New Grow - 4 Site RDWC Maiden Voyage


Student of Hydroponics
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Hydroponics Helper
Apr 1, 2023
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Greetings Everyone!

Starting my first grow diary here with the maiden voyage of my new 4 site RDWC system I recently built.

Running 4 clones of the strain Grape Gas from my bro Impulsive Grower Check him out if you are looking for elite clones, great brother to work with!

4 site RDWC system with external res outside of tent, ~ 28 gallons total volume of water
5x5 tent
Raging Kush II LED
GH Trio nutrients
Hydroguard bb's
Agsil 16 Potassium Silicate
pH Up and Down
Chiller, water temp set at 68F
HM-500 system monitor

These clones are two sets of two. I originally got 2 Grape Gas and 2 Tropicana Cherry but the trip was very hard on the TC, the GG was fine. IG was quick to send me two more of the Grape Gas but they are a full week behind the other two and been in the system since Friday. The other two were put in the system the previous Friday so exactly a week apart. The two in the back are the older plants, one week ahead of the two in the front.

Also, check out the cool Cannabis Caddies that Moe made for me, brilliant invention that lets me pull these girls out of the system for pruning and training etc. Thanks again bro!

The oldest of the clones have been in the system just over two weeks. I did get a bit of unwanted stretch early but Moe helped me dial in that light for closer nodal spacing. She still seems to want to be a stretchy strain, going to get information from IG, just have not heard from him yet on this. I've topped a bit and started training on 3 out of the 4. I need to order a 5x5 scrog to get in there soon.

Root pic is typical of all of them, looks great. PPM's have been dropping slowly, she is eating but keeping things low this time to avoid my past mistakes. Thinking I might need to amend that soon.

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So these Grape Gas clones all 4 are from the same mom?

What makes up the 336 tds/ppm

I do believe that they are from the same mother.

So I started out with around 500 ppm of the GH trio at seedling/clone ratios. There is also calmag at 5 ml per gallon and Potassium Silicate that I am using as a buffer. They have been eating and from what I can tell, doing fine but I do think I may need to amend before I flip which should be within two weeks is my guess. Gonna work on keeping things low this time around that 500 mark and see how it goes.
So I am getting ready to get up to speed with my 3 tent/grows now that I got paid. Going to get some fans and wanted to check before I pulled the trigger. The main purchase here is the inline fan and controller. I'm looking to step up the environment game and be able to dial that in better and think this will help. Thoughts ?

CLOUDLINE T6, Inline Booster Duct Fan 6” Cooling Ventilation Exhaust Grow Tents

Going to pick up 3 of these as well.

CLOUDRAY S6, Grow Tent Clip Fan 6”, Weatherproof IP-44, Auto Oscillation

Sorry SLG I'm just catching your above post, are you cool w which fan/controller? I think we probably answered some in the other thread but if you have any other questions let me know.
Yes, that will help tremendously.

Perhaps you could squeeze in a couple of cheap filters too. Carbon if you care about smell.

Next thing you will notice is the conditions in your lung room change. Can you pop in a window AC if needed in the summer?
Several at the other site are having issues with the controller 69 doing weird things and changing settings.
I can link or convo you the threads.

Plants look great~!
Several at the other site are having issues with the controller 69 doing weird things and changing settings.
I can link or convo you the threads.

Plants look great~!
That dosen't surprise me. When I first got mine, I set parameters, ...all good. Next day it wanted to do a firmware update. OK. When it was done it had reset all the settings to default. (n)
A week later it wanted to do another one. Ummmm, so I put is off until I felt like re-programing it. But the 2nd update went smooth and did not reset or change any settings. SWEET!
I haven't had any other odd behavior from mine, but then I've only had it a couple 2-3 weeks.
That dosen't surprise me. When I first got mine, I set parameters, ...all good. Next day it wanted to do a firmware update. OK. When it was done it had reset all the settings to default. (n)
A week later it wanted to do another one. Ummmm, so I put is off until I felt like re-programing it. But the 2nd update went smooth and did not reset or change any settings. SWEET!
I haven't had any other odd behavior from mine, but then I've only had it a couple 2-3 weeks.
I did firmware update on my wifi version and the exhaust came on full blast and I had to reprogram that port, other than that I havent had any hiccups with either of the two I have that I can remember. I do check in on the app daily when doing my chores to verify all is in alignment.
Sorry SLG I'm just catching your above post, are you cool w which fan/controller? I think we probably answered some in the other thread but if you have any other questions let me know.
Yeah, I know we talked about –sorry I’m just kinda fried right now….but I don’t know where that thread is. A lot of stuff got deleted and I just don’t remember exactly which thread it was in even if I could find it.
They may have changed this, but I think the fan/controller combos come with the standard controller 69 with bluetooth only. It works fine but you need to be near it to see what it is doing, wifi you do not. The Controller 69 Pro is the version with wifi and bluetooth, plus other additional features, but sold as a standalone controller. Or it was when I was buying.
I really wanted the wifi capability to be able to check in from wherever, so I bought the exhaust fan that comes with no controller, and the standalone Controller 69 Pro.
OK guys, thanks for all the great info on the Cloudline T6. I contacted the ebay seller and you are right, the controller that sells with the kit does not have wifi. I do want that so I will buy each separately I guess. Going to get that order done today.

I've been buried in life over here and not had a lot of time to update this grow. Things are chugging along, was able to get some training done on the older plants and so far the canopy is looking pretty good. The two in the front that are behind the others are catching up. I have left one without any LST with the idea that I might let that one go more natural to keep that canopy as even as possible.

Last week on Wednesday before I headed to the dispo, I amended the res from about 375 ppm up to 500. Had to do that again yesterday and also added 20ml of calmag to bring that up, I've topped off probably 10 gallons at this point and figured a bit of calmag would be good, she is definitely eating and they are drinking a couple of gallons a day right now. PH has been incredibly stable and I attribute that to using the AgSil 16, much more concentrated that the products I have used in the past and is super effective.

Only other thing of interest, I was checking everything out yesterday and noticed something in the res. I reached into the water and grabbed it and it was a piece of roots. I was like WTF? Not a piece floating either, it broke off when I pulled it out. I got to looking and that plant site that feeds the external res return line, the roots had grown over into that return line and had traveled all the way over to the res. I gently pulled them back into the plant site and now they are looking like they will stay put.

I have not messed with the light except to raise it up, thinking it might be time to ramp up the intensity soon.


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Yeah, I've had 8' roots before, it happens. With 3" returns you will not clog them tho unless you are growing some kind of monsters with 2 month veg time.

Looks like your internode spacing is good, I would not adjust spectrum right now but PPFD can go up if you have the time to check in every day. Just look for signs of stress.

When are you flipping? Soon?
Yeah, I've had 8' roots before, it happens. With 3" returns you will not clog them tho unless you are growing some kind of monsters with 2 month veg time.

Looks like your internode spacing is good, I would not adjust spectrum right now but PPFD can go up if you have the time to check in every day. Just look for signs of stress.

When are you flipping? Soon?

OK, I'm thinking of raising intensity by 5% a day working toward 75% during veg and early flower and yes, I am thinking I need to flip soon. I'm a bit out of my element having two plants a week behind the others but I think I have a good plan. I am thinking flip within the next 7 days and then start to prune things up and pick the bud sites. I have a net trellis I am going to get in there soon too to help spread things out as she starts to stretch and keep the canopy as even as possible, definitely an area where I have struggled in my education.
Im a fan of the grape gas! Ive smoked the cannaessentials selection, and the node labes / compound selection, both were exceptional smokes, so Id bet you will have some mighty fine flowers!

I do believe this is a cut from CLTVTD/Compound....super excited to grow this strain fosure!
OK, I'm thinking of raising intensity by 5% a day working toward 75% during veg and early flower and yes, I am thinking I need to flip soon. I'm a bit out of my element having two plants a week behind the others but I think I have a good plan. I am thinking flip within the next 7 days and then start to prune things up and pick the bud sites. I have a net trellis I am going to get in there soon too to help spread things out as she starts to stretch and keep the canopy as even as possible, definitely an area where I have struggled in my education.
You are good bud, flip now. You still have the stretch to go. I think since roots are making it to the res you are done with veg lol.
ok, will do that with a new recipe I'm guessing.

I am still having problems with the app for the Raging Kush II. The support guy I talked to a couple of weeks ago said their default recipes come locked and to make one from scratch, which I did. It has locks too now and it's been a bitch trying to figure it out. Tried to call support again today and left a message, hopefully they will call me back soon. Not sure why they have locks that cannot be unlocked, seems like the app is the weak link in the chain with these super nice lights.

I want to get this app figured out before I flip so hopefully today I can get that figured out.

How important is it to do the sunrise/sunset thing? Creating that is a pita if you ask me. Would be super cool if they gave out generic recipes that you could actually tweak and use.
Yeah we need to get this sorted for you.

Couple basic questions before we begin.

I am at Theia Stratus V3.6. I am logged in, and my admin password has been set. Same?

Did you create a group and add your light or not? I did because I have 2, you may not have needed to?

iPhone, right?

You are connected to your light via bluetooth?

Sunrise sunset has been proven ineffective by bugbee if you believe him. This is in the realm of bro-science. Some things are just not settled. I chose to believe Bugbee for the time being.

I'll stay on or check back as I can.
Yeah we need to get this sorted for you.

Couple basic questions before we begin.

I am at Theia Stratus V3.6. I am logged in, and my admin password has been set. Same?

Did you create a group and add your light or not? I did because I have 2, you may not have needed to?

iPhone, right?

You are connected to your light via bluetooth?

Sunrise sunset has been proven ineffective by bugbee if you believe him. This is in the realm of bro-science. Some things are just not settled. I chose to believe Bugbee for the time being.

I'll stay on or check back as I can.

Yes, v3.6 Theia Stratus. I log in is through google and my email as far as I can tell.

I did not create a group but I did scan the light QR code and I think that got me hooked up to the app, it definitely recognized the light. I can log in with my email address through that google sign in. I created a recipe, named it my last name and then activated it. It's now showing as locked and I cannot edit it. I bet you are right, do not need a group.

Yes, Iphone but it's an old one if that makes a difference, 5SE or something like that.

Yes, connecting via bluetooth. I can turn that recipe off and get the spectrum to change, so I know it's hooked up. I just cannot edit my recipe.
Who/What are that?

Thanks for shooting the video bro! Yea, I am seeing almost exactly the same thing....except all my sliders have locks on them.

I'm going to take a screen shot and send if this happens again to show you, but for now, I'm going to try to create a new recipe again and just eliminate the sunrise/sunset thing.....18/6 with the same settings I now have but boosting the intensity to 30%.
Bum deal the valve did not work Moe.
Do you run a pressure pump before the RO unit?
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