You should write a book granny ! Mayb done poems ? Well said
Thanks! I actually am a published writer

I was also awarded the Golden Poet of the US award by Eddie Lou Cole in 1989. Featured writer in Americas
Gold and Silver Poetry Anthology. I write monthly here for a local publication called Hills and Hollows.
I began as a newspaper writer for the Daily American Republic. One of my first jobs straight out of school. I became disenchanted when I found out all those years ago that all of the news was controlled by the AP network. Other than obits and police reports there was no real news.
I went from the paper to large animal veterinarian technician college courses, and spent the next 15 years in the lab and in the barn with fine looking cowboys horseflesh and rank ass cattle.
From there, I moved on to road construction. Hot, dirty, hard soul satisfying work that paid well. Very well for a female in that time period. I understand that the construction company got preference on bidded jobs just because they employed a female, plus I was Native.
I made enough money to buy into a business, of all things, a funeral home. Was never my choice of a career, but it returned well. Was also stable in that it was a service that would always be needed. For many years I handled the business side of things. At this point my business partner had become my Husband.
When I got enough of the “high life”, I yondered him, his white pressed shirts and sold my part of the business.
Now, I’m just another poor ole hillbilly that lives and loves the real “high life”.
Noooo idea why I felt compelled to tell you all of that.

Maybe some high sativa CreekWalker.
To the FBI the CIA DEA and ATF…well I’m sure they already know all of this.

. After all, I’m just another damn deplorable, on a list, that grows some damn fine LEGAL weed, pays my taxes on time and in full, (Feck you Hunter B) asserts my Constitutional rights and dares to own a gun.
I ain’t asking nobody for nothing, if I can’t get it on my ownnnnn, ya don’t like the way I’m living, just leave this long haired country girl alone…