CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

I'm on my 4 th grow with 1...3rd grow with 2 & 2nd grow with 3 and they are all working still. I've suspended 2 of them on thin tin supports or with 1 I drilled through the puck and suspended it with just tie wraps so they dissipate any heat they create......and they a are pretty red color
Granny was referring to blurples in that quote just for proper reference.
Are you using them 12/12 or just 15 minutes after lights out. If you get spider farmer deep reds would you stay on that schedule or run them longer.
I'm now on 13/11 with the reds on for 15 min at lights out only. I adjusted the on time differently this time by starting the reds for 15 min on at lights out on 12/12 week later I adjusted the on time to 12.5/ week later I adjusted to 13/11.......

Last grow I started them on 12.5/11.5 and left them like that through the grow but they went into flower late and developed smaller buds. This time I started them on 12/12 and adjusted weekly. They seemed to go into bud just fine this time and they are developing well at just 5 weeks in flower.
Love the metal tile ceiling Granny.
Nice with the turn out.
A smoking speak easy so to say~!:love:
That is actually the original ceiling tile over a hundred and thirty years old! This is in a building that began life as the Bank of Birch Tree, in 1890. (Building on the left)
Blows my mind as it was voted on last night and named The Speakeasy!
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I'm on my 4 th grow with 1...3rd grow with 2 & 2nd grow with 3 and they are all working still. I've suspended 2 of them on thin tin supports or with 1 I drilled through the puck and suspended it with just tie wraps so they dissipate any heat they create......and they a are pretty red color
Mine lasted less than a year. They literally went dim. At that time I had eight of them. My production greatly fell off and I had to start adding lights. Was a pretty expensive proposition.
Buenas dias all!

What are y'alls Solar Eclipse plans? Im thinking I will roll a phat Hemp wrap-blunt and go to the local fishing spot and cast some lures during the eclipse. Imagine catching a fish during an eclipse...the fish won't know what hit em lmao.
Buenas dias all!

What are y'alls Solar Eclipse plans? Im thinking I will roll a phat Hemp wrap-blunt and go to the local fishing spot and cast some lures during the eclipse. Imagine catching a fish during an eclipse...the fish won't know what hit em lmao.
Only around 22% disc coverage here at max. I won’t even know anything happened!
I’ll be loaded though, that’s a given!
Buenas dias all!

What are y'alls Solar Eclipse plans? Im thinking I will roll a phat Hemp wrap-blunt and go to the local fishing spot and cast some lures during the eclipse. Imagine catching a fish during an eclipse...the fish won't know what hit em lmao.
15 coming for a bbq lunch, having a smoke and watching it all go down. We are in the totality portion of it.
I’ll have Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart cued up. Just going to watch it happen. Our area is open for 13 different phenomenons to possibly happen. Rainbows, beads of lights, sun dogs all kinds of cool stuff.
15 coming for a bbq lunch, having a smoke and watching it all go down. We are in the totality portion of it.
I’ll have Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart cued up. Just going to watch it happen. Our area is open for 13 different phenomenons to possibly happen. Rainbows, beads of lights, sun dogs all kinds of cool stuff.
Sounds fricken awesome! Were getting like 89-90% coverage so it will still be cool to see. You gonna take any photos of those phenomenon? Sun dogs sounds like something I want a picture of :p
I'll be working and 100% in totality. Plattsburgh, NY.
No place better than roof top on the lake on top of city hall~!
Work ends at 3 so just going to hang out for the view~!
I am told to expect mayhem in the poor little town~!

Just came back from my cruze and people going North on our main highway [ Northway I-87] was getting pretty thick for a Sunday.
Usually on Sunday most are going South.
Gonna carpool with my buddy since they couldn't get rooms for Monday or Tuesday.:ROFLMAO:
I have some fuzzy logic and rant I got into a bit of an argument over driving safety.

Is it safer to be sitting on your couch than driving in your car?

If we both leave a town a 4hr drive away and I get home 30 minutes earlier because I drove a bit faster who drove safer?

I'm sitting on the couch and your still driving ....hmm. I'm are still driving....hmm,,,

My anal son inlaw drives the speed limit, no faster, ever, he doesn't care he's holding up traffic, he giggles at being a mobile speed bump....and I say that's going to get him killed. I've suggested he doesn't drive in the USA because them fkers have guns and don't mind using them to deal with Aholes.....he can get away with that up here, I can't even get a fkin BB gun without a licence.
I have some fuzzy logic and rant I got into a bit of an argument over driving safety.

Is it safer to be sitting on your couch than driving in your car?

If we both leave a town a 4hr drive away and I get home 30 minutes earlier because I drove a bit faster who drove safer?

I'm sitting on the couch and your still driving ....hmm. I'm are still driving....hmm,,,

My anal son inlaw drives the speed limit, no faster, ever, he doesn't care he's holding up traffic, he giggles at being a mobile speed bump....and I say that's going to get him killed. I've suggested he doesn't drive in the USA because them fkers have guns and don't mind using them to deal with Aholes.....he can get away with that up here, I can't even get a fkin BB gun without a licence.
Being on just the other side of the boarder I want to thank you for your attempt to control your son in law~!(y)
I won't shoot him but if he says some guy in a convertible flipped him off just say you know that guy~!:ROFLMAO:

I convince my wife to drive her car to Maine when we go for a week so she can go to gift shops and stuff without me.
I give like a half hour head start and pass her before she gets out of Mass~! 1712512683773.png
Funny thing is when I ride with her I think she is going too fast.
The fear is real~!:p
That is actually the original ceiling tile over a hundred and thirty years old! This is in a building that began life as the Bank of Birch Tree, in 1890. (Building on the left)
Blows my mind as it was voted on last night and named The Speakeasy!
View attachment 53496
That's a cool looking little spot, if I'm ever down your'll look you up....It looks like the skys will part for a few hrs tomorrow, I'm might crawl out of my cave and have a look at the sky.1712515905803.png
I have some fuzzy logic and rant I got into a bit of an argument over driving safety.

Is it safer to be sitting on your couch than driving in your car?

If we both leave a town a 4hr drive away and I get home 30 minutes earlier because I drove a bit faster who drove safer?

I'm sitting on the couch and your still driving ....hmm. I'm are still driving....hmm,,,

My anal son inlaw drives the speed limit, no faster, ever, he doesn't care he's holding up traffic, he giggles at being a mobile speed bump....and I say that's going to get him killed. I've suggested he doesn't drive in the USA because them fkers have guns and don't mind using them to deal with Aholes.....he can get away with that up here, I can't even get a fkin BB gun without a licence.
A slow driver is just as dangerous as a fast one, we just drove to NC, some times the flow was 85mph put a person doing 65 in the mix and you got a recipe for disaster, I always drive with the flow, this way I don’t stick out to the cops either…

I tried explaining this to my dad, when we go hunting in the wee morning he lets me drive but gets anxious on the back roads in the dark, my theory is I rather hit something and kill it than let it run off injured 😂😂 doesn’t matter if you’re going 45 or 65 if they spring out you ain’t stopping in time 🤷🏼‍♂️
A slow driver is just as dangerous as a fast one, we just drove to NC, some times the flow was 85mph put a person doing 65 in the mix and you got a recipe for disaster, I always drive with the flow, this way I don’t stick out to the cops either…

I tried explaining this to my dad, when we go hunting in the wee morning he lets me drive but gets anxious on the back roads in the dark, my theory is I rather hit something and kill it than let it run off injured 😂😂 doesn’t matter if you’re going 45 or 65 if they spring out you ain’t stopping in time 🤷🏼‍♂️
Slow drivers ARE just as dangerous or more than faster ones. Honestly, I think people who drive the exact speed limit and dont use turn signals, or dont yield to people trying to get into their lane...should be put into a labor camp to think long and hard about their
So today was long and ended on a sad note. I came home to a call telling me that a girlfriend of 40 years had died. Just heartbreaking. ❤️‍🩹
Tonight, I smoke and relive the memories. She was one of a kind, and will be so sorely missed.
Someday when the heart heals a bit, I’ll tell you a story about a girls trip to New Orleans and her getting so messed up that she bought a grocery bag full of rolling papers.
Anyways imma call it a day. Catch yiz tomorrow, Creator willing..
So today was long and ended on a sad note. I came home to a call telling me that a girlfriend of 40 years had died. Just heartbreaking. ❤️‍🩹
Tonight, I smoke and relive the memories. She was one of a kind, and will be so sorely missed.
Someday when the heart heals a bit, I’ll tell you a story about a girls trip to New Orleans and her getting so messed up that she bought a grocery bag full of rolling papers.
Anyways imma call it a day. Catch yiz tomorrow, Creator willing..
Sorry to hear, rest in peace to your beautiful friend. Bonds like that are the real ones. Take it easy there Granny, I'll smoke one for yas both
So today was long and ended on a sad note. I came home to a call telling me that a girlfriend of 40 years had died. Just heartbreaking. ❤️‍🩹
Tonight, I smoke and relive the memories. She was one of a kind, and will be so sorely missed.
Someday when the heart heals a bit, I’ll tell you a story about a girls trip to New Orleans and her getting so messed up that she bought a grocery bag full of rolling papers.
Anyways imma call it a day. Catch yiz tomorrow, Creator willing..
Sorry for your lose granny 💔 40 years is longer than some of us have been alive and that’s a whole lotta friend. I’m sure cause I can see it here her life was better cause you where in it.
Mornin yiz Menz
Just dropping in this morn to tell yiz, happy eclipse day! I have four hours left to finish up this meal for 15. I planned on finishing up last night, but the news on the loss of my friend knocked the wind out of my sails. I wish she could have made it one more day, she would have dug the hell outta leaving with the eclipse.
Anywayz on a lighter note I have finally got the spell check trained to Granny speak! IMG_1950.jpeg
Enjoy that eclipse today, smoke a Doobie, eat a brownie, eat a cap, pop a tab, smoke a dab whatever ya gotta do to take it to the limit just in case this really is the end my friends. Peace and love to you all see ya on the dark side!

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