I hear ya. My old shoulder prefers anything other than the 12ga lately lol. 16ga is a great round.
I mainly use my F250 for deer lately, or the Camry. Pretty much every year I get deer given to me by folks that hit them on the road around here. They know who to call lol.
I've hit 2 with the truck and one with the car in the last 5 years. Idiot deer running into the road constantly during the rut on the island here.
I hear F250s do pretty well against a deer 🤣
Fuckin buck did about $5k in damage to my car a few years back. Entire front quarter panel crumpled, hood bent, couldnt opened drivers side door. Only had to toss a few ribs off the deer. No big loss in ground meat.
The F250 didn't get more than a clump of fur in the bumper but a whole hind quarter was garbage.

Notice the similarities. The shower of sparks, torch like flame up top, dark grey smoke.
Here is some food for thought when you mention thermite, or more specific, nano thermite. Three interviews in the series which include a PhD Physicist, a PhD Chemist, and a chemist whistleblower from Underwriter Laboratories. They blew up the towers AND WTC7.

Here is some food for thought when you mention thermite, or more specific, nano thermite. Three interviews in the series which include a PhD Physicist, a PhD Chemist, and a chemist whistleblower from Underwriter Laboratories. They blew up the towers AND WTC7.

I think they definitely helped them fall down.
Who knows what really happened that day, I doubt we will ever know the whole truth.
But based on what I've seen and read over the last couple decades, my theory would be this;

Joint CIA/Mossad led operation. Aircraft were either remotely hijacked or swapped out in flight with remote aircraft painted up to look like the airliners.
Airplanes were precision guided into the towers in precise locations that were pre-wired months before by mossad demolition experts (E-team) with nano thermite to weaken the structural support columns. After the plane impacts, they were left to smoulder for long enough to get the world's attention and all eyes on them before igniting the thermite and bringing them down.
I think Building 7 was supposed to collapse amongst the debris falling with the towers but failed to detonate for whatever reason. So had to be brought down later in the day.
Last edited:
All I have read said that building 7 held the gold..
I think they definitely helped them fall down.
Who knows what really happened that day, I doubt we will ever know the whole truth.
But based on what I've seen and read over the last couple decades, my theory would be this;

Joint CIA/Mossad led operation. Aircraft were either remotely hijacked or swapped out in flight with remote aircraft painted up to look like the airliners.
Airplanes were precision guided into the towers in precise locations that were pre-wired months before by mossad demolition experts (E-team) with nano thermite to weaken the structural support columns. After the plane impacts, they were left to smoulder for long enough to get the world's attention and all eyes on them before igniting the thermite and bringing them down.
I think Building 7 was supposed to collapse amongst the debris falling with the towers but failed to detonate for whatever reason. So had to be brought down later in the day.
Had an excellent day today 🙂 Did exactly what I wanted and nothing else. Good thing I wanted to water those plants! 😂 One thing I can say is that by eliminating most all but prime bud sites has really increased the water intake. I get two full days and then they want water. I have always got at least three. You would think that outcome would be a decrease in water.
Anyways, a beautiful colder day here, deer season is coming to an end, but they are going to do another doe season after thanksgiving. That will be five doe seasons this year including the bow seasons. Sadly, we truly need it. We are absolutely overrun with deer here.
Some may question why my neighbor killing those deer pissed me off, well mainly cause he was hunting out of my front yard. He has hundreds of acres yet he was 200 feet from my front door on my property. That little herd was born here and had no fear of humans. They have been coming and going out of my front yard for the past six or so years. That’s why. Easy pickings for a lazy ass.
Thanks @steamroller for posting Jeff’s link! I’ve been having to connect up via my hotspot to post pics, load the full page etc. Hopefully in a week or so that will change.
Wishing all a fine Saturday night 🥰
I do. I can also tell you a certain entity just failed the sixth audit. No big deal huh? Just trillions missing.
You probably remember, the day before 9/11 Donald Rumsfeld announced the DoD couldnt account for 2.3 TRILLION dollars in spending. Guess where the crucial intelligence records for Department of Denfense spending was kept.
Yep, Building 7.
The fact that the amount of money "missing" is in the Trillions, with a "T", is almost impossible for any of us to really comprehend. It's an unbelievably insane amount of money to just come out and say, we don't know where it went or what it was spent on.
The fact that the amount of money "missing" is in the Trillions, with a "T", is almost impossible for any of us to really comprehend. It's an unbelievably insane amount of money to just come out and say, we don't know where it went or what it was spent on.
I know you have your suspicions but my take is there are secret operations, be they good or bad, going on and the money is going there. Like the military likes to say "Why build one when you can build 10". I'm sure alot of cream is coming off the top too.
Mornin ya Menz!
Cold morning in the Zarks this morning. Means back in the she shed for a smoke. At least the sun is shining.
So, I get this thing yesterday in the mail from the county courthouse putting me in a reserve juror status for a year! Really? Anyone else ever got anything like that? It’s totally different than a jury summons. A year? Did I get time from the County and no one told me?
I have a plan, imma tell them I’m too busy growing cannabis for sick folks. 😂 See if they want me for a year now! At least I won’t hear any weed trials!
Morning CG~!
Finishing trimming and ordered from EL his am
He has packed and is shipping so I am looking forward to his seeds.
Going to start a couple replacement seeds today. How is today on the moon calendar?

One would think just a few well planned remarks could alleviate any jury duty.
Ask me how I know~! :oops:
  • Haha
Reactions: MDK
Mornin ya Menz!
Cold morning in the Zarks this morning. Means back in the she shed for a smoke. At least the sun is shining.
So, I get this thing yesterday in the mail from the county courthouse putting me in a reserve juror status for a year! Really? Anyone else ever got anything like that? It’s totally different than a jury summons. A year? Did I get time from the County and no one told me?
I have a plan, imma tell them I’m too busy growing cannabis for sick folks. 😂 See if they want me for a year now! At least I won’t hear any weed trials!
Gmorning Granny, You are 6 weeks ahead of me, I just put mine in the tent, a week or so to adjust to led's then I'll flip. I was thinking Dec 1st sounded like a good flip day to me.

It has been nice here with Cool 6c nights and 10-12c days but yesterday a storm rolled in with heavy rain and my right knee responded quickly. I'm on a cane to walk the first few steps again. It has to be weather related my aches and pains are worse in the cold, heck of a place to live ...eh...

My poor cat Dusk...Dusky has asthma we had to get him an xray $400 now hes on steroids so his cough has........gone.......1 everyday or 2 rather than 10 a day but he's now sneezing like 30 times a day. the poor little guy is our little favorite, he has the cutest bow and personality but he's getting expensive. This little guy has cost us $1500 already, I keep joking to my wife that new cats are only $100 but she knows I couldn't do that. Still we have 2 others that cost us $100 each with shots and neutered...and they only cost $100 not with a $1500 dollar addon and on going medication.......pets eh and now a sneeze to deal with
Morning Steam!
I know you have been in trim jail, horrible great place to be, until about day five!
I appreciate El’s quickness and the fact that he gives you tracking. Germination rates are over the top. So far, four years in, I can’t complain about anything I have got from him.
On the moon calendar:
  • 20th – 21st
    Extra good for vine crops. Favorable days for planting aboveground crops where climate allows.
  • 22nd – 23rd
    Seeds planted now will grow poorly and yield little.
  • 24th – 25th
    Fine for planting beans, peppers, cucumbers, melons, and other aboveground crops where climate is suitable.
  • 26th – 28th
    Any seed planted now will tend to rot.
  • 29th – 30th
    Start seedbeds and flower gardens. Good days for transplanting. Best planting days for fall potatoes, turnips, onions, carrots, beets, and other root crops where climate is suitable.
Looks like the 20th and 21st 29th and 30th are the prime days. Here’s an interesting article on the process.
Well, I may have to hit you up for some sage advice on the jury business.
I’m thinking the cannabis thing, saying I’m a conspiracy theorist, I’m kin to the whole town and I watch news 24-7 and believe it (I sure as hell don’t). May help. Did I miss anything? Should I throw in an insurrection and stolen election line too? 🤣
Morning CG~!
Finishing trimming and ordered from EL his am
He has packed and is shipping so I am looking forward to his seeds.
Going to start a couple replacement seeds today. How is today on the moon calendar?

One would think just a few well planned remarks could alleviate any jury duty.
Ask me how I know~! :oops:
Morning Steam!

Well, I may have to hit you up for some sage advice on the jury business.
I’m thinking the cannabis thing, saying I’m a conspiracy theorist, I’m kin to the whole town and I watch news 24-7 and believe it (I sure as hell don’t). May help. Did I miss anything? Should I throw in an insurrection and stolen election line too? 🤣
Possibly mention your prejudices~! You can make any up you want and we will not hold them against you.
Maybe make a criminal past for yourself; " I remember when I got charged with...."

You sound like you are on the right path.
Maybe have hubby drive you so you can show up with a little reak of "love"~! 🥴
Gmorning Granny, You are 6 weeks ahead of me, I just put mine in the tent, a week or so to adjust to led's then I'll flip. I was thinking Dec 1st sounded like a good flip day to me.

It has been nice here with Cool 6c nights and 10-12c days but yesterday a storm rolled in with heavy rain and my right knee responded quickly. I'm on a cane to walk the first few steps again. It has to be weather related my aches and pains are worse in the cold, heck of a place to live ...eh...

My poor cat Dusk...Dusky has asthma we had to get him an xray $400 now hes on steroids so his cough has........gone.......1 everyday or 2 rather than 10 a day but he's now sneezing like 30 times a day. the poor little guy is our little favorite, he has the cutest bow and personality but he's getting expensive. This little guy has cost us $1500 already, I keep joking to my wife that new cats are only $100 but she knows I couldn't do that. Still we have 2 others that cost us $100 each with shots and neutered...and they only cost $100 not with a $1500 dollar addon and on going medication.......pets eh and now a sneeze to deal with
Mornin Pipe!
Im four weeks into flower today, and have started the round to replace this one. I too grew the green crack, it’s a huge plant and I’m super happy with the size of the flower. I like the smell too!
I can appreciate what you say about the cats and guess I should not complain as I have had two coming and going to the vet for the last six weeks and am just now in for two grand. Both of my guys, super sweet Toms, were attacked by the feral cat that has been on my place since Jan of this year. Both, foot and leg injuries. Nasty wounds. Surgeries, flushing and wound care for the past six weeks. After two weeks, we finally got him (the feral cat) trapped and hauled him to a friend’s big barn about ten miles from here.
Im gimping around too. Like you, I know a lot of it is weather.
Glad to see ya back! How’s the pipe making going?
Possibly mention your prejudices~! You can make any up you want and we will not hold them against you.
Maybe make a criminal past for yourself; " I remember when I got charged with...."

You sound like you are on the right path.
Maybe have hubby drive you so you can show up with a little reak of "love"~! 🥴
I like the way you think! Oh I’m for sure prejudiced, just don’t know about what..yet!
Here, they run a check to see if you have ever been charged with a felony, prior to jury duty. I’ve never even had a speeding ticket 🎟️ so, will have to get creative with that one. Maybe some horrible misdemeanor? 😂🤣🥲🤣😂
Hey yall afternoons to yas...busy weekend around here needing some peace quiet and doobie doobie doo
Yep yep yep. Doobie day fo sho. Gonna smoke a big J have a 3rd cup of coffe and crawl under my truck and spray it down with fluid film before the salt starts to fly this winter.

Seeing so many of you running DFG beans got me curious what I had in the seed vault, I won a bunch of packs at the old shit site for potm a while back. Gave a few packs to my phenohunter buddy but hung on to a few.

I've got dragons stash F3 red and green, Love stash, mushu stash and Wyrm stash.

I'm planning to crack some in the spring to grow out in the greenhouse, not sure which yet. Red Dragon stash sure seems appealing, apparently this strain isn't being worked anymore from an IG post I saw from Jeff. Makes me want to seed chuck it. Love stash looks great too. Wyrm stash intrigues me, I don't think I've ever had legitimate Chem before so I don't really know what to expect with that one. Mushu seems, kinda not my jam but I don't know what to expect from it either really.
Have any of you grown any of these out? Care to share pics and smoke stories? How they taste? Potency? Structure?
Mornin Pipe!
Im four weeks into flower today, and have started the round to replace this one. I too grew the green crack, it’s a huge plant and I’m super happy with the size of the flower. I like the smell too!
I can appreciate what you say about the cats and guess I should not complain as I have had two coming and going to the vet for the last six weeks and am just now in for two grand. Both of my guys, super sweet Toms, were attacked by the feral cat that has been on my place since Jan of this year. Both, foot and leg injuries. Nasty wounds. Surgeries, flushing and wound care for the past six weeks. After two weeks, we finally got him (the feral cat) trapped and hauled him to a friend’s big barn about ten miles from here.
Im gimping around too. Like you, I know a lot of it is weather.
Glad to see ya back! How’s the pipe making going?
I'm still on hold until I get the mouth pieces I ordered from Europe, they cleared customs so they should be here this week. I'm buying a wood lathe Wednesday so I can start to make my own. I'll be putting $1000 into it with the lathe, chuck, jaws another grinder & chisels then I need someone to teach me how to use the thing. I've been watching YT video's and in high school I spent 15 min on one so I'll need some help.

I googled lathe / wood working training in my area and the only one I found was for females and those that have been persecuted because of their sexual identity and were not able to get proper training because of it. I get queezy around weirdo's ....sorry I'm old and it just creeps me out. A 3 day 1 hr / day $125 workshop I was in at the price but they need 4 for the class and no one has signed up yet.

I was looking for wood working help not to enter into a sexual identity workshop , I can only imagine what we'd be making in that class. I may post an ad on facebook for 1 hr safety training and how to properly use the tools. I seem to remember in high school my chisels being thrown across the room because I didn't do something right.
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