Morning all ya Menz!
Went to bed last night with many of you trying to figure out how to fight the bears. We have them here too and they are starting to become a nuisance. More so at the local campgrounds.
I have for the last 15 years froze all of my food scraps until trash day to avoid this problem. An old adage “a fed bear is a dead bear”.
Our big problem here right now are cougars, they are taking down the elk. Would be totally normal in nature, problem is our state spent 15 million dollars to bring them back here to their natural habitat. (The Elk).
I have finally found a way to deter the coons out of my trash. Wintergreen scented trash bags! They hate them and will not Feck with the bags at all! Try it!
Now that we have whooped up on the local wild life, anybody got any weed news?
@CannaGranny - Have you ever dried and ground your root balls? I read that the root system is high in CBD among other things.
Yeah, it tastes like dirt! No matter how much washing ya do. Most use it predominantly for pain and inflammation meds.
Lobelia Cardinalis, boiled cabbage and black pekoe tea will do the same.
It’s an interesting world out there, and the craft largely lost. I was taught by my great grandfather he had 114 grandchildren, great and grands combined. He chose to teach me. I always felt it a great responsibility to carry that on. None of my family gives a whit about carrying it on, so it will be lost with me. Just like Granny’s dressing recipe, our Native ways and dances.
None of my family gives a whit about carrying it on, so it will be lost with me. Just like Granny’s dressing recipe.
And this is how family traditions are forever lost.
I can't believe none of your family has an interest in what you were passed down. 😔
Wish i was closer, id love to learn from you @CannaGranny !
And this is how family traditions are forever lost.
I can't believe none of your family has an interest in what you were passed down. 😔
Wish i was closer, id love to learn from you @CannaGranny !
I’m leaving behind many notes and writings .Who knows one day a grandchild may latch on to them 🥰
Yeah, it tastes like dirt! No matter how much washing ya do. Most use it predominantly for pain and inflammation meds.
Lobelia Cardinalis, boiled cabbage and black pekoe tea will do the same.
It’s an interesting world out there, and the craft largely lost. I was taught by my great grandfather he had 114 grandchildren, great and grands combined. He chose to teach me. I always felt it a great responsibility to carry that on. None of my family gives a whit about carrying it on, so it will be lost with me. Just like Granny’s dressing recipe, our Native ways and dances.
The article mentioned grinding then into gel caps.......
If your tradition would allow CG, writing a book may be a worthwhile endeavor!

When i was in college, my linguistics professor was working on a project to document the Zuni, Aztec, and Laguna tribe languages in the SW. The reason for this was because cumulatively, those three tribes (at the time) had less than 500 native speakers left, and the language was going to be lost to time. When a language dies, traditions and culture die with it. However, the biggest complication she had was these languages were never written languages, they were entirely verbal so they had no writing system, which meant there were no grammar definitions for written word. Talk about making the process incredibly complicated! Another complication was there is a cultural disposition against photography of tribal members and writing of the language due to the belief that recording such things in such permanent form takes from the spirit, removing the life from it.

I digress. If you're able, I'm sure even if you're the last one to care about the old ways, many of us would buy a book describing those ways!
If your tradition would allow CG, writing a book may be a worthwhile endeavor!

When i was in college, my linguistics professor was working on a project to document the Zuni, Aztec, and Laguna tribe languages in the SW. The reason for this was because cumulatively, those three tribes (at the time) had less than 500 native speakers left, and the language was going to be lost to time. When a language dies, traditions and culture die with it. However, the biggest complication she had was these languages were never written languages, they were entirely verbal so they had no writing system, which meant there were no grammar definitions for written word. Talk about making the process incredibly complicated! Another complication was there is a cultural disposition against photography of tribal members and writing of the language due to the belief that recording such things in such permanent form takes from the spirit, removing the life from it.

I digress. If you're able, I'm sure even if you're the last one to care about the old ways, many of us would buy a book describing those ways!
Agreed! An ex did this but with Mexican recipes. She was a fantastic cook that learned from her grandmother. Her GM gave her a collection of recipes that her GM gave her. She's been collecting Mayan and Aztec recipes too.
If your tradition would allow CG, writing a book may be a worthwhile endeavor!

When i was in college, my linguistics professor was working on a project to document the Zuni, Aztec, and Laguna tribe languages in the SW. The reason for this was because cumulatively, those three tribes (at the time) had less than 500 native speakers left, and the language was going to be lost to time. When a language dies, traditions and culture die with it. However, the biggest complication she had was these languages were never written languages, they were entirely verbal so they had no writing system, which meant there were no grammar definitions for written word. Talk about making the process incredibly complicated! Another complication was there is a cultural disposition against photography of tribal members and writing of the language due to the belief that recording such things in such permanent form takes from the spirit, removing the life from it.

I digress. If you're able, I'm sure even if you're the last one to care about the old ways, many of us would buy a book describing those ways!
I have a Zuni squash blossom (necklace) that is very rare.
Who knows? When the cold winter winds blow perhaps I could sit down long enough to take writing a book on. 🙂
Hey you Menz,
Get in on this deal!
Not to poke a sore with a thorn here but….
When I was kicked out of that other place for being a free human being, I got pvt messages showing me where a certain person though it was hysterical that he shut down my 40k thread. Said I’d be back, begging him to let me come back.
NEVER! In my opinion was a stupid move to delete the user that had the most active new thread on your site.
This is today’s numbers on Budbuilders… 4k larger and double the replies! Suck it Logic! 😂🤣😂😅😂😊
What did I miss that caused this latest streak of eff yous? That old blister showing his ass again? Happy weekend errbody
It started with @Rootsruler posting a thread called Dear Lyric.. and inside was the middle finger.

We later discovered that Roots was just piss drunk picking a fight, and so we changed the thread name to it's intended Dear Logic. Just to see what would happen from an entertainment point of view.

So that's about it. Don't take much around here sometimes.
It started with @Rootsruler posting a thread called Dear Lyric.. and inside was the middle finger.

We later discovered that Roots was just piss drunk picking a fight, and so we changed the thread name to it's intended Dear Logic. Just to see what would happen from an entertainment point of view.

So that's about it. Don't take much around here sometimes.
He was like "bring on the piss" 😂
Too many IPAs 😂
Those things will sneak up and bite ya, fast.
That stuff gives me a headache! Haven’t touched a drop of liquor in seven years, but I remember that dull aching throb!
Now ya all know when roots gets on a hoot, we have to lock him in a round rubber room! You can let ‘em out in the morning.
Some shit about his motto: Rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy…
Fuck yes they will lol it's taken years of drinking them to get to a point that I know how not to end up completely fuckered the next day
I worked in a craft beer warehouse loading pallets. We carried some IPAs that were 16% to 21%.
Now take that 21% at 16oz and it has the same alcohol content as a bottle of vodka....
No damn wonder it kicked my ass, huh?
The guy who built the delivery routes said he would drink 4 or 6 of them while fishing...

Id fall off the boat and drown after 1..... i hardly ever drink and when i do its usually a 24oz twisted tea or angry orchard and im done for lol.
I worked in a craft beer warehouse loading pallets. We carried some IPAs that were 16% to 21%.
Now take that 21% at 16oz and it has the same alcohol content as a bottle of vodka....
Damn, that sounds like my kind of beverage. The ones I typically get are been 9%-11% and I'll drink typically three 16oz in a sitting. But that sitting tends to be three to four hours. My days of getting shit faced are done. If I get a real hair up my ass, I might reach for some Scotch or rye but that's rare these days because I like expensive shit lol
Damn, that sounds like my kind of beverage. The ones I typically get are been 9%-11% and I'll drink typically three 16oz in a sitting. But that sitting tends to be three to four hours. My days of getting shit faced are done. If I get a real hair up my ass, I might reach for some Scotch or rye but that's rare these days because I like expensive shit lol
I used to enjoy drinking.... then i got absolutely blackout drunk, tripped and busted my face all to shit on a concrete pad for a bar that was getting built, broke my nose.
The last thing i remember was we were all sitting in my buddys basement at like 1230am and i was eating a turkey drumstick.

Then i woke up outside cold, wet, still drunk, lost my weed, and havent really drank much since then lmao.
I used to enjoy drinking.... then i got absolutely blackout drunk, tripped and busted my face all to shit on a concrete pad for a bar that was getting built, broke my nose.
The last thing i remember was we were all sitting in my buddys basement at like 1230am and i was eating a turkey drumstick.

Then i woke up outside cold, wet, still drunk, lost my weed, and havent really drank much since then lmao.
Yeah that's a good reason not to drink. The only reason I even drink is because I can't smoke due to it giving me anxiety and my stress levels are ridiculous, so booze helps silence that a bit. Just gotta be mindful given it's a depressant and emotional amplifier so I try not drink when I'm angry.

You know, just try to keep a handle on the handle and remember happiness isn't at the bottom of a bottle.
I put everything in 000 gel caps from , weed , oil, shrooms, ect. If it taste like shit it goes in a cap
Gmorning all. I have tails on 5 of 6 seeds. The 2 Trainwreck and 2 Green Crack are 1" long with 1 Grunts just cracked and a 1/16" tip the other hasn't popped open. I didn't use the Vertical Germinating tool, I'll have to do a test run on it with seeds I don't need to count on first. I trust my germinating and doing something new for the first time scares me with precious seeds. I wanted my seeds to pop and not take a chance at fking something up.
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