Kuwl's Deja Vue All Over Again

EC start of flower 1.2-1.4 first 3 weeks.
Went up to 1.6 week 4. Week 5-6 ec 1.8.
Then started to taper bak down.
Well your ec is way lower than what I do.
How's your PH and I think you grow in coco coir?
So I think the AP manual says 6.8 I think
Nope I can only get this one, Premium Organic Pro Mix
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it just might be the PH as the problem and the cause of the lock out.
But I still think I'm too high on the PPM for AP's
I think I was at 1100-1200 when this shit started to happen with the yellow leaves.
Last grow was at 1400 PPM/2.8 ec but did not have lockout problems but did have leaf/bud issues.
AP manual says 5.8 PH is what is called for, if using soil.
The clay balls might be causing my Ph to jump up a bit but not a hell of a lot to cause any problems.
Last grow I used clay balls and I don't think they effected the plants.
Unless the AP chart/manual is just dead wrong.
I had some problems last grow also but I think they were light related and maybe a bit to much PPM also.
I did change soils since then. I used to use MotherEarth Groundswell.
I haven't been down to look at them yet today but they looked better yesterday.
If it's PH which has been between 5.8 and 6.3 this whole grow idk what to think.

going down to take a measurement fron the tank and the trays brb
This soil will not self adjust PH.
Well your ec is way lower than what I do.
How's your PH and I think you grow in coco coir?
So I think the AP manual says 6.8 I think
Yeh im in coco mate. I set my rez ph to 5.3-5.5. Because by times feeds got through pipe work into trays. I no it drifts up abit. .
Part Number4982471
Adjusts pHNo
Advanced FeaturesOrganic
Area Coverage (sq ft)151.77 ft²
Area Coverage (sq m)14.10 m²
Duration (Months)3 mo
Net Weight (g)21800.00 g
Net Weight (kg)21.80 kg
Net Weight (lb)48.06 lb
Nitrogen Percentage.3
the pH of the water does not influence the pH of the growing medium. Actually, it is the bicarbonate and carbonate levels in the water, known as alkalinity, the potential acidity or basicity of the fertilizer and the plant itself:
Nope I can only get this one, Premium Organic Pro Mix
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it just might be the PH as the problem and the cause of the lock out.
But I still think I'm too high on the PPM for AP's
I think I was at 1100-1200 when this shit started to happen with the yellow leaves.
Last grow was at 1400 PPM/2.8 ec but did not have lockout problems but did have leaf/bud issues.
AP manual says 5.8 PH is what is called for, if using soil.
The clay balls might be causing my Ph to jump up a bit but not a hell of a lot to cause any problems.
Last grow I used clay balls and I don't think they effected the plants.
Unless the AP chart/manual is just dead wrong.
I had some problems last grow also but I think they were light related and maybe a bit to much PPM also.
I did change soils since then. I used to use MotherEarth Groundswell.
I haven't been down to look at them yet today but they looked better yesterday.
If it's PH which has been between 5.8 and 6.3 this whole grow idk what to think.

going down to take a measurement fron the tank and the trays brb
Eh, they not looking worse, so there's that.
Posting some pic's I took while down there with this new micro app I got for my
phone cause I keep forgeting to bring the loup with me haha.

I emptied the tank and put in new rez, bout 5 gal.
Left out MP and no FP but gave them full amt of Pro-Tekt, Bloom and Zyme.
I also put in a gal of plain water to dilute the mix some what and give it a
PPM of bout 500 and didn't mess with the PH much so it's at about 6.5, give or take.
They don't look so bad for what they went thru or what I went thru, I should say lol.
I'm not sure about going to straight up coco coir but I think I am using not enough perlite for sure.

When this started, the White was fine as the others were showing signs of lockout.
Then after I made adjustments White started showing signs of yellow leafs
and the Blue one in front started recovery.
The 2 plants in back seemed to not get any/enough food and started yellowing before any of them.
Now the 2 plants in front the W + B are doing much better almost normal but the 2 back plants are not
showing any signs of recovery. Go Figure.
I did notice that the feed to the back plants was not as good so it seems the trays were not filling up to where they should.
I don't know why ether. I've checked and re-check them. They still are not getting proper water, some but not as much as the front 2.
maybe my cellar floor is crooked hahaha.
My main feed line splits into 2, then each one is split into two again, 1 for the front 2 and 1 for the back 2.
I pop off a line from the shut off valve to see if they are running right.
I forgot which is which pic but they seem ready for harvest or a week away I think,
Probably stunted a bit as the cola's are smaller than usual.
Promix is hard to get or expensive as hell here in new york.
I have to order it online at Ace Hardware and wait 5 days for it to be delivered to the store, then i have to go pick it up.
Last year was my first year I was able to buy it from my Home Depot store since 2019.
I think it was $20 a bale w free delivery, I ended up buying 4 hahaha my old soil was $50 for the same amt.
Last year was my first year I was able to buy it from my Home Depot store since 2019.
I think it was $20 a bale w free delivery, I ended up buying 4 hahaha my old soil was $50 for the same amt.
Yeah its definitely not cheap anymore. I pay like 60 bucks for a bale of the ProMix BX+ then i add 3cu ft of perlite
Gives me 50ish gallons of soil.
So it lasts a bit
Promix is hard to get or expensive as hell here in new york.
I have to order it online at Ace Hardware and wait 5 days for it to be delivered to the store, then i have to go pick it up.
Dam that's expensive!!
I live next to the Canada border so cheaper here. Lucky me :)

Dam that's expensive!!
I live next to the Canada border so cheaper here. Lucky me :)

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I use this one, Screenshot_20240204_150656_Chrome.jpg

I have no experience with those compressed packs you posted.
I hear they work kinda like a baby diaper? Idk lol. It apparently will hold tons of water and never really dry out according to what i read on it.
I use this one, View attachment 43421

I have no experience with those compressed packs you posted.
I hear they work kinda like a baby diaper? Idk lol. It apparently will hold tons of water and never really dry out according to what i read on it.
I can only get that kind in that form.
I don’t think it holds water like that cause it’s pretty dry in my pots.
Second time using it, did ok the first time.
Not to sure I will use it for the next grow.
I can only get that kind in that form.
I don’t think it holds water like that cause it’s pretty dry in my pots.
Second time using it, did ok the first time.
It may not have been that specific mix i read about come to think of it.
I believe it was the pink/black box, which is a moisture mix, so thatd make more sense lol.
It may not have been that specific mix i read about come to think of it.
I believe it was the pink/black box, which is a moisture mix, so thatd make more sense lol.
This one has no pearlite on it. I put a lot in it but I don’t think I put enough even though I have tons of it because I ordered too much.
This one has no pearlite on it. I put a lot in it but I don’t think I put enough even though I have tons of it because I ordered too much.
When I bust open a bale I use a 3/4 gallon pot to scoop out the peat mix & count the # I put in a large bin then I do the same with perlite less 1 because promix already has 17 -20% perlite in it then I throw is the worm castings & other stuff I use soak but not saturate and mix by hand until I think its blended & wet. Then transplant my plants into the freshly made batch, water or feed depending and turn on the Auto Pots with the nute mix I'm using.
When I bust open a bale I use a 3/4 gallon pot to scoop out the peat mix & count the # I put in a large bin then I do the same with perlite less 1 because promix already has 17 -20% perlite in it then I throw is the worm castings & other stuff I use soak but not saturate and mix by hand until I think its blended & wet. Then transplant my plants into the freshly made batch, water or feed depending and turn on the Auto Pots with the nute mix I'm using.
Yep I do a mix as well, with perlite and castings and a couple of other things, that I can't remember right now.
Week 8 in Flower
And QC White is done! 🥳
I was looking thru my loupe this morning and seen amber on the leaves and surprise, on the flower too.
I think this is the very first time I seen it on the flower haha.
Maybe 5-10%, so tomorrow I chop it. The others are 100% cloudy.
I still have to get my 2x4 tent up to put it in with a humi and exhaust fan.
For some reason I thought they would all be chopped at the same time so I would
use the same basement room, just adj the temp and humi, darn.
So it will go into the upstairs spare room if I can make room for it.
Or maybe make the whole room 60/60, oh that might be harder than I think.
Week 8 in Flower
And QC White is done! 🥳
I was looking thru my loupe this morning and seen amber on the leaves and surprise, on the flower too.
I think this is the very first time I seen it on the flower haha.
Maybe 5-10%, so tomorrow I chop it. The others are 100% cloudy.
I still have to get my 2x4 tent up to put it in with a humi and exhaust fan.
For some reason I thought they would all be chopped at the same time so I would
use the same basement room, just adj the temp and humi, darn.
So it will go into the upstairs spare room if I can make room for it.
Or maybe make the whole room 60/60, oh that might be harder than I think.
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Letting them go another few days before harvesting them all.
Only LSD is not ready yet but cloudy as heck.
I spotted more amber on the other plants today.
So I'll have some of that patients and wait till I think it's the right time.
Then I don't have to mess with a tent or another drying room, I'll use this one.

Added another 2 gal of water with only Bloom 10ml per gal. with a ph of 6.8
I'm letting the PH alone at this point.
Rez Tank is clear, no need to change it. PPM = 540 PH = 6.7
No flushing or FF added, letting them run the course.
Letting them go another few days before harvesting them all.
Only LSD is not ready yet but cloudy as heck.
I spotted more amber on the other plants today.
So I'll have some of that patients and wait till I think it's the right time.
Then I don't have to mess with a tent or another drying room, I'll use this one.

Added another 2 gal of water with only Bloom 10ml per gal. with a ph of 6.8
I'm letting the PH alone at this point.
Rez Tank is clear, no need to change it. PPM = 540 PH = 6.7
No flushing or FF added, letting them run the course.
I've been using Florakleen as an additive to help reduce salt build up. A couple of 3 weeks ago I was reading the info on it and its not really for that purpose. I had been using Hyclean but I switched to the Florakleen thinking both were the same thing. Florakleen is more of a flushing agent to be used in between the changing of the nute formula's....

It also recommends using it alone at 10ml/gallon the last 3 days to flush.....I know I know flushing is Bro science but wtf I have the stuff I'm using it the last 3 days this run..1 day left and 2 plants still in the pots
I've been using Florakleen as an additive to help reduce salt build up. A couple of 3 weeks ago I was reading the info on it and its not really for that purpose. I had been using Hyclean but I switched to the Florakleen thinking both were the same thing. Florakleen is more of a flushing agent to be used in between the changing of the nute formula's....

It also recommends using it alone at 10ml/gallon the last 3 days to flush.....I know I know flushing is Bro science but wtf I have the stuff I'm using it the last 3 days this run..1 day left and 2 plants still in the pots
I tried my best to eliminate all the extra stuff I did last grow.
Keeping it as simple as possible.
I started to use hyclean then read what Zyme does and it does all that sooo stopped using hyclean.
The nute water in the tank stayed clear most of the time and I did not use H202 or any other additive trick.
No air in the rez tank and I took out the mixer pump after a few weeks.
Next grow will only go to 1000 PPM I did go to 1100 this time but backed off quick when the problems started.

I dunno what happened to my plants but I think the feed was off and not getting enough to the 2 back plants,
for some reason. Still haven't figured it out. Maybe a partial plug in the feed line.
They get water just not to the level of the front 2 pots.
Or it's a PH problem that caused lock out. At this point I don't believe it was nutrient related.
They are def a bit stunted as I measure my colas by wrapping around my thumb and forefinger,
if they touch, I know they are not big enough, cause they should be at least an inch apart at the widest
part of the cola. Also they should be a bit taller. Only LSD got that hieght going for it, the others were short like an auto.

Hey, I'm thankful to get this harvest, no matter. Looks like no seeds and the trichomes look good.

Only thing I did, starting last week, is lowering the intensity of the light 5% and raising it an inch or two.
That I got from my notes of DB's grow, hahaha.
I tried my best to eliminate all the extra stuff I did last grow.
Keeping it as simple as possible.
I started to use hyclean then read what Zyme does and it does all that sooo stopped using hyclean.
The nute water in the tank stayed clear most of the time and I did not use H202 or any other additive trick.
No air in the rez tank and I took out the mixer pump after a few weeks.
Next grow will only go to 1000 PPM I did go to 1100 this time but backed off quick when the problems started.

I dunno what happened to my plants but I think the feed was off and not getting enough to the 2 back plants,
for some reason. Still haven't figured it out. Maybe a partial plug in the feed line.
They get water just not to the level of the front 2 pots.
Or it's a PH problem that caused lock out. At this point I don't believe it was nutrient related.
They are def a bit stunted as I measure my colas by wrapping around my thumb and forefinger,
if they touch, I know they are not big enough, cause they should be at least an inch apart at the widest
part of the cola. Also they should be a bit taller. Only LSD got that hieght going for it, the others were short like an auto.

Hey, I'm thankful to get this harvest, no matter. Looks like no seeds and the trichomes look good.

Only thing I did, starting last week, is lowering the intensity of the light 5% and raising it an inch or two.
That I got from my notes of DB's grow, hahaha.
I have my lights at 60% now, just over the last week. The last two look done done, Maybe my far reds helped after all its 10 weeks tomorrow for the seeded bitches. I pulled 2 small buds that were dry enough to smoke....13 fking seeds in 1 joints worth of weed.......arrrg......this is going to suck if they're all like that.
I have my lights at 60% now, just over the last week. The last two look done done, Maybe my far reds helped after all its 10 weeks tomorrow for the seeded bitches. I pulled 2 small buds that were dry enough to smoke....13 fking seeds in 1 joints worth of weed.......arrrg......this is going to suck if they're all like that.
You sure have a hate on for those seeds !!!!!
You sure have a hate on for those seeds !!!!!
Yes I do, the husks make my weed taste like shit and missed seeds popping in joints burns shit, like floors & shirts. They make my grinder useless if I gotta pic seeds out and they're only good for birds and planting at city hall and parks.

Over grow the world...Plant your germinated hermi's June 21st everywhere you can find dirt...some have to grow if enough get planted
I hate those seeds too!
This crop of 4 will be my first crop without seeds, I hope.
Its looking good and i haven't spotted one.
There going down tomorrow morning.
59 days in flower.
I'm a happy man lol.
Close ups of each one - QC White, QC blue, LSD and another QC Blue.


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I just finished cleaning up and hanging them up to dry.
I got the room temp at 64 for the moment and 60% hummi.
Trying for a 60/60 for the drying process.

I was putting away the MarsHydro FC 4800 $600 light and had a hard time unpluging it.
I had an uneasy feeling about it, so I pluged it back in just to check it, to see if it's ok.
Wouldn't ya know, nada, nothing, the dam thing is broke.
I checked power to the driver and it's ok, then checked power from the driver and nothing.
OMG I can't afford it. I guess I could send it back for a repair job which they will over charge me for.
IDK what the hell to do.
I mean lucky it was at harvest but the cost of a new light is gonna kill me.
Man, when's the next sale at Spider Farmer lmao!!!!
Guess I'll be busy on the internet for awhile. I'm sick.
I just finished cleaning up and hanging them up to dry.
I got the room temp at 64 for the moment and 60% hummi.
Trying for a 60/60 for the drying process.

I was putting away the MarsHydro FC 4800 $600 light and had a hard time unpluging it.
I had an uneasy feeling about it, so I pluged it back in just to check it, to see if it's ok.
Wouldn't ya know, nada, nothing, the dam thing is broke.
I checked power to the driver and it's ok, then checked power from the driver and nothing.
OMG I can't afford it. I guess I could send it back for a repair job which they will over charge me for.
IDK what the hell to do.
I mean lucky it was at harvest but the cost of a new light is gonna kill me.
Man, when's the next sale at Spider Farmer lmao!!!!
Guess I'll be busy on the internet for awhile. I'm sick.
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Found the problem, loose wire in the plug end popped out, whew!!!! Happy Happy Joy Joy!! 🥳 :LOL:
One of them days eh!
Got done with all the clean up and it went well.
I took the valves out and washed them in soapy warm water.
left the lil blue stoppers in but watched em like a hawk so as not to lose them.
They stayed in place so I made sure to inspect them and make sure they were clean.
Ran water through the lines and washed out the tank with a sponge.
Emptied the pots out in the garden and seen what the roots look like.
They looked ok, I guess. Hard to tell with all the junk I put down there.
But there were lots of em, I thought they would be thicker tho.

8 is a lucky number for me and my birth # day, it's a good thing! :cool:
Room is 60/60 now with plenty of non-direct air being pushed around with one small fan and one 6" occilating fan.
Exhaust fan is set at 5 so plenty of fresh circulation. Didn't trim to many leaves off, will wait till they dry.
Roots, blue things are the air domes (2 were comprimised, the air foam tubes were disconected on one end )
Some roots grew into them but not a problem.
After they dried for 8 days in the room with Temp @ 60-65 and RH @ 50-55%
they are dry enough to start the curing process.
Only did one today LSD.
From the look of them I didn't expect much.
The lock out caused them to stunt a bit and never reached their full potential.
Cola's were smaller than usual but the bud's on the staulk n stems were bigger than usual.
To tired to do any of the others so tomorrow will do QC White and if I feel right will do the other two QC Blue.
LSD Ended up with 2.21 ounces :) I'm really happy with that!
The buds are hard and sticky, not one seed and the smoke is better than most of the stuff I have left 🥳
I'm happy!

Not too sure if I'm going to start another grow.
I'm in the process of figuring that out. If I did, it would harvest in May, so it's a possibility.
I don't want to grow in the summer, I have to much going this summer with the land I brought.

Here's some pic's of the LSD
Drying Day 9
QC White 48 gr 1.7 oz
Less than I thought but good stuff.
I have not tried it yet cause we goin to walmart and I impulse shop when high lol
I see why they call it White, it seems to have a lighter color than most weed I have seen.
Stems didn't crack but it's the right dryness to put in a grove bag imo.
When I let it dry too much I have to stick an piece of orange peal in the bag to get them the right moisture content.
Big buds all the way down :cool:
I don't know how I did it with all the problems but I thank the Canabus Gods for this grow!

Here's some pic's of QC White
Drying Day 9
QC White 48 gr 1.7 oz
Less than I thought but good stuff.
I have not tried it yet cause we goin to walmart and I impulse shop when high lol
I see why they call it White, it seems to have a lighter color than most weed I have seen.
Stems didn't crack but it's the right dryness to put in a grove bag imo.
When I let it dry too much I have to stick an piece of orange peal in the bag to get them the right moisture content.
Big buds all the way down :cool:
I don't know how I did it with all the problems but I thank the Canabus Gods for this grow!

Here's some pic's of QC White
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Drying Day 9
QC White 48 gr 1.7 oz
Less than I thought but good stuff.
I have not tried it yet cause we goin to walmart and I impulse shop when high lol
I see why they call it White, it seems to have a lighter color than most weed I have seen.
Stems didn't crack but it's the right dryness to put in a grove bag imo.
When I let it dry too much I have to stick an piece of orange peal in the bag to get them the right moisture content.
Big buds all the way down :cool:
I don't know how I did it with all the problems but I thank the Canabus Gods for this grow!

Here's some pic's of QC White
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Forgot a couple of close ups of the QC White buds
Last one :cool:
QC Blue x 2, 83 gr 2.96 oz
These plants took the lockout the hardest.
Lucky I planted 2 haha
Lots of smaller size buds on these but the cola's were larger.
They had the most finger hash of them all but there were two, soooo.
Nice buds and they clunk when I throw them down on the cleaning tray.

That adds up to almost 7 ounces total :)
Haven't smoked blue yet, gonna try white first.

Well it's been a hell of a grow with problems starting at wk 2or 3 of flower with
a lockout because of ?. I think it might have been PH related cause I use the same
nutrients on each grow. Yes I've had problems with each one but not lockout.
I am changing my nutrient chart after it goes to flower stage.
The Veg stage went perfect, in fact it was the best Veg I've had.
It could be too much bloom nutes to quickly I'm thinking along with a ph problem, one or the other or both.
Still deciding on the next grow and what to grow.
I'll have to smoke some more of these new products to get a better idea haha.
Im thinking LSD is the front runner right now.
C99 might be in there as well as I've never had it before, something new.
So that's 4 pots of LSD and 4 pots of ? maybe Cinderella C99 idk for sure.
then I might go nuts and put two 3 gal pots in there also. I miss my Blue Dream and it
was a killer grow with a good high and a bunch other seeds I have waiting in line.

Here's the pic's of QC Blue (2.96 oz 😁)
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