CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

Ginger said hi and that she had a blast and let the other ladies know she had a great time and chit chatting with all of them..
You tell Ginger it was great to see her too! Nice to finally meet you too!
PS, please do not post pics of me with my mouth hanging open etc. I was actually struggling to breathe in that pic. All other pics of yesterday is fine, but I like to be asked prior to post.
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Afternoon Yiz Menz!
I slept in this morning. Having been down with the flu for several days prior to this event I pulled it off, but it took its toll. I was just thankful that I actually made it out of the bed, into the shower and 70 miles up the road to pull this off.
@Moe.Red is an absolute stand up kind of fellow, that I felt a complete kinship with from the jump. I enjoyed every minute of his company and we had some experiences yesterday that was a first for both of us!
We may have found the real Shaded One yesterday! Complete with a spell! Moe has the vid.
End of the day contest, was to bring the strangest thing you had in your pockets or purse to me and winner got a t shirt. Careful what you ask for! I never expected Gandalf to show up and dump his bag of spells on the table! (One chick had hand cuffs!)
I brought the smoking lady Champions with me, and I think Moe was in awe of their abilities. I heard comments like, “if I smoked like she does, I would’nt be able to walk.” She is 72 🥹
As for me, I never smoked a whole joint yesterday and managed about three hits for the 420 smoke session, I was struggling to simply breathe.
I have lots more to tell, but that will have to come with more energy.
Afternoon Yiz Menz!
I slept in this morning. Having been down with the flu for several days prior to this event I pulled it off, but it took its toll. I was just thankful that I actually made it out of the bed, into the shower and 70 miles up the road to pull this off.
@Moe.Red is an absolute stand up kind of fellow, that I felt a complete kinship with from the jump. I enjoyed every minute of his company and we had some experiences yesterday that was a first for both of us!
We may have found the real Shaded One yesterday! Complete with a spell! Moe has the vid.
End of the day contest, was to bring the strangest thing you had in your pockets or purse to me and winner got a t shirt. Careful what you ask for! I never expected Gandalf to show up and dump his bag of spells on the table! (One chick had hand cuffs!)
I brought the smoking lady Champions with me, and I think Moe was in awe of their abilities. I heard comments like, “if I smoked like she does, I would’nt be able to walk.” She is 72 🥹
As for me, I never smoked a whole joint yesterday and managed about three hits for the 420 smoke session, I was struggling to simply breathe.
I have lots more to tell, but that will have to come with more energy.
Sure sounds like it was a good time! Hope you feel better soon Granny! 🫂
Beat today gonna stare at the inside of my eye lids for a bit. I need to edit these vids down before posting but I know where to find you when I’m done.

Cops had lots of customers when I left at 6:40 last night. Hope the jail isn’t full.
Beat today gonna stare at the inside of my eye lids for a bit. I need to edit these vids down before posting but I know where to find you when I’m done.

Cops had lots of customers when I left at 6:40 last night. Hope the jail isn’t full.
Glad to see you made it home okay! I never saw the first one!
Welcome back to the corner! I’ve repainted the benches! 😂
Update on my world and the merry month of May:
A banging harvest coming up.
Five acres of flower/herb gardens to be set right
Finishing a spring cleaning of my house, inside and out.
Practicing at the range at least four days a week for a big match.
Just to name a bit of what I’m up to!
So forgive me for being slow to answer! I’ll pop in at least once a day to have a smoke with ya!
Got a stupid have a hand full of do you tell male from female...
You can’t tell by the seeds. You have to grow the plant out and watch for male/female parts to develop.
Now, you can buy fem seeds. These seeds go through a process that keep them from being male. As a new grower that’s what I would recommend.
Now I said I was done after the bro Mendel's purchase...and here I am waiting for 10am pacific standard time so I can complete an order from redbeard seeds 😂

I told you all I operate cash only, giving me cc info is a bad idea....I got the info written down so I can make seed purchases....time to burn the paper
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