest bunch but sometimes when free is on the table, it'll be taken advantage of. Like, I wasn't about to pour a new drink when the original is down the hatch, ya know?

The bar was ran by an older couple that didn't believe in providing safety lids, so that was my harm reduction effort. At the time there were too many stories about people being drugged in Portland and like hell if I was going to let that happen at my bar.

that fucker is gonna have a very rude awakening when he gets locked up with some of those boys that did worse the old fashioned way. such a cowardly move to drug someone without their knowledge. sorry to hear of your experience @CannaGranny but glad you finally get some justice! Make that loser squirm!
Gmorning, we had 2 days of sun...back to grey but its still warm. Just down with Qnight smoking a few and browsing, I tried to take a pic of him while he was sleeping along side me but he's camera shy and won't let me take his pic...as soon as I try to focus he bolts.View attachment 19974
I like the nug on the keyboard with leaves. Lmao growing makes us become one with the weed
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