CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

Ouch man, sounds like a Monday.
I just googled that, I'd heard the term now I know what it is.

Factors that can increase your risk of developing dry socket include:

  • Smoking and tobacco use. Chemicals in cigarettes or other forms of tobacco may prevent or slow healing. These chemicals can get into the wound site. Also, the act of sucking on a cigarette may cause the blood clot to come out too early.

  • I should have read this earlier, I just drank a coffee with a straw
  • Do not drink with a straw for at least a week. The sucking action may cause the blood clot to come out of the socket.
Yea it's to where the clot actually sucks down into the cavity or some about painful I'm sure it takes it to the next level. Skip that shit fasho
Ouch man, sounds like a Monday.

Yea it's to where the clot actually sucks down into the cavity or some about painful I'm sure it takes it to the next level. Skip that shit fasho
Yup, no clot, exposed bone.
I've had 5 teeth pulled and smoked the very same day. I've never had a dry socket either thankfully.
My wife had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled. She came home and sneezed, and blew all 4 clots out.... her face was sore for weeks.

It may look like an alien from outer space — but it's not as scary as it seems.
CBC reporter Kaitie Fraser spotted this strange jelly-like substance in her aunt's backyard, growing on a cedar tree. In fact, her aunt said, when she first saw it, it looked like orange flowers at a distance. But when she started to approach it, it looked more like clumps of gummy bears.
So what took over this tree? According to Alexandria Buchanan, district manager for Davey Tree Service in Windsor, it's a common problem.
"We see this a lot. It's called apple cedar rust," said Buchanan.
It's a type of fungus, she added, that's often found on junipers, according to Buchanan, adding it's "incredibly alien" in its appearance.
"It's bright orange. It's got spikes typically coming out of these brown kind of casings. So these vibrant, orange spikes are just shooting out of your normal green foliage."
Buchanan said she hasn't seen this fungus recently in Windsor-Essex — but it comes in waves, along with other types of disease.

(Kaitie Fraser/CBC)
But what's even more strange is that the fungus is making its second appearance on this tree. Last year, Fraser's aunt said she found bumps "almost like a walnut" — and this year, there were "orange tentacles."
According to Buchanan, that's the natural progression for this type of fungus. It may be a scary sight, but it's not dangerous, she said.
"It's actually a type of fungus that isn't detrimental to the tree's health in any way, shape or form. So it won't actually hurt," she said. "However, if you see it, you'll want to remove it so it doesn't spread to other trees."
Buchanan recommends that anyone who sees this type of fungus call their local arborist so they can assess the situation and find out what the "best plan of attack for the tree is."
I have an important public announcement to post.
Shit like this cracks me up, lucky dad didnt catch you id be cleaning blood out of the carpet for weeks! marijuana is a death drug by way of dad's ass beating lol. Marijuana bad, domestic abuse good by this logic lol 😆. Ps smoke cigarettes they're healthy for you, much more than marijuana
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