Nesta’s DWC Attempt

GH flora series
In Veg, RO water plus calmag to 180 ppm then the flora series added at ratios of 3-2-1(3 parts grow ,2 parts micro, 1 part bloom) to around 350 ppm,

I feed them daily and only feed them what they eat daily.

Ppm's in veg usually stay 350 to 400 with a 7 week veg
I use the GH trio and use the ratios on their chart for whatever stage the plant is in but never use their total PPM numbers, way too hot. I've been using about 100 ppm cal/mag in RO water but may have to up that on that Crescendo strain, which seems to want more than what I have been normally doing.

I'm not using an auto top off res like Moe and Smoke so I'm using that chart to read the water to tell me what to do with nutrients once I have the res built. I usually try to start off conservatively low on the final ppm of the res, come in low and raise it up if the plant is asking for more. When I amend with nutrients, I use those same ratios and then regularly scheduled res changes based on the GH feeding chart and when the ratios change there. Ideally, I want a single res change during veg, and then 3 or 4 res changes during flower to reset those ratios based on the GH feeding chart.
I switched to the gh powder. One for veg and one for flower. Makes it simpler for me to bring the res to a particular ppm with minimal mixing(compared to 3 part) The results were also good. I can’t really tell the difference between flora and this.
I switched to the gh powder. One for veg and one for flower. Makes it simpler for me to bring the res to a particular ppm with minimal mixing(compared to 3 part) The results were also good. I can’t really tell the difference between flora and this.
Right on, I did not know they had a dry version. Does sound like it simplifies things.
This is such a weird thing - nutes and levels. Skip to the end if you just want a starting point and don't care about details. <Skip>

If you are still here, we can take a deeper look as to why what works for some will not work for others. So many variables. Allow me to pull up my soap box. 🧼

The amount of salt (total PPM) in your res will be very dependent on your environment, lights, and genetics. So the GH chart that shows 1000PPM+ will be hot for most growers on this forum. We are not folks who put a solo cup on a windowsill and try to grow a few grams. Most of us have proper lighting, RH and Temp control etc.

Light and VPD will set the amount of transpiration. Quite often in hydro, transpiration is very high compared to soil. If you have active means of dehumidification to keep the water out of the air to make room for new water vapor, transpiration remains high. If you have a closed grow and no dehumidification the RH will approach 100% and the plants will shut down because there is no room for more water to exit stomata.

Your setup will be on that spectrum. You can maintain proper VPD, you ignore it, or somewhere in-between.

If you can stay in the right VPD range, your total PPM in the res will need to be lower.

Think of it this way - lets say your 4 hydro plants
require 1 mg of N per day at their current stage.​
will drink 4 gallons per day​
you will need .25mg/gal N
Now they need 1 mg N per day​
plants drink 1 gal water per day​
you will need 1 mg/gal N
In those 2 examples, the top one represents 250PPM total in the res, the second one is 1000PPM.

Total oversimplification to make a point - protocol must be fine tuned to match your grow.

The primary reason for hydro - faster growth especially in veg - happens when we remove road blocks. For example, we do not need to wait for soil microbes to break down organics into a molecule the plant can uptake. That's the first speed bump out of the way.

Your grow will continue to have speed bumps to maximum potential growth. Could be light. Could be VPD. Could be CO2, or O2 to the roots. The way you address each of these setpoints (or don't) will all have an impact on both the overall PPM needed, as well as the ratios.


If you want a starting point to begin your tuning process, you could do much worse than this:

GH flora series
In Veg, RO water plus calmag to 180 ppm then the flora series added at ratios of 3-2-1(3 parts grow ,2 parts micro, 1 part bloom) to around 350 ppm,

I feed them daily and only feed them what they eat daily.

Ppm's in veg usually stay 350 to 400 with a 7 week veg

Now in your case Nesta, I would not consider a 7 week veg. You are going for harvestable bud in a small space, not the stuff you can run thru a sawmill and get 2x4's like @smoke.

If you want to dissect the GH labels I'm happy to do so.

I would not recommend anything but GH trio, your cal-mag of choice, PH up and down, your bennies, and potentially a PH buffer (that has other benefits like MSA, strong stalks) like potassium silicate (most rdwc growers use Agsil16 or similar)

In one grow you will get a feel for this lineup. It has everything you will need. Try to avoid the highly marketed additives like bloom ball buster and massive stroke bud maker or whatever the kids are selling these days. Trust in the basics and your plants and wallet will thank you.

Now, git 'er done, post up pics as you go, and we can try to help guide you thru the learning curve of RDWC. I figure one grow is all you need to get hooked.
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This is such a weird thing - nutes and levels. Skip to the end if you just want a starting point and don't care about details. <Skip>

If you are still here, we can take a deeper look as to why what works for some will not work for others. So many variables. Allow me to pull up my soap box. 🧼

The amount of salt (total PPM) in your res will be very dependent on your environment, lights, and genetics. So the GH chart that shows 1000PPM+ will be hot for most growers on this forum. We are not folks who put a solo cup on a windowsill and try to grow a few grams. Most of us have proper lighting, RH and Temp control etc.

Light and VPD will set the amount of transpiration. Quite often in hydro, transpiration is very high compared to soil. If you have active means of dehumidification to keep the water out of the air to make room for new water vapor, transpiration remains high. If you have a closed grow and no dehumidification the RH will approach 100% and the plants will shut down because there is no room for more water to exit stomata.

Your setup will be on that spectrum. You can maintain proper VPD, you ignore it, or somewhere in-between.

If you can stay in the right VPD range, your total PPM in the res will need to be lower.

Think of it this way - lets say your 4 hydro plants
require 1 mg of N per day at their current stage.​
will drink 4 gallons per day​
you will need .25mg/gal N
Now they need 1 mg N per day​
plants drink 1 gal water per day​
you will need 1 mg/gal N
In those 2 examples, the top one represents 250PPM total in the res, the second one is 1000PPM.

Total oversimplification to make a point - protocol must be fine tuned to match your grow.

The primary reason for hydro - faster growth especially in veg - happens when we remove road blocks. For example, we do not need to wait for soil microbes to break down organics into a molecule the plant can uptake. That's the first speed bump out of the way.

Your grow will continue to have speed bumps to maximum potential growth. Could be light. Could be VPD. Could be CO2, or O2 to the roots. The way you address each of these setpoints (or don't) will all have an impact on both the overall PPM needed, as well as the ratios.


If you want a starting point to begin your tuning process, you could do much worse than this:

Now in your case Nesta, I would not consider a 7 week veg. You are going for harvestable bud in a small space, not the stuff you can run thru a sawmill and get 2x4's like @smoke.

If you want to dissect the GH labels I'm happy to do so.

I would not recommend anything but GH trio, your cal-mag of choice, PH up and down, your bennies, and potentially a PH buffer (that has other benefits like MSA, strong stalks) like potassium silicate (most rdwc growers use Agsil16 or similar)

In one grow you will get a feel for this lineup. It has everything you will need. Try to avoid the highly marketed additives like bloom ball buster and massive stroke bud maker or whatever the kids are selling these days. Trust in the basics and your plants and wallet will thank you.

Now, git 'er done, post up pics as you go, and we can try to help guide you thru the learning curve of RDWC. I figure one grow is all you need to get hooked.
This is F’n awesome Moe. Thank you so much. Going to keep it simple this run as suggested. Will post along the way. Thanks for all your help guys!
I would recommend changing out the res or diluting your ppm down some, or both. If it were me, I'd shoot for 400 and see how she likes that. Rising ppm and dropping pH indicates your nutrient solution is too hot.

Is this Apples and Bananas strain? Noticing some 3 finger fans here and there which might indicate stress unless it's genetic.
I would recommend changing out the res or diluting your ppm down some, or both. If it were me, I'd shoot for 400 and see how she likes that. Rising ppm and dropping pH indicates your nutrient solution is too hot.

Is this Apples and Bananas strain? Noticing some 3 finger fans here and there which might indicate stress unless it's genetic.
Stupid question. Are you just adding pH’d water to dilute your ppm down?
Pretty much yes. I do add some cal/mag cause I'm using RO water. Later in flower I skip the cal/mag and just just plain RO.

Sometimes I don't pH the water, for example if my pH in my res is low, my RO water is higher, so that brings things in the res up some, sometimes all I need with no adjusters.
I’m trying to peep your plants and zoom in but the resolution is low. From what I can see plant is happy.

Agree that in your case rising ppm and lower ph means dilute.

I’ll say that adding just ro water will not stabilize ph. There is nothing in there to resist change. Do you have any silica products on the shelf? I don’t recall your water source?

Lowering ph if it moves quickly is a red flag for root health. How long does it take to go from 5.8 to 5.5, and does it climb overnight?
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I’m trying to peep your plants and zoom in but the resolution is low. From what I can see plant is happy.

Agree that in your case rising ppm and lower ph means dilute.

I’ll say that adding just ro water will not stabilize ph. There is nothing in there to resist change. Do you have any silica products on the shelf? I don’t recall your water source?

Lowering ph if it moves quickly is a red flag for root health. How long does it take to go from 5.8 to 5.5, and does it climb overnight?
I ended up changing the res and started the GH trio with Armor SI and Cali-Magic. Everything looks really happy this morning. I will check all the vitals in an hour or so.
Everything rose slightly over night.

440ppm to 460ppm
1.0 Ec to 1.1Ec
5.8ph to 6.1ph.

Should I just correct ph and keep monitoring or do something else? The plant looks happy as can be. Just a reminder this was a new Res yesterday.
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^ While this is true in many cases in my world^

I like these charts @smoke put up as simple explanations as possible.
with this one being most important IMO as a beginner in hydro.
Again refer to first image as only fact I can swear by.
Rising EC together with rising pH indicates the res is still hot. I would dilute it down and see what she does at 400. I have learned to try to keep the plant hungry rather than overfed. A hungry plant is going to be much healthier and will take in more water and things move better within the plant.

I try to get things in the center/right of that chart Steam posted but it's a fine line to walk but I have had this scenario before and it's great when things just stay the same for days. Short of being in the center/right of the chart, I want to be on the left hand side where the plant is hungry. Falling EC indicates your plant is hungry and the pH trend will tell you by how much you are off. I always start out lean and add more if needed.
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Rising EC together with rising pH indicates the res is still hot. I would dilute it down and see what she does at 400. I have learned to try to keep the plant hungry rather than overfed. A hungry plant is going to be much healthier and will take in more water and things move better within the plant.

I try to get things in the center/right of that chart Steam posted but it's a fine line to walk but I have had this scenario before and it's great when things just stay the same for days. Short of being in the center/right of the chart, I want to be on the left hand side where the plant is hungry. Falling EC indicates your plant is hungry and the pH trend will tell you by how much you are off. I always start out lean and add more.
Got it. Thanks SLG
Try to avoid the highly marketed additives like bloom ball buster and massive stroke bud maker or whatever the kids are selling these days. Trust in the basics and your plants and wallet will thank you.

Now, git 'er done, post up pics as you go, and we can try to help guide you thru the learning curve of RDWC. I figure one grow is all you need to get hooked.

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
For those DWC (not RDWC) scroggers, how are you doing res changes? Using a small pump? Draining through the water level tube? Im curious what the best way to accomplish this is.
For those DWC (not RDWC) scroggers, how are you doing res changes? Using a small pump? Draining through the water level tube? Im curious what the best way to accomplish this is.
I do RDWC but my screen is screwed down to my lid. Any time I want to inspect the roots, I grab the screen and lift it up. I'm also in a square tote so I can lift and turn it so that nearly half is opened up.

This doesn't help you much since you're in round buckets, right? Maybe you could get another bucket, pull the plant (screen and all) and set it on the extra bucket while you do your changes.
I do RDWC but my screen is screwed down to my lid. Any time I want to inspect the roots, I grab the screen and lift it up. I'm also in a square tote so I can lift and turn it so that nearly half is opened up.

This doesn't help you much since you're in round buckets, right? Maybe you could get another bucket, pull the plant (screen and all) and set it on the extra bucket while you do your changes.
I am actually in square but also have the water level indicator Moe referenced. Thanks guys!
Oh word. So I built a custom frame for my scrog. It was simple enough with some half-inch pvc. I did this because, in the beginning stages, I was paranoid about root rot and thought being able to remove the plant, screen and all, would allow me to fix a rot issue without fiddling with a screened up plant.

I forgot how SLG has his all set up. Hopefully he'll pop in and give you a rundown.
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