What's up gang! You guys won't believe what I was doing this past weekend!
Just got back from an awesome trip this weekend, I am the one in the front that is invisible due to the sheer amount of water coming at us. A group of 8 of us went out rafting on the Gauley river in WV this weekend, it was honestly the most fun of my entire life!!! We hit 4 or 5 level
5 rapids... just sick, totally sick
Funny part about it is I brought some chocolate edibles i made that are super strong by just one piece along with me in a bag. At the end of the bus ride to drop in, i check them and they are all melting up into a glob... So only thing to do is eat some kind of hero dose of edibles right before we got out, and when the guide (the guy in the back leading us) asks who wants to lead this thing and ride up front i'm the very first one to put their hand up! We were out for 5 hours i think, i'm trying to remember, but it was like 4 level 5's and a crazy amount of level 4's. cant say it again, best time of my life!! gave the guide a good amount of money and some of my home grown prerolls i had for the trip as tip, lol. If you ever book a trip at Adventures on the Gorge in WV, ask for Nick, really cool guide!
They release huge amounts of dam water to get the water flow this intense
I'm up front on the left side of the boat, literally immersed in water, you can't see one piece of me in this picture. We didn't lose one person!!
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This is when i was up front and fucking ate it but fell in the boat instead of out
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This is from when i was in the back for the second half
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