I suspect you are correct knowing who I am.

I appreciate the apology and your willingness to try again.
You took my post out of context. I wanted to help dean1963 but knew I couldn't be specific, so I wrote in vague terms. He wanted an answer, so I did my best. I'm not a combatant in this war, and as such, it's clear to me that people on both sides are angry and hurt. It isn't easy to be neutral.
I was not upset with you, CannaGranny, but I was surprised. We hadn't engaged much, yet you expressed a low opinion of me. I understand your feelings. The subsequent comments others made about me, however, were hurtful and won't be forgotten soon. Now that I know so many of you think I'm an idiot, I probably won't be trying to help people like I used to do. It hurts to know so many have been laughing at me behind my back. I was only trying to give something back for the help I've received. Now, it feels like I don't belong in either forum.
By the way, I'm active on both forums. I got a public commitment that I wouldn't be banned and some of the comments in response were quoted a few posts back. I just looked for the thread, though, and it's gone.
Anyway... It's time for me to get busy with other things. We're getting furniture delivered today and I need to get ready for it.