CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

my BB anniversary is coming up in a couple days!! sure has been a great year hanging out with all of you!!! got to meet some very cool people and learned some cool stuff along the way... here's to many more years of growing with y'all!!!

Well. My bear buddy was back again last night. Only this time Bearnards Dad came out to play.
This mofo is huge lemme tell ya. I'm sitting on my couch last night watching TV and having a smoke, its about 1215.
I hear boom outside my living room window so I get up cause I know it's the bear in my trash, and I whip my living room curtain open, and here is Mr Bear, standing on his back feet at like 6 or 6.5 feet tall, prolly 400+ pounds, and hes staring at me through the 1/8" storm glass window.. needless to say it startled me just a little bit lol. This is the first time he's been less than a foot from my window.
Then he came back later on and carried off my entire 100 gallon trash can, best part is, it's completely empty.... lmao
Almost forgot. Son ordered this a couple days ago. Told me yesterday. Seems the boys and he saw it on the forum a while back. It went on sale so he ordered one.

View attachment 54725

I hope it’s as good as you say…and easy to clean. Lol

Guess we’ll find out in a few days.
I know who you can blame for posting that~!:D
@GrumpAzz has that and likes it a lot I believe.
my BB anniversary is coming up in a couple days!! sure has been a great year hanging out with all of you!!! got to meet some very cool people and learned some cool stuff along the way... here's to many more years of growing with y'all!!!

Same here sir. Always enjoy your content. 👍
I know who you can blame for posting that~!:D
@GrumpAzz has that and likes it a lot I believe.
It arrived after noon some time. He found it before it disappeared.

Waiting for my wife before we try it.

Came with a few extras. It is well made. Think it’s on for $170 ATM.
Found COM shirts today~!
Feel like I have to have the first two~!
Getting pretty tired of seeing all these cops are getting shot dead in my home town. People are fucking disgusting these days.
People are fed up with the road pirates bull shit and above the law attitude. Blue line thugs with guns that had it too good for too long. Now with cell phones everywhere people get to see their disgusting tactics and thuggery in action. Respect is earned and from what I've seen they've lost the respect of the people they are supposed to PROTECT AND SERVE......we don't work for them, they work for us but if you've ever had dealings with them you'll know that's just lip service.
People are fed up with the road pirates bull shit and above the law attitude. Blue line thugs with guns that had it too good for too long. Now with cell phones everywhere people get to see their disgusting tactics and thuggery in action. Respect is earned and from what I've seen they've lost the respect of the people they are supposed to PROTECT AND SERVE......we don't work for them, they work for us but if you've ever had dealings with them you'll know that's just lip service.
My uncle and God father in life is a retired cop, and growing up he was such a dick, I didn't like him and was kind of scared of him for a long time. I eventually caught on to his piggish humor, and he chilled out but damn from an early early age I realized how they were.

Eventually he would catch us out in his garage smoking weed and just come in and shake his head lol
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