Finishing Up Mendel's Aether

OK sounds good but I think you are slacking. You always weighed my plants BEFORE harvest, thinking you really wantin those AN stickers, maybe the smokes from Maz.

I'm thinking I just get those AN stickers to you anyway, I know how much you want them ;)493F963A-C70B-4B95-AF97-F299A563253F.jpegA89EAE0E-0FD8-49CC-9834-D915AC2DC8E7.jpegA4756A58-797A-4975-942F-E56009FAD7FF.jpeg
So the final weigh in is here-

320 grams or 11.4 ounces. I am pretty happy with that and looks like if the Grape Gas finishes early like I think she is supposed to, I will not be short on my medicine like I feared I might be, but it will be close!

When the test results come in, I will get those posted. Got a good feeling about this strain.
It's a long story bro, and a funny one, I will try to fill you in later. :LOL: If you read back a few, you will probably get the gist of it.

I actually weighed with a digital scale on the table. 11.4 ounces.
Anthem, this is a running gag we started months ago on the other place. We were betting things like half packs of cigarettes and stickers and other useless things on who could guess the final weight.

I think I might have won, but I'll be damned I never got my winnie blues, hermie seeds, or stickers. Really bummed.
Anthem, this is a running gag we started months ago on the other place. We were betting things like half packs of cigarettes and stickers and other useless things on who could guess the final weight.

I think I might have won, but I'll be damned I never got my winnie blues, hermie seeds, or stickers. Really bummed.
😂😂😂 now wait just a minute .I think my guess was closer .if I remember correctly you said a P Moe and I said 8 or was it 9 Ozzie’s..

those stickers are mine. 😆.and here’s my address 1 growers road hempville .just up the road from the South Pole 😃
Ooh……Oooooooh. this isn’t dragons flame weigh in.puts bong down ,backs away and shrinks down behind couch..

ill get those herm seeds out and half a pk of Winnie blues moe..😃what’s your address
Ooh……Oooooooh. this isn’t dragons flame weigh in.puts bong down ,backs away and shrinks down behind couch..

ill get those herm seeds out and half a pk of Winnie blues moe..😃what’s your address

OK, if I can stop laughing long enough, you guys crack me the f up, Imma gonna post test results.

Pretty happy with these results, 1.88% GBGa so hopefully this will be some sedative meds. Terps at almost 2.7%, THC almost 24%. I also want to add that this is an excellent strain for anticancer terps, almost a who's who of anti cancer terps there.

Final yield 11.4 ounces.

This journal has finished and moving on to the next.

Aether lab 1.png
Aether lab 2.png
I'm thinking you know this, but I'll say it anyhow because I just love to hear myself talk.

CBGa is the acid version of CBG, which is the pre-cursor to THCa and CBDa. So the plant starts making CBG then reprocesses that into THC and CBD based on it's genetics.

One school of thought is that stressing the plant at the end with UVB or similar is a trigger to convert that CBG rather than stockpile it. I don't know if that is true or not.

I have pure CBG (kinda like a pink goo) and I cannot really feel any difference when consuming it orally. YMMV.

I think it is good in general to have multiple cannabinoids. The plant is more complex.

23.9% THC is a lot. You did something right. Hope it hits the spot for you.
No need to run short of oil.
23.9% THC is a lot. You did something right. Hope it hits the spot for you.
Love that this is a good grow for you and thanks again for posting test results.(y)
Love following your grows man~!🔥

Thanks guys, the support and friendships with ALL of you is the best part of this. 👊

Some days, it's hard to find the good in this fight, but the blessings are there. I'm grateful beyond words to you bros and you all know who you are.

I love you all!
Anthem, this is a running gag we started months ago on the other place. We were betting things like half packs of cigarettes and stickers and other useless things on who could guess the final weight.

I think I might have won, but I'll be damned I never got my winnie blues, hermie seeds, or stickers. Really bummed.
It is all good Moe. I just have to use this to revise my weights. I am now in the 3 pounds per light CLUB with my best being 3.16 pounds per light. I alway thought final weight was with the trim removed.
It is all good Moe. I just have to use this to revise my weights. I am now in the 3 pounds per light CLUB with my best being 3.16 pounds per light. I alway thought final weight was with the trim removed.
It is. But he is extracting everything to use as rso. Not using buds at all. If he threw away the sugar leaves he would be wasting meds.

Sometimes you just can’t compare what you are doing to someone else because the desired result is different. And slg isn’t parading around saying he’s master of the growing universe or even comparing himself to anyone but himself. His goal is to provide enough meds to be self sufficient not to gloat about yield.

In short, not a pissing contest.
As a numbers guy i weight everything. I have weighted wet/dry weights to get shrink numbers. To me im always trying to "do better " and the easiest way to be a judge of better is with a number.

My best yield from my 4 plants was 3 grows ago. A personal best for me, and a goal for me now is to beat that number
What strain are you doing it with @Anthem275 .congrats on your yield..
Maz that was a well known strain for me, Watermelon Gelato. The grow went really well, I used Athena Nutrients, Massive at low dosages week 4-6 (Like 2.5 to 3 mills per gallon). A monosilic Acid product called Salicium and WInter Frost week 8. I have not been able to get those kind of numbers using Jacks 321. I just finished up the same plant and I will be a right around 2 per light. The actual finished weight of the 3.16 was 2.75 pounds per light.
I stopped using Athena for a few reasons. The first and primary was that Grow and Bloom are hydroscopic. Second being all the strains take on a similar smell using that product. Right around the time I stopped using Athena I switched from Silicium to Front Row Ag Monosilic Acid product as well. I was also using monosilic acid thru week 8. I stopped doing that as well. That has also contributed to weight loss of final product. If I run it thru to week 8 the buds will be rock hard. I know that for a fact.

The jacks stuff seems to be clean or it might be something else. I have tried to run it in different ways. It is a three part mix that they tell you to run as 3.79 parts of their fertilizer, 2.52 parts of Calcium Nitrate and .99 parts of Epson salt. The buds seem to be better quality and the smell has improved. I was out last night exchanging untrimmed stuff for trimmed and I had a good whiff of the trimmed stuff. It took on a much stronger smell profile.

Athena had the lions share of the big grows here but people started to move away from their products. They ended up coming out with a product called FADE. Athena is a two part with 3 components. Core, Grow and bloom. Core and Grow are used together for veg. Core and Bloom are used in Flower. Core is Calcium Nitrate but to force their customers to buy their over priced Calcium Nitrate they add the micro nutrients to the core. With this Fade stuff they are telling people to drop the Calcium Nitrate completely the last 4 weeks of the grow. I looked at the listed ingredients in Fade and it is just Calcium and Chlorine. These guys are already known to play dirty ball just like most. They list the amount of Magnesium in their product as half of what they are actually putting into the bags.

I am kind of bummed out about all of this, the further I get into understanding nutrients and the role these chemicals play the more I realize the manufacturers are doing way more behind the curtain than we all know. Moe mentioned in another thread that Dr. Daniel F. showed how to use Potassium Silicate to make Monosilic Acid. That is not really the point. I have been using over priced stabilized forms of Monosilic Acid for years and I know they work but even in this same paper the author says several times the manufacturer of these products could be using the stabilizers to improve the product. Meaning they are using say Boron in amounts much higher than needed to stabilize the product to enhance the plants growth. I have used a product I mentioned above Silicium and that shit works but why? I quit using it because the price went thru the roof. I think in the near future what I am going to have to do is go out and buy the products I know work. Put them in another unmarked package and sent them off to a lab to determine what exactly is in the stuff. Right now this Silicium stuff and NM Winter Frost are the ones I am going to do first.
Maz that was a well known strain for me, Watermelon Gelato. The grow went really well, I used Athena Nutrients, Massive at low dosages week 4-6 (Like 2.5 to 3 mills per gallon). A monosilic Acid product called Salicium and WInter Frost week 8. I have not been able to get those kind of numbers using Jacks 321. I just finished up the same plant and I will be a right around 2 per light. The actual finished weight of the 3.16 was 2.75 pounds per light.
I stopped using Athena for a few reasons. The first and primary was that Grow and Bloom are hydroscopic. Second being all the strains take on a similar smell using that product. Right around the time I stopped using Athena I switched from Silicium to Front Row Ag Monosilic Acid product as well. I was also using monosilic acid thru week 8. I stopped doing that as well. That has also contributed to weight loss of final product. If I run it thru to week 8 the buds will be rock hard. I know that for a fact.

The jacks stuff seems to be clean or it might be something else. I have tried to run it in different ways. It is a three part mix that they tell you to run as 3.79 parts of their fertilizer, 2.52 parts of Calcium Nitrate and .99 parts of Epson salt. The buds seem to be better quality and the smell has improved. I was out last night exchanging untrimmed stuff for trimmed and I had a good whiff of the trimmed stuff. It took on a much stronger smell profile.

Athena had the lions share of the big grows here but people started to move away from their products. They ended up coming out with a product called FADE. Athena is a two part with 3 components. Core, Grow and bloom. Core and Grow are used together for veg. Core and Bloom are used in Flower. Core is Calcium Nitrate but to force their customers to buy their over priced Calcium Nitrate they add the micro nutrients to the core. With this Fade stuff they are telling people to drop the Calcium Nitrate completely the last 4 weeks of the grow. I looked at the listed ingredients in Fade and it is just Calcium and Chlorine. These guys are already known to play dirty ball just like most. They list the amount of Magnesium in their product as half of what they are actually putting into the bags.

I am kind of bummed out about all of this, the further I get into understanding nutrients and the role these chemicals play the more I realize the manufacturers are doing way more behind the curtain than we all know. Moe mentioned in another thread that Dr. Daniel F. showed how to use Potassium Silicate to make Monosilic Acid. That is not really the point. I have been using over priced stabilized forms of Monosilic Acid for years and I know they work but even in this same paper the author says several times the manufacturer of these products could be using the stabilizers to improve the product. Meaning they are using say Boron in amounts much higher than needed to stabilize the product to enhance the plants growth. I have used a product I mentioned above Silicium and that shit works but why? I quit using it because the price went thru the roof. I think in the near future what I am going to have to do is go out and buy the products I know work. Put them in another unmarked package and sent them off to a lab to determine what exactly is in the stuff. Right now this Silicium stuff and NM Winter Frost are the ones I am going to do first.
Another One I know what more that listed on the label is An Overdrive. That might get the same treatment.
Maz that was a well known strain for me, Watermelon Gelato. The grow went really well, I used Athena Nutrients, Massive at low dosages week 4-6 (Like 2.5 to 3 mills per gallon). A monosilic Acid product called Salicium and WInter Frost week 8. I have not been able to get those kind of numbers using Jacks 321. I just finished up the same plant and I will be a right around 2 per light. The actual finished weight of the 3.16 was 2.75 pounds per light.
I stopped using Athena for a few reasons. The first and primary was that Grow and Bloom are hydroscopic. Second being all the strains take on a similar smell using that product. Right around the time I stopped using Athena I switched from Silicium to Front Row Ag Monosilic Acid product as well. I was also using monosilic acid thru week 8. I stopped doing that as well. That has also contributed to weight loss of final product. If I run it thru to week 8 the buds will be rock hard. I know that for a fact.

The jacks stuff seems to be clean or it might be something else. I have tried to run it in different ways. It is a three part mix that they tell you to run as 3.79 parts of their fertilizer, 2.52 parts of Calcium Nitrate and .99 parts of Epson salt. The buds seem to be better quality and the smell has improved. I was out last night exchanging untrimmed stuff for trimmed and I had a good whiff of the trimmed stuff. It took on a much stronger smell profile.

Athena had the lions share of the big grows here but people started to move away from their products. They ended up coming out with a product called FADE. Athena is a two part with 3 components. Core, Grow and bloom. Core and Grow are used together for veg. Core and Bloom are used in Flower. Core is Calcium Nitrate but to force their customers to buy their over priced Calcium Nitrate they add the micro nutrients to the core. With this Fade stuff they are telling people to drop the Calcium Nitrate completely the last 4 weeks of the grow. I looked at the listed ingredients in Fade and it is just Calcium and Chlorine. These guys are already known to play dirty ball just like most. They list the amount of Magnesium in their product as half of what they are actually putting into the bags.

I am kind of bummed out about all of this, the further I get into understanding nutrients and the role these chemicals play the more I realize the manufacturers are doing way more behind the curtain than we all know. Moe mentioned in another thread that Dr. Daniel F. showed how to use Potassium Silicate to make Monosilic Acid. That is not really the point. I have been using over priced stabilized forms of Monosilic Acid for years and I know they work but even in this same paper the author says several times the manufacturer of these products could be using the stabilizers to improve the product. Meaning they are using say Boron in amounts much higher than needed to stabilize the product to enhance the plants growth. I have used a product I mentioned above Silicium and that shit works but why? I quit using it because the price went thru the roof. I think in the near future what I am going to have to do is go out and buy the products I know work. Put them in another unmarked package and sent them off to a lab to determine what exactly is in the stuff. Right now this Silicium stuff and NM Winter Frost are the ones I am going to do first.
That reminded me of using bog ,putty filler on our vehicles.. it attracts moisture…my yield is up this grow same strain .I upped the mono silic I’m using ,used that right through bar the last buds aren’t like rocks but by gee they are certainly dense..PSi is the brand 4-5 ml I’m using to 30-35 litres..I think I paid 48bucks for’s the cheapest one I have found.if I up the dose even more it can stop stretch in veg….
haha..I haven’t the brains to get into the chemical side of the nutrients as hurts my head lol..
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