CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

Hey Yiz Menz,
I just want you to know, I’m on the ass end of Type A flu and have been sick as a dog this week. Goofy as hell, can’t think straight and a nose so red I look like a coke addict. I broke my fever yesterday and have been fever free today, just wore out to the bones.
I have not had a smoke since Sunday! 420 will for sure be special for me! Be high as a Georgia pine!🌲
Thanks to those of you that have checked in on me. Imma make it, I’m just slow and stupid!
Hey Yiz Menz,
I just want you to know, I’m on the ass end of Type A flu and have been sick as a dog this week. Goofy as hell, can’t think straight and a nose so red I look like a coke addict. I broke my fever yesterday and have been fever free today, just wore out to the bones.
I have not had a smoke since Sunday! 420 will for sure be special for me! Be high as a Georgia pine!🌲
Thanks to those of you that have checked in on me. Imma make it, I’m just slow and stupid!
Was starting to worry about ya! It's not like you to not post for a few days, glad you're on the up and up, feel better, get nice and fekkin toasty tomorrow 🥴🥴🥴
Enjoy the BB 420 event!
You got it! This one was a classic! Note: substitute rubber chicken with a giant joint. That Moe, he’s soooo damn helpful!IMG_1969.png
Hey Yiz Menz,
I just want you to know, I’m on the ass end of Type A flu and have been sick as a dog this week. Goofy as hell, can’t think straight and a nose so red I look like a coke addict. I broke my fever yesterday and have been fever free today, just wore out to the bones.
I have not had a smoke since Sunday! 420 will for sure be special for me! Be high as a Georgia pine!🌲
Thanks to those of you that have checked in on me. Imma make it, I’m just slow and stupid!

hope ya get some good rest tonight Granny!!!

tomorrow sounds like it's gonna be a lot of fun, wish i owned a helicopter!!
Welcome back to the corner! I’ve repainted the benches! 😂
Update on my world and the merry month of May:
A banging harvest coming up.
Five acres of flower/herb gardens to be set right
Finishing a spring cleaning of my house, inside and out.
Practicing at the range at least four days a week for a big match.
Just to name a bit of what I’m up to!
So forgive me for being slow to answer! I’ll pop in at least once a day to have a smoke with ya!
Ginger said hi and that she had a blast and let the other ladies know she had a great time and chit chatting with all of them..
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