TThat's exactly what i was thinking! but believe it or not, i tryt not to post too much for some reason... i type up stuff then delete it, thinking i talk too much as it is
@Pipecarver i think you could make a fortune if you already don't have an elite clientele for your products. fuck the vape/head shops, you can probably sell them for $100+ as personally handcrafted online, i would guess? sorry if i'm lowballing you, i have no idea what those bad-ass pipes cost, i know i would pay near $100, and i've never had a wood pipe. i once had a cool virginia clay pipe that looked like gandolf's from lotr. you could break off a piece near the mouth if it got clogged, was the benefit of the clay, of course the downside, is it's short-lived.
are your customers primarily tobacco users? i remeber my friend's dad's car he was driving in high school once smelled amazing to me and it was because he said his dAD spilled cherry pipe tobacco on the floor mat
i'm sorry to ask you so many questions, but if you do sell online, where can us BBs look to bid/buy them?