CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

Shit, I gotta know got a full 8ft tent going? You train it? Top it? Looks beautiful 😍

Need to go peek in on your thread on that
No just that 1 out of 6 plants in my tent and no cuttings, too many strains try. I think I should have kept 1 from her though. I could still take a cutting, she is a beaut
Besides the three hits I managed on 420, today I smoked my first joint (about ten mins ago) since Sunday before last, holyyyyyy smokes!
Now, what was I saying? 😆🥹😆
Did I send you the Mac n cheese @Pipecarver ? I know I sent you some green crack. Beautiful stuff btw!
Yes, either you or Moe. from my first pic of the month prize. I got a single seed of her along with some Green Crack & a few others. I have 2 more Green Crack vegging for my next crop. No cuttings to continue the strain though, unless I take one now and reveg but there's so many to try, if I keep all I like I won't have the space to keep them.Looks like a keeper though.
Yes, either you or Moe. from my first pic of the month prize. I got a single seed of her along with some Green Crack & a few others. I have 2 more Green Crack vegging for my next crop. No cuttings to continue the strain though, unless I take one now and reveg but there's so many to try, if I keep all I like I won't have the space to keep them.Looks like a keeper though.
I have to have a broken molar tooth pulled today, Its not going to be a fun day. I like my teeth and the roots go deep. I'm going to want massive pain meds but they don't like giving them out. I may have to lay off smoking for a few days, don't need an infection. I'll have to have a plate put in posts are too fking expensive, as is this is $2,000.00 worth of dental work.Big sigh.
I have to have a broken molar tooth pulled today, Its not going to be a fun day. I like my teeth and the roots go deep. I'm going to want massive pain meds but they don't like giving them out. I may have to lay off smoking for a few days, don't need an infection. I'll have to have a plate put in posts are too fking expensive, as is this is $2,000.00 worth of dental work.Big sigh.
Im lucky im covered for life full benefits Dental,Eyes,drugs etc. no cost to me.
I have to have a broken molar tooth pulled today, Its not going to be a fun day. I like my teeth and the roots go deep. I'm going to want massive pain meds but they don't like giving them out. I may have to lay off smoking for a few days, don't need an infection. I'll have to have a plate put in posts are too fking expensive, as is this is $2,000.00 worth of dental work.Big sigh.
Make a gravity bong, that's what I do every time I've had a tooth pulled. That way you can smoke without putting any more negative pressure in your mouth than normal breathing
In Canada healthcare is a service.

In USA its a business

When i had a tooth removed when i smoked i just put a piece of gauze over hole left from tooth extraction and removed it after smoking.
Its out now, big hole left behind, 3 sets of pills, anti inflammatory, pain meds & antibiotic. 1/2 my head is still frozen, lips, tongue , cheek. It didn't take him long to get it out, made me feel a bit nauseous at the sound of the cracking and withdrawal though...soup & smoothies the rest of the day, No coffee yet and I'm getting a bit antsy for my caffeine fix and I'm laying off the weed today......first day in years......maybe 10 years since I went a day without.......Don't fk with me today....I'm not in the froze I can have humour for a little longer then my shits going to get tight.
Its out now, big hole left behind, 3 sets of pills, anti inflammatory, pain meds & antibiotic. 1/2 my head is still frozen, lips, tongue , cheek. It didn't take him long to get it out, made me feel a bit nauseous at the sound of the cracking and withdrawal though...soup & smoothies the rest of the day, No coffee yet and I'm getting a bit antsy for my caffeine fix and I'm laying off the weed today......first day in years......maybe 10 years since I went a day without.......Don't fk with me today....I'm not in the froze I can have humour for a little longer then my shits going to get tight.
Ice the hell out of your face, it will help greatly this evening!
Ice the hell out of your face, it will help greatly this evening!
It seems good so far, Dr said take 1 pain pill every 6 hrs, I took 2 and in 4 more hrs another 2, I'll set my alarm tonight to wake at 5.5 hrs after my last 2 and take 2 more. I won't need them in a couple of days and I think I have enough for a week so I'm doubling up. I have a high drug tolerance and a low pain tolerance. take 1 pill every 6 hrs??? who did he think he was talking to. I asked for Oxycontin...he just laughed...

It worked for me when I had my wisdom teeth out, Dr. said don't take any pain pills until you start having pain????? fk that 2 min out the door I had 2 in me and I kept taking them every 4-5 hrs....I went virtually pain free not taking the Drs advice and I intend on doing the same with this pulled tooth.
My buddy did that back in the day with his wisdom tooth ended up getting dry socket 😞
I just googled that, I'd heard the term now I know what it is.

Factors that can increase your risk of developing dry socket include:

  • Smoking and tobacco use. Chemicals in cigarettes or other forms of tobacco may prevent or slow healing. These chemicals can get into the wound site. Also, the act of sucking on a cigarette may cause the blood clot to come out too early.

  • I should have read this earlier, I just drank a coffee with a straw
  • Do not drink with a straw for at least a week. The sucking action may cause the blood clot to come out of the socket.
Its out now, big hole left behind, 3 sets of pills, anti inflammatory, pain meds & antibiotic. 1/2 my head is still frozen, lips, tongue , cheek. It didn't take him long to get it out, made me feel a bit nauseous at the sound of the cracking and withdrawal though...soup & smoothies the rest of the day, No coffee yet and I'm getting a bit antsy for my caffeine fix and I'm laying off the weed today......first day in years......maybe 10 years since I went a day without.......Don't fk with me today....I'm not in the froze I can have humour for a little longer then my shits going to get tight.
Years ago if you got dry socket you suffered but these days just go back to dentist if you get dry socket and he puts something in the socket pain gone in minutes.
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