Mornin all you Menz!
See what happens when you leave me alone on the corner? I talk to myself and paint the walls pink!
I’m having hell getting the page to load after having added the photo ticker. My internet service is total crap out here. I’m on a waiting list for StarLink, but who knows when I can get on it.
Yesterday, my part time neighbor and his buddies took out all the deer that hung out in my yard. I know we are overpopulated and I know sickness will follow if they are not thinned out, but still kinda hurts my feelings. Actually, pisses me off.
My husband is busy giving me all the reasons I should not shut down my property so he can’t access the back part of his. He has one creek crossing to get to the back 200 acres and guess who owns that? I dunno, as I said, I’m still kinda pissed.
The CreekWalker (how apt today) is doing a lot better after giving her a good top dressing and watering in of worm poop. She is regreening quickly. Good thing too as she is 3.5 weeks in and after four weeks, I don’t like adding anything. She has completely filled the four by four, average bud is 12-16” tall. I’m expecting bottom line of 12 zip at least.
Happy Friday all yiz!
Mornin all you Menz!
See what happens when you leave me alone on the corner? I talk to myself and paint the walls pink!
I’m having hell getting the page to load after having added the photo ticker. My internet service is total crap out here. I’m on a waiting list for StarLink, but who knows when I can get on it.
Yesterday, my part time neighbor and his buddies took out all the deer that hung out in my yard. I know we are overpopulated and I know sickness will follow if they are not thinned out, but still kinda hurts my feelings. Actually, pisses me off.
My husband is busy giving me all the reasons I should not shut down my property so he can’t access the back part of his. He has one creek crossing to get to the back 200 acres and guess who owns that? I dunno, as I said, I’m still kinda pissed.
The CreekWalker (how apt today) is doing a lot better after giving her a good top dressing and watering in of worm poop. She is regreening quickly. Good thing too as she is 3.5 weeks in and after four weeks, I don’t like adding anything. She has completely filled the four by four, average bud is 12-16” tall. I’m expecting bottom line of 12 zip at least.
Happy Friday all yiz!
Wisper ISP has a similar service they offer internet in rural Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma.

They are my service provider. Maybe call and ask them if they are in your area...could be a game changer for ya.

Phone number is

Not sure if it's possible but maybe Moe could make it a feature you could disable in settings for those with sketchy internet?
Funny, we just talked about this and I got a notice today saying my equipment from StarLink will ship within ten days! I wouldn’t know how to act if my stuff loaded and I could actually stream videos!
I’m just not sure what to make of him. I’ll continue to watch with a weary eye. I have a list of reasons a mile long, but will keep them to myself and continue to observe.
I give him kudos for going against the grain and putting the facts out there, but was there a one of us that did not know we were being censored and what was being censored? No.
So in essence is he not just another cog in the hate machine? If these people were in anyway paying for what they were caught doing, perhaps I would view this differently?
If people don’t realize it, for the past ten years media has been telling us to hate something. Life styles, politics, religion, different cultures.
Its massive brainwashing all fueled by hate machines. A program initiated by a bad entity called Project Mockingbird.
When will we as a people recognize it’s been a massive effort to turn us against one another?
It began for me among my people on a reservation in 2016, the nodapl movement. It turned Native against native and tribes against tribes. All the way down to using a remote controlled AI owl that showed up as a sign to my people. The owl signifies death among my people and in essentially it was. It was deemed the largest gathering of the Nations in our time and it was. Too bad we can’t turn out like that for a celebration of love.
United we stand, divided we will fall. That’s the nasty truth behind that.

Woah.. I've missed a lot in here. Got pretty heated there for a second.

I agree about Elon. His style is setup as someone I should like, opening up Twitter to free speech or whatever. But the bottom line is he has companies that A, make electric vehicles. B, works towards transhumanism via Neuralink. C, is making the largest satellite surveillance grid known to man D, bores underground aka bunker building.
At the end of the day, he seems to be working more toward the globalist authoritarian plans than mine. I just don't take him at his word.

Also agree about mockingbird, and all the rest of the classified deep state projects for that matter. Hardly anyone seems to have even heard about them let alone care how it translates to what we are seeing unfold on a global scale. I get it, I sound crazy half the time when I go off about operation Northwoods or Mystery Babylon. Nobody wants to sound crazy. But here I am..
Packing up a few last minute things, smoking a quick bowl or 2 and im off to bed. Gotta be outta here by 4:50 tomorrow morning so i can get to my treestand by 5:45 and watch the sun rise.
Hopefully tomorrow is the first and last day of rifle season for me 🤞🏻🤞🏻
Woah.. I've missed a lot in here. Got pretty heated there for a second.

I agree about Elon. His style is setup as someone I should like, opening up Twitter to free speech or whatever. But the bottom line is he has companies that A, make electric vehicles. B, works towards transhumanism via Neuralink. C, is making the largest satellite surveillance grid known to man D, bores underground aka bunker building.
At the end of the day, he seems to be working more toward the globalist authoritarian plans than mine. I just don't take him at his word.

Also agree about mockingbird, and all the rest of the classified deep state projects for that matter. Hardly anyone seems to have even heard about them let alone care how it translates to what we are seeing unfold on a global scale. I get it, I sound crazy half the time when I go off about operation Northwoods or Mystery Babylon. Nobody wants to sound crazy. But here I am..
I wanted to keep the corner uncensored. We all don’t have to agree, it’s all open to discussion as long as we remain kind to one another.
Already many voices have been stolen. I think it’s important that we are all heard. We can agree to disagree, as long as respect remains.
I’m one of the crazy people too. I know things I think that everyone should. Many don’t want the facts.
Anyways, yup, ya been gone too long, glad to see ya around @Dirtbag
Packing up a few last minute things, smoking a quick bowl or 2 and im off to bed. Gotta be outta here by 4:50 tomorrow morning so i can get to my treestand by 5:45 and watch the sun rise.
Hopefully tomorrow is the first and last day of rifle season for me 🤞🏻🤞🏻
Good luck! Stay safe! When I used to hunt as soon as I’d pour a cup of coffee from my thermos and fire one up here they came..noses in the air.
Good luck! Stay safe! When I used to hunt as soon as I’d pour a cup of coffee from my thermos and fire one up here they came..noses in the air.
Thanks!! Ive got a little container of doobs all set to go. I too have always heard good things about smoke and coffee around deer, they always come to check it out. Same with a chainsaw of all things lol.
Calling my dads buddy with dogs to come track before we push her off and never find her. We found a 20ft trail of some real thick red blood and then huge chunks of fat and lost the trail.
So we think fat plugged the wound and stopped her from bleeding out.
Calling my dads buddy with dogs to come track before we push her off and never find her. We found a 20ft trail of some real thick red blood and then huge chunks of fat and lost the trail.
So we think fat plugged the wound and stopped her from bleeding out.
If she quit leaving a trail she’ll bleed out internally if you hit a vital.
Week 5 of flower just starting up and tragedy strikes. Had a branch break from my lame ass crawling in to the back plant...I didn't hit the branch, hit a tie I still had on it🤦‍♂️....I'm gonna take all those off today I think and move to suspending with yoyos....I guess looking ok otherwise for about halfway done 🤷‍♂️20231118_100744.jpg20231118_100753.jpg20231118_101151.jpg20231118_101242.jpg
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