Finishing Up Mendel's Aether


Student of Hydroponics
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Hydroponics Helper
Apr 1, 2023
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Most of you are familiar with this grow, I'm about to finish it up and wanted to get an update and some eyes on. This is my 3rd RDWC grow and there were errors on my part.

Had problems with this grow, over feeding, common rookie mistake and I fell into that trap. Gonna learn from that one.

Anyhow, she is looking beautiful, I really want to run this strain again after I get a bit more experience. I also took some pollen I pulled off a Ken Estes original Granddaddy Purple male and hit one of the branches with it. See if you can see which one in these photos is pregnant šŸ¤°

Also, some trich shots. I could probably take her down anytime now, going for more sedative medicine but am a bit apprehensive about it since last time I went over a week longer than I wanted and did not get much sedative effects and no measurable CBN. Eyes on these would be helpful.5FA45558-7CEA-4971-9AF3-2F2EEE78702E.jpeg9602AAF5-0318-4D84-BBC1-5ADBDA9AE588.jpegF694DEE7-7E4C-4357-8991-3EC0D359496A.jpeg78037C85-F9E0-4E78-BF59-263E3B058264.jpeg9B03CA3B-5BA4-4857-A426-CC208FBF55D6.jpeg17F989D7-01D3-4204-BBA9-0CDF180B070C.jpeg6B0899EC-FA4F-4914-BE1D-AE28B4D61D1B.jpegA75F9989-2CCE-4F0A-83C8-12AA5D04410C.jpeg


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Looking good.
I am a sooner then later guy for chop usually. You could chop anytime IMO.
I say pic 2 has beans.
The zoom on these was awesome!:p
I say pic 2 has beans.

#5 next to the whole plant. Zoom in on that one :LOL:

Earlier in the year I was hunting some females from a run of Ken Estes' original Grandaddy Purple from some regs I bought when I could not find fems. I got three fems and one male. The fems went to my dispensary friend where I will get clone if I want one but I kept the male and was going to toss him but when I went in to do the dirty deed, I noticed pollen on some of the fans šŸ’”

I took him and shook him over a big cookie sheet and collected all the pollen and put it in the freezer. When this plant got about 2 weeks into flower, I decided to hit one branch with some of the pollen and see what happens. Gonna pop a few and hunt a fem and see what happens. Also, be happy to share if anyone is interested.
I love doing shit like that just for the hell of it. Everyone should experiment with pollen. STS might be next for you. Reverse a nice plant and make some fem seeds. I can send you the chemicals if you want, you don't need much.
Sweet Leaf you are using potassium silicate to get some silica into you plant. I believe that is causing your tip burn. It has a fair amount of Potassium in it as well at the silicate. That is what is probably causing your tip burn.
Sweet Leaf you are using potassium silicate to get some silica into you plant. I believe that is causing your tip burn. It has a fair amount of Potassium in it as well at the silicate. That is what is probably causing your tip burn.
I wondered about that potassium in potassium silicate. Is there another way to add silica and/or raise pH?
Sweet Leaf you are using potassium silicate to get some silica into you plant. I believe that is causing your tip burn. It has a fair amount of Potassium in it as well at the silicate. That is what is probably causing your tip burn.
Thanks Anthem, I had not considered that. At one time I believed that leaf tip burn was a barometer for nutes being borderline too much, obviously that was in err. I see what you are saying about the AgSil 16. I have been using it for the silica but also as a pH buffer instead of PH Up.

I do know on my new grow with the Grape Gas, I used the AgSil to build the res but have not had to add any since except, seems like I remember one time at the very beginning. PH trend has been a slow rise and I am just using pH Down to adjust that occasionally. My water also will raise the pH because it sits close to 7 so when I top off, it will raise the pH.

I am also running much lower on ppm this time too and not seeing any leaf tip burn yet, which I am now trying to avoid. So I have not really had to add any more agsil 16 so that would probably be a good thing in light of what you are teaching me.
I wondered about that potassium in potassium silicate. Is there another way to add silica and/or raise pH?
You can use Monosilic Acid to get the silica to the plant, it is faster I believe and you will have more control over the uptake. The cheapest I am aware of is FRont row Ag. $79 for a quart that will make about 1900 gallons. Both front row AG and power SI look the same pop brown. Monosilic has not been around for that long. The guy that Patented it owns Silicium and that product is clear. Silicium is the best but expensive. None of these will increase the PH, in fact they will decrease the PH. Good news it there is not add the potasium Silicate and waiting period. I just add it as the first product into the rez and start filling rez. But it will not work as a buffer.
Thanks Anthem, I had not considered that. At one time I believed that leaf tip burn was a barometer for nutes being borderline too much, obviously that was in err. I see what you are saying about the AgSil 16. I have been using it for the silica but also as a pH buffer instead of PH Up.

I do know on my new grow with the Grape Gas, I used the AgSil to build the res but have not had to add any since except, seems like I remember one time at the very beginning. PH trend has been a slow rise and I am just using pH Down to adjust that occasionally. My water also will raise the pH because it sits close to 7 so when I top off, it will raise the pH.

I am also running much lower on ppm this time too and not seeing any leaf tip burn yet, which I am now trying to avoid. So I have not really had to add any more agsil 16 so that would probably be a good thing in light of what you are teaching me.
Also you can lower the light intensity around week 7, Dirtbag taught me that one. That could also be causing some of the foxtailing. I think I am down to 70 percent of max at the start of week 7. Tomorrow will be the end of week 8. You have to keep a close eye on the buds, the minute you see the little bumps of new growth it is time to start lowering the light intensity. If the tops are still forming new Pist. all around you are fine but small nodes of new growth are the start of foxtailing.
So, this plant has been hanging for a bit over a week and almost ready to go into the jars. I will post a final yield once I do that and plan to get a sample to the lab for testing and will post those results when they come in.

Yield wise, I definitely could have done better, the n tox I do believe affected the yield, although I do expect to do OK, guessing 8-10 ounces but hopefully I will be surprised. Hoping for good things on the lab report.

Another cool thing is some may recall I hit one branch with pollen from a Granddaddy Purple male. I broke apart the top part of that bud today and she is loaded with some great looking seeds. I hit the branch all the way down so I should have a bunch. If anyone would like to have a few, no charge, please let me know and we can work out shipping arrangements in DM.
Indeed, planning on exactly that bro to whomever wants some of these. Only gone through half the flower and so far looks like a couple hundred nice dark and striped seeds ready to plant.

OK, so I finished breaking apart that flower and was she ever loaded. Guessing over 400 seeds, maybe more, holy cow!

I put my order in for testing with the lab and was perfect timing, got a call from the courier he was coming through town today so I drove in and met him to drop off a sample for testing. Great dude and company helping me with no cost testing for my medicine, amazing folks!

I trimmed up the top of this flower stalk and that was my sample. I am expecting to have the results by the end of the week or possibly first of next week and will post. Usually they take no longer than 3 days so I am thinking Friday. These are a still bit moist but testing in single digits with my tester, going to jar them up in the morning,

aether flower dried.JPG
The way you said that reminded me of

I guess I sleep with the chickens
I guess I sleep with the chickens

You can sleep with the chickens bro, we have the nicest chicken coop in the county, maybe the state :ROFLMAO:

I was only meaning you would have some fresh eggs while you are here šŸ³

OK, so I got everything jarred up and the final weigh in and wanted to check my physical scale with my online digital scale, see if this one needs any calibration :LOL:

So Moe, what was my yield off this plant? Keep in mind I only trimmed fan leaves and left most of the sugars. I have to say I am fairly happy with the results, could have been better and I am going to grow this strain again see if I can better this total. Can't wait to see test results, I got a really good feeling off this gal.
Same ole prizes went uncollected last time....let's get @Maz in here and see if wants to go head to head.

I thought you knew you earned the title of my Online Digital Scale? Yes, I will use you to calibrate my scale :whistle:

I did not add in the seeds but I'm losing a bit of confidence in you. I weighed them and I have 10 grams of seeds, a little film container almost full.
Dammit, your seeds are too small! Stick some stems in there until you get to 20!

Can you post a pick of the harvest again? I thought I saw one of them hanging somewhere, may have been text.
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